func Login(c *gin.Context) { user := c.PostForm("user") pass := c.PostForm("pass") fmt.Println(user) fmt.Println(pass) mail.GoLogin("*****@*****.**", "402407") }
// 删除订单 func OrderDeleteHandler(c *gin.Context) { r := render.New(c) //超级管理员才可以删除订单 auth := userauth.Auth(c) if !auth.IsRole(bean.ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN) { r.JSON(util.JsonResult{Msg: "您没有权限"}) return } oids := strings.TrimSpace(c.PostForm("oid")) var orderIds []string err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(oids), &orderIds) if err != nil { Logger.Warn("order delete uuids:%v, err: %v", oids, err) r.JSON(util.JsonResult{Success: true, Msg: "订单参数错误"}) return } if len(orderIds) == 0 { r.JSON(util.JsonResult{Success: true, Msg: "请选择订单"}) return } deleteSQL := "delete from order_info where uuid in (" for _, v := range orderIds { deleteSQL += "'" + v + "' ," } deleteSQL = deleteSQL[:len(deleteSQL)-1] + ")" Logger.Debug("order delete sql: %v", deleteSQL) _, err = db.Engine.Exec(deleteSQL) util.PanicError(err) r.JSON(util.JsonResult{Success: true, Msg: "删除成功"}) }
func AddCourse(ctx *gin.Context) (*Course, error) { db := ctx.MustGet("db").(*sql.DB) course := new(Course) course.Name = ctx.PostForm("name") course.Email = ctx.PostForm("email") course.Url = ctx.PostForm("url") course.Priority, _ = strconv.Atoi(ctx.PostForm("priority")) course.Checkoff, _ = strconv.Atoi(ctx.PostForm("checkoff")) course.Note = ctx.PostForm("note") err := db.QueryRow(` INSERT INTO courses(name, email, url, priority, checkoff, note) VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) returning id;`, &course.Name, &course.Email, &course.Url, &course.Priority, &course.Checkoff, &course.Note).Scan(&course.Id) if err != nil { return nil, err } return course, nil }
func (self *EnvController) New(c *gin.Context) { username := self.CurrentUser(c) if username == "" { c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/") return } appName := c.Param("appName") key := c.PostForm("key") value := c.PostForm("value") err := env.Create(self.etcd, username, appName, key, value) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%+v\n", err) c.HTML(http.StatusInternalServerError, "app.tmpl", gin.H{ "alert": true, "error": true, "message": "Failed to add environment variable.", }) return } c.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/apps/"+appName) }
// CreateC handles the multipart form upload and creates an encrypted file func CreateC(c *gin.Context) { var err error var duration time.Duration var once bool c.Request.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(c.Writer, c.Request.Body, conf.C.SizeLimit*utils.MegaByte) once = c.PostForm("once") != "" d := c.DefaultPostForm("duration", "1d") if val, ok := models.DurationMap[d]; ok { duration = val } else { logger.ErrC(c, "server", "Invalid duration", d) c.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid duration\n") c.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusBadRequest) return } fd, h, err := c.Request.FormFile("file") if err != nil { logger.ErrC(c, "server", "Couldn't read file", err) c.String(http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge, "Entity is too large (Max : %v MB)\n", conf.C.SizeLimit) c.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge) return } defer fd.Close() res := models.NewResourceFromForm(h, once, duration) k, err := res.WriteEncrypted(fd) if err != nil { logger.ErrC(c, "server", "Couldn't write file", err) c.String(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Something went wrong on the server. Try again later.") c.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusInternalServerError) return } if conf.C.DiskQuota > 0 { if models.S.CurrentSize+uint64(res.Size) > uint64(conf.C.DiskQuota*utils.GigaByte) { logger.ErrC(c, "server", "Quota exceeded") c.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "Insufficient disk space. Try again later.") c.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusBadRequest) os.Remove(path.Join(conf.C.UploadDir, res.Key)) return } } if err = res.Save(); err != nil { logger.ErrC(c, "server", "Couldn't save in the database", err) c.String(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Something went wrong on the server. Try again later.") c.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusInternalServerError) return } res.LogCreated(c) ns := conf.C.NameServer if conf.C.AppendPort { ns = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", conf.C.NameServer, conf.C.Port) } c.String(http.StatusCreated, "%v://%s/v/%s/%s\n", utils.DetectScheme(c), ns, res.Key, k) }
func (self *ArgController) Delete(c *gin.Context) { username := self.CurrentUser(c) if username == "" { c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/") return } appName := c.Param("appName") key := c.PostForm("key") err := arg.Delete(self.etcd, username, appName, key) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%+v\n", err) c.HTML(http.StatusInternalServerError, "app.tmpl", gin.H{ "alert": true, "error": true, "message": "Failed to delete build arg.", }) return } c.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/apps/"+appName) }
func UpdateCourse(ctx *gin.Context) (*Course, error) { db := ctx.MustGet("db").(*sql.DB) course := new(Course) course.Id, _ = strconv.Atoi(ctx.Param("id")) course.Name = ctx.PostForm("name") course.Url = ctx.PostForm("url") course.Priority, _ = strconv.Atoi(ctx.PostForm("priority")) course.Checkoff, _ = strconv.Atoi(ctx.PostForm("checkoff")) checkoffTimeStamp := ctx.PostForm("checkoff_time") // , _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, ctx.PostForm("checkoff_time")) course.Note = ctx.PostForm("note") course.UpdatedAt = time.Now() err := db.QueryRow("UPDATE courses SET (name, url, priority, checkoff, checkoff_time, note, updated_at) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7) WHERE id=$8 returning id;", &course.Name, &course.Url, &course.Priority, &course.Checkoff, checkoffTimeStamp, &course.Note, &course.UpdatedAt, &course.Id).Scan(&course.Id) if err != nil { return nil, err } return course, nil }
// UpdateWithAttrsInGinContext finds a LineItem with id param, // updates it with attrs from gin.Contex.PostForm(), // returns the edited LineItem func (model *Model) UpdateWithAttrs(id float64, ctx *gin.Context) (LineItem, error) { // check if element does exsit li, ok := model.Get(id) if !ok { return li, SeedsErrorf("model %s[id:%d] does not exsit", model.Name, id) } // update model for _, column := range model.Columns { value := ctx.PostForm(column.Name) if value == "" || column.Name == "id" { continue } formatVal, err := FormatValue(column.Type, value) if err == nil { err = column.CheckValue(formatVal, model) } if err != nil { return li, err } else { oldValue, _ := li.Get(column.Name) column.RemoveUniquenessOf(oldValue) li.Set(column.Name, formatVal) column.AddUniquenessOf(formatVal) } } return li, nil }
func uploadRecipients(c *gin.Context) { if c.PostForm("delete") != "" { log.Printf("DeleteAll") _, err := Db.Exec("DELETE FROM `recipient` WHERE `campaign_id`=?", c.Param("id")) checkErr(err) } if c.PostForm("submit") != "" { file, head, err := c.Request.FormFile("file") checkErr(err) if err == nil { fpath := "tmp/" + string(time.Now().UnixNano()) + head.Filename out, err := os.Create(fpath) checkErr(err) defer out.Close() _, err = io.Copy(out, file) checkErr(err) postRecipientCsv(c.Param("id"), fpath) os.Remove(fpath) } } hRecipients(c) }
func postCheck(c *gin.Context) { lang := c.PostForm("lang") text := c.PostForm("text") speller, err := aspell.NewSpeller(map[string]string{ "lang": lang, }) if err != nil { c.JSON(500, gin.H{"error": err.Error()}) } defer speller.Delete() test := strings.Fields(text) result := make(map[string][]string) for i := range test { if speller.Check(stripchars(test[i], ".,!?+=")) != true { result[stripchars(test[i], ".,!?+=")] = speller.Suggest(test[i]) } } c.JSON(200, gin.H{"lang": lang, "misspelled": result}) }
// Salvar define a rota para salvar o link func Salvar(c *gin.Context) { link := construirLink(c) if c.PostForm("inputId") != "" { modelo.AtualizarLink(link) c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "favoritos.html", gin.H{ "proxPagina": 1, "links": modelo.ObterPagina(0, true), "msg": "Link atualizado!!", }) } else { erro := modelo.NovoLink(link) msg := "Link salvo com sucesso!" if erro != nil { msg = "OPA! Esse link já foi cadastrado O.o" log.Printf("Erro ao inserir novo link: %v\n", erro) } c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "resp-salvar.html", gin.H{ "error": erro, "msg": msg, }) } }
/** * Handler for POST /api/v1/admin/register */ func V1RegisterHandler(c *gin.Context) { request := AdminUser{ Email: c.PostForm("email"), Password: c.PostForm("password"), } failureResponse := gin.H{ "status": "failed", "message": "Could not complete registration", } currentUsers := GetAdminUsers() if len(currentUsers) > 0 { for _, user := range currentUsers { if request.Email == user.Email { c.JSON(http.StatusOK, failureResponse) return } } } request.hashPassword() err := SaveAdminUser(request) if err != nil { c.JSON(http.StatusOK, failureResponse) return } c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{ "status": "OK", "message": "User created successfully", }) }
func (h *FrontendHandlers) PostLogin(c *gin.Context) { data := &LoginData{ Username: c.PostForm("username"), Password: c.PostForm("password"), } if v := validateLogin(data); v.HasError() { data.Validate = v.Messages() h.render.HTML(c.Writer, 200, "login", data) return } info, err := h.loginService.Login(data.Username, data.Password) if err != nil { data.Error = err.Error() h.render.HTML(c.Writer, 200, "login", data) return } session := sessions.Default(c) session.Set("user_id", info.Id) session.Save() c.Redirect(302, "/") }
func UserLogin(c *gin.Context) { var cookie middleware.CookieManager cookie = c.MustGet("CM").(middleware.CookieManager) if c.Request.Method == "GET" { data := tool.GetTD(c) fmt.Println(data) c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "login.html", data) } else if c.Request.Method == "POST" { email := c.PostForm("email") password := c.PostForm("password") user := model.User{} model.T.DB.Debug().Where("email = ? and password = ?", email, password).First(&user) if user.Name != "" { cookie.Add("user_id", user.ID) cookie.WriteCookies() c.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, "/") } else { cookie.Flash("fail_msg", "login failed :(") c.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, "/user/login") } } }
func (self *AppController) New(c *gin.Context) { username := self.CurrentUser(c) if username == "" { c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/") return } appName := c.PostForm("appName") err := app.Create(self.etcd, username, appName) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%+v\n", err) c.HTML(http.StatusInternalServerError, "apps.tmpl", gin.H{ "alert": true, "error": true, "message": "Failed to create app.", }) return } c.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/apps/"+appName) }
func LoginPostHandler(c *gin.Context) { email := c.PostForm("email") password := c.PostForm("password") if email != "" && password != "" { var user User DB.Where("email = ? and password = ?", email, password).Find(&user) if user.Uid == 0 { c.String(http.StatusUnauthorized, "false") return } //value := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(strconv.Itoa(int(user.Uid)))) value := strconv.Itoa(int(user.Uid)) userCookie := http.Cookie{ Name: "user", Value: value, MaxAge: 86400, HttpOnly: true, } log.Println("value 原始值:", value) //http.SetCookie(c.Writer, &userCookie) util.SetSecureCookie(c.Writer, &userCookie) //c.String(200, "ok") c.Redirect(301, "/") } else { c.String(http.StatusUnauthorized, "false") } }
func Shorten(c *gin.Context) { url := c.PostForm("url") code := nextCode() record := Record{Url: url, Code: code} try(db.Create(&record).Error) c.String(200, "", code) }
// BookCreate is for POST /books func BookCreate(c *gin.Context) { book := models.Book{Title: c.PostForm("title")} if BookM.Create(&book) { c.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, "/books/new") } else { c.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, "/book/"+strconv.Itoa(int(book.ID))) } }
// POST /posts/:id/edit func Update(c *gin.Context) { p := SetPost(c) if p == nil { return } p.Update(c.PostForm("title"), c.PostForm("text")) ctl.Redirect(c, p.Path()) }
func startStreamHandler(c *gin.Context) { username := c.PostForm("username") title := c.PostForm("title") c.JSON(200, gin.H{ "upload_url": "/streamPart/" + username + "/" + title + "/", "stream_id": "stream-" + username + "-" + title, }) }
func FindUser(ctx *gin.Context) (*User, error) { db := ctx.MustGet("db").(*sql.DB) email := ctx.PostForm("email") user := new(User) err := db.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM classmates WHERE email=$1;", email).Scan(&user.Id, &user.Name, &user.Email, &user.Password, &user.CreatedAt, &user.UpdatedAt) if err != nil { return nil, err } return user, nil }
func AccountsUpdater(c *gin.Context) { acc_id, err := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("accountId"), 10, 64) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } trans_id, err := strconv.ParseInt(c.PostForm("ID"), 10, 64) if err != nil { log.Printf("Invalid ID: %v - %v\n", trans_id, err) return } var account *Account for _, acc := range accounts { if acc.ID == acc_id { account = acc break } } var transaction Transaction for _, trans := range account.Transactions { if trans.ID == trans_id { transaction = trans } } transaction.Payee = c.PostForm("Payee") transaction.Memo = c.PostForm("Memo") debit, err := decimal.NewFromString(c.PostForm("Debit")) if err != nil { log.Printf("Invalid Debit %v\n", err) } else { transaction.Debit = debit } credit, err := decimal.NewFromString(c.PostForm("Credit")) if err != nil { log.Printf("Invalid Credit %v\n", err) } else { transaction.Credit = credit } for trans_key, trans := range account.Transactions { if trans.ID == trans_id { account.Transactions[trans_key] = transaction jsonResponse, err := json.Marshal(transaction) if err != nil { log.Printf("Json marshaling error: %v\n", err) return } c.JSON(http.StatusOK, jsonResponse) } } }
func roomPOST(c *gin.Context) { roomid := c.Param("roomid") userid := c.PostForm("user") message := c.PostForm("message") room(roomid).Submit(userid + ": " + message) c.JSON(200, gin.H{ "status": "success", "message": message, }) }
func postApiPostsPage(c *gin.Context) { page, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.PostForm("p"), 0, 64) var list []PostInfo _, err := dbmap.Select(&list, "SELECT id, author, title, time FROM PYQ LIMIT ?,10", (page-1)*10) if err == nil { c.JSON(http.StatusOK, list) } else { checkErr(err, "postApi Error") c.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"error": "not found"}) } }
// add accepts a form post and creates a new // greoting in the system. It could be made a // lot smarter and automatically check for the // content type to handle forms, JSON etc... func (g greeter) add(c *gin.Context) { ctx := getContext(c) req := &engine.AddGreetingRequest{ Author: c.PostForm("Author"), Content: c.PostForm("Content"), } g.Add(ctx, req) // TODO: set a flash cookie for "added" // if this was a web request, otherwise // send a nice JSON response ... c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/") }
func DelAddress(c *gin.Context) { var cookie middleware.CookieManager cookie = c.MustGet("CM").(middleware.CookieManager) a_id, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.PostForm("id")) address := model.Address{} address.Get(a_id) fmt.Println(address) address.Delete() cookie.Flash("success_msg", "address delete success") c.JSON(http.StatusOK, address) }
func UpdateDeveloper(c *gin.Context) { changes := &m.Developer{Name: c.PostForm("name"), GithubAccount: c.PostForm("github")} dev := &m.Developer{} dev.LoggedUser(&db, c) err := dev.Update(&db, changes) if err != nil { c.Error(err) } else { c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/") c.Abort() } }
func updateConfig(c *gin.Context) { if c.MustGet(gin.AuthUserKey).(string) != "admin" { c.HTML(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error", gin.H{"error": "Unauthorized"}) return } kubeclient.KubeConfig.APIServerURL = c.PostForm("inputAPIServerURL") kubeclient.KubeConfig.Username = c.PostForm("inputUsername") kubeclient.KubeConfig.Password = c.PostForm("inputPassword") kubeclient.SaveKubeConfig() kubeclient.Init() c.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, "/") }
// BookUpdate is for POST /book/:id func BookUpdate(c *gin.Context) { var book models.Book var err error if book, err = models.NewBookWithID(c.Param("id")); err == nil { book.Title = c.PostForm("title") err = book.Save() } if err == nil { c.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, "/book/"+strconv.Itoa(int(book.ID))) } else { c.HTML(http.StatusNotFound, "404.tmpl", nil) } }
func slashLoginPOST(c *gin.Context) { loginGroup := sessions.Default(c) group := strings.ToLower(c.PostForm("group")) if _, err := os.Stat(path.Join("data", group+".db")); err == nil { loginGroup.Set("group", group) loginGroup.Save() c.Redirect(302, "/dashboard/"+group) } else { c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "login.tmpl", gin.H{ "ErrorMessage": "Incorrect login.", }) } }