예제 #1
파일: jit.go 프로젝트: efaysal/etherapis
func runProgram(program *Program, pcstart uint64, mem *Memory, stack *stack, env Environment, contract *Contract, input []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	contract.Input = input

	var (
		pc         uint64 = program.mapping[pcstart]
		instrCount        = 0

	if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
		glog.Infof("running JIT program %x\n", program.Id[:4])
		tstart := time.Now()
		defer func() {
			glog.Infof("JIT program %x done. time: %v instrc: %v\n", program.Id[:4], time.Since(tstart), instrCount)

	for pc < uint64(len(program.instructions)) {

		instr := program.instructions[pc]

		ret, err := instr.do(program, &pc, env, contract, mem, stack)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if instr.halts() {
			return contract.Return(ret), nil

	contract.Input = nil

	return contract.Return(nil), nil
예제 #2
// validatePool removes invalid and processed transactions from the main pool.
// If a transaction is removed for being invalid (e.g. out of funds), all sub-
// sequent (Still valid) transactions are moved back into the future queue. This
// is important to prevent a drained account from DOSing the network with non
// executable transactions.
func (pool *TxPool) validatePool() {
	state, err := pool.currentState()
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("failed to get current state: %v", err)
	balanceCache := make(map[common.Address]*big.Int)

	// Clean up the pending pool, accumulating invalid nonces
	gaps := make(map[common.Address]uint64)

	for hash, tx := range pool.pending {
		sender, _ := tx.From() // err already checked

		// Perform light nonce and balance validation
		balance := balanceCache[sender]
		if balance == nil {
			balance = state.GetBalance(sender)
			balanceCache[sender] = balance
		if past := state.GetNonce(sender) > tx.Nonce(); past || balance.Cmp(tx.Cost()) < 0 {
			// Remove an already past it invalidated transaction
			if glog.V(logger.Core) {
				glog.Infof("removed tx (%v) from pool: low tx nonce or out of funds\n", tx)
			delete(pool.pending, hash)

			// Track the smallest invalid nonce to postpone subsequent transactions
			if !past {
				if prev, ok := gaps[sender]; !ok || tx.Nonce() < prev {
					gaps[sender] = tx.Nonce()
	// Move all transactions after a gap back to the future queue
	if len(gaps) > 0 {
		for hash, tx := range pool.pending {
			sender, _ := tx.From()
			if gap, ok := gaps[sender]; ok && tx.Nonce() >= gap {
				if glog.V(logger.Core) {
					glog.Infof("postponed tx (%v) due to introduced gap\n", tx)
				pool.queueTx(hash, tx)
				delete(pool.pending, hash)
예제 #3
// validate and queue transactions.
func (self *TxPool) add(tx *types.Transaction) error {
	hash := tx.Hash()

	if self.pending[hash] != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Known transaction (%x)", hash[:4])
	err := self.validateTx(tx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	self.queueTx(hash, tx)

	if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
		var toname string
		if to := tx.To(); to != nil {
			toname = common.Bytes2Hex(to[:4])
		} else {
			toname = "[NEW_CONTRACT]"
		// we can ignore the error here because From is
		// verified in ValidateTransaction.
		f, _ := tx.From()
		from := common.Bytes2Hex(f[:4])
		glog.Infof("(t) %x => %s (%v) %x\n", from, toname, tx.Value, hash)

	return nil
예제 #4
// enqueue schedules a new future import operation, if the block to be imported
// has not yet been seen.
func (f *Fetcher) enqueue(peer string, block *types.Block) {
	hash := block.Hash()

	// Ensure the peer isn't DOSing us
	count := f.queues[peer] + 1
	if count > blockLimit {
		glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: discarded block #%d [%x…], exceeded allowance (%d)", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash.Bytes()[:4], blockLimit)
	// Discard any past or too distant blocks
	if dist := int64(block.NumberU64()) - int64(f.chainHeight()); dist < -maxUncleDist || dist > maxQueueDist {
		glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: discarded block #%d [%x…], distance %d", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash.Bytes()[:4], dist)
	// Schedule the block for future importing
	if _, ok := f.queued[hash]; !ok {
		op := &inject{
			origin: peer,
			block:  block,
		f.queues[peer] = count
		f.queued[hash] = op
		f.queue.Push(op, -float32(block.NumberU64()))
		if f.queueChangeHook != nil {
			f.queueChangeHook(op.block.Hash(), true)
		if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
			glog.Infof("Peer %s: queued block #%d [%x…], total %v", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash.Bytes()[:4], f.queue.Size())
예제 #5
func (c *StateObject) SubBalance(amount *big.Int) {
	c.SetBalance(new(big.Int).Sub(c.balance, amount))

	if glog.V(logger.Core) {
		glog.Infof("%x: #%d %v (- %v)\n", c.Address(), c.nonce, c.balance, amount)
예제 #6
func (self *StateObject) MarkForDeletion() {
	self.remove = true
	self.dirty = true

	if glog.V(logger.Core) {
		glog.Infof("%x: #%d %v X\n", self.Address(), self.nonce, self.balance)
예제 #7
파일: worker.go 프로젝트: efaysal/etherapis
func (env *Work) commitTransactions(transactions types.Transactions, gasPrice *big.Int, bc *core.BlockChain) {
	gp := new(core.GasPool).AddGas(env.header.GasLimit)
	for _, tx := range transactions {
		// We can skip err. It has already been validated in the tx pool
		from, _ := tx.From()

		// Check if it falls within margin. Txs from owned accounts are always processed.
		if tx.GasPrice().Cmp(gasPrice) < 0 && !env.ownedAccounts.Has(from) {
			// ignore the transaction and transactor. We ignore the transactor
			// because nonce will fail after ignoring this transaction so there's
			// no point

			glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("transaction(%x) below gas price (tx=%v ask=%v). All sequential txs from this address(%x) will be ignored\n", tx.Hash().Bytes()[:4], common.CurrencyToString(tx.GasPrice()), common.CurrencyToString(gasPrice), from[:4])

		// Continue with the next transaction if the transaction sender is included in
		// the low gas tx set. This will also remove the tx and all sequential transaction
		// from this transactor
		if env.lowGasTransactors.Has(from) {
			// add tx to the low gas set. This will be removed at the end of the run
			// owned accounts are ignored
			if !env.ownedAccounts.Has(from) {
				env.lowGasTxs = append(env.lowGasTxs, tx)

		// Move on to the next transaction when the transactor is in ignored transactions set
		// This may occur when a transaction hits the gas limit. When a gas limit is hit and
		// the transaction is processed (that could potentially be included in the block) it
		// will throw a nonce error because the previous transaction hasn't been processed.
		// Therefor we need to ignore any transaction after the ignored one.
		if env.ignoredTransactors.Has(from) {

		env.state.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), common.Hash{}, 0)

		err := env.commitTransaction(tx, bc, gp)
		switch {
		case core.IsGasLimitErr(err):
			// ignore the transactor so no nonce errors will be thrown for this account
			// next time the worker is run, they'll be picked up again.

			glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("Gas limit reached for (%x) in this block. Continue to try smaller txs\n", from[:4])
		case err != nil:

			if glog.V(logger.Detail) {
				glog.Infof("TX (%x) failed, will be removed: %v\n", tx.Hash().Bytes()[:4], err)
예제 #8
파일: api.go 프로젝트: efaysal/etherapis
// GetWork returns a work package for external miner. The work package consists of 3 strings
// result[0], 32 bytes hex encoded current block header pow-hash
// result[1], 32 bytes hex encoded seed hash used for DAG
// result[2], 32 bytes hex encoded boundary condition ("target"), 2^256/difficulty
func (s *PublicMinerAPI) GetWork() ([]string, error) {
	if !s.Mining() {
		s.miner.Start(s.miner.coinbase, 0)
	if work, err := s.agent.GetWork(); err == nil {
		return work[:], nil
	} else {
		glog.Infof("%v\n", err)
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("mining not ready")
예제 #9
// NewStateObject create a state object whether it exist in the trie or not
func (self *StateDB) newStateObject(addr common.Address) *StateObject {
	if glog.V(logger.Core) {
		glog.Infof("(+) %x\n", addr)

	stateObject := NewStateObject(addr, self.db)
	self.stateObjects[addr.Str()] = stateObject

	return stateObject
예제 #10
파일: table.go 프로젝트: efaysal/etherapis
// doRefresh performs a lookup for a random target to keep buckets
// full. seed nodes are inserted if the table is empty (initial
// bootstrap or discarded faulty peers).
func (tab *Table) doRefresh(done chan struct{}) {
	defer close(done)

	// The Kademlia paper specifies that the bucket refresh should
	// perform a lookup in the least recently used bucket. We cannot
	// adhere to this because the findnode target is a 512bit value
	// (not hash-sized) and it is not easily possible to generate a
	// sha3 preimage that falls into a chosen bucket.
	// We perform a lookup with a random target instead.
	var target NodeID
	result := tab.lookup(target, false)
	if len(result) > 0 {

	// The table is empty. Load nodes from the database and insert
	// them. This should yield a few previously seen nodes that are
	// (hopefully) still alive.
	seeds := tab.db.querySeeds(seedCount, seedMaxAge)
	seeds = tab.bondall(append(seeds, tab.nursery...))
	if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
		if len(seeds) == 0 {
			glog.Infof("no seed nodes found")
		for _, n := range seeds {
			age := time.Since(tab.db.lastPong(n.ID))
			glog.Infof("seed node (age %v): %v", age, n)

	// Finally, do a self lookup to fill up the buckets.
	tab.lookup(tab.self.ID, false)
예제 #11
// checkQueue moves transactions that have become processable to main pool.
func (pool *TxPool) checkQueue() {
	// init delayed since tx pool could have been started before any state sync
	if pool.pendingState == nil {

	var promote txQueue
	for address, txs := range pool.queue {
		currentState, err := pool.currentState()
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("could not get current state: %v", err)
		balance := currentState.GetBalance(address)

		var (
			guessedNonce = pool.pendingState.GetNonce(address) // nonce currently kept by the tx pool (pending state)
			trueNonce    = currentState.GetNonce(address)      // nonce known by the last state
		promote = promote[:0]
		for hash, tx := range txs {
			// Drop processed or out of fund transactions
			if tx.Nonce() < trueNonce || balance.Cmp(tx.Cost()) < 0 {
				if glog.V(logger.Core) {
					glog.Infof("removed tx (%v) from pool queue: low tx nonce or out of funds\n", tx)
				delete(txs, hash)
			// Collect the remaining transactions for the next pass.
			promote = append(promote, txQueueEntry{hash, address, tx})
		// Find the next consecutive nonce range starting at the current account nonce,
		// pushing the guessed nonce forward if we add consecutive transactions.
		for i, entry := range promote {
			// If we reached a gap in the nonces, enforce transaction limit and stop
			if entry.Nonce() > guessedNonce {
				if len(promote)-i > maxQueued {
					if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
						glog.Infof("Queued tx limit exceeded for %s. Tx %s removed\n", common.PP(address[:]), common.PP(entry.hash[:]))
					for _, drop := range promote[i+maxQueued:] {
						delete(txs, drop.hash)
			// Otherwise promote the transaction and move the guess nonce if needed
			pool.addTx(entry.hash, address, entry.Transaction)
			delete(txs, entry.hash)

			if entry.Nonce() == guessedNonce {
		// Delete the entire queue entry if it became empty.
		if len(txs) == 0 {
			delete(pool.queue, address)
예제 #12
파일: jit.go 프로젝트: efaysal/etherapis
// CompileProgram compiles the given program and return an error when it fails
func CompileProgram(program *Program) (err error) {
	if progStatus(atomic.LoadInt32(&program.status)) == progCompile {
		return nil
	atomic.StoreInt32(&program.status, int32(progCompile))
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			atomic.StoreInt32(&program.status, int32(progError))
		} else {
			atomic.StoreInt32(&program.status, int32(progReady))
	if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
		glog.Infof("compiling %x\n", program.Id[:4])
		tstart := time.Now()
		defer func() {
			glog.Infof("compiled  %x instrc: %d time: %v\n", program.Id[:4], len(program.instructions), time.Since(tstart))

	// loop thru the opcodes and "compile" in to instructions
	for pc := uint64(0); pc < uint64(len(program.code)); pc++ {
		switch op := OpCode(program.code[pc]); op {
		case ADD:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opAdd, nil)
		case SUB:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opSub, nil)
		case MUL:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opMul, nil)
		case DIV:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opDiv, nil)
		case SDIV:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opSdiv, nil)
		case MOD:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opMod, nil)
		case SMOD:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opSmod, nil)
		case EXP:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opExp, nil)
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opSignExtend, nil)
		case NOT:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opNot, nil)
		case LT:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opLt, nil)
		case GT:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opGt, nil)
		case SLT:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opSlt, nil)
		case SGT:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opSgt, nil)
		case EQ:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opEq, nil)
		case ISZERO:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opIszero, nil)
		case AND:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opAnd, nil)
		case OR:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opOr, nil)
		case XOR:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opXor, nil)
		case BYTE:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opByte, nil)
		case ADDMOD:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opAddmod, nil)
		case MULMOD:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opMulmod, nil)
		case SHA3:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opSha3, nil)
		case ADDRESS:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opAddress, nil)
		case BALANCE:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opBalance, nil)
		case ORIGIN:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opOrigin, nil)
		case CALLER:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opCaller, nil)
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opCallValue, nil)
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opCalldataLoad, nil)
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opCalldataSize, nil)
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opCalldataCopy, nil)
		case CODESIZE:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opCodeSize, nil)
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opExtCodeSize, nil)
		case CODECOPY:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opCodeCopy, nil)
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opExtCodeCopy, nil)
		case GASPRICE:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opGasprice, nil)
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opBlockhash, nil)
		case COINBASE:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opCoinbase, nil)
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opTimestamp, nil)
		case NUMBER:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opNumber, nil)
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opDifficulty, nil)
		case GASLIMIT:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opGasLimit, nil)
			size := uint64(op - PUSH1 + 1)
			bytes := getData([]byte(program.code), new(big.Int).SetUint64(pc+1), new(big.Int).SetUint64(size))

			program.addInstr(op, pc, opPush, common.Bytes2Big(bytes))

			pc += size

		case POP:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opPop, nil)
		case DUP1, DUP2, DUP3, DUP4, DUP5, DUP6, DUP7, DUP8, DUP9, DUP10, DUP11, DUP12, DUP13, DUP14, DUP15, DUP16:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opDup, big.NewInt(int64(op-DUP1+1)))
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opSwap, big.NewInt(int64(op-SWAP1+2)))
		case LOG0, LOG1, LOG2, LOG3, LOG4:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opLog, big.NewInt(int64(op-LOG0)))
		case MLOAD:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opMload, nil)
		case MSTORE:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opMstore, nil)
		case MSTORE8:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opMstore8, nil)
		case SLOAD:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opSload, nil)
		case SSTORE:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opSstore, nil)
		case JUMP:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opJump, nil)
		case JUMPI:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opJumpi, nil)
		case JUMPDEST:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opJumpdest, nil)
			program.destinations[pc] = struct{}{}
		case PC:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opPc, big.NewInt(int64(pc)))
		case MSIZE:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opMsize, nil)
		case GAS:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opGas, nil)
		case CREATE:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opCreate, nil)
		case CALL:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opCall, nil)
		case CALLCODE:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opCallCode, nil)
		case RETURN:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opReturn, nil)
		case SUICIDE:
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opSuicide, nil)
		case STOP: // Stop the contract
			program.addInstr(op, pc, opStop, nil)
			program.addInstr(op, pc, nil, nil)


	return nil
예제 #13
// reorgs takes two blocks, an old chain and a new chain and will reconstruct the blocks and inserts them
// to be part of the new canonical chain and accumulates potential missing transactions and post an
// event about them
func (self *BlockChain) reorg(oldBlock, newBlock *types.Block) error {
	var (
		newChain    types.Blocks
		commonBlock *types.Block
		oldStart    = oldBlock
		newStart    = newBlock
		deletedTxs  types.Transactions
		deletedLogs vm.Logs
		// collectLogs collects the logs that were generated during the
		// processing of the block that corresponds with the given hash.
		// These logs are later announced as deleted.
		collectLogs = func(h common.Hash) {
			// Coalesce logs
			receipts := GetBlockReceipts(self.chainDb, h)
			for _, receipt := range receipts {
				deletedLogs = append(deletedLogs, receipt.Logs...)

	// first reduce whoever is higher bound
	if oldBlock.NumberU64() > newBlock.NumberU64() {
		// reduce old chain
		for oldBlock = oldBlock; oldBlock != nil && oldBlock.NumberU64() != newBlock.NumberU64(); oldBlock = self.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash()) {
			deletedTxs = append(deletedTxs, oldBlock.Transactions()...)

	} else {
		// reduce new chain and append new chain blocks for inserting later on
		for newBlock = newBlock; newBlock != nil && newBlock.NumberU64() != oldBlock.NumberU64(); newBlock = self.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash()) {
			newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)
	if oldBlock == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid old chain")
	if newBlock == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid new chain")

	numSplit := newBlock.Number()
	for {
		if oldBlock.Hash() == newBlock.Hash() {
			commonBlock = oldBlock
		newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)
		deletedTxs = append(deletedTxs, oldBlock.Transactions()...)

		oldBlock, newBlock = self.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash()), self.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash())
		if oldBlock == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid old chain")
		if newBlock == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid new chain")

	if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
		commonHash := commonBlock.Hash()
		glog.Infof("Chain split detected @ %x. Reorganising chain from #%v %x to %x", commonHash[:4], numSplit, oldStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4], newStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4])

	var addedTxs types.Transactions
	// insert blocks. Order does not matter. Last block will be written in ImportChain itself which creates the new head properly
	for _, block := range newChain {
		// insert the block in the canonical way, re-writing history
		// write canonical receipts and transactions
		if err := WriteTransactions(self.chainDb, block); err != nil {
			return err
		receipts := GetBlockReceipts(self.chainDb, block.Hash())
		// write receipts
		if err := WriteReceipts(self.chainDb, receipts); err != nil {
			return err
		// Write map map bloom filters
		if err := WriteMipmapBloom(self.chainDb, block.NumberU64(), receipts); err != nil {
			return err
		addedTxs = append(addedTxs, block.Transactions()...)

	// calculate the difference between deleted and added transactions
	diff := types.TxDifference(deletedTxs, addedTxs)
	// When transactions get deleted from the database that means the
	// receipts that were created in the fork must also be deleted
	for _, tx := range diff {
		DeleteReceipt(self.chainDb, tx.Hash())
		DeleteTransaction(self.chainDb, tx.Hash())
	// Must be posted in a goroutine because of the transaction pool trying
	// to acquire the chain manager lock
	if len(diff) > 0 {
		go self.eventMux.Post(RemovedTransactionEvent{diff})
	if len(deletedLogs) > 0 {
		go self.eventMux.Post(RemovedLogEvent{deletedLogs})

	return nil
예제 #14
파일: cmd.go 프로젝트: efaysal/etherapis
func ImportChain(chain *core.BlockChain, fn string) error {
	// Watch for Ctrl-C while the import is running.
	// If a signal is received, the import will stop at the next batch.
	interrupt := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt)
	defer signal.Stop(interrupt)
	defer close(interrupt)
	go func() {
		if _, ok := <-interrupt; ok {
			glog.Info("caught interrupt during import, will stop at next batch")
	checkInterrupt := func() bool {
		select {
		case <-stop:
			return true
			return false

	glog.Infoln("Importing blockchain", fn)
	fh, err := os.Open(fn)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer fh.Close()
	stream := rlp.NewStream(fh, 0)

	// Run actual the import.
	blocks := make(types.Blocks, importBatchSize)
	n := 0
	for batch := 0; ; batch++ {
		// Load a batch of RLP blocks.
		if checkInterrupt() {
			return fmt.Errorf("interrupted")
		i := 0
		for ; i < importBatchSize; i++ {
			var b types.Block
			if err := stream.Decode(&b); err == io.EOF {
			} else if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("at block %d: %v", n, err)
			// don't import first block
			if b.NumberU64() == 0 {
			blocks[i] = &b
		if i == 0 {
		// Import the batch.
		if checkInterrupt() {
			return fmt.Errorf("interrupted")
		if hasAllBlocks(chain, blocks[:i]) {
			glog.Infof("skipping batch %d, all blocks present [%x / %x]",
				batch, blocks[0].Hash().Bytes()[:4], blocks[i-1].Hash().Bytes()[:4])

		if _, err := chain.InsertChain(blocks[:i]); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid block %d: %v", n, err)
	return nil
예제 #15
// optimeProgram optimises a JIT program creating segments out of program
// instructions. Currently covered are multi-pushes and static jumps
func optimiseProgram(program *Program) {
	var load []instruction

	var (
		statsJump = 0
		statsPush = 0

	if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
		glog.Infof("optimising %x\n", program.Id[:4])
		tstart := time.Now()
		defer func() {
			glog.Infof("optimised %x done in %v with JMP: %d PSH: %d\n", program.Id[:4], time.Since(tstart), statsJump, statsPush)

		code := Parse(program.code)
		for _, test := range [][]OpCode{
			[]OpCode{PUSH, PUSH, ADD},
			[]OpCode{PUSH, PUSH, SUB},
			[]OpCode{PUSH, PUSH, MUL},
			[]OpCode{PUSH, PUSH, DIV},
		} {
			matchCount := 0
			MatchFn(code, test, func(i int) bool {
				return true
			fmt.Printf("found %d match count on: %v\n", matchCount, test)

	for i := 0; i < len(program.instructions); i++ {
		instr := program.instructions[i].(instruction)

		switch {
		case instr.op.IsPush():
			load = append(load, instr)
		case instr.op.IsStaticJump():
			if len(load) == 0 {
			// if the push load is greater than 1, finalise that
			// segment first
			if len(load) > 2 {
				seg, size := makePushSeg(load[:len(load)-1])
				program.instructions[i-size-1] = seg
			// create a segment consisting of a pre determined
			// jump, destination and validity.
			seg := makeStaticJumpSeg(load[len(load)-1].data, program)
			program.instructions[i-1] = seg

			load = nil
			// create a new N pushes segment
			if len(load) > 1 {
				seg, size := makePushSeg(load)
				program.instructions[i-size] = seg
			load = nil
예제 #16
파일: vm.go 프로젝트: efaysal/etherapis
// Run loops and evaluates the contract's code with the given input data
func (self *Vm) Run(contract *Contract, input []byte) (ret []byte, err error) {
	self.env.SetDepth(self.env.Depth() + 1)
	defer self.env.SetDepth(self.env.Depth() - 1)

	// User defer pattern to check for an error and, based on the error being nil or not, use all gas and return.
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			// In case of a VM exception (known exceptions) all gas consumed (panics NOT included).

			ret = contract.Return(nil)

	if contract.CodeAddr != nil {
		if p := Precompiled[contract.CodeAddr.Str()]; p != nil {
			return self.RunPrecompiled(p, input, contract)

	// Don't bother with the execution if there's no code.
	if len(contract.Code) == 0 {
		return contract.Return(nil), nil

	var (
		codehash = crypto.Sha3Hash(contract.Code) // codehash is used when doing jump dest caching
		program  *Program
	if EnableJit {
		// If the JIT is enabled check the status of the JIT program,
		// if it doesn't exist compile a new program in a seperate
		// goroutine or wait for compilation to finish if the JIT is
		// forced.
		switch GetProgramStatus(codehash) {
		case progReady:
			return RunProgram(GetProgram(codehash), self.env, contract, input)
		case progUnknown:
			if ForceJit {
				// Create and compile program
				program = NewProgram(contract.Code)
				perr := CompileProgram(program)
				if perr == nil {
					return RunProgram(program, self.env, contract, input)
				glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("error compiling program", err)
			} else {
				// create and compile the program. Compilation
				// is done in a seperate goroutine
				program = NewProgram(contract.Code)
				go func() {
					err := CompileProgram(program)
					if err != nil {
						glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("error compiling program", err)

	var (
		caller     = contract.caller
		code       = contract.Code
		instrCount = 0

		op      OpCode          // current opcode
		mem     = NewMemory()   // bound memory
		stack   = newstack()    // local stack
		statedb = self.env.Db() // current state
		// For optimisation reason we're using uint64 as the program counter.
		// It's theoretically possible to go above 2^64. The YP defines the PC to be uint256. Pratically much less so feasible.
		pc = uint64(0) // program counter

		// jump evaluates and checks whether the given jump destination is a valid one
		// if valid move the `pc` otherwise return an error.
		jump = func(from uint64, to *big.Int) error {
			if !contract.jumpdests.has(codehash, code, to) {
				nop := contract.GetOp(to.Uint64())
				return fmt.Errorf("invalid jump destination (%v) %v", nop, to)

			pc = to.Uint64()

			return nil

		newMemSize *big.Int
		cost       *big.Int
	contract.Input = input

	// User defer pattern to check for an error and, based on the error being nil or not, use all gas and return.
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			self.log(pc, op, contract.Gas, cost, mem, stack, contract, err)

	if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
		glog.Infof("running byte VM %x\n", codehash[:4])
		tstart := time.Now()
		defer func() {
			glog.Infof("byte VM %x done. time: %v instrc: %v\n", codehash[:4], time.Since(tstart), instrCount)

	for ; ; instrCount++ {
			if EnableJit && it%100 == 0 {
				if program != nil && progStatus(atomic.LoadInt32(&program.status)) == progReady {
					// move execution
					fmt.Println("moved", it)
					glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Moved execution to JIT")
					return runProgram(program, pc, mem, stack, self.env, contract, input)

		// Get the memory location of pc
		op = contract.GetOp(pc)

		// calculate the new memory size and gas price for the current executing opcode
		newMemSize, cost, err = calculateGasAndSize(self.env, contract, caller, op, statedb, mem, stack)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Use the calculated gas. When insufficient gas is present, use all gas and return an
		// Out Of Gas error
		if !contract.UseGas(cost) {
			return nil, OutOfGasError

		// Resize the memory calculated previously
		// Add a log message
		self.log(pc, op, contract.Gas, cost, mem, stack, contract, nil)

		if opPtr := jumpTable[op]; opPtr.valid {
			if opPtr.fn != nil {
				opPtr.fn(instruction{}, &pc, self.env, contract, mem, stack)
			} else {
				switch op {
				case PC:
					opPc(instruction{data: new(big.Int).SetUint64(pc)}, &pc, self.env, contract, mem, stack)
				case JUMP:
					if err := jump(pc, stack.pop()); err != nil {
						return nil, err

				case JUMPI:
					pos, cond := stack.pop(), stack.pop()

					if cond.Cmp(common.BigTrue) >= 0 {
						if err := jump(pc, pos); err != nil {
							return nil, err

				case RETURN:
					offset, size := stack.pop(), stack.pop()
					ret := mem.GetPtr(offset.Int64(), size.Int64())

					return contract.Return(ret), nil
				case SUICIDE:
					opSuicide(instruction{}, nil, self.env, contract, mem, stack)

				case STOP: // Stop the contract
					return contract.Return(nil), nil
		} else {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid opcode %x", op)


예제 #17
// InsertChain will attempt to insert the given chain in to the canonical chain or, otherwise, create a fork. It an error is returned
// it will return the index number of the failing block as well an error describing what went wrong (for possible errors see core/errors.go).
func (self *BlockChain) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, error) {
	defer self.wg.Done()

	defer self.chainmu.Unlock()

	// A queued approach to delivering events. This is generally
	// faster than direct delivery and requires much less mutex
	// acquiring.
	var (
		stats         struct{ queued, processed, ignored int }
		events        = make([]interface{}, 0, len(chain))
		coalescedLogs vm.Logs
		tstart        = time.Now()

		nonceChecked = make([]bool, len(chain))

	// Start the parallel nonce verifier.
	nonceAbort, nonceResults := verifyNoncesFromBlocks(self.pow, chain)
	defer close(nonceAbort)

	txcount := 0
	for i, block := range chain {
		if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.procInterrupt) == 1 {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infoln("Premature abort during block chain processing")

		bstart := time.Now()
		// Wait for block i's nonce to be verified before processing
		// its state transition.
		for !nonceChecked[i] {
			r := <-nonceResults
			nonceChecked[r.index] = true
			if !r.valid {
				block := chain[r.index]
				return r.index, &BlockNonceErr{Hash: block.Hash(), Number: block.Number(), Nonce: block.Nonce()}

		if BadHashes[block.Hash()] {
			err := BadHashError(block.Hash())
			reportBlock(block, err)
			return i, err
		// Stage 1 validation of the block using the chain's validator
		// interface.
		err := self.Validator().ValidateBlock(block)
		if err != nil {
			if IsKnownBlockErr(err) {

			if err == BlockFutureErr {
				// Allow up to MaxFuture second in the future blocks. If this limit
				// is exceeded the chain is discarded and processed at a later time
				// if given.
				max := big.NewInt(time.Now().Unix() + maxTimeFutureBlocks)
				if block.Time().Cmp(max) == 1 {
					return i, fmt.Errorf("%v: BlockFutureErr, %v > %v", BlockFutureErr, block.Time(), max)

				self.futureBlocks.Add(block.Hash(), block)

			if IsParentErr(err) && self.futureBlocks.Contains(block.ParentHash()) {
				self.futureBlocks.Add(block.Hash(), block)

			reportBlock(block, err)

			return i, err

		// Create a new statedb using the parent block and report an
		// error if it fails.
		statedb, err := state.New(self.GetBlock(block.ParentHash()).Root(), self.chainDb)
		if err != nil {
			reportBlock(block, err)
			return i, err
		// Process block using the parent state as reference point.
		receipts, logs, usedGas, err := self.processor.Process(block, statedb)
		if err != nil {
			reportBlock(block, err)
			return i, err
		// Validate the state using the default validator
		err = self.Validator().ValidateState(block, self.GetBlock(block.ParentHash()), statedb, receipts, usedGas)
		if err != nil {
			reportBlock(block, err)
			return i, err
		// Write state changes to database
		_, err = statedb.Commit()
		if err != nil {
			return i, err

		// coalesce logs for later processing
		coalescedLogs = append(coalescedLogs, logs...)

		if err := WriteBlockReceipts(self.chainDb, block.Hash(), receipts); err != nil {
			return i, err

		txcount += len(block.Transactions())
		// write the block to the chain and get the status
		status, err := self.WriteBlock(block)
		if err != nil {
			return i, err

		switch status {
		case CanonStatTy:
			if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
				glog.Infof("[%v] inserted block #%d (%d TXs %v G %d UNCs) (%x...). Took %v\n", time.Now().UnixNano(), block.Number(), len(block.Transactions()), block.GasUsed(), len(block.Uncles()), block.Hash().Bytes()[0:4], time.Since(bstart))
			events = append(events, ChainEvent{block, block.Hash(), logs})

			// This puts transactions in a extra db for rpc
			if err := WriteTransactions(self.chainDb, block); err != nil {
				return i, err
			// store the receipts
			if err := WriteReceipts(self.chainDb, receipts); err != nil {
				return i, err
			// Write map map bloom filters
			if err := WriteMipmapBloom(self.chainDb, block.NumberU64(), receipts); err != nil {
				return i, err
		case SideStatTy:
			if glog.V(logger.Detail) {
				glog.Infof("inserted forked block #%d (TD=%v) (%d TXs %d UNCs) (%x...). Took %v\n", block.Number(), block.Difficulty(), len(block.Transactions()), len(block.Uncles()), block.Hash().Bytes()[0:4], time.Since(bstart))
			events = append(events, ChainSideEvent{block, logs})

		case SplitStatTy:
			events = append(events, ChainSplitEvent{block, logs})

	if (stats.queued > 0 || stats.processed > 0 || stats.ignored > 0) && bool(glog.V(logger.Info)) {
		tend := time.Since(tstart)
		start, end := chain[0], chain[len(chain)-1]
		glog.Infof("imported %d block(s) (%d queued %d ignored) including %d txs in %v. #%v [%x / %x]\n", stats.processed, stats.queued, stats.ignored, txcount, tend, end.Number(), start.Hash().Bytes()[:4], end.Hash().Bytes()[:4])
	go self.postChainEvents(events, coalescedLogs)

	return 0, nil