예제 #1
func UserToSubject(u user.Info) pkix.Name {
	return pkix.Name{
		CommonName:   u.GetName(),
		SerialNumber: u.GetUID(),
		Organization: u.GetGroups(),
예제 #2
func (a *Authenticator) AuthenticationSucceeded(user user.Info, state string, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (bool, error) {
	session, err := a.store.Get(req, a.name)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	values := session.Values()
	values[UserNameKey] = user.GetName()
	values[UserUIDKey] = user.GetUID()
	// TODO: should we save groups, scope, and extra in the session as well?
	return false, a.store.Save(w, req)
예제 #3
func (c *ClientAuthorizationGrantChecker) HasAuthorizedClient(user user.Info, grant *api.Grant) (approved bool, err error) {
	id := c.registry.ClientAuthorizationName(user.GetName(), grant.Client.GetId())
	authorization, err := c.registry.GetClientAuthorization(kapi.NewContext(), id)
	if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
		return false, nil
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	if len(authorization.UserUID) != 0 && authorization.UserUID != user.GetUID() {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("user %s UID %s does not match stored client authorization value for UID %s", user.GetName(), user.GetUID(), authorization.UserUID)
	// TODO: improve this to allow the scope implementation to determine overlap
	if !scope.Covers(authorization.Scopes, scope.Split(grant.Scope)) {
		return false, nil
	return true, nil
예제 #4
func (l *Grant) handleGrant(user user.Info, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	if ok, err := l.csrf.Check(req, req.FormValue("csrf")); !ok || err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Unable to check CSRF token: %v", err)
		l.failed("Invalid CSRF token", w, req)

	then := req.FormValue("then")
	scopes := req.FormValue("scopes")

	if len(req.FormValue(approveParam)) == 0 {
		// Redirect with rejection param
		url, err := url.Parse(then)
		if len(then) == 0 || err != nil {
			l.failed("Access denied, but no redirect URL was specified", w, req)
		q := url.Query()
		q.Set("error", "access_denied")
		url.RawQuery = q.Encode()
		http.Redirect(w, req, url.String(), http.StatusFound)

	clientID := req.FormValue("client_id")
	client, err := l.clientregistry.GetClient(kapi.NewContext(), clientID)
	if err != nil || client == nil {
		l.failed("Could not find client for client_id", w, req)

	clientAuthID := l.authregistry.ClientAuthorizationName(user.GetName(), client.Name)

	ctx := kapi.NewContext()
	clientAuth, err := l.authregistry.GetClientAuthorization(ctx, clientAuthID)
	if err == nil && clientAuth != nil {
		// Add new scopes and update
		clientAuth.Scopes = scope.Add(clientAuth.Scopes, scope.Split(scopes))
		if _, err = l.authregistry.UpdateClientAuthorization(ctx, clientAuth); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to update authorization: %v", err)
			l.failed("Could not update client authorization", w, req)
	} else {
		// Make sure client name, user name, grant scope, expiration, and redirect uri match
		clientAuth = &oapi.OAuthClientAuthorization{
			UserName:   user.GetName(),
			UserUID:    user.GetUID(),
			ClientName: client.Name,
			Scopes:     scope.Split(scopes),
		clientAuth.Name = clientAuthID

		if _, err = l.authregistry.CreateClientAuthorization(ctx, clientAuth); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to create authorization: %v", err)
			l.failed("Could not create client authorization", w, req)

	if len(then) == 0 {
		l.failed("Approval granted, but no redirect URL was specified", w, req)

	http.Redirect(w, req, then, http.StatusFound)