예제 #1
func TestBiggerAStar(t *testing.T) {
	tg := concrete.NewTileGraph(3, 3, true)

	path, cost, _ := search.AStar(concrete.Node(0), concrete.Node(8), tg, nil, nil)

	if math.Abs(cost-4) > 1e-5 || !search.IsPath(path, tg) {
		t.Error("Non-optimal or impossible path found for 3x3 grid")

	tg = concrete.NewTileGraph(1000, 1000, true)
	path, cost, _ = search.AStar(concrete.Node(0), concrete.Node(999*1000+999), tg, nil, nil)
	if !search.IsPath(path, tg) || cost != 1998 {
		t.Error("Non-optimal or impossible path found for 100x100 grid; cost:", cost, "path:\n"+tg.PathString(path))
예제 #2
func TestNoPathAStar(t *testing.T) {
	tg := concrete.NewTileGraph(5, 5, true)

	// Creates a "wall" down the middle row
	tg.SetPassability(2, 0, false)
	tg.SetPassability(2, 1, false)
	tg.SetPassability(2, 2, false)
	tg.SetPassability(2, 3, false)
	tg.SetPassability(2, 4, false)

	rows, _ := tg.Dimensions()
	path, _, _ := search.AStar(tg.CoordsToNode(0, 2), tg.CoordsToNode(rows-1, 2), tg, nil, nil)

	if len(path) > 0 { // Note that a nil slice will return len of 0, this won't panic
		t.Error("A* finds path where none exists")
예제 #3
func TestObstructedAStar(t *testing.T) {
	tg := concrete.NewTileGraph(10, 10, true)

	// Creates a partial "wall" down the middle row with a gap down the left side
	tg.SetPassability(4, 1, false)
	tg.SetPassability(4, 2, false)
	tg.SetPassability(4, 3, false)
	tg.SetPassability(4, 4, false)
	tg.SetPassability(4, 5, false)
	tg.SetPassability(4, 6, false)
	tg.SetPassability(4, 7, false)
	tg.SetPassability(4, 8, false)
	tg.SetPassability(4, 9, false)

	rows, cols := tg.Dimensions()
	path, cost1, expanded := search.AStar(concrete.Node(5), tg.CoordsToNode(rows-1, cols-1), tg, nil, nil)

	if !search.IsPath(path, tg) {
		t.Error("Path doesn't exist in obstructed graph")

	ManhattanHeuristic := func(n1, n2 graph.Node) float64 {
		id1, id2 := n1.ID(), n2.ID()
		r1, c1 := tg.IDToCoords(id1)
		r2, c2 := tg.IDToCoords(id2)

		return math.Abs(float64(r1)-float64(r2)) + math.Abs(float64(c1)-float64(c2))

	path, cost2, expanded2 := search.AStar(concrete.Node(5), tg.CoordsToNode(rows-1, cols-1), tg, nil, ManhattanHeuristic)
	if !search.IsPath(path, tg) {
		t.Error("Path doesn't exist when using heuristic on obstructed graph")

	if math.Abs(cost1-cost2) > 1e-5 {
		t.Error("Cost when using admissible heuristic isn't approximately equal to cost without it")

	if expanded2 > expanded {
		t.Error("Using admissible, consistent heuristic expanded more nodes than null heuristic (possible, but unlikely -- suggests an error somewhere)")

예제 #4
func TestTileGraph(t *testing.T) {
	tg := concrete.NewTileGraph(4, 4, false)

	if tg == nil || tg.String() != "▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀" {
		t.Fatal("Tile graph not generated correctly")

	tg.SetPassability(0, 1, true)
	if tg == nil || tg.String() != "▀ ▀▀\n▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀" {
		t.Fatal("Passability set incorrectly")

	tg.SetPassability(0, 1, false)
	if tg == nil || tg.String() != "▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀" {
		t.Fatal("Passability set incorrectly")

	tg.SetPassability(0, 1, true)
	if tg == nil || tg.String() != "▀ ▀▀\n▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀" {
		t.Fatal("Passability set incorrectly")

	tg.SetPassability(0, 2, true)
	if tg == nil || tg.String() != "▀  ▀\n▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀" {
		t.Fatal("Passability set incorrectly")

	tg.SetPassability(1, 2, true)
	if tg == nil || tg.String() != "▀  ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀▀▀\n▀▀▀▀" {
		t.Fatal("Passability set incorrectly")

	tg.SetPassability(2, 2, true)
	if tg == nil || tg.String() != "▀  ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀▀▀" {
		t.Fatal("Passability set incorrectly")

	tg.SetPassability(3, 2, true)
	if tg == nil || tg.String() != "▀  ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀ ▀" {
		t.Fatal("Passability set incorrectly")

	if tg2, err := concrete.GenerateTileGraph("▀  ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀ ▀"); err != nil {
		t.Error("Tile graph errored on interpreting valid template string\n▀  ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀ ▀")
	} else if tg2.String() != "▀  ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀ ▀" {
		t.Error("Tile graph failed to generate properly with input string\n▀  ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀ ▀\n▀▀ ▀")

	if tg.CoordsToID(0, 0) != 0 {
		t.Error("Coords to ID fails on 0,0")
	} else if tg.CoordsToID(3, 3) != 15 {
		t.Error("Coords to ID fails on 3,3")
	} else if tg.CoordsToID(0, 3) != 3 {
		t.Error("Coords to ID fails on 0,3")
	} else if tg.CoordsToID(3, 0) != 12 {
		t.Error("Coords to ID fails on 3,0")

	if r, c := tg.IDToCoords(0); r != 0 || c != 0 {
		t.Error("ID to Coords fails on 0,0")
	} else if r, c := tg.IDToCoords(15); r != 3 || c != 3 {
		t.Error("ID to Coords fails on 3,3")
	} else if r, c := tg.IDToCoords(3); r != 0 || c != 3 {
		t.Error("ID to Coords fails on 0,3")
	} else if r, c := tg.IDToCoords(12); r != 3 || c != 0 {
		t.Error("ID to Coords fails on 3,0")

	if succ := tg.Neighbors(concrete.Node(0)); succ != nil || len(succ) != 0 {
		t.Error("Successors for impassable tile not 0")

	if succ := tg.Neighbors(concrete.Node(2)); succ == nil || len(succ) != 2 {
		t.Error("Incorrect number of successors for (0,2)")
	} else {
		for _, s := range succ {
			if s.ID() != 1 && s.ID() != 6 {
				t.Error("Successor for (0,2) neither (0,1) nor (1,2)")

	if tg.Degree(concrete.Node(2)) != 4 {
		t.Error("Degree returns incorrect number for (0,2)")
	if tg.Degree(concrete.Node(1)) != 2 {
		t.Error("Degree returns incorrect number for (0,2)")
	if tg.Degree(concrete.Node(0)) != 0 {
		t.Error("Degree returns incorrect number for impassable tile (0,0)")
