예제 #1
func main() {

	// NOTE: this example is omitting allot of error checking for brevity
	e := en.New()
	universalTraslator = ut.New(e, e, en_CA.New(), nl.New(), fr.New())

	en, _ := universalTraslator.GetTranslator("en")

	// generally used after parsing an http 'Accept-Language' header
	// and this will try to find a matching locale you support or
	// fallback locale.
	// en, _ := ut.FindTranslator([]string{"en", "en_CA", "nl"})

	// this will help
	fmt.Println("Cardinal Plural Rules:", en.PluralsCardinal())
	fmt.Println("Ordinal Plural Rules:", en.PluralsOrdinal())
	fmt.Println("Range Plural Rules:", en.PluralsRange())

	// add basic language only translations
	// last param indicates if it's ok to override the translation if one already exists
	en.Add("welcome", "Welcome {0} to our test", false)

	// add language translations dependant on cardinal plural rules
	en.AddCardinal("days", "You have {0} day left to register", locales.PluralRuleOne, false)
	en.AddCardinal("days", "You have {0} days left to register", locales.PluralRuleOther, false)

	// add language translations dependant on ordinal plural rules
	en.AddOrdinal("day-of-month", "{0}st", locales.PluralRuleOne, false)
	en.AddOrdinal("day-of-month", "{0}nd", locales.PluralRuleTwo, false)
	en.AddOrdinal("day-of-month", "{0}rd", locales.PluralRuleFew, false)
	en.AddOrdinal("day-of-month", "{0}th", locales.PluralRuleOther, false)

	// add language translations dependant on range plural rules
	// NOTE: only one plural rule for range in 'en' locale
	en.AddRange("between", "It's {0}-{1} days away", locales.PluralRuleOther, false)

	// now lets use the translations we just added, in the same order we added them

	fmt.Println(en.T("welcome", "Joeybloggs"))

	fmt.Println(en.C("days", 1, 0, en.FmtNumber(1, 0))) // you'd normally have variables defined for 1 and 0
	fmt.Println(en.C("days", 2, 0, en.FmtNumber(2, 0)))
	fmt.Println(en.C("days", 10456.25, 2, en.FmtNumber(10456.25, 2)))

	fmt.Println(en.O("day-of-month", 1, 0, en.FmtNumber(1, 0)))
	fmt.Println(en.O("day-of-month", 2, 0, en.FmtNumber(2, 0)))
	fmt.Println(en.O("day-of-month", 3, 0, en.FmtNumber(3, 0)))
	fmt.Println(en.O("day-of-month", 4, 0, en.FmtNumber(4, 0)))
	fmt.Println(en.O("day-of-month", 10456.25, 0, en.FmtNumber(10456.25, 0)))

	fmt.Println(en.R("between", 0, 0, 1, 0, en.FmtNumber(0, 0), en.FmtNumber(1, 0)))
	fmt.Println(en.R("between", 1, 0, 2, 0, en.FmtNumber(1, 0), en.FmtNumber(2, 0)))
	fmt.Println(en.R("between", 1, 0, 100, 0, en.FmtNumber(1, 0), en.FmtNumber(100, 0)))
func TestBasicTranslation(t *testing.T) {

	e := en.New()
	uni := New(e, e)
	en, found := uni.GetTranslator("en") // or fallback if fails to find 'en'
	if !found {
		t.Fatalf("Expected '%t' Got '%t'", true, found)

	translations := []struct {
		key           interface{}
		trans         string
		expected      error
		expectedError bool
		override      bool
			key:      "test_trans",
			trans:    "Welcome {0}",
			expected: nil,
			key:      -1,
			trans:    "Welcome {0}",
			expected: nil,
			key:      "test_trans2",
			trans:    "{0} to the {1}.",
			expected: nil,
			key:      "test_trans3",
			trans:    "Welcome {0} to the {1}",
			expected: nil,
			key:      "test_trans4",
			trans:    "{0}{1}",
			expected: nil,
			key:           "test_trans",
			trans:         "{0}{1}",
			expected:      &ErrConflictingTranslation{key: "test_trans", text: "{0}{1}"},
			expectedError: true,
			key:           -1,
			trans:         "{0}{1}",
			expected:      &ErrConflictingTranslation{key: -1, text: "{0}{1}"},
			expectedError: true,
			key:      "test_trans",
			trans:    "Welcome {0} to the {1}.",
			expected: nil,
			override: true,

	for _, tt := range translations {

		err := en.Add(tt.key, tt.trans, tt.override)
		if err != tt.expected {
			if !tt.expectedError {
				t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", tt.expected, err)
			} else {
				if err.Error() != tt.expected.Error() {
					t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", tt.expected.Error(), err.Error())

	tests := []struct {
		key           interface{}
		params        []string
		expected      string
		expectedError bool
			key:      "test_trans",
			params:   []string{"Joeybloggs", "The Test"},
			expected: "Welcome Joeybloggs to the The Test.",
			key:      "test_trans2",
			params:   []string{"Joeybloggs", "The Test"},
			expected: "Joeybloggs to the The Test.",
			key:      "test_trans3",
			params:   []string{"Joeybloggs", "The Test"},
			expected: "Welcome Joeybloggs to the The Test",
			key:      "test_trans4",
			params:   []string{"Joeybloggs", "The Test"},
			expected: "JoeybloggsThe Test",
		// bad translation
			key:           "non-existant-key",
			params:        []string{"Joeybloggs", "The Test"},
			expected:      "",
			expectedError: true,

	for _, tt := range tests {
		s, err := en.T(tt.key, tt.params...)
		if s != tt.expected {
			if !tt.expectedError && err != ErrUnknowTranslation {
				t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", tt.expected, s)