func resourceComputeFirewallUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { config := meta.(*Config) d.Partial(true) firewall, err := resourceFirewall(d, meta) if err != nil { return err } op, err := config.clientCompute.Firewalls.Update( config.Project, d.Id(), firewall).Do() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error updating firewall: %s", err) } err = computeOperationWaitGlobal(config, op, "Updating Firewall") if err != nil { return err } d.Partial(false) return resourceComputeFirewallRead(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsAutoscalingGroupUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { autoscalingconn := meta.(*AWSClient).autoscalingconn opts := autoscaling.UpdateAutoScalingGroup{ Name: d.Id(), } if d.HasChange("desired_capacity") { opts.DesiredCapacity = d.Get("desired_capacity").(int) opts.SetDesiredCapacity = true } if d.HasChange("min_size") { opts.MinSize = d.Get("min_size").(int) opts.SetMinSize = true } if d.HasChange("max_size") { opts.MaxSize = d.Get("max_size").(int) opts.SetMaxSize = true } log.Printf("[DEBUG] AutoScaling Group update configuration: %#v", opts) _, err := autoscalingconn.UpdateAutoScalingGroup(&opts) if err != nil { d.Partial(true) return fmt.Errorf("Error updating Autoscaling group: %s", err) } return resourceAwsAutoscalingGroupRead(d, meta) }
func resourceMarathonAppCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { config := meta.(Config) client := config.Client application := mutateResourceToApplication(d) application, err := client.CreateApplication(application) if err != nil { log.Println("[ERROR] creating application", err) return err } d.Partial(true) d.SetId(application.ID) setSchemaFieldsForApp(application, d) for _, deploymentID := range application.DeploymentIDs() { err = client.WaitOnDeployment(deploymentID.DeploymentID, config.DefaultDeploymentTimeout) if err != nil { log.Println("[ERROR] waiting for application for deployment", deploymentID, err) return err } } d.Partial(false) return resourceMarathonAppRead(d, meta) }
func resourceBrightboxDatabaseServerUpdate( d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, ) error { client := meta.(*CompositeClient).ApiClient log.Printf("[DEBUG] Setting Partial") d.Partial(true) // Create/Update Database database_server_opts := getBlankDatabaseServerOpts() err := addUpdateableDatabaseServerOptions(d, database_server_opts) if err != nil { return err } if databaseDetailsChanged(d) { log.Printf("[INFO] Changing database details") err := removeDatabaseAccessRestrictions(client, d.Id()) if err != nil { return err } err = changeDatabase(d) if err != nil { return err } assign_string_set_always(d, &database_server_opts.AllowAccess, "allow_access") } else { log.Printf("[DEBUG] No change to database details detected") assign_string_set(d, &database_server_opts.AllowAccess, "allow_access") } return updateDatabaseServerAttributes(d, client, database_server_opts) }
func resourceAwsSubnetUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { ec2conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn d.Partial(true) if err := setTags(ec2conn, d); err != nil { return err } else { d.SetPartial("tags") } if d.HasChange("map_public_ip_on_launch") { modifyOpts := &ec2.ModifySubnetAttribute{ SubnetId: d.Id(), MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true, } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Subnet modify attributes: %#v", modifyOpts) _, err := ec2conn.ModifySubnetAttribute(modifyOpts) if err != nil { return err } else { d.SetPartial("map_public_ip_on_launch") } } d.Partial(false) return resourceAwsSubnetRead(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsRoute53ZoneUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).r53conn d.Partial(true) if d.HasChange("comment") { zoneInput := route53.UpdateHostedZoneCommentInput{ Id: aws.String(d.Id()), Comment: aws.String(d.Get("comment").(string)), } _, err := conn.UpdateHostedZoneComment(&zoneInput) if err != nil { return err } else { d.SetPartial("comment") } } if err := setTagsR53(conn, d, "hostedzone"); err != nil { return err } else { d.SetPartial("tags") } d.Partial(false) return resourceAwsRoute53ZoneRead(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { elbconn := meta.(*AWSClient).elbconn elbname := aws.String(d.Get("load_balancer").(string)) input := &elb.CreateLoadBalancerPolicyInput{ LoadBalancerName: elbname, PolicyAttributes: []*elb.PolicyAttribute{ &elb.PolicyAttribute{ AttributeName: aws.String("ProxyProtocol"), AttributeValue: aws.String("True"), }, }, PolicyName: aws.String("TFEnableProxyProtocol"), PolicyTypeName: aws.String("ProxyProtocolPolicyType"), } // Create a policy log.Printf("[DEBUG] ELB create a policy %s from policy type %s", *input.PolicyName, *input.PolicyTypeName) if _, err := elbconn.CreateLoadBalancerPolicy(input); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error creating a policy %s: %s", *input.PolicyName, err) } // Assign the policy name for use later d.Partial(true) d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", *elbname, *input.PolicyName)) d.SetPartial("load_balancer") log.Printf("[INFO] ELB PolicyName: %s", *input.PolicyName) return resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyUpdate(d, meta) }
func resourceComputeForwardingRuleUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { config := meta.(*Config) region := getOptionalRegion(d, config) d.Partial(true) if d.HasChange("target") { target_name := d.Get("target").(string) target_ref := &compute.TargetReference{Target: target_name} op, err := config.clientCompute.ForwardingRules.SetTarget( config.Project, region, d.Id(), target_ref).Do() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error updating target: %s", err) } err = computeOperationWaitRegion(config, op, region, "Updating Forwarding Rule") if err != nil { return err } d.SetPartial("target") } d.Partial(false) return resourceComputeForwardingRuleRead(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsDbParameterGroupCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { rdsconn := meta.(*AWSClient).rdsconn createOpts := rds.CreateDBParameterGroupInput{ DBParameterGroupName: aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)), DBParameterGroupFamily: aws.String(d.Get("family").(string)), Description: aws.String(d.Get("description").(string)), } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Create DB Parameter Group: %#v", createOpts) _, err := rdsconn.CreateDBParameterGroup(&createOpts) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error creating DB Parameter Group: %s", err) } d.Partial(true) d.SetPartial("name") d.SetPartial("family") d.SetPartial("description") d.Partial(false) d.SetId(*createOpts.DBParameterGroupName) log.Printf("[INFO] DB Parameter Group ID: %s", d.Id()) return resourceAwsDbParameterGroupUpdate(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsSpotFleetRequestUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { // conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn d.Partial(true) req := &ec2.ModifySpotFleetRequestInput{ SpotFleetRequestId: aws.String(d.Id()), } if val, ok := d.GetOk("target_capacity"); ok { req.TargetCapacity = aws.Int64(int64(val.(int))) } if val, ok := d.GetOk("excess_capacity_termination_policy"); ok { req.ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy = aws.String(val.(string)) } resp, err := conn.ModifySpotFleetRequest(req) if err == nil && aws.BoolValue(resp.Return) { // TODO: rollback to old values? } return nil }
func instanceProfileSetRoles(d *schema.ResourceData, iamconn *iam.IAM) error { oldInterface, newInterface := d.GetChange("roles") oldRoles := oldInterface.(*schema.Set) newRoles := newInterface.(*schema.Set) currentRoles := schema.CopySet(oldRoles) d.Partial(true) for _, role := range oldRoles.Difference(newRoles).List() { err := instanceProfileRemoveRole(iamconn, d.Id(), role.(string)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error removing role %s from IAM instance profile %s: %s", role, d.Id(), err) } currentRoles.Remove(role) d.Set("roles", currentRoles) d.SetPartial("roles") } for _, role := range newRoles.Difference(oldRoles).List() { err := instanceProfileAddRole(iamconn, d.Id(), role.(string)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error adding role %s to IAM instance profile %s: %s", role, d.Id(), err) } currentRoles.Add(role) d.Set("roles", currentRoles) d.SetPartial("roles") } d.Partial(false) return nil }
func resourceChronosJobCreate(rd *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { chronosConfig := meta.(Config) j := jobFromResource(rd) jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(j) if err != nil { return err } req, err := chronosConfig.CreateRequest("POST", chronosConfig.GetCreateUrl(), "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonBytes)) if err != nil { return err } resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) if err != nil { return err } if err = checkStatusCodeIsSuccessful(resp.StatusCode); err != nil { return err } rd.Partial(true) rd.SetId(j.Name) setSchemaFieldsForJob(j, rd) rd.Partial(false) return resourceChronosJobRead(rd, meta) }
func resourceVultrServerUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { client := meta.(*lib.Client) d.Partial(true) if d.HasChange("name") { oldName, newName := d.GetChange("name") err := client.RenameServer(d.Id(), newName.(string)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error renaming server (%s): %s", d.Id(), err) } _, err = WaitForServerAttribute(d, newName.(string), []string{"", oldName.(string)}, "name", meta) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error waiting for rename server (%s) to finish: %s", d.Id(), err) } d.SetPartial("name") } return resourceVultrServerRead(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsAmiUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { client := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn d.Partial(true) if err := setTags(client, d); err != nil { return err } else { d.SetPartial("tags") } if d.Get("description").(string) != "" { _, err := client.ModifyImageAttribute(&ec2.ModifyImageAttributeInput{ ImageId: aws.String(d.Id()), Description: &ec2.AttributeValue{ Value: aws.String(d.Get("description").(string)), }, }) if err != nil { return err } d.SetPartial("description") } d.Partial(false) return resourceAwsAmiRead(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsElbUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { elbconn := meta.(*AWSClient).elbconn d.Partial(true) // If we currently have instances, or did have instances, // we want to figure out what to add and remove from the load // balancer if d.HasChange("instances") { o, n := d.GetChange("instances") os := o.(*schema.Set) ns := n.(*schema.Set) remove := expandStringList(os.Difference(ns).List()) add := expandStringList(ns.Difference(os).List()) if len(add) > 0 { registerInstancesOpts := elb.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer{ LoadBalancerName: d.Id(), Instances: add, } _, err := elbconn.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer(®isterInstancesOpts) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failure registering instances: %s", err) } } if len(remove) > 0 { deRegisterInstancesOpts := elb.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer{ LoadBalancerName: d.Id(), Instances: remove, } _, err := elbconn.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer(&deRegisterInstancesOpts) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failure deregistering instances: %s", err) } } d.SetPartial("instances") } log.Println("[INFO] outside modify attributes") if d.HasChange("cross_zone_load_balancing") { log.Println("[INFO] inside modify attributes") attrs := elb.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes{ LoadBalancerName: d.Get("name").(string), LoadBalancerAttributes: elb.LoadBalancerAttributes{ CrossZoneLoadBalancingEnabled: d.Get("cross_zone_load_balancing").(bool), }, } _, err := elbconn.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes(&attrs) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failure configuring health check: %s", err) } d.SetPartial("cross_zone_load_balancing") } d.Partial(false) return resourceAwsElbRead(d, meta) }
func resourceBrightboxContainerCreate( d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, ) error { composite := meta.(*CompositeClient) client := composite.ApiClient log.Printf("[DEBUG] Setting Partial") d.Partial(true) log.Printf("[INFO] Creating API client") err := createApiClient(d, client) if err != nil { return err } d.SetPartial("orbit_url") container_url := createContainerUrl(createStorageUrl(d), d.Get("name").(string)) log.Printf("[INFO] Creating container at %s in Orbit", container_url) log.Printf("[DEBUG] Using Auth Token: %s", *composite.OrbitAuthToken) err = createContainer(container_url, composite.OrbitAuthToken) if err != nil { return err } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Clearing Partial") d.Partial(false) return nil }
func resourceAwsAmiCopyCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { client := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn req := &ec2.CopyImageInput{ Name: aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)), Description: aws.String(d.Get("description").(string)), SourceImageId: aws.String(d.Get("source_ami_id").(string)), SourceRegion: aws.String(d.Get("source_ami_region").(string)), } res, err := client.CopyImage(req) if err != nil { return err } id := *res.ImageId d.SetId(id) d.Partial(true) // make sure we record the id even if the rest of this gets interrupted d.Set("id", id) d.Set("manage_ebs_snapshots", true) d.SetPartial("id") d.SetPartial("manage_ebs_snapshots") d.Partial(false) _, err = resourceAwsAmiWaitForAvailable(id, client) if err != nil { return err } return resourceAwsAmiUpdate(d, meta) }
func UpdateRepository(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { client := meta.(*Client) d.Partial(true) if d.HasChange("name") { // Renaming has its own special operation. err := RenameRepository(d, meta) if err != nil { return err } d.SetPartial("name") } req := &RepositoryWrap{ Repository: Repository{ Title: d.Get("title").(string), ColorLabel: d.Get("color_label").(string), DefaultGitBranch: d.Get("default_git_branch").(string), }, } err := client.Put([]string{"repositories", d.Id()}, req, nil) if err != nil { return err } d.Partial(false) return ReadRepository(d, meta) }
func resourceCloudcaTierUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { ccaClient := meta.(*cca.CcaClient) resources, _ := ccaClient.GetResources(d.Get("service_code").(string), d.Get("environment_name").(string)) ccaResources := resources.(cloudca.Resources) d.Partial(true) if d.HasChange("name") || d.HasChange("description") { newName := d.Get("name").(string) newDescription := d.Get("description").(string) _, err := ccaResources.Tiers.Update(d.Id(), cloudca.Tier{Id: d.Id(), Name: newName, Description: newDescription}) if err != nil { return err } } if d.HasChange("network_acl_id") { _, aclErr := ccaResources.Tiers.ChangeAcl(d.Id(), d.Get("network_acl_id").(string)) if aclErr != nil { return aclErr } } d.Partial(false) return nil }
func resourceComputeTargetHttpProxyUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { config := meta.(*Config) d.Partial(true) if d.HasChange("url_map") { url_map := d.Get("url_map").(string) url_map_ref := &compute.UrlMapReference{UrlMap: url_map} op, err := config.clientCompute.TargetHttpProxies.SetUrlMap( config.Project, d.Id(), url_map_ref).Do() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error updating target: %s", err) } err = computeOperationWaitGlobal(config, op, "Updating Target Http Proxy") if err != nil { return err } d.SetPartial("url_map") } d.Partial(false) return resourceComputeTargetHttpProxyRead(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsSubnetUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn d.Partial(true) if err := setTags(conn, d); err != nil { return err } else { d.SetPartial("tags") } if d.HasChange("map_public_ip_on_launch") { modifyOpts := &ec2.ModifySubnetAttributeInput{ SubnetId: aws.String(d.Id()), MapPublicIpOnLaunch: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Bool(d.Get("map_public_ip_on_launch").(bool)), }, } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Subnet modify attributes: %#v", modifyOpts) _, err := conn.ModifySubnetAttribute(modifyOpts) if err != nil { return err } else { d.SetPartial("map_public_ip_on_launch") } } d.Partial(false) return resourceAwsSubnetRead(d, meta) }
func resourceCloudcaVolumeUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { ccaClient := meta.(*cca.CcaClient) resources, _ := ccaClient.GetResources(d.Get("service_code").(string), d.Get("environment_name").(string)) ccaResources := resources.(cloudca.Resources) d.Partial(true) if d.HasChange("instance_id") { oldInstanceId, newInstanceId := d.GetChange("instance_id") volume := &cloudca.Volume{ Id: d.Id(), } if oldInstanceId != "" { err := ccaResources.Volumes.DetachFromInstance(volume) if err != nil { return err } } if newInstanceId != "" { err := ccaResources.Volumes.AttachToInstance(volume, newInstanceId.(string)) if err != nil { return err } } d.SetPartial("instance_id") } d.Partial(false) return resourceCloudcaVolumeRead(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsInstanceUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn d.Partial(true) if err := setTags(conn, d); err != nil { return err } else { d.SetPartial("tags") } // SourceDestCheck can only be set on VPC instances if d.Get("subnet_id").(string) != "" { log.Printf("[INFO] Modifying instance %s", d.Id()) _, err := conn.ModifyInstanceAttribute(&ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput{ InstanceID: aws.String(d.Id()), SourceDestCheck: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Boolean(d.Get("source_dest_check").(bool)), }, }) if err != nil { return err } } if d.HasChange("vpc_security_group_ids") { var groups []*string if v := d.Get("vpc_security_group_ids").(*schema.Set); v.Len() > 0 { for _, v := range v.List() { groups = append(groups, aws.String(v.(string))) } } _, err := conn.ModifyInstanceAttribute(&ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput{ InstanceID: aws.String(d.Id()), Groups: groups, }) if err != nil { return err } } if d.HasChange("disable_api_termination") { _, err := conn.ModifyInstanceAttribute(&ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput{ InstanceID: aws.String(d.Id()), DisableAPITermination: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{ Value: aws.Boolean(d.Get("disable_api_termination").(bool)), }, }) if err != nil { return err } } // TODO(mitchellh): wait for the attributes we modified to // persist the change... d.Partial(false) return resourceAwsInstanceRead(d, meta) }
func resourceCloudStackDiskCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { cs := meta.(*cloudstack.CloudStackClient) d.Partial(true) name := d.Get("name").(string) // Create a new parameter struct p := cs.Volume.NewCreateVolumeParams(name) // Retrieve the disk_offering UUID diskofferingid, e := retrieveUUID(cs, "disk_offering", d.Get("disk_offering").(string)) if e != nil { return e.Error() } // Set the disk_offering UUID p.SetDiskofferingid(diskofferingid) if d.Get("size").(int) != 0 { // Set the volume size p.SetSize(int64(d.Get("size").(int))) } // Retrieve the zone UUID zoneid, e := retrieveUUID(cs, "zone", d.Get("zone").(string)) if e != nil { return e.Error() } // Set the zone ID p.SetZoneid(zoneid) // Create the new volume r, err := cs.Volume.CreateVolume(p) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error creating the new disk %s: %s", name, err) } // Set the volume UUID and partials d.SetId(r.Id) d.SetPartial("name") d.SetPartial("device") d.SetPartial("disk_offering") d.SetPartial("size") d.SetPartial("virtual_machine") d.SetPartial("zone") if d.Get("attach").(bool) { err := resourceCloudStackDiskAttach(d, meta) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error attaching the new disk %s to virtual machine: %s", name, err) } // Set the additional partial d.SetPartial("attach") } d.Partial(false) return resourceCloudStackDiskRead(d, meta) }
func resourceLinodeLinodeUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { client := meta.(*linodego.Client) d.Partial(true) id, err := strconv.ParseInt(d.Id(), 10, 64) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse linode id %s as an int because %s", d.Id(), err) } linodes, err := client.Linode.List(int(id)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to fetch data about the current linode because %s", err) } linode := linodes.Linodes[0] if d.HasChange("name") || d.HasChange("group") { if err = changeLinodeSettings(client, linode, d); err != nil { return err } } configResp, err := client.Config.List(int(id), -1) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to fetch the config for linode %d because %s", id, err) } if len(configResp.LinodeConfigs) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("Linode %d has an incorrect number of configs %d, this plugin can only handle 1", id, len(configResp.LinodeConfigs)) } config := configResp.LinodeConfigs[0] if err = changeLinodeConfig(client, config, d); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to update Linode %d config because %s", id, config) } if d.HasChange("private_networking") { if !d.Get("private_networking").(bool) { return fmt.Errorf("Can't deactivate private networking for linode %s", d.Id()) } else { _, err = client.Ip.AddPrivate(int(id)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to activate private networking on linode %s because %s", d.Id(), err) } if d.Get("manage_private_ip_automatically").(bool) { _, err = client.Linode.Reboot(int(id), 0) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to reboot linode %s because %s", d.Id(), err) } err = waitForJobsToComplete(client, int(id)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed while waiting for linode %s to finish rebooting because %s", d.Id(), err) } } } } return resourceLinodeLinodeRead(d, meta) }
func resourceCloudcaInstanceUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { ccaClient := meta.(*cca.CcaClient) resources, _ := ccaClient.GetResources(d.Get("service_code").(string), d.Get("environment_name").(string)) ccaResources := resources.(cloudca.Resources) d.Partial(true) if d.HasChange("compute_offering") || d.HasChange("cpu_count") || d.HasChange("memory_in_mb") { newComputeOffering := d.Get("compute_offering").(string) log.Printf("[DEBUG] Compute offering has changed for %s, changing compute offering...", newComputeOffering) newComputeOfferingId, ferr := retrieveComputeOfferingID(&ccaResources, newComputeOffering) if ferr != nil { return ferr } instanceToUpdate := cloudca.Instance{Id: d.Id(), ComputeOfferingId: newComputeOfferingId, } hasCustomFields := false if cpuCount, ok := d.GetOk("cpu_count"); ok { instanceToUpdate.CpuCount = cpuCount.(int) hasCustomFields = true } if memoryInMB, ok := d.GetOk("memory_in_mb"); ok { instanceToUpdate.MemoryInMB = memoryInMB.(int) hasCustomFields = true } computeOffering, cerr := ccaResources.ComputeOfferings.Get(newComputeOfferingId) if cerr != nil { return cerr } else if !computeOffering.Custom && hasCustomFields { return fmt.Errorf("Cannot have a CPU count or memory in MB because \"%s\" isn't a custom compute offering", computeOffering.Name) } _, err := ccaResources.Instances.ChangeComputeOffering(instanceToUpdate) if err != nil { return err } d.SetPartial("compute_offering") } if d.HasChange("ssh_key_name") { sshKeyName := d.Get("ssh_key_name").(string) log.Printf("[DEBUG] SSH key name has changed for %s, associating new SSH key...", sshKeyName) _, err := ccaResources.Instances.AssociateSSHKey(d.Id(), sshKeyName) if err != nil { return err } d.SetPartial("ssh_key_name") } d.Partial(false) return nil }
func resourceMAASInstanceUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { log.Printf("[DEBUG] [resourceMAASInstanceUpdate] Modifying instance %s\n", d.Id()) d.Partial(true) d.Partial(false) log.Printf("[DEBUG] Done Modifying instance %s", d.Id()) return resourceMAASInstanceRead(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { elbconn := meta.(*AWSClient).elbconn elbname := aws.String(d.Get("load_balancer").(string)) // Retrieve the current ELB policies for updating the state req := &elb.DescribeLoadBalancersInput{ LoadBalancerNames: []*string{elbname}, } resp, err := elbconn.DescribeLoadBalancers(req) if err != nil { if isLoadBalancerNotFound(err) { // The ELB is gone now, so just remove it from the state d.SetId("") return nil } return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving ELB attributes: %s", err) } backends := flattenBackendPolicies(resp.LoadBalancerDescriptions[0].BackendServerDescriptions) _, policyName := resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyParseId(d.Id()) d.Partial(true) if d.HasChange("instance_ports") { o, n := d.GetChange("instance_ports") os := o.(*schema.Set) ns := n.(*schema.Set) remove := os.Difference(ns).List() add := ns.Difference(os).List() inputs := []*elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServerInput{} i, err := resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyRemove(policyName, remove, backends) if err != nil { return err } inputs = append(inputs, i...) i, err = resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyAdd(policyName, add, backends) if err != nil { return err } inputs = append(inputs, i...) for _, input := range inputs { input.LoadBalancerName = elbname if _, err := elbconn.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer(input); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error setting policy for backend: %s", err) } } d.SetPartial("instance_ports") } return resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyRead(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsElbCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { elbconn := meta.(*AWSClient).elbconn // Expand the "listener" set to aws-sdk-go compat []*elb.Listener listeners, err := expandListeners(d.Get("listener").(*schema.Set).List()) if err != nil { return err } tags := tagsFromMapELB(d.Get("tags").(map[string]interface{})) // Provision the elb elbOpts := &elb.CreateLoadBalancerInput{ LoadBalancerName: aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)), Listeners: listeners, Tags: tags, } if scheme, ok := d.GetOk("internal"); ok && scheme.(bool) { elbOpts.Scheme = aws.String("internal") } if v, ok := d.GetOk("availability_zones"); ok { elbOpts.AvailabilityZones = expandStringList(v.(*schema.Set).List()) } if v, ok := d.GetOk("security_groups"); ok { elbOpts.SecurityGroups = expandStringList(v.(*schema.Set).List()) } if v, ok := d.GetOk("subnets"); ok { elbOpts.Subnets = expandStringList(v.(*schema.Set).List()) } log.Printf("[DEBUG] ELB create configuration: %#v", elbOpts) if _, err := elbconn.CreateLoadBalancer(elbOpts); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error creating ELB: %s", err) } // Assign the elb's unique identifier for use later d.SetId(d.Get("name").(string)) log.Printf("[INFO] ELB ID: %s", d.Id()) // Enable partial mode and record what we set d.Partial(true) d.SetPartial("name") d.SetPartial("internal") d.SetPartial("availability_zones") d.SetPartial("listener") d.SetPartial("security_groups") d.SetPartial("subnets") d.Set("tags", tagsToMapELB(tags)) return resourceAwsElbUpdate(d, meta) }
func resourceAwsNetworkInterfaceUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { ec2conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn d.Partial(true) if d.HasChange("attachment") { ec2conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn oa, na := d.GetChange("attachment") detach_err := resourceAwsNetworkInterfaceDetach(oa.(*schema.Set), meta, d.Id()) if detach_err != nil { return detach_err } // if there is a new attachment, attach it if na != nil && len(na.(*schema.Set).List()) > 0 { new_attachment := na.(*schema.Set).List()[0].(map[string]interface{}) attach_request := &ec2.AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest{ DeviceIndex: aws.Integer(new_attachment["device_index"].(int)), InstanceID: aws.String(new_attachment["instance"].(string)), NetworkInterfaceID: aws.String(d.Id()), } _, attach_err := ec2conn.AttachNetworkInterface(attach_request) if attach_err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error attaching ENI: %s", attach_err) } } d.SetPartial("attachment") } if d.HasChange("security_groups") { request := &ec2.ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest{ NetworkInterfaceID: aws.String(d.Id()), Groups: expandStringList(d.Get("security_groups").(*schema.Set).List()), } err := ec2conn.ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute(request) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failure updating ENI: %s", err) } d.SetPartial("security_groups") } if err := setTags(ec2conn, d); err != nil { return err } else { d.SetPartial("tags") } d.Partial(false) return resourceAwsNetworkInterfaceRead(d, meta) }