예제 #1
파일: fetch.go 프로젝트: helm/helm-classic
// Fetch gets a chart from the source repo and copies to the workdir.
// - chartName is the source
// - lname is the local name for that chart (chart-name); if blank, it is set to the chart.
// - homedir is the home directory for the user
func Fetch(chartName, lname, homedir string) {

	r := mustConfig(homedir).Repos
	repository, chartName := r.RepoChart(chartName)

	if lname == "" {
		lname = chartName

	fetch(chartName, lname, homedir, repository)

	chartFilePath := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, lname, Chartfile)
	cfile, err := chart.LoadChartfile(chartFilePath)
	if err != nil {
		log.Die("Source is not a valid chart. Missing Chart.yaml: %s", err)

	deps, err := dependency.Resolve(cfile, helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir))
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Could not check dependencies: %s", err)

	if len(deps) > 0 {
		log.Warn("Unsatisfied dependencies:")
		for _, d := range deps {
			log.Msg("\t%s %s", d.Name, d.Version)

	log.Info("Fetched chart into workspace %s", helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, lname))
예제 #2
// Install loads a chart into Kubernetes.
// If the chart is not found in the workspace, it is fetched and then installed.
// During install, manifests are sent to Kubernetes in the ordered specified by InstallOrder.
func Install(chartName, home, namespace string, force bool, generate bool, exclude []string, client kubectl.Runner) {
	ochart := chartName
	r := mustConfig(home).Repos
	table, chartName := r.RepoChart(chartName)

	if !chartFetched(chartName, home) {
		log.Info("No chart named %q in your workspace. Fetching now.", ochart)
		fetch(chartName, chartName, home, table)

	cd := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home, chartName)
	c, err := chart.Load(cd)
	if err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to load chart: %s", err)

	// Give user the option to bale if dependencies are not satisfied.
	nope, err := dependency.Resolve(c.Chartfile, helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home))

	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Failed to check dependencies: %s", err)
		if !force {
			log.Die("Re-run with --force to install anyway.")
	} else if len(nope) > 0 {
		log.Warn("Unsatisfied dependencies:")
		for _, d := range nope {
			log.Msg("\t%s %s", d.Name, d.Version)
		if !force {
			log.Die("Stopping install. Re-run with --force to install anyway.")

	// Run the generator if -g is set.
	if generate {
		Generate(chartName, home, exclude, force)


	log.Info("Running `kubectl create -f` ...")
	if err := uploadManifests(c, namespace, client); err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to upload manifests: %s", err)

	PrintREADME(chartName, home)
예제 #3
파일: lint.go 프로젝트: helm/helm-classic
// LintAll vlaidates all charts are well-formed
// - homedir is the home directory for the user
func LintAll(homedir string) {
	md := util.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, "*")
	chartPaths, err := filepath.Glob(md)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Could not find any charts in %q: %s", md, err)

	if len(chartPaths) == 0 {
		log.Warn("Could not find any charts in %q", md)
	} else {
		for _, chartPath := range chartPaths {
예제 #4
// Files gets a list of all manifest files inside of a chart.
// chartDir should contain the path to a chart (the directory which
// holds a Chart.yaml file).
// This returns an error if it can't access the directory.
func Files(chartDir string) ([]string, error) {
	dir := filepath.Join(chartDir, "manifests")
	files := []string{}

	if _, err := os.Stat(dir); err != nil {
		return files, err

	// add manifest files
	walker := func(fname string, fi os.FileInfo, e error) error {
		if e != nil {
			log.Warn("Encountered error walking %q: %s", fname, e)
			return nil

		if fi.IsDir() {
			return nil

		if filepath.Ext(fname) == ".yaml" || filepath.Ext(fname) == ".yml" {
			files = append(files, fname)

		return nil
	filepath.Walk(dir, walker)

	return files, nil
예제 #5
// promptConfirm prompts a user to confirm (or deny) something.
// True is returned iff the prompt is confirmed.
// Errors are reported to the log, and return false.
// Valid confirmations:
// 	y, yes, true, t, aye-aye
// Valid denials:
//	n, no, f, false
// Any other prompt response will return false, and issue a warning to the
// user.
func promptConfirm(msg string) bool {
	oldState, err := terminal.MakeRaw(0)
	if err != nil {
		log.Err("Could not get terminal: %s", err)
		return false
	defer terminal.Restore(0, oldState)

	f := readerWriter(log.Stdin, log.Stdout)
	t := terminal.NewTerminal(f, msg+" (y/N) ")
	res, err := t.ReadLine()
	if err != nil {
		log.Err("Could not read line: %s", err)
		return false
	res = strings.ToLower(res)
	switch res {
	case "yes", "y", "true", "t", "aye-aye":
		return true
	case "no", "n", "false", "f":
		return false
	log.Warn("Did not understand answer %q, assuming No", res)
	return false
예제 #6
파일: fetch.go 프로젝트: helm/helm-classic
func fetch(chartName, lname, homedir, chartpath string) {
	src := helm.CacheDirectory(homedir, chartpath, chartName)
	dest := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, lname)

	fi, err := os.Stat(src)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Oops. Looks like there was an issue finding the chart, %s, in %s. Running `helmc update` to ensure you have the latest version of all Charts from Github...", lname, src)
		fi, err = os.Stat(src)
		if err != nil {
			log.Die("Chart %s not found in %s", lname, src)
		log.Info("Good news! Looks like that did the trick. Onwards and upwards!")

	if !fi.IsDir() {
		log.Die("Malformed chart %s: Chart must be in a directory.", chartName)

	if err := os.MkdirAll(dest, 0755); err != nil {
		log.Die("Could not create %q: %s", dest, err)

	log.Debug("Fetching %s to %s", src, dest)
	if err := helm.CopyDir(src, dest); err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed copying %s to %s", src, dest)

	if err := updateChartfile(src, dest, lname); err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to update Chart.yaml: %s", err)
예제 #7
// openValues opens a values file and tries to parse it with the right parser.
// It returns an interface{} containing data, if found. Any error opening or
// parsing the file will be passed back.
func openValues(filename string) (interface{}, error) {
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
	if err != nil {
		// We generate a warning here, but do not require that a values
		// file exists.
		log.Warn("Skipped file %s: %s", filename, err)
		return map[string]interface{}{}, nil

	ext := filepath.Ext(filename)
	var um func(p []byte, v interface{}) error
	switch ext {
	case ".yaml", ".yml":
		um = yaml.Unmarshal
	case ".toml":
		um = toml.Unmarshal
	case ".json":
		um = json.Unmarshal
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported file type: %s", ext)

	var res interface{}
	err = um(data, &res)
	return res, err
예제 #8
// Valid returns true if every validation passes.
func (cv *ChartValidation) Valid() bool {
	var valid = true

	fmt.Printf("\nVerifying %s chart is a valid chart...\n", cv.ChartName())
	cv.walk(func(v *Validation) bool {
		v.path = cv.Path
		vv := v.valid()
		if !vv {
			switch v.level {
			case 2:
				cv.ErrorCount = cv.ErrorCount + 1
				msg := v.Message + " : " + strconv.FormatBool(vv)
			case 1:
				cv.WarningCount = cv.WarningCount + 1
				msg := v.Message + " : " + strconv.FormatBool(vv)
		} else {
			msg := v.Message + " : " + strconv.FormatBool(vv)

		valid = valid && vv
		return valid

	return valid
예제 #9
파일: helm.go 프로젝트: helm/helm-classic
// CopyDir copy a directory and its subdirectories.
func CopyDir(src, dst string) error {

	var failure error

	walker := func(fname string, fi os.FileInfo, e error) error {
		if e != nil {
			log.Warn("Encounter error walking %q: %s", fname, e)
			failure = e
			return nil

		rf, err := filepath.Rel(src, fname)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warn("Could not find relative path: %s", err)
			return nil
		df := filepath.Join(dst, rf)

		// Handle directories by creating mirrors.
		if fi.IsDir() {
			if err := os.MkdirAll(df, fi.Mode()); err != nil {
				log.Warn("Could not create %q: %s", df, err)
				failure = err
			return nil

		// Otherwise, copy files.
		in, err := os.Open(fname)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warn("Skipping file %s: %s", fname, err)
			return nil
		out, err := os.Create(df)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warn("Skipping file copy %s: %s", fname, err)
			return nil
		if _, err = io.Copy(out, in); err != nil {
			log.Warn("Copy from %s to %s failed: %s", fname, df, err)

		if err := out.Close(); err != nil {
			log.Warn("Failed to close %q: %s", df, err)
		if err := in.Close(); err != nil {
			log.Warn("Failed to close reader %q: %s", fname, err)

		return nil
	filepath.Walk(src, walker)
	return failure
예제 #10
func uninstallKind(kind []*manifest.Manifest, ns, ktype string, dry bool, client kubectl.Runner) {
	for _, o := range kind {
		if dry {
			log.Msg("%s/%s", ktype, o.Name)
		} else {
			// If it's a keeper manifest, skip uninstall.
			if data, err := o.VersionedObject.JSON(); err == nil {
				if manifest.IsKeeper(data) {
					log.Warn("Not uninstalling %s %s because of \"helm-keep\" annotation.\n"+
						"---> Use kubectl to uninstall keeper manifests.\n", ktype, o.Name)
			out, err := client.Delete(o.Name, ktype, ns)
			if err != nil {
				log.Warn("Could not delete %s %s (Skipping): %s", ktype, o.Name, err)
예제 #11
파일: update.go 프로젝트: helm/helm-classic
// CheckLatest checks whether this version of Helm Classic is the latest version.
// This does not ensure that this is the latest. If a newer version is found,
// this generates a message indicating that.
// The passed-in version is the base version that will be checked against the
// remote release list.
func CheckLatest(version string) {
	ver, err := release.LatestVersion()
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Skipped Helm Classic version check: %s", err)

	current, err := semver.NewVersion(version)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Local version %s is not well-formed", version)
	remote, err := semver.NewVersion(ver)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Remote version %s is not well-formed", ver)

	if remote.GreaterThan(current) {
		log.Warn("A new version of Helm Classic is available. You have %s. The latest is %v", version, ver)
		log.Info("Download version %s by running: %s", ver, "curl -s https://get.helm.sh | bash")

예제 #12
파일: list.go 프로젝트: helm/helm-classic
// List lists all of the local charts.
func List(homedir string) {
	md := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(homedir, "*")
	charts, err := filepath.Glob(md)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Could not find any charts in %q: %s", md, err)
	for _, c := range charts {
		cname := filepath.Base(c)
		if ch, err := chart.LoadChartfile(filepath.Join(c, Chartfile)); err == nil {
			log.Info("\t%s (%s %s) - %s", cname, ch.Name, ch.Version, ch.Description)
		log.Info("\t%s (unknown)", cname)
예제 #13
// PrintREADME prints the README file (if it exists) to the console.
func PrintREADME(chart, home string) {
	p := helm.WorkspaceChartDirectory(home, chart, "README.*")
	files, err := filepath.Glob(p)
	if err != nil || len(files) == 0 {
		// No README. Skip.
		log.Debug("No readme in %s", p)

	f, err := os.Open(files[0])
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Could not read README: %s", err)
	log.Msg(strings.Repeat("=", 40))
	io.Copy(log.Stdout, f)
	log.Msg(strings.Repeat("=", 40))

예제 #14
// Walk walks a chart directory and executes generators as it finds them.
// Returns the number of generators executed.
// Walking will error out whenever a generator cannot be completely executed.
// This includes cases such as not finding the generator referenced, and
// cases where the generator itself exits with a non-zero exit code.
func Walk(dir string, exclude []string, force bool) (int, error) {

	excludes := make(map[string]bool, len(exclude))
	for i := 0; i < len(exclude); i++ {
		excludes[filepath.Join(dir, exclude[i])] = true

	count := 0
	err := filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {

		// dive-bomb if we hit an error.
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Exclude anything explicitly excluded.
		if excludes[path] == true {
			if fi.IsDir() {
				return filepath.SkipDir
			return nil

		// Skip directory entries. If the directory prefix is . or _, skip the
		// contents of the directory as well.
		if fi.IsDir() {
			return skip(path)

		f, err := os.Open(path)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer f.Close()

		line, err := readGenerator(f)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if line == "" {
			return nil
		// Run the generator.
		os.Setenv("HELM_GENERATE_COMMAND", line)
		os.Setenv("HELM_GENERATE_FILE", path)
		os.Setenv("HELM_GENERATE_DIR", dir)
		line = os.ExpandEnv(line)
		log.Debug("File: %s, Command: %s", path, line)

		// Execute the command in the file's directory to make relative
		// paths usable.
		origin, err := os.Getwd()
		if err != nil {
			log.Warn("Could not get PWD: %s", err)
		} else if err := os.Chdir(dir); err != nil {
			log.Warn("Could not change directory to %s: %s", dir, err)
		} else {
			origin = dir
			defer func() {
				if e := os.Chdir(origin); e != nil {
					log.Warn("Could not return to %s: %s", origin, e)
		err = execute(line, force)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute %s (%s): %s", line, path, err)
		return nil

	return count, err
예제 #15
파일: lint.go 프로젝트: helm/helm-classic
// Lint validates that a chart is well-formed
// - chartPath path to chart directory
func Lint(chartPath string) {
	cv := new(validation.ChartValidation)

	chartPresenceValidation := cv.AddError("Chart found at "+chartPath, func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {
		stat, err := os.Stat(chartPath)
		cv.Path = chartPath

		return err == nil && stat.Mode().IsDir()

	chartYamlPresenceValidation := chartPresenceValidation.AddError("Chart.yaml is present", func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {
		stat, err := os.Stat(v.ChartYamlPath())

		return err == nil && stat.Mode().IsRegular()

	chartYamlValidation := chartYamlPresenceValidation.AddError("Chart.yaml is valid yaml", func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {
		chartfile, err := v.Chartfile()
		if err == nil {
			cv.Chartfile = chartfile

		return err == nil

	chartYamlNameValidation := chartYamlValidation.AddError("Chart.yaml has a name field", func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {
		return cv.Chartfile.Name != ""

	chartYamlNameValidation.AddError("Name declared in Chart.yaml is the same as directory name.", func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {
		return cv.Chartfile.Name == cv.ChartName()

	chartYamlValidation.AddError("Chart.yaml has a version field", func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {
		return cv.Chartfile.Version != ""

	chartYamlValidation.AddWarning("Chart.yaml has a description field", func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {
		return cv.Chartfile.Description != ""

	chartYamlValidation.AddWarning("Chart.yaml has a maintainers field", func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {
		return cv.Chartfile.Maintainers != nil

	chartPresenceValidation.AddWarning("README.md is present and not empty", func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {
		readmePath := filepath.Join(path, "README.md")
		stat, err := os.Stat(readmePath)

		return err == nil && stat.Mode().IsRegular() && stat.Size() > 0

	manifestsValidation := chartPresenceValidation.AddError("Manifests directory is present", func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {
		stat, err := os.Stat(v.ChartManifestsPath())

		return err == nil && stat.Mode().IsDir()

	manifestsParsingValidation := manifestsValidation.AddError("Manifests are valid yaml", func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {
		manifests, err := manifest.ParseDir(cv.Path)
		if err == nil {
			cv.Manifests = manifests

		return err == nil && cv.Manifests != nil

	manifestsParsingValidation.AddWarning("Manifests have correct and valid metadata", func(path string, v *validation.Validation) bool {

		success := true
		validKinds := InstallOrder

		for _, m := range cv.Manifests {
			meta, _ := m.VersionedObject.Meta()
			if meta.Name == "" || len(meta.Name) > MaxMetadataNameLength {
				success = false

			if match, _ := regexp.MatchString(`[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?`, meta.Name); !match {
				success = false

			val, ok := meta.Labels["heritage"]
			if !ok || (val != "helm") {
				success = false

			kind := meta.Kind
			validManifestKind := false

			for _, validKind := range validKinds {
				if kind == validKind {
					validManifestKind = true

			if validManifestKind == false {
				success = false

		return success

	if cv.Valid() {
		log.Info("Chart [%s] has passed all necessary checks", cv.ChartName())
	} else {
		if cv.ErrorCount > 0 {
			log.Err("Chart [%s] has failed some necessary checks. Check out the error and warning messages listed.", cv.ChartName())
		} else {
			log.Warn("Chart [%s] has passed all necessary checks but failed some checks as well. Proceed with caution. Check out the warnings listed.", cv.ChartName())