예제 #1
func mockPolicyStoreNoCache(t *testing.T) *PolicyStore {
	sysView := logical.TestSystemView()
	sysView.CachingDisabledVal = true
	_, barrier, _ := mockBarrier(t)
	view := NewBarrierView(barrier, "foo/")
	p := NewPolicyStore(view, sysView)
	return p
예제 #2
func TestPolicyFuzzing(t *testing.T) {
	var be *backend
	sysView := logical.TestSystemView()

	be = Backend(&logical.BackendConfig{
		System: sysView,
	testPolicyFuzzingCommon(t, be)

	sysView.CachingDisabledVal = true
	be = Backend(&logical.BackendConfig{
		System: sysView,
	testPolicyFuzzingCommon(t, be)
예제 #3
func TestPolicyFuzzing(t *testing.T) {
	// Don't run if not during acceptance tests
	if os.Getenv(logicaltest.TestEnvVar) == "" {
		t.Skip(fmt.Sprintf("Acceptance tests skipped unless env '%s' set", logicaltest.TestEnvVar))

	var be *backend
	sysView := logical.TestSystemView()

	be = Backend(&logical.BackendConfig{
		System: sysView,
	testPolicyFuzzingCommon(t, be)

	sysView.CachingDisabledVal = true
	be = Backend(&logical.BackendConfig{
		System: sysView,
	testPolicyFuzzingCommon(t, be)
예제 #4
func TestConvergentEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	var b *backend
	sysView := logical.TestSystemView()
	storage := &logical.InmemStorage{}

	b = Backend(&logical.BackendConfig{
		StorageView: storage,
		System:      sysView,

	req := &logical.Request{
		Storage:   storage,
		Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
		Path:      "keys/testkeynonderived",
		Data: map[string]interface{}{
			"derived":               false,
			"convergent_encryption": true,

	resp, err := b.HandleRequest(req)
	if err != nil {
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if !resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("bad: expected error response, got %#v", *resp)

	req.Path = "keys/testkey"
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"derived":               true,
		"convergent_encryption": true,

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if err != nil {
	if resp != nil {
		t.Fatalf("bad: got resp %#v", *resp)

	// First, test using an invalid length of nonce
	req.Path = "encrypt/testkey"
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==", // "zip zap"
		"nonce":     "Zm9vIGJhcg==", // "foo bar"
		"context":   "pWZ6t/im3AORd0lVYE0zBdKpX6Bl3/SvFtoVTPWbdkzjG788XmMAnOlxandSdd7S",
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if !resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("expected error response, got %#v", *resp)

	// Ensure we fail if we do not provide a nonce
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==", // "zip zap"
		"context":   "pWZ6t/im3AORd0lVYE0zBdKpX6Bl3/SvFtoVTPWbdkzjG788XmMAnOlxandSdd7S",
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if err == nil && (resp == nil || !resp.IsError()) {
		t.Fatal("expected error response")

	// Now test encrypting the same value twice
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==",     // "zip zap"
		"nonce":     "b25ldHdvdGhyZWVl", // "onetwothreee"
		"context":   "pWZ6t/im3AORd0lVYE0zBdKpX6Bl3/SvFtoVTPWbdkzjG788XmMAnOlxandSdd7S",
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext1 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext2 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	if ciphertext1 != ciphertext2 {
		t.Fatalf("expected the same ciphertext but got %s and %s", ciphertext1, ciphertext2)

	// For sanity, also check a different nonce value...
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==",     // "zip zap"
		"nonce":     "dHdvdGhyZWVmb3Vy", // "twothreefour"
		"context":   "pWZ6t/im3AORd0lVYE0zBdKpX6Bl3/SvFtoVTPWbdkzjG788XmMAnOlxandSdd7S",
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext3 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext4 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	if ciphertext3 != ciphertext4 {
		t.Fatalf("expected the same ciphertext but got %s and %s", ciphertext3, ciphertext4)
	if ciphertext1 == ciphertext3 {
		t.Fatalf("expected different ciphertexts")

	// ...and a different context value
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==",     // "zip zap"
		"nonce":     "dHdvdGhyZWVmb3Vy", // "twothreefour"
		"context":   "qV4h9iQyvn+raODOer4JNAsOhkXBwdT4HZ677Ql4KLqXSU+Jk4C/fXBWbv6xkSYT",
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext5 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext6 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	if ciphertext5 != ciphertext6 {
		t.Fatalf("expected the same ciphertext but got %s and %s", ciphertext5, ciphertext6)
	if ciphertext1 == ciphertext5 {
		t.Fatalf("expected different ciphertexts")
	if ciphertext3 == ciphertext5 {
		t.Fatalf("expected different ciphertexts")
예제 #5
func TestConvergentEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	var b *backend
	sysView := logical.TestSystemView()
	storage := &logical.InmemStorage{}

	b = Backend(&logical.BackendConfig{
		StorageView: storage,
		System:      sysView,

	req := &logical.Request{
		Storage:   storage,
		Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
		Path:      "keys/testkeynonderived",
		Data: map[string]interface{}{
			"derived":               false,
			"convergent_encryption": true,

	resp, err := b.HandleRequest(req)
	if err != nil {
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if !resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("bad: expected error response, got %#v", *resp)

	req.Path = "keys/testkey"
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"derived":               true,
		"convergent_encryption": true,

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if err != nil {
	if resp != nil {
		t.Fatalf("bad: got resp %#v", *resp)

	// First, test using an invalid length of nonce
	req.Path = "encrypt/testkey"
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==", // "zip zap"
		"context":   "Zm9vIGJhcg==", // "foo bar"
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if !resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("expected error response, got %#v", *resp)

	// Now test encrypting the same value twice
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==",     // "zip zap"
		"context":   "b25ldHdvdGhyZWVl", // "onetwothreee"
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext1 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext2 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	if ciphertext1 != ciphertext2 {
		t.Fatalf("expected the same ciphertext but got %s and %s", ciphertext1, ciphertext2)

	// For sanity, also check a different value
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==",     // "zip zap"
		"context":   "dHdvdGhyZWVmb3Vy", // "twothreefour"
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext3 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext4 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	if ciphertext3 != ciphertext4 {
		t.Fatalf("expected the same ciphertext but got %s and %s", ciphertext1, ciphertext2)
	if ciphertext1 == ciphertext3 {
		t.Fatalf("expected different ciphertexts")

예제 #6
func mockPolicyStore(t *testing.T) *PolicyStore {
	_, barrier, _ := mockBarrier(t)
	view := NewBarrierView(barrier, "foo/")
	p := NewPolicyStore(view, logical.TestSystemView())
	return p
예제 #7
func TestTransit_SignVerify(t *testing.T) {
	var b *backend
	sysView := logical.TestSystemView()
	storage := &logical.InmemStorage{}

	b = Backend(&logical.BackendConfig{
		StorageView: storage,
		System:      sysView,

	// First create a key
	req := &logical.Request{
		Storage:   storage,
		Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
		Path:      "keys/foo",
		Data: map[string]interface{}{
			"type": "ecdsa-p256",
	_, err := b.HandleRequest(req)
	if err != nil {

	// Now, change the key value to something we control
	p, lock, err := b.lm.GetPolicyShared(storage, "foo")
	if err != nil {
	// We don't care as we're the only one using this

	// Useful code to output a key for openssl verification
			key := p.Keys[p.LatestVersion]
			keyBytes, _ := x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(&ecdsa.PrivateKey{
				PublicKey: ecdsa.PublicKey{
					Curve: elliptic.P256(),
					X:     key.X,
					Y:     key.Y,
				D: key.D,
			pemBlock := &pem.Block{
				Type:  "EC PRIVATE KEY",
				Bytes: keyBytes,
			pemBytes := pem.EncodeToMemory(pemBlock)
			t.Fatalf("X: %s, Y: %s, D: %s, marshaled: %s", key.X.Text(16), key.Y.Text(16), key.D.Text(16), string(pemBytes))

	keyEntry := p.Keys[p.LatestVersion]
	_, ok := keyEntry.EC_X.SetString("7336010a6da5935113d26d9ea4bb61b3b8d102c9a8083ed432f9b58fd7e80686", 16)
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal("could not set X")
	_, ok = keyEntry.EC_Y.SetString("4040aa31864691a8a9e7e3ec9250e85425b797ad7be34ba8df62bfbad45ebb0e", 16)
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal("could not set Y")
	_, ok = keyEntry.EC_D.SetString("99e5569be8683a2691dfc560ca9dfa71e887867a3af60635a08a3e3655aba3ef", 16)
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal("could not set D")
	p.Keys[p.LatestVersion] = keyEntry
	if err = p.Persist(storage); err != nil {
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"input": "dGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveA==",

	signRequest := func(req *logical.Request, errExpected bool, postpath string) string {
		req.Path = "sign/foo" + postpath
		resp, err := b.HandleRequest(req)
		if err != nil && !errExpected {
		if resp == nil {
			t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
		if errExpected {
			if !resp.IsError() {
				t.Fatalf("bad: got error response: %#v", *resp)
			return ""
		if resp.IsError() {
			t.Fatalf("bad: got error response: %#v", *resp)
		value, ok := resp.Data["signature"]
		if !ok {
			t.Fatalf("no signature key found in returned data, got resp data %#v", resp.Data)
		return value.(string)

	verifyRequest := func(req *logical.Request, errExpected bool, postpath, sig string) {
		req.Path = "verify/foo" + postpath
		req.Data["signature"] = sig
		resp, err := b.HandleRequest(req)
		if err != nil && !errExpected {
			t.Fatalf("got error: %v, sig was %v", err, sig)
		if errExpected {
			if resp != nil && !resp.IsError() {
				t.Fatalf("bad: got error response: %#v", *resp)
		if resp == nil {
			t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
		if resp.IsError() {
			t.Fatalf("bad: got error response: %#v", *resp)
		value, ok := resp.Data["valid"]
		if !ok {
			t.Fatalf("no valid key found in returned data, got resp data %#v", resp.Data)
		if !value.(bool) && !errExpected {
			t.Fatalf("verification failed; req was %#v, resp is %#v", *req, *resp)

	// Comparisons are against values generated via openssl

	// Test defaults -- sha2-256
	sig := signRequest(req, false, "")
	verifyRequest(req, false, "", sig)

	// Test a bad signature
	verifyRequest(req, true, "", sig[0:len(sig)-2])

	// Test a signature generated with the same key by openssl
	sig = `vault:v1:MEUCIAgnEl9V8P305EBAlz68Nq4jZng5fE8k6MactcnlUw9dAiEAvJVePg3dazW6MaW7lRAVtEz82QJDVmR98tXCl8Pc7DA=`
	verifyRequest(req, false, "", sig)

	// Test algorithm selection in the path
	sig = signRequest(req, false, "/sha2-224")
	verifyRequest(req, false, "/sha2-224", sig)

	// Reset and test algorithm selection in the data
	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-224"
	sig = signRequest(req, false, "")
	verifyRequest(req, false, "", sig)

	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-384"
	sig = signRequest(req, false, "")
	verifyRequest(req, false, "", sig)

	// Test 512 and save sig for later to ensure we can't validate once min
	// decryption version is set
	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-512"
	sig = signRequest(req, false, "")
	verifyRequest(req, false, "", sig)

	v1sig := sig

	// Test bad algorithm
	req.Data["algorithm"] = "foobar"
	signRequest(req, true, "")

	// Test bad input
	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-256"
	req.Data["input"] = "foobar"
	signRequest(req, true, "")

	// Rotate and set min decryption version
	err = p.Rotate(storage)
	if err != nil {
	err = p.Rotate(storage)
	if err != nil {

	p.MinDecryptionVersion = 2
	if err = p.Persist(storage); err != nil {

	req.Data["input"] = "dGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveA=="
	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-256"
	// Make sure signing still works fine
	sig = signRequest(req, false, "")
	verifyRequest(req, false, "", sig)
	// Now try the v1
	verifyRequest(req, true, "", v1sig)
예제 #8
func testConvergentEncryptionCommon(t *testing.T, ver int) {
	var b *backend
	sysView := logical.TestSystemView()
	storage := &logical.InmemStorage{}

	b = Backend(&logical.BackendConfig{
		StorageView: storage,
		System:      sysView,

	req := &logical.Request{
		Storage:   storage,
		Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
		Path:      "keys/testkeynonderived",
		Data: map[string]interface{}{
			"derived":               false,
			"convergent_encryption": true,

	resp, err := b.HandleRequest(req)
	if err != nil {
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if !resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("bad: expected error response, got %#v", *resp)

	p := &policy{
		Name:                 "testkey",
		Type:                 keyType_AES256_GCM96,
		Derived:              true,
		ConvergentEncryption: true,
		ConvergentVersion:    ver,

	err = p.rotate(storage)
	if err != nil {

	// First, test using an invalid length of nonce -- this is only used for v1 convergent
	req.Path = "encrypt/testkey"
	if ver < 2 {
		req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
			"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==", // "zip zap"
			"nonce":     "Zm9vIGJhcg==", // "foo bar"
			"context":   "pWZ6t/im3AORd0lVYE0zBdKpX6Bl3/SvFtoVTPWbdkzjG788XmMAnOlxandSdd7S",
		resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
		if resp == nil {
			t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
		if !resp.IsError() {
			t.Fatalf("expected error response, got %#v", *resp)

		// Ensure we fail if we do not provide a nonce
		req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
			"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==", // "zip zap"
			"context":   "pWZ6t/im3AORd0lVYE0zBdKpX6Bl3/SvFtoVTPWbdkzjG788XmMAnOlxandSdd7S",
		resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
		if err == nil && (resp == nil || !resp.IsError()) {
			t.Fatal("expected error response")

	// Now test encrypting the same value twice
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==",     // "zip zap"
		"nonce":     "b25ldHdvdGhyZWVl", // "onetwothreee"
		"context":   "pWZ6t/im3AORd0lVYE0zBdKpX6Bl3/SvFtoVTPWbdkzjG788XmMAnOlxandSdd7S",
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext1 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext2 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	if ciphertext1 != ciphertext2 {
		t.Fatalf("expected the same ciphertext but got %s and %s", ciphertext1, ciphertext2)

	// For sanity, also check a different nonce value...
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==",     // "zip zap"
		"nonce":     "dHdvdGhyZWVmb3Vy", // "twothreefour"
		"context":   "pWZ6t/im3AORd0lVYE0zBdKpX6Bl3/SvFtoVTPWbdkzjG788XmMAnOlxandSdd7S",
	if ver < 2 {
		req.Data["nonce"] = "dHdvdGhyZWVmb3Vy" // "twothreefour"
	} else {
		req.Data["context"] = "pWZ6t/im3AORd0lVYE0zBdKpX6Bl3/SvFtoVTPWbdkzjG788XmMAnOldandSdd7S"

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext3 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext4 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	if ciphertext3 != ciphertext4 {
		t.Fatalf("expected the same ciphertext but got %s and %s", ciphertext3, ciphertext4)
	if ciphertext1 == ciphertext3 {
		t.Fatalf("expected different ciphertexts")

	// ...and a different context value
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "emlwIHphcA==",     // "zip zap"
		"nonce":     "dHdvdGhyZWVmb3Vy", // "twothreefour"
		"context":   "qV4h9iQyvn+raODOer4JNAsOhkXBwdT4HZ677Ql4KLqXSU+Jk4C/fXBWbv6xkSYT",
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext5 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext6 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	if ciphertext5 != ciphertext6 {
		t.Fatalf("expected the same ciphertext but got %s and %s", ciphertext5, ciphertext6)
	if ciphertext1 == ciphertext5 {
		t.Fatalf("expected different ciphertexts")
	if ciphertext3 == ciphertext5 {
		t.Fatalf("expected different ciphertexts")

	// Finally, check operations on empty values
	// First, check without setting a plaintext at all
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"nonce":   "b25ldHdvdGhyZWVl", // "onetwothreee"
		"context": "pWZ6t/im3AORd0lVYE0zBdKpX6Bl3/SvFtoVTPWbdkzjG788XmMAnOlxandSdd7S",
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if !resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("expected error response, got: %#v", *resp)

	// Now set plaintext to empty
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"plaintext": "",
		"nonce":     "b25ldHdvdGhyZWVl", // "onetwothreee"
		"context":   "pWZ6t/im3AORd0lVYE0zBdKpX6Bl3/SvFtoVTPWbdkzjG788XmMAnOlxandSdd7S",
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext7 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.IsError() {
		t.Fatalf("got error response: %#v", *resp)
	ciphertext8 := resp.Data["ciphertext"].(string)

	if ciphertext7 != ciphertext8 {
		t.Fatalf("expected the same ciphertext but got %s and %s", ciphertext7, ciphertext8)
예제 #9
func TestTransit_Hash(t *testing.T) {
	var b *backend
	sysView := logical.TestSystemView()
	storage := &logical.InmemStorage{}

	b = Backend(&logical.BackendConfig{
		StorageView: storage,
		System:      sysView,

	req := &logical.Request{
		Storage:   storage,
		Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
		Path:      "hash",
		Data: map[string]interface{}{
			"input": "dGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveA==",

	doRequest := func(req *logical.Request, errExpected bool, expected string) {
		resp, err := b.HandleRequest(req)
		if err != nil && !errExpected {
		if resp == nil {
			t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
		if errExpected {
			if !resp.IsError() {
				t.Fatalf("bad: got error response: %#v", *resp)
		if resp.IsError() {
			t.Fatalf("bad: got error response: %#v", *resp)
		sum, ok := resp.Data["sum"]
		if !ok {
			t.Fatal("no sum key found in returned data")
		if sum.(string) != expected {
			t.Fatal("mismatched hashes")

	// Test defaults -- sha2-256
	doRequest(req, false, "9ecb36561341d18eb65484e833efea61edc74b84cf5e6ae1b81c63533e25fc8f")

	// Test algorithm selection in the path
	req.Path = "hash/sha2-224"
	doRequest(req, false, "ea074a96cabc5a61f8298a2c470f019074642631a49e1c5e2f560865")

	// Reset and test algorithm selection in the data
	req.Path = "hash"
	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-224"
	doRequest(req, false, "ea074a96cabc5a61f8298a2c470f019074642631a49e1c5e2f560865")

	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-384"
	doRequest(req, false, "15af9ec8be783f25c583626e9491dbf129dd6dd620466fdf05b3a1d0bb8381d30f4d3ec29f923ff1e09a0f6b337365a6")

	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-512"
	doRequest(req, false, "d9d380f29b97ad6a1d92e987d83fa5a02653301e1006dd2bcd51afa59a9147e9caedaf89521abc0f0b682adcd47fb512b8343c834a32f326fe9bef00542ce887")

	// Test returning as base64
	req.Data["format"] = "base64"
	doRequest(req, false, "2dOA8puXrWodkumH2D+loCZTMB4QBt0rzVGvpZqRR+nK7a+JUhq8DwtoKtzUf7USuDQ8g0oy8yb+m+8AVCzohw==")

	// Test bad input/format/algorithm
	req.Data["format"] = "base92"
	doRequest(req, true, "")

	req.Data["format"] = "hex"
	req.Data["algorithm"] = "foobar"
	doRequest(req, true, "")

	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-256"
	req.Data["input"] = "foobar"
	doRequest(req, true, "")
예제 #10
func TestTransit_Random(t *testing.T) {
	var b *backend
	sysView := logical.TestSystemView()
	storage := &logical.InmemStorage{}

	b = Backend(&logical.BackendConfig{
		StorageView: storage,
		System:      sysView,

	req := &logical.Request{
		Storage:   storage,
		Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
		Path:      "random",
		Data:      map[string]interface{}{},

	doRequest := func(req *logical.Request, errExpected bool, format string, numBytes int) {
		getResponse := func() []byte {
			resp, err := b.HandleRequest(req)
			if err != nil && !errExpected {
			if resp == nil {
				t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
			if errExpected {
				if !resp.IsError() {
					t.Fatalf("bad: got error response: %#v", *resp)
				return nil
			if resp.IsError() {
				t.Fatalf("bad: got error response: %#v", *resp)
			if _, ok := resp.Data["random_bytes"]; !ok {
				t.Fatal("no random_bytes found in response")

			outputStr := resp.Data["random_bytes"].(string)
			var outputBytes []byte
			switch format {
			case "base64":
				outputBytes, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(outputStr)
			case "hex":
				outputBytes, err = hex.DecodeString(outputStr)
				t.Fatal("unknown format")
			if err != nil {

			return outputBytes

		rand1 := getResponse()
		// Expected error
		if rand1 == nil {
		rand2 := getResponse()
		if len(rand1) != numBytes || len(rand2) != numBytes {
			t.Fatal("length of output random bytes not what is exepcted")
		if reflect.DeepEqual(rand1, rand2) {
			t.Fatal("found identical ouputs")

	// Test defaults
	doRequest(req, false, "base64", 32)

	// Test size selection in the path
	req.Path = "random/24"
	req.Data["format"] = "hex"
	doRequest(req, false, "hex", 24)

	// Test bad input/format
	req.Path = "random"
	req.Data["format"] = "base92"
	doRequest(req, true, "", 0)

	req.Data["format"] = "hex"
	req.Data["bytes"] = -1
	doRequest(req, true, "", 0)
예제 #11
func TestTransit_HMAC(t *testing.T) {
	var b *backend
	sysView := logical.TestSystemView()
	storage := &logical.InmemStorage{}

	b = Backend(&logical.BackendConfig{
		StorageView: storage,
		System:      sysView,

	// First create a key
	req := &logical.Request{
		Storage:   storage,
		Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
		Path:      "keys/foo",
	_, err := b.HandleRequest(req)
	if err != nil {

	// Now, change the key value to something we control
	p, lock, err := b.lm.GetPolicyShared(storage, "foo")
	if err != nil {
	// We don't care as we're the only one using this
	keyEntry := p.Keys[p.LatestVersion]
	keyEntry.HMACKey = []byte("01234567890123456789012345678901")
	p.Keys[p.LatestVersion] = keyEntry
	if err = p.Persist(storage); err != nil {

	req.Path = "hmac/foo"
	req.Data = map[string]interface{}{
		"input": "dGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveA==",

	doRequest := func(req *logical.Request, errExpected bool, expected string) {
		path := req.Path
		defer func() { req.Path = path }()

		resp, err := b.HandleRequest(req)
		if err != nil && !errExpected {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
		if resp == nil {
			t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
		if errExpected {
			if !resp.IsError() {
				t.Fatalf("bad: got error response: %#v", *resp)
		if resp.IsError() {
			t.Fatalf("bad: got error response: %#v", *resp)
		value, ok := resp.Data["hmac"]
		if !ok {
			t.Fatalf("no hmac key found in returned data, got resp data %#v", resp.Data)
		if value.(string) != expected {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("mismatched hashes; expected %s, got resp data %#v", expected, resp.Data))

		// Now verify
		req.Path = strings.Replace(req.Path, "hmac", "verify", -1)
		req.Data["hmac"] = value.(string)
		resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v: %v", err, resp)
		if resp == nil {
			t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
		if resp.Data["valid"].(bool) == false {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("error validating hmac;\nreq:\n%#v\nresp:\n%#v", *req, *resp))

	// Comparisons are against values generated via openssl

	// Test defaults -- sha2-256
	doRequest(req, false, "vault:v1:UcBvm5VskkukzZHlPgm3p5P/Yr/PV6xpuOGZISya3A4=")

	// Test algorithm selection in the path
	req.Path = "hmac/foo/sha2-224"
	doRequest(req, false, "vault:v1:3p+ZWVquYDvu2dSTCa65Y3fgoMfIAc6fNaBbtg==")

	// Reset and test algorithm selection in the data
	req.Path = "hmac/foo"
	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-224"
	doRequest(req, false, "vault:v1:3p+ZWVquYDvu2dSTCa65Y3fgoMfIAc6fNaBbtg==")

	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-384"
	doRequest(req, false, "vault:v1:jDB9YXdPjpmr29b1JCIEJO93IydlKVfD9mA2EO9OmJtJQg3QAV5tcRRRb7IQGW9p")

	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-512"
	doRequest(req, false, "vault:v1:PSXLXvkvKF4CpU65e2bK1tGBZQpcpCEM32fq2iUoiTyQQCfBcGJJItQ+60tMwWXAPQrC290AzTrNJucGrr4GFA==")

	// Test returning as base64
	req.Data["format"] = "base64"
	doRequest(req, false, "vault:v1:PSXLXvkvKF4CpU65e2bK1tGBZQpcpCEM32fq2iUoiTyQQCfBcGJJItQ+60tMwWXAPQrC290AzTrNJucGrr4GFA==")

	req.Data["algorithm"] = "foobar"
	doRequest(req, true, "")

	req.Data["algorithm"] = "sha2-256"
	req.Data["input"] = "foobar"
	doRequest(req, true, "")
	req.Data["input"] = "dGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveA=="

	// Rotate
	err = p.rotate(storage)
	if err != nil {
	keyEntry = p.Keys[2]
	// Set to another value we control
	keyEntry.HMACKey = []byte("12345678901234567890123456789012")
	p.Keys[2] = keyEntry
	if err = p.Persist(storage); err != nil {

	doRequest(req, false, "vault:v2:Dt+mO/B93kuWUbGMMobwUNX5Wodr6dL3JH4DMfpQ0kw=")

	// Verify a previous version
	req.Path = "verify/foo"

	req.Data["hmac"] = "vault:v1:UcBvm5VskkukzZHlPgm3p5P/Yr/PV6xpuOGZISya3A4="
	resp, err := b.HandleRequest(req)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v: %v", err, resp)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.Data["valid"].(bool) == false {
		t.Fatalf("error validating hmac\nreq\n%#v\nresp\n%#v", *req, *resp)

	// Try a bad value
	req.Data["hmac"] = "vault:v1:UcBvm4VskkukzZHlPgm3p5P/Yr/PV6xpuOGZISya3A4="
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v: %v", err, resp)
	if resp == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected non-nil response")
	if resp.Data["valid"].(bool) {
		t.Fatalf("expected error validating hmac")

	// Set min decryption version, attempt to verify
	p.MinDecryptionVersion = 2
	if err = p.Persist(storage); err != nil {

	req.Data["hmac"] = "vault:v1:UcBvm5VskkukzZHlPgm3p5P/Yr/PV6xpuOGZISya3A4="
	resp, err = b.HandleRequest(req)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("expected an error, got response %#v", resp)
	if err != logical.ErrInvalidRequest {
		t.Fatalf("expected invalid request error, got %v", err)