예제 #1
파일: group.go 프로젝트: figoxu/myshard
// group:
//  /zk/myshard/groups/group_000001
//  /zk/myshard/groups/group_000002
func (t *Topo) CreateGroup(groupID int) (string, error) {
	group := model.Group{groupID, model.GroupUpStatus, nil}

	zkhelper.CreateRecursive(t.conn, t.GetGroupBasePath(), "", 0, zkhelper.DefaultDirACLs())

	data, _ := json.Marshal(group)

	return t.conn.Create(t.GetGroupPath(groupID), data, 0, zkhelper.DefaultDirACLs())
예제 #2
파일: proxy.go 프로젝트: figoxu/myshard
func (t *Topo) CreateProxy(p *model.Proxy) (string, error) {
	data, err := json.Marshal(p)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	base := t.GetProxyBasePath()

	zkhelper.CreateRecursive(t.conn, base, "", 0, zkhelper.DefaultDirACLs())

	return t.conn.Create(path.Join(base, p.Addr), data, zk.FlagEphemeral, zkhelper.DefaultDirACLs())
예제 #3
파일: schema.go 프로젝트: figoxu/myshard
func (t *Topo) CreateSchema(db string, groupIDs []int, defaultGroupID int) (string, error) {
	s := model.Schema{Name: db, GroupIDs: groupIDs, DefaultGroupID: defaultGroupID, Status: ""}


	if !checkGroupIDExist(defaultGroupID, groupIDs) {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("group %d not in schema groups", defaultGroupID)

	zkhelper.CreateRecursive(t.conn, t.GetSchemaBasePath(), "", 0, zkhelper.DefaultDirACLs())

	data, _ := json.Marshal(s)

	return t.conn.Create(t.GetSchemaPath(db), data, 0, zkhelper.DefaultDirACLs())
예제 #4
파일: agent.go 프로젝트: figoxu/myshard
func (t *Topo) CreateAgent(nodeAddr string) (string, error) {
	zkhelper.CreateRecursive(t.conn, t.GetAgentBasePath(), "", 0, zkhelper.DefaultDirACLs())

	return t.conn.Create(path.Join(t.GetAgentBasePath(), nodeAddr), nil, zk.FlagEphemeral, zkhelper.DefaultFileACLs())
예제 #5
// LockWithTimeout returns nil when the lock is acquired. A lock is
// held if the file exists and you are the creator. Setting the wait
// to zero makes this a nonblocking lock check.
// FIXME(msolo) Disallow non-super users from removing the lock?
func (zm *zMutex) LockWithTimeout(wait time.Duration, desc string) (err error) {
	timer := time.NewTimer(wait)
	defer func() {
		if panicErr := recover(); panicErr != nil || err != nil {
	// Ensure the rendezvous node is here.
	// FIXME(msolo) Assuming locks are contended, it will be cheaper to assume this just
	// exists.
	_, err = zkhelper.CreateRecursive(zm.zconn, zm.path, "", 0, zk.WorldACL(zkhelper.PERM_DIRECTORY))
	if err != nil && !zkhelper.ZkErrorEqual(err, zk.ErrNodeExists) {
		return err

	lockPrefix := path.Join(zm.path, "lock-")
	zflags := zk.FlagSequence
	if zm.ephemeral {
		zflags = zflags | zk.FlagEphemeral

	// update node content
	var lockContent map[string]interface{}
	err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(zm.contents), &lockContent)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	lockContent["desc"] = desc
	newContent, err := json.Marshal(lockContent)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	lockCreated, err := zm.zconn.Create(lockPrefix, newContent, int32(zflags), zk.WorldACL(zkhelper.PERM_FILE))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	name := path.Base(lockCreated)
	zm.name = name

	children, _, err := zm.zconn.Children(zm.path)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("zkutil: trylock failed %v", err)
	if len(children) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("zkutil: empty lock: %v", zm.path)

	if children[0] == name {
		// We are the lock owner.
		return nil

	if zm.onRetryLock != nil {

	// This is the degenerate case of a nonblocking lock check. It's not optimal, but
	// also probably not worth optimizing.
	if wait == 0 {
		return zkhelper.ErrTimeout
	prevLock := ""
	for i := 1; i < len(children); i++ {
		if children[i] == name {
			prevLock = children[i-1]
	if prevLock == "" {
		// This is an interesting case. The node disappeared
		// underneath us, probably due to a session loss. We can
		// recreate the lock node (with a new sequence number) and
		// keep trying.
		log.Warnf("zkutil: no lock node found: %v/%v", zm.path, zm.name)
		goto createlock

	zkPrevLock := path.Join(zm.path, prevLock)
	exist, stat, watch, err := zm.zconn.ExistsW(zkPrevLock)
	if err != nil {
		// FIXME(msolo) Should this be a retry?
		return fmt.Errorf("zkutil: unable to watch previous lock node %v %v", zkPrevLock, err)
	if stat == nil || !exist {
		goto trylock
	select {
	case <-timer.C:
		return zkhelper.ErrTimeout
	case <-zm.interrupted:
		return zkhelper.ErrInterrupted
	case event := <-watch:
		log.Infof("zkutil: lock event: %v", event)
		// The precise event doesn't matter - try to read again regardless.
		goto trylock
예제 #6
// RunTask returns nil when the underlyingtask ends or the error it
// generated.
func (ze *zElector) RunTask(task *electorTask) error {
	leaderPath := path.Join(ze.path, "leader")
	for {
		_, err := zkhelper.CreateRecursive(ze.zconn, leaderPath, "", 0, zk.WorldACL(zkhelper.PERM_FILE))
		if err == nil || zkhelper.ZkErrorEqual(err, zk.ErrNodeExists) {
		log.Warnf("election leader create failed: %v", err)
		time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)

	for {
		err := ze.Lock("RunTask")
		if err != nil {
			log.Warnf("election lock failed: %v", err)
			if err == zkhelper.ErrInterrupted {
				return zkhelper.ErrInterrupted
		// Confirm your win and deliver acceptance speech. This notifies
		// listeners who will have been watching the leader node for
		// changes.
		_, err = ze.zconn.Set(leaderPath, []byte(ze.contents), -1)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warnf("election promotion failed: %v", err)

		log.Infof("election promote leader %v", leaderPath)
		taskErrChan := make(chan error)
		go func() {
			taskErrChan <- task.Run()

		// Watch the leader so we can get notified if something goes wrong.
		data, _, watch, err := ze.zconn.GetW(leaderPath)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warnf("election unable to watch leader node %v %v", leaderPath, err)
			// FIXME(msolo) Add delay
			goto watchLeader

		if string(data) != ze.contents {
			log.Warnf("election unable to promote leader")
			// We won the election, but we didn't become the leader. How is that possible?
			// (see Bush v. Gore for some inspiration)
			// It means:
			//   1. Someone isn't playing by the election rules (a bad actor).
			//      Hard to detect - let's assume we don't have this problem. :)
			//   2. We lost our connection somehow and the ephemeral lock was cleared,
			//      allowing someone else to win the election.

		// This is where we start our target process and watch for its failure.
		select {
		case <-ze.interrupted:
			log.Warn("election interrupted - stop child process")
			// Once the process dies from the signal, this will all tear down.
			goto waitForEvent
		case taskErr := <-taskErrChan:
			// If our code fails, unlock to trigger an election.
			log.Infof("election child process ended: %v", taskErr)
			if task.Interrupted() {
				log.Warnf("election child process interrupted - stepping down")
				return zkhelper.ErrInterrupted
		case zevent := <-watch:
			// We had a zk connection hiccup.  We have a few choices,
			// but it depends on the constraints and the events.
			// If we get SESSION_EXPIRED our connection loss triggered an
			// election that we won't have won and the thus the lock was
			// automatically freed. We have no choice but to start over.
			if zevent.State == zk.StateExpired {
				log.Warnf("election leader watch expired")

			// Otherwise, we had an intermittent issue or something touched
			// the node. Either we lost our position or someone broke
			// protocol and touched the leader node.  We just reconnect and
			// revalidate. In the meantime, assume we are still the leader
			// until we determine otherwise.
			// On a reconnect we will be able to see the leader
			// information. If we still hold the position, great. If not, we
			// kill the associated process.
			// On a leader node change, we need to perform the same
			// validation. It's possible an election completes without the
			// old leader realizing he is out of touch.
			log.Warnf("election leader watch event %v", zevent)
			goto watchLeader