예제 #1
파일: command.go 프로젝트: askagirl/consul
// readConfig is responsible for setup of our configuration using
// the command line and any file configs
func (c *Command) readConfig() *Config {
	var cmdConfig Config
	var configFiles []string
	cmdFlags := flag.NewFlagSet("agent", flag.ContinueOnError)
	cmdFlags.Usage = func() { c.Ui.Output(c.Help()) }

	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-file", "json file to read config from")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-dir", "directory of json files to read")

	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.LogLevel, "log-level", "", "log level")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.NodeName, "node", "", "node name")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.Datacenter, "dc", "", "node datacenter")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.DataDir, "data-dir", "", "path to the data directory")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.UiDir, "ui-dir", "", "path to the web UI directory")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.PidFile, "pid-file", "", "path to file to store PID")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.EncryptKey, "encrypt", "", "gossip encryption key")

	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.Server, "server", false, "run agent as server")
	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.Bootstrap, "bootstrap", false, "enable server bootstrap mode")
	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.BootstrapExpect, "bootstrap-expect", 0, "enable automatic bootstrap via expect mode")

	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.ClientAddr, "client", "", "address to bind client listeners to (DNS, HTTP, RPC)")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.BindAddr, "bind", "", "address to bind server listeners to")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AdvertiseAddr, "advertise", "", "address to advertise instead of bind addr")

	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.Protocol, "protocol", -1, "protocol version")

	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.EnableSyslog, "syslog", false,
		"enable logging to syslog facility")
	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.RejoinAfterLeave, "rejoin", false,
		"enable re-joining after a previous leave")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.StartJoin), "join",
		"address of agent to join on startup")

	if err := cmdFlags.Parse(c.args); err != nil {
		return nil

	config := DefaultConfig()
	if len(configFiles) > 0 {
		fileConfig, err := ReadConfigPaths(configFiles)
		if err != nil {
			return nil

		config = MergeConfig(config, fileConfig)

	config = MergeConfig(config, &cmdConfig)

	if config.NodeName == "" {
		hostname, err := os.Hostname()
		if err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error determining hostname: %s", err))
			return nil
		config.NodeName = hostname

	if config.EncryptKey != "" {
		if _, err := config.EncryptBytes(); err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid encryption key: %s", err))
			return nil

	// Ensure we have a data directory
	if config.DataDir == "" {
		c.Ui.Error("Must specify data directory using -data-dir")
		return nil

	// Verify data center is valid
	if !validDatacenter.MatchString(config.Datacenter) {
		c.Ui.Error("Datacenter must be alpha-numeric with underscores and hypens only")
		return nil

	// Only allow bootstrap mode when acting as a server
	if config.Bootstrap && !config.Server {
		c.Ui.Error("Bootstrap mode cannot be enabled when server mode is not enabled")
		return nil

	// Expect can only work when acting as a server
	if config.BootstrapExpect != 0 && !config.Server {
		c.Ui.Error("Expect mode cannot be enabled when server mode is not enabled")
		return nil

	// Expect & Bootstrap are mutually exclusive
	if config.BootstrapExpect != 0 && config.Bootstrap {
		c.Ui.Error("Bootstrap cannot be provided with an expected server count")
		return nil

	// Compile all the watches
	for _, params := range config.Watches {
		// Parse the watches, excluding the handler
		wp, err := watch.ParseExempt(params, []string{"handler"})
		if err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse watch (%#v): %v", params, err))
			return nil

		// Get the handler
		if err := verifyWatchHandler(wp.Exempt["handler"]); err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to setup watch handler (%#v): %v", params, err))
			return nil

		// Store the watch plan
		config.WatchPlans = append(config.WatchPlans, wp)

	// Warn if we are in expect mode
	if config.BootstrapExpect == 1 {
		c.Ui.Error("WARNING: BootstrapExpect Mode is specified as 1; this is the same as Bootstrap mode.")
		config.BootstrapExpect = 0
		config.Bootstrap = true
	} else if config.BootstrapExpect > 0 {
		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: Expect Mode enabled, expecting %d servers", config.BootstrapExpect))

	// Warn if we are in bootstrap mode
	if config.Bootstrap {
		c.Ui.Error("WARNING: Bootstrap mode enabled! Do not enable unless necessary")

	// Warn if using windows as a server
	if config.Server && runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		c.Ui.Error("WARNING: Windows is not recommended as a Consul server. Do not use in production.")

	// Set the version info
	config.Revision = c.Revision
	config.Version = c.Version
	config.VersionPrerelease = c.VersionPrerelease

	return config
예제 #2
// readConfig is responsible for setup of our configuration using
// the command line and any file configs
func (c *Command) readConfig() *Config {
	var cmdConfig Config
	var configFiles []string
	var retryInterval string
	var retryIntervalWan string
	var dnsRecursors []string
	cmdFlags := flag.NewFlagSet("agent", flag.ContinueOnError)
	cmdFlags.Usage = func() { c.Ui.Output(c.Help()) }

	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-file", "json file to read config from")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-dir", "directory of json files to read")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&dnsRecursors), "recursor", "address of an upstream DNS server")

	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.LogLevel, "log-level", "", "log level")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.NodeName, "node", "", "node name")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.Datacenter, "dc", "", "node datacenter")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.DataDir, "data-dir", "", "path to the data directory")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.UiDir, "ui-dir", "", "path to the web UI directory")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.PidFile, "pid-file", "", "path to file to store PID")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.EncryptKey, "encrypt", "", "gossip encryption key")

	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.Server, "server", false, "run agent as server")
	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.Bootstrap, "bootstrap", false, "enable server bootstrap mode")
	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.BootstrapExpect, "bootstrap-expect", 0, "enable automatic bootstrap via expect mode")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.Domain, "domain", "", "domain to use for DNS interface")

	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.ClientAddr, "client", "", "address to bind client listeners to (DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, RPC)")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.BindAddr, "bind", "", "address to bind server listeners to")
	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.Ports.HTTP, "http-port", 0, "http port to use")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AdvertiseAddr, "advertise", "", "address to advertise instead of bind addr")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AdvertiseAddrWan, "advertise-wan", "", "address to advertise on wan instead of bind or advertise addr")

	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AtlasInfrastructure, "atlas", "", "infrastructure name in Atlas")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AtlasToken, "atlas-token", "", "authentication token for Atlas")
	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.AtlasJoin, "atlas-join", false, "auto-join with Atlas")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AtlasEndpoint, "atlas-endpoint", "", "endpoint for Atlas integration")

	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.Protocol, "protocol", -1, "protocol version")

	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.EnableSyslog, "syslog", false,
		"enable logging to syslog facility")
	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.RejoinAfterLeave, "rejoin", false,
		"enable re-joining after a previous leave")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.StartJoin), "join",
		"address of agent to join on startup")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.StartJoinWan), "join-wan",
		"address of agent to join -wan on startup")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.RetryJoin), "retry-join",
		"address of agent to join on startup with retry")
	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.RetryMaxAttempts, "retry-max", 0,
		"number of retries for joining")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&retryInterval, "retry-interval", "",
		"interval between join attempts")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.RetryJoinWan), "retry-join-wan",
		"address of agent to join -wan on startup with retry")
	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.RetryMaxAttemptsWan, "retry-max-wan", 0,
		"number of retries for joining -wan")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&retryIntervalWan, "retry-interval-wan", "",
		"interval between join -wan attempts")

	if err := cmdFlags.Parse(c.args); err != nil {
		return nil

	if retryInterval != "" {
		dur, err := time.ParseDuration(retryInterval)
		if err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s", err))
			return nil
		cmdConfig.RetryInterval = dur

	if retryIntervalWan != "" {
		dur, err := time.ParseDuration(retryIntervalWan)
		if err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s", err))
			return nil
		cmdConfig.RetryIntervalWan = dur

	config := DefaultConfig()
	if len(configFiles) > 0 {
		fileConfig, err := ReadConfigPaths(configFiles)
		if err != nil {
			return nil

		config = MergeConfig(config, fileConfig)

	cmdConfig.DNSRecursors = append(cmdConfig.DNSRecursors, dnsRecursors...)

	config = MergeConfig(config, &cmdConfig)

	if config.NodeName == "" {
		hostname, err := os.Hostname()
		if err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error determining hostname: %s", err))
			return nil
		config.NodeName = hostname

	// Ensure we have a data directory
	if config.DataDir == "" {
		c.Ui.Error("Must specify data directory using -data-dir")
		return nil

	// Check the data dir for signs of an un-migrated Consul 0.5.x or older
	// server. Consul refuses to start if this is present to protect a server
	// with existing data from starting on a fresh data set.
	if config.Server {
		mdbPath := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "mdb")
		if _, err := os.Stat(mdbPath); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("CRITICAL: Deprecated data folder found at %q!", mdbPath))
			c.Ui.Error("Consul will refuse to boot with this directory present.")
			c.Ui.Error("See https://consul.io/docs/upgrade-specific.html for more information.")
			return nil

	if config.EncryptKey != "" {
		if _, err := config.EncryptBytes(); err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid encryption key: %s", err))
			return nil
		keyfileLAN := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, serfLANKeyring)
		if _, err := os.Stat(keyfileLAN); err == nil {
			c.Ui.Error("WARNING: LAN keyring exists but -encrypt given, using keyring")
		if config.Server {
			keyfileWAN := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, serfWANKeyring)
			if _, err := os.Stat(keyfileWAN); err == nil {
				c.Ui.Error("WARNING: WAN keyring exists but -encrypt given, using keyring")

	// Ensure the datacenter is always lowercased. The DNS endpoints automatically
	// lowercase all queries, and internally we expect DC1 and dc1 to be the same.
	config.Datacenter = strings.ToLower(config.Datacenter)

	// Verify datacenter is valid
	if !validDatacenter.MatchString(config.Datacenter) {
		c.Ui.Error("Datacenter must be alpha-numeric with underscores and hypens only")
		return nil

	// Only allow bootstrap mode when acting as a server
	if config.Bootstrap && !config.Server {
		c.Ui.Error("Bootstrap mode cannot be enabled when server mode is not enabled")
		return nil

	// Expect can only work when acting as a server
	if config.BootstrapExpect != 0 && !config.Server {
		c.Ui.Error("Expect mode cannot be enabled when server mode is not enabled")
		return nil

	// Expect & Bootstrap are mutually exclusive
	if config.BootstrapExpect != 0 && config.Bootstrap {
		c.Ui.Error("Bootstrap cannot be provided with an expected server count")
		return nil

	// Compile all the watches
	for _, params := range config.Watches {
		// Parse the watches, excluding the handler
		wp, err := watch.ParseExempt(params, []string{"handler"})
		if err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse watch (%#v): %v", params, err))
			return nil

		// Get the handler
		if err := verifyWatchHandler(wp.Exempt["handler"]); err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to setup watch handler (%#v): %v", params, err))
			return nil

		// Store the watch plan
		config.WatchPlans = append(config.WatchPlans, wp)

	// Warn if we are in expect mode
	if config.BootstrapExpect == 1 {
		c.Ui.Error("WARNING: BootstrapExpect Mode is specified as 1; this is the same as Bootstrap mode.")
		config.BootstrapExpect = 0
		config.Bootstrap = true
	} else if config.BootstrapExpect > 0 {
		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: Expect Mode enabled, expecting %d servers", config.BootstrapExpect))

	// Warn if we are in bootstrap mode
	if config.Bootstrap {
		c.Ui.Error("WARNING: Bootstrap mode enabled! Do not enable unless necessary")

	// Warn if using windows as a server
	if config.Server && runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		c.Ui.Error("WARNING: Windows is not recommended as a Consul server. Do not use in production.")

	// Set the version info
	config.Revision = c.Revision
	config.Version = c.Version
	config.VersionPrerelease = c.VersionPrerelease

	return config
예제 #3
// readConfig is responsible for setup of our configuration using
// the command line and any file configs
func (c *Command) readConfig() *Config {
	var cmdConfig Config
	var configFiles []string
	var retryInterval string
	var retryIntervalWan string
	var dnsRecursors []string
	var dev bool
	var dcDeprecated string
	cmdFlags := flag.NewFlagSet("agent", flag.ContinueOnError)
	cmdFlags.Usage = func() { c.Ui.Output(c.Help()) }

	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-file", "json file to read config from")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-dir", "directory of json files to read")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&dnsRecursors), "recursor", "address of an upstream DNS server")
	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&dev, "dev", false, "development server mode")

	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.LogLevel, "log-level", "", "log level")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.NodeName, "node", "", "node name")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&dcDeprecated, "dc", "", "node datacenter (deprecated: use 'datacenter' instead)")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.Datacenter, "datacenter", "", "node datacenter")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.DataDir, "data-dir", "", "path to the data directory")
	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.EnableUi, "ui", false, "enable the built-in web UI")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.UiDir, "ui-dir", "", "path to the web UI directory")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.PidFile, "pid-file", "", "path to file to store PID")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.EncryptKey, "encrypt", "", "gossip encryption key")

	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.Server, "server", false, "run agent as server")
	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.Bootstrap, "bootstrap", false, "enable server bootstrap mode")
	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.BootstrapExpect, "bootstrap-expect", 0, "enable automatic bootstrap via expect mode")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.Domain, "domain", "", "domain to use for DNS interface")

	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.ClientAddr, "client", "", "address to bind client listeners to (DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, RPC)")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.BindAddr, "bind", "", "address to bind server listeners to")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.SerfWanBindAddr, "serf-wan-bind", "", "address to bind Serf WAN listeners to")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.SerfLanBindAddr, "serf-lan-bind", "", "address to bind Serf LAN listeners to")
	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.Ports.HTTP, "http-port", 0, "http port to use")
	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.Ports.DNS, "dns-port", 0, "DNS port to use")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AdvertiseAddr, "advertise", "", "address to advertise instead of bind addr")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AdvertiseAddrWan, "advertise-wan", "", "address to advertise on wan instead of bind or advertise addr")

	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AtlasInfrastructure, "atlas", "", "infrastructure name in Atlas")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AtlasToken, "atlas-token", "", "authentication token for Atlas")
	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.AtlasJoin, "atlas-join", false, "auto-join with Atlas")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AtlasEndpoint, "atlas-endpoint", "", "endpoint for Atlas integration")

	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.Protocol, "protocol", -1, "protocol version")

	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.EnableSyslog, "syslog", false,
		"enable logging to syslog facility")
	cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.RejoinAfterLeave, "rejoin", false,
		"enable re-joining after a previous leave")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.StartJoin), "join",
		"address of agent to join on startup")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.StartJoinWan), "join-wan",
		"address of agent to join -wan on startup")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.RetryJoin), "retry-join",
		"address of agent to join on startup with retry")
	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.RetryMaxAttempts, "retry-max", 0,
		"number of retries for joining")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&retryInterval, "retry-interval", "",
		"interval between join attempts")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.RetryJoinEC2.Region, "retry-join-ec2-region", "",
		"EC2 Region to discover servers in")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.RetryJoinEC2.TagKey, "retry-join-ec2-tag-key", "",
		"EC2 tag key to filter on for server discovery")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.RetryJoinEC2.TagValue, "retry-join-ec2-tag-value", "",
		"EC2 tag value to filter on for server discovery")
	cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&cmdConfig.RetryJoinWan), "retry-join-wan",
		"address of agent to join -wan on startup with retry")
	cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.RetryMaxAttemptsWan, "retry-max-wan", 0,
		"number of retries for joining -wan")
	cmdFlags.StringVar(&retryIntervalWan, "retry-interval-wan", "",
		"interval between join -wan attempts")

	if err := cmdFlags.Parse(c.args); err != nil {
		return nil

	if retryInterval != "" {
		dur, err := time.ParseDuration(retryInterval)
		if err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s", err))
			return nil
		cmdConfig.RetryInterval = dur

	if retryIntervalWan != "" {
		dur, err := time.ParseDuration(retryIntervalWan)
		if err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s", err))
			return nil
		cmdConfig.RetryIntervalWan = dur

	var config *Config
	if dev {
		config = DevConfig()
	} else {
		config = DefaultConfig()

	if len(configFiles) > 0 {
		fileConfig, err := ReadConfigPaths(configFiles)
		if err != nil {
			return nil

		config = MergeConfig(config, fileConfig)

	cmdConfig.DNSRecursors = append(cmdConfig.DNSRecursors, dnsRecursors...)

	config = MergeConfig(config, &cmdConfig)

	if config.NodeName == "" {
		hostname, err := os.Hostname()
		if err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error determining node name: %s", err))
			return nil
		config.NodeName = hostname
	config.NodeName = strings.TrimSpace(config.NodeName)
	if config.NodeName == "" {
		c.Ui.Error("Node name can not be empty")
		return nil

	// Make sure LeaveOnTerm and SkipLeaveOnInt are set to the right
	// defaults based on the agent's mode (client or server).
	if config.LeaveOnTerm == nil {
		config.LeaveOnTerm = Bool(!config.Server)
	if config.SkipLeaveOnInt == nil {
		config.SkipLeaveOnInt = Bool(config.Server)

	// Ensure we have a data directory
	if config.DataDir == "" && !dev {
		c.Ui.Error("Must specify data directory using -data-dir")
		return nil

	// Ensure all endpoints are unique
	if err := config.verifyUniqueListeners(); err != nil {
		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("All listening endpoints must be unique: %s", err))
		return nil

	// Check the data dir for signs of an un-migrated Consul 0.5.x or older
	// server. Consul refuses to start if this is present to protect a server
	// with existing data from starting on a fresh data set.
	if config.Server {
		mdbPath := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, "mdb")
		if _, err := os.Stat(mdbPath); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			if os.IsPermission(err) {
				c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("CRITICAL: Permission denied for data folder at %q!", mdbPath))
				c.Ui.Error("Consul will refuse to boot without access to this directory.")
				c.Ui.Error("Please correct permissions and try starting again.")
				return nil
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("CRITICAL: Deprecated data folder found at %q!", mdbPath))
			c.Ui.Error("Consul will refuse to boot with this directory present.")
			c.Ui.Error("See https://www.consul.io/docs/upgrade-specific.html for more information.")
			return nil

	// Verify DNS settings
	if config.DNSConfig.UDPAnswerLimit < 1 {
		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("dns_config.udp_answer_limit %d too low, must always be greater than zero", config.DNSConfig.UDPAnswerLimit))

	if config.EncryptKey != "" {
		if _, err := config.EncryptBytes(); err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid encryption key: %s", err))
			return nil
		keyfileLAN := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, serfLANKeyring)
		if _, err := os.Stat(keyfileLAN); err == nil {
			c.Ui.Error("WARNING: LAN keyring exists but -encrypt given, using keyring")
		if config.Server {
			keyfileWAN := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, serfWANKeyring)
			if _, err := os.Stat(keyfileWAN); err == nil {
				c.Ui.Error("WARNING: WAN keyring exists but -encrypt given, using keyring")

	// Output a warning if the 'dc' flag has been used.
	if dcDeprecated != "" {
		c.Ui.Error("WARNING: the 'dc' flag has been deprecated. Use 'datacenter' instead")

		// Making sure that we don't break previous versions.
		config.Datacenter = dcDeprecated

	// Ensure the datacenter is always lowercased. The DNS endpoints automatically
	// lowercase all queries, and internally we expect DC1 and dc1 to be the same.
	config.Datacenter = strings.ToLower(config.Datacenter)

	// Verify datacenter is valid
	if !validDatacenter.MatchString(config.Datacenter) {
		c.Ui.Error("Datacenter must be alpha-numeric with underscores and hypens only")
		return nil

	// If 'acl_datacenter' is set, ensure it is lowercased.
	if config.ACLDatacenter != "" {
		config.ACLDatacenter = strings.ToLower(config.ACLDatacenter)

		// Verify 'acl_datacenter' is valid
		if !validDatacenter.MatchString(config.ACLDatacenter) {
			c.Ui.Error("ACL datacenter must be alpha-numeric with underscores and hypens only")
			return nil

	// Only allow bootstrap mode when acting as a server
	if config.Bootstrap && !config.Server {
		c.Ui.Error("Bootstrap mode cannot be enabled when server mode is not enabled")
		return nil

	// Expect can only work when acting as a server
	if config.BootstrapExpect != 0 && !config.Server {
		c.Ui.Error("Expect mode cannot be enabled when server mode is not enabled")
		return nil

	// Expect can only work when dev mode is off
	if config.BootstrapExpect > 0 && config.DevMode {
		c.Ui.Error("Expect mode cannot be enabled when dev mode is enabled")
		return nil

	// Expect & Bootstrap are mutually exclusive
	if config.BootstrapExpect != 0 && config.Bootstrap {
		c.Ui.Error("Bootstrap cannot be provided with an expected server count")
		return nil

	// Compile all the watches
	for _, params := range config.Watches {
		// Parse the watches, excluding the handler
		wp, err := watch.ParseExempt(params, []string{"handler"})
		if err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse watch (%#v): %v", params, err))
			return nil

		// Get the handler
		if err := verifyWatchHandler(wp.Exempt["handler"]); err != nil {
			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to setup watch handler (%#v): %v", params, err))
			return nil

		// Store the watch plan
		config.WatchPlans = append(config.WatchPlans, wp)

	// Warn if we are in expect mode
	if config.BootstrapExpect == 1 {
		c.Ui.Error("WARNING: BootstrapExpect Mode is specified as 1; this is the same as Bootstrap mode.")
		config.BootstrapExpect = 0
		config.Bootstrap = true
	} else if config.BootstrapExpect > 0 {
		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: Expect Mode enabled, expecting %d servers", config.BootstrapExpect))

	// Warn if we are in bootstrap mode
	if config.Bootstrap {
		c.Ui.Error("WARNING: Bootstrap mode enabled! Do not enable unless necessary")

	// Need both tag key and value for EC2 discovery
	if config.RetryJoinEC2.TagKey != "" || config.RetryJoinEC2.TagValue != "" {
		if config.RetryJoinEC2.TagKey == "" || config.RetryJoinEC2.TagValue == "" {
			c.Ui.Error("tag key and value are both required for EC2 retry-join")
			return nil

	// Set the version info
	config.Revision = c.Revision
	config.Version = c.Version
	config.VersionPrerelease = c.VersionPrerelease

	return config