예제 #1
파일: main.go 프로젝트: tshahmuratov/GoCRUD
func main() {
	tracelog.StartFile(tracelog.LevelTrace, "logs", 1)
	tracelog.Started("main", "Initializing Postgres")
	var confName string = os.Getenv("BOOKS_CONF")
	if len(confName) == 0 {
		confName = "default"
	s := []string{"conf/db/", confName, ".json"}
	jsonconf, err := config.NewConfig("json", strings.Join(s, ""))
	if err != nil {
		tracelog.Errorf(err, "main", "config.NewConfig", "Failed to find config", strings.Join(s, ""))
	var User string = jsonconf.String("User")
	var Pass string = jsonconf.String("Pass")
	var DBName string = jsonconf.String("DBName")
	var buffer bytes.Buffer
	buffer.WriteString("user="******" password="******" dbname=")
	s2 := []string{"user="******" password="******" dbname=", DBName, " sslmode=disable"}
	orm.RegisterDriver("postgres", orm.DR_Postgres)
	orm.RegisterDataBase("default", "postgres", strings.Join(s2, ""))
	beego.SetStaticPath("/images", "static/images")
	beego.SetStaticPath("/css", "static/css")
	beego.SetStaticPath("/js", "static/js")
	beego.SetStaticPath("/fonts", "static/fonts")
	beego.SetStaticPath("/partials", "static/partials")
	beego.EnableAdmin = true
예제 #2
파일: main.go 프로젝트: zannet/wiki-player
// Main go routine
func main() {
	// Start logger
	tracelog.StartFile(1, utils.ConfigEntry("LogDir"), 1)

	// Get new cookie store
	store := sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(utils.ConfigEntry("SecretKey")))
	store.Options = &sessions.Options{
		Path:     "/",
		MaxAge:   3600,
		HttpOnly: true,

	// Create DB connection
	dbHandle := utils.DbHandle()
	// Close DB
	defer dbHandle.Close()

	// Init Models
	sm := &models.Song{DbHandle: dbHandle}
	nm := &models.Nonce{DbHandle: dbHandle}
	um := models.NewUser(dbHandle)

	// Init Controllers
	sc := &controllers.Song{SM: sm}
	nc := &controllers.Nonce{NM: nm}
	vc := &controllers.View{Store: store}
	uc := &controllers.User{UM: um, Store: store}

	// Init Gin
	mux := gin.Default()

	// Load templates

	// Serve static files
	mux.Static("/public", utils.ConfigEntry("StaticDir"))

	// Routes for static pages
	static := mux.Group("/")
		static.GET("/", vc.Index)
		static.GET("/about", vc.About)
		static.GET("/tos", vc.Tos)
		static.GET("/privacy-policy", vc.PrivacyPolicy)
		static.GET("/credits", vc.Credits)

	// Routes that don't need authorization
	basic := mux.Group("/api/v1")
		basic.GET("/nonce", nc.Create)
		basic.GET("/users/check-username/:username", uc.CheckUsername)
		basic.GET("/users/check-email/:email", uc.CheckEmail)
		basic.POST("/users/login", uc.Login)
		basic.POST("/users/register", uc.Register)

	// Routes that need authorization
	auth := mux.Group("/api/v1")
	auth.Use(middlewares.Session(store), middlewares.UserAuth(store), middlewares.Nonce(nm))
		auth.GET("/songs", sc.Index)
		auth.GET("/users/delete/:nonce", uc.ConfirmDelete)
		auth.POST("/users/delete", uc.Delete)
		auth.POST("/users/update", uc.Update)
		auth.POST("/users/logout", uc.Logout)

	// Listen and serve on
