예제 #1
파일: evd.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
func EigenSym(D, A, W *cmat.FloatMatrix, bits int, confs ...*gomas.Config) (err *gomas.Error) {

	var sD, sE, E, tau, Wred cmat.FloatMatrix
	var vv *cmat.FloatMatrix

	err = nil
	vv = nil
	conf := gomas.CurrentConf(confs...)

	if m(A) != n(A) || D.Len() != m(A) {
		err = gomas.NewError(gomas.ESIZE, "EigenSym")
	if bits&gomas.WANTV != 0 && W.Len() < 3*n(A) {
		err = gomas.NewError(gomas.EWORK, "EigenSym")

	if bits&(gomas.LOWER|gomas.UPPER) == 0 {
		bits = bits | gomas.LOWER
	ioff := 1
	if bits&gomas.LOWER != 0 {
		ioff = -1
	E.SetBuf(n(A)-1, 1, n(A)-1, W.Data())
	tau.SetBuf(n(A), 1, n(A), W.Data()[n(A)-1:])
	wrl := W.Len() - 2*n(A) - 1
	Wred.SetBuf(wrl, 1, wrl, W.Data()[2*n(A)-1:])

	// reduce to tridiagonal
	if err = TRDReduce(A, &tau, &Wred, bits, conf); err != nil {
	sE.Diag(A, ioff)
	blasd.Copy(D, &sD)
	blasd.Copy(&E, &sE)

	if bits&gomas.WANTV != 0 {
		if err = TRDBuild(A, &tau, &Wred, n(A), bits, conf); err != nil {
		vv = A

	// resize workspace
	wrl = W.Len() - n(A) - 1
	Wred.SetBuf(wrl, 1, wrl, W.Data()[n(A)-1:])

	if err = TRDEigen(D, &E, vv, &Wred, bits, conf); err != nil {
예제 #2
파일: trired.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
 * Generates the real orthogonal matrix Q which is defined as the product of K elementary
 * reflectors of order N embedded in matrix A as returned by TRDReduce().
 *   A     On entry tridiagonal reduction as returned by TRDReduce().
 *         On exit the orthogonal matrix Q.
 *  tau    Scalar coefficients of elementary reflectors.
 *  W      Workspace
 *  K      Number of reflectors , 0 < K < N
 *  flags  LOWER or UPPER
 *  confs  Optional blocking configuration
 * If flags has UPPER set then
 *    Q = H(K)...H(1)H(0) where 0 < K < N-1
 * If flags has LOWR set then
 *    Q = H(0)H(1)...H(K) where 0 < K < N-1
func TRDBuild(A, tau, W *cmat.FloatMatrix, K, flags int, confs ...*gomas.Config) *gomas.Error {
	var err *gomas.Error = nil
	var Qh, tauh cmat.FloatMatrix
	var s, d cmat.FloatMatrix

	if K > m(A)-1 {
		K = m(A) - 1

	switch flags & (gomas.LOWER | gomas.UPPER) {
	case gomas.LOWER:
		// Shift Q matrix embedded in A right and fill first column
		// unit column vector
		for j := m(A) - 1; j > 0; j-- {
			s.SubMatrix(A, j, j-1, m(A)-j, 1)
			d.SubMatrix(A, j, j, m(A)-j, 1)
			blasd.Copy(&d, &s)
			A.Set(0, j, 0.0)
		// zero first column and set first entry to one
		d.Column(A, 0)
		blasd.Scale(&d, 0.0)
		d.Set(0, 0, 1.0)

		Qh.SubMatrix(A, 1, 1, m(A)-1, m(A)-1)
		tauh.SubMatrix(tau, 0, 0, m(A)-1, 1)
		err = QRBuild(&Qh, &tauh, W, K, confs...)

	case gomas.UPPER:
		// Shift Q matrix embedded in A left and fill last column
		// unit column vector
		for j := 1; j < m(A); j++ {
			s.SubMatrix(A, 0, j, j, 1)
			d.SubMatrix(A, 0, j-1, j, 1)
			blasd.Copy(&d, &s)
			A.Set(-1, j-1, 0.0)
		// zero last column and set last entry to one
		d.Column(A, m(A)-1)
		blasd.Scale(&d, 0.0)
		d.Set(-1, 0, 1.0)

		Qh.SubMatrix(A, 0, 0, m(A)-1, m(A)-1)
		tauh.SubMatrix(tau, 0, 0, m(A)-1, 1)
		err = QLBuild(&Qh, &tauh, W, K, confs...)
	if err != nil {
	return err
예제 #3
func TestTrdMultUpper(t *testing.T) {
	var dt, et, da, ea cmat.FloatMatrix
	N := 843
	nb := 48
	conf := gomas.NewConf()
	conf.LB = nb

	A := cmat.NewMatrix(N, N)
	tau := cmat.NewMatrix(N, 1)
	src := cmat.NewFloatNormSource()
	// create symmetric matrix
	A.SetFrom(src, cmat.SYMM)
	A0 := cmat.NewCopy(A)

	W := lapackd.Workspace(lapackd.TRDReduceWork(A, conf))
	lapackd.TRDReduce(A, tau, W, gomas.UPPER, conf)

	// make tridiagonal matrix T
	T0 := cmat.NewMatrix(N, N)
	blasd.Copy(&dt, &da)

	ea.Diag(A, 1)
	et.Diag(T0, 1)
	blasd.Copy(&et, &ea)
	et.Diag(T0, -1)
	blasd.Copy(&et, &ea)
	T1 := cmat.NewCopy(T0)

	// compute Q*T*Q.T (unblocked)
	conf.LB = 0
	lapackd.TRDMult(T0, A, tau, W, gomas.LEFT|gomas.UPPER, conf)
	lapackd.TRDMult(T0, A, tau, W, gomas.RIGHT|gomas.TRANS|gomas.UPPER, conf)

	blasd.Plus(T0, A0, 1.0, -1.0, gomas.NONE)
	nrm := lapackd.NormP(T0, lapackd.NORM_ONE)
	t.Logf("N=%d, unblk.||A - Q*T*Q.T||_1: %e\n", N, nrm)

	// compute Q*T*Q.T (blocked)
	conf.LB = nb
	W = lapackd.Workspace(lapackd.TRDMultWork(A, gomas.LEFT|gomas.UPPER, conf))
	lapackd.TRDMult(T1, A, tau, W, gomas.LEFT|gomas.UPPER, conf)
	lapackd.TRDMult(T1, A, tau, W, gomas.RIGHT|gomas.TRANS|gomas.UPPER, conf)

	blasd.Plus(T1, A0, 1.0, -1.0, gomas.NONE)
	nrm = lapackd.NormP(T1, lapackd.NORM_ONE)
	t.Logf("N=%d,   blk.||A - Q*T*Q.T||_1: %e\n", N, nrm)
예제 #4
func TestBiredWide(t *testing.T) {
	N := 811
	M := 693
	nb := 32
	conf := gomas.NewConf()
	conf.LB = 0
	ediag := -1

	zeromean := cmat.NewFloatNormSource()
	A := cmat.NewMatrix(M, N)
	A0 := cmat.NewCopy(A)

	tauq := cmat.NewMatrix(N, 1)
	taup := cmat.NewMatrix(N, 1)

	W := lapackd.Workspace(M + N)
	lapackd.BDReduce(A, tauq, taup, W, conf)

	var D, E, Bd, Be cmat.FloatMatrix
	E.Diag(A, ediag)

	B := cmat.NewMatrix(M, N)
	Be.Diag(B, ediag)
	blasd.Copy(&Bd, &D)
	blasd.Copy(&Be, &E)

	Bt := cmat.NewMatrix(N, M)
	blasd.Transpose(Bt, B)

	conf.LB = nb
	W0 := lapackd.Workspace(lapackd.BDMultWork(B, conf))
	lapackd.BDMult(B, A, tauq, W0, gomas.MULTQ|gomas.LEFT, conf)
	lapackd.BDMult(Bt, A, tauq, W0, gomas.MULTQ|gomas.RIGHT|gomas.TRANS, conf)

	lapackd.BDMult(B, A, taup, W0, gomas.MULTP|gomas.RIGHT|gomas.TRANS, conf)
	lapackd.BDMult(Bt, A, taup, W0, gomas.MULTP|gomas.LEFT, conf)

	blasd.Plus(B, A0, 1.0, -1.0, gomas.NONE)
	nrm := lapackd.NormP(B, lapackd.NORM_ONE)
	t.Logf("M=%d, N=%d ||A - Q*B*P.T||_1   : %e\n", M, N, nrm)
	blasd.Plus(Bt, A0, 1.0, -1.0, gomas.TRANSB)
	nrm = lapackd.NormP(Bt, lapackd.NORM_ONE)
	t.Logf("M=%d, N=%d ||A.T - P*B.T*Q.T||_1 : %e\n", M, N, nrm)
예제 #5
파일: perfqr.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
func main() {

	M := N + N/10

	conf := gomas.CurrentConf()

	A := cmat.NewMatrix(M, N)
	A0 := cmat.NewCopy(A)
	tau := cmat.NewMatrix(N, 1)
	W := lapackd.Workspace(lapackd.QRFactorWork(A, conf))
	zeromean := cmat.NewFloatNormSource()

	cumtime := 0.0
	mintime := 0.0
	maxtime := 0.0
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {

		t1 := time.Now()
		// ----------------------------------------------

		lapackd.QRFactor(A, tau, W, conf)

		// ----------------------------------------------
		t2 := time.Now()
		tm := t2.Sub(t1)

		if mintime == 0.0 || tm.Seconds() < mintime {
			mintime = tm.Seconds()
		if maxtime == 0.0 || tm.Seconds() > maxtime {
			maxtime = tm.Seconds()
		cumtime += tm.Seconds()
		if verbose {
			fmt.Printf("%3d  %12.4f msec, %9.4f gflops\n",
				i, 1e+3*tm.Seconds(), gflops(M, N, tm.Seconds()))
		blasd.Copy(A, A0)
	cumtime /= float64(count)
	minflops := gflops(M, N, maxtime)
	avgflops := gflops(M, N, cumtime)
	maxflops := gflops(M, N, mintime)
	fmt.Printf("%5d %5d %3d %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f Gflops\n", M, N, conf.LB, minflops, avgflops, maxflops)
예제 #6
파일: hess.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
 * Update vector with compact WY Householder block
 *   (I - Y*T*Y.T)*v  = v - Y*T*Y.T*v
 * LEFT:
 *    1 | 0 * v0 = v0     = v0
 *    0 | Q   v1   Q*v1   = v1 - Y*T*Y.T*v1
 *    1 | 0   * v0 = v0     = v0
 *    0 | Q.T   v1   Q.T*v1 = v1 - Y*T.T*Y.T*v1
 *   v0 | v1 * 1 | 0  = v0 | v1*Q    = v0 | v1 - v1*Y*T*Y.T
 *             0 | Q
 *   v0 | v1 * 1 | 0  = v0 | v1*Q.T  = v0 | v1 - v1*Y*T.T*Y.T
 *             0 | Q.T
func updateVecLeftWY2(v, Y1, Y2, T, w *cmat.FloatMatrix, bits int) {
	var v1, v2 cmat.FloatMatrix
	var w0 cmat.FloatMatrix

	v1.SubMatrix(v, 1, 0, n(Y1), 1)
	v2.SubMatrix(v, n(Y1)+1, 0, m(Y2), 1)
	w0.SubMatrix(w, 0, 0, m(Y1), 1)

	// w0 := Y1.T*v1 + Y2.T*v2
	blasd.Copy(&w0, &v1)
	blasd.MVMultTrm(&w0, Y1, 1.0, gomas.LOWER|gomas.UNIT|gomas.TRANS)
	blasd.MVMult(&w0, Y2, &v2, 1.0, 1.0, gomas.TRANS)

	// w0 := op(T)*w0
	blasd.MVMultTrm(&w0, T, 1.0, bits|gomas.UPPER)

	// v2 := v2 - Y2*w0
	blasd.MVMult(&v2, Y2, &w0, -1.0, 1.0, gomas.NONE)

	// v1 := v1 - Y1*w0
	blasd.MVMultTrm(&w0, Y1, 1.0, gomas.LOWER|gomas.UNIT)
	blasd.Axpy(&v1, &w0, -1.0)
예제 #7
파일: ldlbku.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
func unblkBoundedBKUpper(A, wrk *cmat.FloatMatrix, p *Pivots, ncol int, conf *gomas.Config) (*gomas.Error, int) {
	var err *gomas.Error = nil
	var ATL, ATR, ABL, ABR cmat.FloatMatrix
	var A00, a01, A02, a11, a12, A22, a11inv cmat.FloatMatrix
	var w00, w01, w11 cmat.FloatMatrix
	var cwrk cmat.FloatMatrix
	var pT, pB, p0, p1, p2 Pivots

	err = nil
	nc := 0
	if ncol > n(A) {
		ncol = n(A)

	// permanent working space for symmetric inverse of a11
	a11inv.SubMatrix(wrk, m(wrk)-2, 0, 2, 2)
	a11inv.Set(0, 1, -1.0)
	a11inv.Set(1, 0, -1.0)

		&ATL, &ATR,
		&ABL, &ABR, A, 0, 0, util.PBOTTOMRIGHT)
		&pB, *p, 0, util.PBOTTOM)

	for n(&ATL) > 0 && nc < ncol {

			&w00, &w01,
			nil, &w11, wrk, nc, nc, util.PBOTTOMRIGHT)

		r, np := findAndBuildBKPivotUpper(&ATL, &ATR, &w00, &w01, nc)
		if np > ncol-nc {
			// next pivot does not fit into ncol columns,
			// return with number of factorized columns
			return err, nc
		cwrk.SubMatrix(&w00, 0, n(&w00)-np, m(&ATL), np)
		if r != -1 {
			// pivoting needed; do swaping here
			k := m(&ATL) - np
			applyBKPivotSymUpper(&ATL, k, r)
			// swap right hand rows to get correct updates
			swapRows(&ATR, k, r)
			swapRows(&w01, k, r)
			if np == 2 && r != k {
				/* for 2x2 blocks we need diagonal pivots.
				 *          [r, r] | [ r,-1]
				 * a11 ==   ----------------  2-by-2 pivot, swapping [1,0] and [r,0]
				 *          [-1,r] | [-1,-1]
				t0 := w00.Get(k, -1)
				tr := w00.Get(r, -1)
				w00.Set(k, -1, tr)
				w00.Set(r, -1, t0)
				t0 = w00.Get(k, -2)
				tr = w00.Get(r, -2)
				w00.Set(k, -2, tr)
				w00.Set(r, -2, t0)
		// repartition according the pivot size
			&A00, &a01, &A02,
			nil, &a11, &a12,
			nil, nil, &A22 /**/, A, np, util.PTOPLEFT)
			&p2 /**/, *p, np, util.PTOP)
		// ------------------------------------------------------------

		wlc := n(&w00) - np
		cwrk.SubMatrix(&w00, 0, wlc, m(&a01), n(&a01))
		if np == 1 {
			a11.Set(0, 0, w00.Get(m(&a01), wlc))
			// a21 = a21/a11
			blasd.Copy(&a01, &cwrk)
			blasd.InvScale(&a01, a11.Get(0, 0))
			// store pivot point relative to original matrix
			if r == -1 {
				p1[0] = m(&ATL)
			} else {
				p1[0] = r + 1
		} else if np == 2 {
			/*          a | b                       d/b | -1
			 *  w00 == ------  == a11 --> a11.-1 == -------- * scale
			 *          . | d                        -1 | a/b
			a := w00.Get(m(&ATL)-2, -2)
			b := w00.Get(m(&ATL)-2, -1)
			d := w00.Get(m(&ATL)-1, -1)
			a11inv.Set(0, 0, d/b)
			a11inv.Set(1, 1, a/b)
			// denominator: (a/b)*(d/b)-1.0 == (a*d - b^2)/b^2
			scale := 1.0 / ((a/b)*(d/b) - 1.0)
			scale /= b

			// a01 = a01*a11.-1
			blasd.Mult(&a01, &cwrk, &a11inv, scale, 0.0, gomas.NONE, conf)
			a11.Set(0, 0, a)
			a11.Set(0, 1, b)
			a11.Set(1, 1, d)

			// store pivot point relative to original matrix
			p1[0] = -(r + 1)
			p1[1] = p1[0]
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		nc += np
			&ATL, &ATR,
			&ABL, &ABR, &A00, &a11, &A22, A, util.PTOPLEFT)
			&pB, p0, p1, *p, util.PTOP)

	return err, nc
예제 #8
파일: ldlbku.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
 * Find diagonal pivot and build incrementaly updated block.
 *    d x r2 x  x  x  c1 | x x     kp1 k | w w
 *      d r2 x  x  x  c1 | x x     kp1 k | w w
 *        r2 r2 r2 r2 c1 | x x     kp1 k | w w
 *           d  x  x  c1 | x x     kp1 k | w w
 *              d  x  c1 | x x     kp1 k | w w
 *                 d  c1 | x x     kp1 k | w w
 *                    c1 | x x     kp1 k | w w
 *   --------------------------   -------------
 *               (AL)     (AR)     (WL)   (WR)
 * Matrix AL contains the unfactored part of the matrix and AR the already
 * factored columns. Matrix WR is updated values of factored part ie.
 * w(i) = l(i)d(i). Matrix WL will have updated values for next column.
 * Column WL(k) contains updated AL(c1) and WL(kp1) possible pivot row AL(r2).
 * On exit, for 1x1 diagonal the rightmost column of WL (k) holds the updated
 * value of AL(c1). If pivoting this required the WL(k) holds the actual pivoted
 * column/row.
 * For 2x2 diagonal blocks WL(k) holds the updated AL(c1) and WL(kp1) holds
 * actual values of pivot column/row AL(r2), without the diagonal pivots.
func findAndBuildBKPivotUpper(AL, AR, WL, WR *cmat.FloatMatrix, k int) (int, int) {
	var r, q int
	var rcol, qrow, src, wk, wkp1, wrow cmat.FloatMatrix

	lc := n(AL) - 1
	wc := n(WL) - 1
	lr := m(AL) - 1

	// Copy AL[:,lc] to WL[:,wc] and update with WR[0:]
	src.SubMatrix(AL, 0, lc, m(AL), 1)
	wk.SubMatrix(WL, 0, wc, m(AL), 1)
	blasd.Copy(&wk, &src)
	if k > 0 {
		wrow.SubMatrix(WR, lr, 0, 1, n(WR))
		blasd.MVMult(&wk, AR, &wrow, -1.0, 1.0, gomas.NONE)
	if m(AL) == 1 {
		return -1, 1
	// amax is on-diagonal element of current column
	amax := math.Abs(WL.Get(lr, wc))

	// find max off-diagonal on first column.
	rcol.SubMatrix(WL, 0, wc, lr, 1)
	// r is row index and rmax is its absolute value
	r = blasd.IAmax(&rcol)
	rmax := math.Abs(rcol.Get(r, 0))
	if amax >= bkALPHA*rmax {
		// no pivoting, 1x1 diagonal
		return -1, 1

	// Now we need to copy row r to WL[:,wc-1] and update it
	wkp1.SubMatrix(WL, 0, wc-1, m(AL), 1)
	if r > 0 {
		// above the diagonal part of AL
		qrow.SubMatrix(AL, 0, r, r, 1)
		blasd.Copy(&wkp1, &qrow)
	var wkr cmat.FloatMatrix
	qrow.SubMatrix(AL, r, r, 1, m(AL)-r)
	wkr.SubMatrix(&wkp1, r, 0, m(AL)-r, 1)
	blasd.Copy(&wkr, &qrow)
	if k > 0 {
		// update wkp1
		wrow.SubMatrix(WR, r, 0, 1, n(WR))
		blasd.MVMult(&wkp1, AR, &wrow, -1.0, 1.0, gomas.NONE)
	// set on-diagonal entry to zero to avoid hitting it.
	p1 := wkp1.Get(r, 0)
	wkp1.Set(r, 0, 0.0)

	// max off-diagonal on r'th column/row at index q
	q = blasd.IAmax(&wkp1)
	qmax := math.Abs(wkp1.Get(q, 0))
	wkp1.Set(r, 0, p1)

	if amax >= bkALPHA*rmax*(rmax/qmax) {
		// no pivoting, 1x1 diagonal
		return -1, 1
	// if q == r then qmax is not off-diagonal, qmax == WR[r,1] and
	// we get 1x1 pivot as following is always true
	if math.Abs(WL.Get(r, wc-1)) >= bkALPHA*qmax {
		// 1x1 pivoting and interchange with k, r
		// pivot row in column WL[:,-2] to WL[:,-1]
		src.SubMatrix(WL, 0, wc-1, m(AL), 1)
		wkp1.SubMatrix(WL, 0, wc, m(AL), 1)
		blasd.Copy(&wkp1, &src)
		wkp1.Set(-1, 0, src.Get(r, 0))
		wkp1.Set(r, 0, src.Get(-1, 0))
		return r, 1
	} else {
		// 2x2 pivoting and interchange with k+1, r
		return r, 2
	return -1, 1
예제 #9
파일: ldlbku.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
 * Unblocked Bunch-Kauffman LDL factorization.
 * Corresponds lapack.DSYTF2
func unblkDecompBKUpper(A, wrk *cmat.FloatMatrix, p Pivots, conf *gomas.Config) (*gomas.Error, int) {
	var err *gomas.Error = nil
	var ATL, ATR, ABL, ABR cmat.FloatMatrix
	var A00, a01, A02, a11, a12, A22, a11inv cmat.FloatMatrix
	var cwrk cmat.FloatMatrix
	var pT, pB, p0, p1, p2 Pivots

	err = nil
	nc := 0

		&ATL, &ATR,
		&ABL, &ABR, A, 0, 0, util.PBOTTOMRIGHT)
		&pB, p, 0, util.PBOTTOM)

	// permanent working space for symmetric inverse of a11
	a11inv.SubMatrix(wrk, 0, n(wrk)-2, 2, 2)
	a11inv.Set(1, 0, -1.0)
	a11inv.Set(0, 1, -1.0)

	for n(&ATL) > 0 {

		nr := m(&ATL) - 1
		r, np := findBKPivotUpper(&ATL)
		if r != -1 {
			cwrk.SubMatrix(&ATL, 0, n(&ATL)-np, m(&ATL), np)
			// pivoting needed; do swaping here
			applyBKPivotSymUpper(&ATL, m(&ATL)-np, r)
			if np == 2 {
				/*          [r, r] | [r, nr]
				 * a11 ==   ----------------  2-by-2 pivot, swapping [nr-1,nr] and [r,nr]
				 *          [nr,r] | [nr,nr]  (nr is the current diagonal entry)
				t := ATL.Get(nr-1, nr)
				ATL.Set(nr-1, nr, ATL.Get(r, nr))
				ATL.Set(r, nr, t)

		// repartition according the pivot size
			&A00, &a01, &A02,
			nil, &a11, &a12,
			nil, nil, &A22 /**/, A, np, util.PTOPLEFT)
			&p2 /**/, p, np, util.PTOP)
		// ------------------------------------------------------------

		if np == 1 {
			// A00 = A00 - a01*a01.T/a11
			blasd.MVUpdateTrm(&A00, &a01, &a01, -1.0/a11.Get(0, 0), gomas.UPPER)
			// a01 = a01/a11
			blasd.InvScale(&a01, a11.Get(0, 0))
			// store pivot point relative to original matrix
			if r == -1 {
				p1[0] = m(&ATL)
			} else {
				p1[0] = r + 1
		} else if np == 2 {
			/* see comments on unblkDecompBKLower() */
			a := a11.Get(0, 0)
			b := a11.Get(0, 1)
			d := a11.Get(1, 1)
			a11inv.Set(0, 0, d/b)
			a11inv.Set(1, 1, a/b)
			// denominator: (a/b)*(d/b)-1.0 == (a*d - b^2)/b^2
			scale := 1.0 / ((a/b)*(d/b) - 1.0)
			scale /= b

			// cwrk = a21
			cwrk.SubMatrix(wrk, 2, 0, m(&a01), n(&a01))
			blasd.Copy(&cwrk, &a01)
			// a01 = a01*a11.-1
			blasd.Mult(&a01, &cwrk, &a11inv, scale, 0.0, gomas.NONE, conf)
			// A00 = A00 - a01*a11.-1*a01.T = A00 - a01*cwrk.T
			blasd.UpdateTrm(&A00, &a01, &cwrk, -1.0, 1.0, gomas.UPPER|gomas.TRANSB, conf)
			// store pivot point relative to original matrix
			p1[0] = -(r + 1)
			p1[1] = p1[0]
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		nc += np
			&ATL, &ATR,
			&ABL, &ABR, &A00, &a11, &A22, A, util.PTOPLEFT)
			&pB, p0, p1, p, util.PTOP)
	return err, nc
예제 #10
파일: svd_test.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
// test: M < N, U=[m,m] and V=[m,n] or V=[n,n] (square)
func testWide(M, N int, square bool, t *testing.T) {
	var A, A0, W, S, U, Uu, V, Vv *cmat.FloatMatrix
	var sD cmat.FloatMatrix
	var s string

	wsize := M * N
	if wsize < 100 {
		wsize = 100

	S = cmat.NewMatrix(M, 1)
	A = cmat.NewMatrix(M, N)
	U = cmat.NewMatrix(M, M)
	Uu = cmat.NewMatrix(M, M)
	if square {
		V = cmat.NewMatrix(N, N)
		Vv = cmat.NewMatrix(N, N)
	} else {
		V = cmat.NewMatrix(M, N)
		Vv = cmat.NewMatrix(M, M)

	src := cmat.NewFloatNormSource()
	A0 = cmat.NewCopy(A)
	W = cmat.NewMatrix(wsize, 1)

	if err := lapackd.SVD(S, U, V, A, W, gomas.WANTU|gomas.WANTV); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("SVD error: %v\n", err)

	// ||I - U.T*U||
	blasd.Mult(Uu, U, U, 1.0, 0.0, gomas.TRANSA)
	blasd.Add(&sD, -1.0)
	nrm0 := lapackd.NormP(Uu, lapackd.NORM_ONE)

	// ||I - V*V.T||
	blasd.Mult(Vv, V, V, 1.0, 0.0, gomas.TRANSB)
	blasd.Add(&sD, -1.0)
	nrm1 := lapackd.NormP(Vv, lapackd.NORM_ONE)

	if square {
		// right vectors are N-by-N
		Sg := cmat.NewMatrix(M, N)
		A1 := cmat.NewMatrix(M, N)
		blasd.Copy(&sD, S)
		blasd.Mult(A1, Sg, V, 1.0, 0.0, gomas.NONE)
		blasd.Mult(A0, U, A1, -1.0, 1.0, gomas.NONE)
		s = "U=[m,m], V=[n,n]"
	} else {
		// right vectors are M-by-N
		lapackd.MultDiag(V, S, gomas.LEFT)
		blasd.Mult(A0, U, V, -1.0, 1.0, gomas.NONE)
		s = "U=[m,m], V=[m,n]"
	nrm2 := lapackd.NormP(A0, lapackd.NORM_ONE)

	if N < 10 {
		t.Logf("A - U*S*V.T:\n%v\n", A0)
	t.Logf("M=%d, N=%d, %s ||A - U*S*V.T||_1 :%e\n", M, N, s, nrm2)
	t.Logf("  ||I - U.T*U||_1 : %e\n", nrm0)
	t.Logf("  ||I - V*V.T||_1 : %e\n", nrm1)
예제 #11
파일: svd.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
func svdWide(S, U, V, A, W *cmat.FloatMatrix, bits int, conf *gomas.Config) (err *gomas.Error) {
	var uu, vv *cmat.FloatMatrix
	var tauq, taup, Wred, sD, sE, L, Vm cmat.FloatMatrix

	if (bits & (gomas.WANTU | gomas.WANTV)) != 0 {
		if W.Len() < 4*n(A) {
			err = gomas.NewError(gomas.ESIZE, "SVD")
	tauq.SetBuf(m(A)-1, 1, m(A)-1, W.Data())
	taup.SetBuf(m(A), 1, m(A), W.Data()[tauq.Len():])
	wrl := W.Len() - 2*m(A) - 1
	Wred.SetBuf(wrl, 1, wrl, W.Data()[2*m(A)-1:])

	if svdCrossover(n(A), m(A)) {
		goto do_n_much_bigger

	// reduce to bidiagonal form
	if err = BDReduce(A, &tauq, &taup, &Wred, conf); err != nil {

	sE.Diag(A, -1)
	blasd.Copy(S, &sD)

	// leftt vectors
	if bits&gomas.WANTU != 0 {
		L.SubMatrix(A, 0, 0, m(A), m(A))
		cmat.TriL(U, 0)
		if err = BDBuild(U, &tauq, &Wred, m(U), gomas.WANTQ|gomas.LOWER, conf); err != nil {
		uu = U
	// right vectors
	if bits&gomas.WANTV != 0 {
		if m(V) == m(A) {
			// V is M-by-N; copy and make upper triangular
			//cmat.TriU(V, 0)
			if err = BDBuild(V, &taup, &Wred, m(V), gomas.WANTP, conf); err != nil {
		} else {
			// V is N-by-N
			eye := cmat.FloatDiagonalSource{1.0}
			V.SetFrom(&eye, cmat.SYMM)
			err = BDMult(V, A, &taup, &Wred, gomas.MULTP|gomas.LEFT|gomas.TRANS, conf)
			if err != nil {
		vv = V
	err = BDSvd(S, &sE, uu, vv, W, bits|gomas.LOWER)

	// here N >> M, use LQ factor first
	if err = LQFactor(A, &taup, &Wred, conf); err != nil {
	if bits&gomas.WANTV != 0 {
		if m(V) == m(A) {
			if err = LQBuild(V, &taup, &Wred, m(A), conf); err != nil {
		} else {
			// V is N-by-N
			eye := cmat.FloatDiagonalSource{1.0}
			V.SetFrom(&eye, cmat.SYMM)
			if err = LQMult(V, A, &taup, &Wred, gomas.RIGHT, conf); err != nil {
	L.SubMatrix(A, 0, 0, m(A), m(A))
	cmat.TriL(&L, 0)

	// resize tauq/taup for UPPER bidiagonal reduction
	tauq.SetBuf(m(A), 1, m(A), W.Data())
	taup.SetBuf(m(A)-1, 1, m(A)-1, W.Data()[tauq.Len():])

	// bidiagonal reduce
	if err = BDReduce(&L, &tauq, &taup, &Wred, conf); err != nil {

	if bits&gomas.WANTV != 0 {
		Vm.SubMatrix(V, 0, 0, m(A), n(A))
		err = BDMult(&Vm, &L, &taup, &Wred, gomas.MULTP|gomas.LEFT|gomas.TRANS, conf)
		if err != nil {
		vv = V
	if bits&gomas.WANTU != 0 {
		if err = BDBuild(U, &tauq, &Wred, m(U), gomas.WANTQ, conf); err != nil {
		uu = U

	sE.Diag(A, 1)
	blasd.Copy(S, &sD)

	err = BDSvd(S, &sE, uu, vv, W, bits|gomas.UPPER, conf)
예제 #12
파일: ldlbkl.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
 * Find diagonal pivot and build incrementaly updated block.
 *  (AL)  (AR)                   (WL)  (WR)
 *  --------------------------   ----------    k'th row in W
 *  x x | c1                     w w | k kp1
 *  x x | c1 d                   w w | k kp1
 *  x x | c1 x  d                w w | k kp1
 *  x x | c1 x  x  d             w w | k kp1
 *  x x | c1 r2 r2 r2 r2         w w | k kp1
 *  x x | c1 x  x  x  r2 d       w w | k kp1
 *  x x | c1 x  x  x  r2 x d     w w | k kp1
 * Matrix AR contains the unfactored part of the matrix and AL the already
 * factored columns. Matrix WL is updated values of factored part ie.
 * w(i) = l(i)d(i). Matrix WR will have updated values for next column.
 * Column WR(k) contains updated AR(c1) and WR(kp1) possible pivot row AR(r2).
func findAndBuildBKPivotLower(AL, AR, WL, WR *cmat.FloatMatrix, k int) (int, int) {
	var r, q int
	var rcol, qrow, src, wk, wkp1, wrow cmat.FloatMatrix

	// Copy AR column 0 to WR column 0 and update with WL[0:]
	src.SubMatrix(AR, 0, 0, m(AR), 1)
	wk.SubMatrix(WR, 0, 0, m(AR), 1)
	if k > 0 {
		wrow.SubMatrix(WL, 0, 0, 1, n(WL))
		blasd.MVMult(&wk, AL, &wrow, -1.0, 1.0, gomas.NONE)
	if m(AR) == 1 {
		return 0, 1
	amax := math.Abs(WR.Get(0, 0))

	// find max off-diagonal on first column.
	rcol.SubMatrix(WR, 1, 0, m(AR)-1, 1)

	// r is row index and rmax is its absolute value
	r = blasd.IAmax(&rcol) + 1
	rmax := math.Abs(rcol.Get(r-1, 0))
	if amax >= bkALPHA*rmax {
		// no pivoting, 1x1 diagonal
		return 0, 1
	// Now we need to copy row r to WR[:,1] and update it
	wkp1.SubMatrix(WR, 0, 1, m(AR), 1)
	qrow.SubMatrix(AR, r, 0, 1, r+1)
	blasd.Copy(&wkp1, &qrow)
	if r < m(AR)-1 {
		var wkr cmat.FloatMatrix
		qrow.SubMatrix(AR, r, r, m(AR)-r, 1)
		wkr.SubMatrix(&wkp1, r, 0, m(&wkp1)-r, 1)
		blasd.Copy(&wkr, &qrow)
	if k > 0 {
		// update wkp1
		wrow.SubMatrix(WL, r, 0, 1, n(WL))
		blasd.MVMult(&wkp1, AL, &wrow, -1.0, 1.0, gomas.NONE)

	// set on-diagonal entry to zero to avoid finding it
	p1 := wkp1.Get(r, 0)
	wkp1.Set(r, 0, 0.0)
	// max off-diagonal on r'th column/row at index q
	q = blasd.IAmax(&wkp1)
	qmax := math.Abs(wkp1.Get(q, 0))
	// restore on-diagonal entry
	wkp1.Set(r, 0, p1)

	if amax >= bkALPHA*rmax*(rmax/qmax) {
		// no pivoting, 1x1 diagonal
		return 0, 1
	// if q == r then qmax is not off-diagonal, qmax == WR[r,1] and
	// we get 1x1 pivot as following is always true
	if math.Abs(WR.Get(r, 1)) >= bkALPHA*qmax {
		// 1x1 pivoting and interchange with k, r
		// pivot row in column WR[:,1] to W[:,0]
		src.SubMatrix(WR, 0, 1, m(AR), 1)
		wkp1.SubMatrix(WR, 0, 0, m(AR), 1)
		blasd.Copy(&wkp1, &src)
		wkp1.Set(0, 0, src.Get(r, 0))
		wkp1.Set(r, 0, src.Get(0, 0))
		return r, 1
	} else {
		// 2x2 pivoting and interchange with k+1, r
		return r, 2
	return 0, 1
예제 #13
파일: ldlbkl.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
 * Unblocked Bunch-Kauffman LDL factorization.
 * Corresponds lapack.DSYTF2
func unblkDecompBKLower(A, wrk *cmat.FloatMatrix, p Pivots, conf *gomas.Config) (*gomas.Error, int) {
	var err *gomas.Error = nil
	var ATL, ATR, ABL, ABR cmat.FloatMatrix
	var A00, a10t, a11, A20, a21, A22, a11inv cmat.FloatMatrix
	var cwrk cmat.FloatMatrix
	var pT, pB, p0, p1, p2 Pivots

	err = nil
	nc := 0

		&ATL, &ATR,
		&ABL, &ABR, A, 0, 0, util.PTOPLEFT)
		&pB, p, 0, util.PTOP)

	// permanent working space for symmetric inverse of a11
	a11inv.SubMatrix(wrk, 0, n(wrk)-2, 2, 2)
	a11inv.Set(1, 0, -1.0)
	a11inv.Set(0, 1, -1.0)

	for n(&ABR) > 0 {

		r, np := findBKPivotLower(&ABR)
		if r != 0 && r != np-1 {
			// pivoting needed; do swaping here
			applyBKPivotSymLower(&ABR, np-1, r)
			if np == 2 {
				/*          [0,0] | [r,0]
				 * a11 ==   -------------  2-by-2 pivot, swapping [1,0] and [r,0]
				 *          [r,0] | [r,r]
				t := ABR.Get(1, 0)
				ABR.Set(1, 0, ABR.Get(r, 0))
				ABR.Set(r, 0, t)

		// repartition according the pivot size
			&A00, nil, nil,
			&a10t, &a11, nil,
			&A20, &a21, &A22 /**/, A, np, util.PBOTTOMRIGHT)
			&p2 /**/, p, np, util.PBOTTOM)
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		if np == 1 {
			// A22 = A22 - a21*a21.T/a11
			blasd.MVUpdateTrm(&A22, &a21, &a21, -1.0/a11.Get(0, 0), gomas.LOWER)
			// a21 = a21/a11
			blasd.InvScale(&a21, a11.Get(0, 0))
			// store pivot point relative to original matrix
			p1[0] = r + m(&ATL) + 1
		} else if np == 2 {
			/* from Bunch-Kaufmann 1977:
			 *  (E2 C.T) = ( I2      0      )( E  0      )( I[n-2] E.-1*C.T )
			 *  (C  B  )   ( C*E.-1  I[n-2] )( 0  A[n-2] )( 0      I2       )
			 *  A[n-2] = B - C*E.-1*C.T
			 *  E.-1 is inverse of a symmetric matrix, cannot use
			 *  triangular solve. We calculate inverse of 2x2 matrix.
			 *  Following is inspired by lapack.SYTF2
			 *      a | b      1        d | -b         b         d/b | -1
			 *  inv ----- =  ------  * ------  =  ----------- * --------
			 *      b | d    (ad-b^2)  -b |  a    (a*d - b^2)     -1 | a/b
			a := a11.Get(0, 0)
			b := a11.Get(1, 0)
			d := a11.Get(1, 1)
			a11inv.Set(0, 0, d/b)
			a11inv.Set(1, 1, a/b)
			// denominator: (a/b)*(d/b)-1.0 == (a*d - b^2)/b^2
			scale := 1.0 / ((a/b)*(d/b) - 1.0)
			scale /= b
			// cwrk = a21
			cwrk.SubMatrix(wrk, 2, 0, m(&a21), n(&a21))
			blasd.Copy(&cwrk, &a21)
			// a21 = a21*a11.-1
			blasd.Mult(&a21, &cwrk, &a11inv, scale, 0.0, gomas.NONE, conf)
			// A22 = A22 - a21*a11.-1*a21.T = A22 - a21*cwrk.T
			blasd.UpdateTrm(&A22, &a21, &cwrk, -1.0, 1.0, gomas.LOWER|gomas.TRANSB, conf)
			// store pivot point relative to original matrix
			p1[0] = -(r + m(&ATL) + 1)
			p1[1] = p1[0]
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		nc += np
			&ATL, &ATR,
			&ABL, &ABR, &A00, &a11, &A22, A, util.PBOTTOMRIGHT)
			&pB, p0, p1, p, util.PBOTTOM)
	return err, nc
예제 #14
파일: bired.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
 * Generate one of the orthogonal matrices Q or P.T determined by BDReduce() when
 * reducing a real matrix A to bidiagonal form. Q and P.T are defined as products
 * elementary reflectors H(i) or G(i) respectively.
 * Orthogonal matrix Q is generated if flag WANTQ is set. And matrix P respectively
 * if flag WANTP is set.
func BDBuild(A, tau, W *cmat.FloatMatrix, K, flags int, confs ...*gomas.Config) *gomas.Error {
	var Qh, Ph, tauh, d, s cmat.FloatMatrix
	var err *gomas.Error = nil

	if m(A) == 0 || n(A) == 0 {
		return nil

	if m(A) > n(A) || (m(A) == n(A) && flags&gomas.LOWER == 0) {
		switch flags & (gomas.WANTQ | gomas.WANTP) {
		case gomas.WANTQ:
			tauh.SubMatrix(tau, 0, 0, n(A), 1)
			err = QRBuild(A, &tauh, W, K, confs...)

		case gomas.WANTP:
			// Shift P matrix embedded in A down and fill first column and row
			// to unit vector
			for j := n(A) - 1; j > 0; j-- {
				s.SubMatrix(A, j-1, j, 1, n(A)-j)
				d.SubMatrix(A, j, j, 1, n(A)-j)
				blasd.Copy(&d, &s)
				A.Set(j, 0, 0.0)
			// zero  first row and set first entry to one
			d.Row(A, 0)
			blasd.Scale(&d, 0.0)
			d.Set(0, 0, 1.0)

			Ph.SubMatrix(A, 1, 1, n(A)-1, n(A)-1)
			tauh.SubMatrix(tau, 0, 0, n(A)-1, 1)
			if K > n(A)-1 {
				K = n(A) - 1
			err = LQBuild(&Ph, &tauh, W, K, confs...)
	} else {
		switch flags & (gomas.WANTQ | gomas.WANTP) {
		case gomas.WANTQ:
			// Shift Q matrix embedded in A right and fill first column and row
			// to unit vector
			for j := m(A) - 1; j > 0; j-- {
				s.SubMatrix(A, j, j-1, m(A)-j, 1)
				d.SubMatrix(A, j, j, m(A)-j, 1)
				blasd.Copy(&d, &s)
				A.Set(0, j, 0.0)
			// zero first column and set first entry to one
			d.Column(A, 0)
			blasd.Scale(&d, 0.0)
			d.Set(0, 0, 1.0)

			Qh.SubMatrix(A, 1, 1, m(A)-1, m(A)-1)
			tauh.SubMatrix(tau, 0, 0, m(A)-1, 1)
			if K > m(A)-1 {
				K = m(A) - 1
			err = QRBuild(&Qh, &tauh, W, K, confs...)

		case gomas.WANTP:
			tauh.SubMatrix(tau, 0, 0, m(A), 1)
			err = LQBuild(A, &tauh, W, K, confs...)
	if err != nil {
	return err
예제 #15
파일: ldlbkl.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
 * Unblocked, bounded Bunch-Kauffman LDL factorization for at most ncol columns.
 * At most ncol columns are factorized and trailing matrix updates are restricted
 * to ncol columns. Also original columns are accumulated to working matrix, which
 * is used by calling blocked algorithm to update the trailing matrix with BLAS3
 * update.
 * Corresponds lapack.DLASYF
func unblkBoundedBKLower(A, wrk *cmat.FloatMatrix, p *Pivots, ncol int, conf *gomas.Config) (*gomas.Error, int) {
	var err *gomas.Error = nil
	var ATL, ATR, ABL, ABR cmat.FloatMatrix
	var A00, a10t, a11, A20, a21, A22, a11inv cmat.FloatMatrix
	var w00, w10, w11 cmat.FloatMatrix
	var cwrk cmat.FloatMatrix
	var pT, pB, p0, p1, p2 Pivots

	err = nil
	nc := 0
	if ncol > n(A) {
		ncol = n(A)

	// permanent working space for symmetric inverse of a11
	a11inv.SubMatrix(wrk, 0, n(wrk)-2, 2, 2)
	a11inv.Set(1, 0, -1.0)
	a11inv.Set(0, 1, -1.0)

		&ATL, &ATR,
		&ABL, &ABR, A, 0, 0, util.PTOPLEFT)
		&pB, *p, 0, util.PTOP)

	for n(&ABR) > 0 && nc < ncol {

			&w00, nil,
			&w10, &w11, wrk, nc, nc, util.PTOPLEFT)

		r, np := findAndBuildBKPivotLower(&ABL, &ABR, &w10, &w11, nc)
		if np > ncol-nc {
			// next pivot does not fit into ncol columns, restore last column,
			// return with number of factorized columns
			return err, nc
		if r != 0 && r != np-1 {
			// pivoting needed; do swaping here
			applyBKPivotSymLower(&ABR, np-1, r)
			// swap left hand rows to get correct updates
			swapRows(&ABL, np-1, r)
			swapRows(&w10, np-1, r)
			if np == 2 {
				 *          [0,0] | [r,0]
				 * a11 ==   -------------  2-by-2 pivot, swapping [1,0] and [r,0]
				 *          [r,0] | [r,r]
				t0 := w11.Get(1, 0)
				tr := w11.Get(r, 0)
				w11.Set(1, 0, tr)
				w11.Set(r, 0, t0)
				// interchange diagonal entries on w11[:,1]
				t0 = w11.Get(1, 1)
				tr = w11.Get(r, 1)
				w11.Set(1, 1, tr)
				w11.Set(r, 1, t0)
		// repartition according the pivot size
			&A00, nil, nil,
			&a10t, &a11, nil,
			&A20, &a21, &A22 /**/, A, np, util.PBOTTOMRIGHT)
			&p2 /**/, *p, np, util.PBOTTOM)
		// ------------------------------------------------------------

		if np == 1 {
			cwrk.SubMatrix(&w11, np, 0, m(&a21), np)
			a11.Set(0, 0, w11.Get(0, 0))
			// a21 = a21/a11
			blasd.Copy(&a21, &cwrk)
			blasd.InvScale(&a21, a11.Get(0, 0))
			// store pivot point relative to original matrix
			p1[0] = r + m(&ATL) + 1
		} else if np == 2 {
			 * See comments for this block in unblkDecompBKLower().
			a := w11.Get(0, 0)
			b := w11.Get(1, 0)
			d := w11.Get(1, 1)
			a11inv.Set(0, 0, d/b)
			a11inv.Set(1, 1, a/b)
			// denominator: (a/b)*(d/b)-1.0 == (a*d - b^2)/b^2
			scale := 1.0 / ((a/b)*(d/b) - 1.0)
			scale /= b

			cwrk.SubMatrix(&w11, np, 0, m(&a21), np)
			// a21 = a21*a11.-1
			blasd.Mult(&a21, &cwrk, &a11inv, scale, 0.0, gomas.NONE, conf)
			a11.Set(0, 0, a)
			a11.Set(1, 0, b)
			a11.Set(1, 1, d)

			// store pivot point relative to original matrix
			p1[0] = -(r + m(&ATL) + 1)
			p1[1] = p1[0]
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		nc += np
			&ATL, &ATR,
			&ABL, &ABR, &A00, &a11, &A22, A, util.PBOTTOMRIGHT)
			&pB, p0, p1, *p, util.PBOTTOM)

	return err, nc
예제 #16
파일: hess.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
 * Blocked version of Hessenberg reduction algorithm as presented in (1). This
 * version uses compact-WY transformation.
 * Some notes:
 * Elementary reflectors stored in [A11; A21].T are not on diagonal of A11. Update of
 * a block aligned with A11; A21 is as follow
 * 1. Update from left Q(k)*C:
 *                                         c0   0                            c0
 * (I - Y*T*Y.T).T*C = C - Y*(C.T*Y)*T.T = C1 - Y1 * (C1.T.Y1+C2.T*Y2)*T.T = C1-Y1*W
 *                                         C2   Y2                           C2-Y2*W
 * where W = (C1.T*Y1+C2.T*Y2)*T.T and first row of C is not affected by update
 * 2. Update from right C*Q(k):
 *                                       0
 * C - C*Y*T*Y.T = c0;C1;C2 - c0;C1;C2 * Y1 *T*(0;Y1;Y2) = c0; C1-W*Y1; C2-W*Y2
 *                                       Y2
 * where  W = (C1*Y1 + C2*Y2)*T and first column of C is not affected
func blkHessGQvdG(A, Tvec, W *cmat.FloatMatrix, nb int, conf *gomas.Config) *gomas.Error {
	var ATL, ATR, ABL, ABR cmat.FloatMatrix
	var A00, A11, A12, A21, A22, A2 cmat.FloatMatrix
	var tT, tB, td cmat.FloatMatrix
	var t0, t1, t2, T cmat.FloatMatrix
	var V, VT, VB /*V0, V1, V2,*/, Y1, Y2, W0 cmat.FloatMatrix

	T.SubMatrix(W, 0, 0, conf.LB, conf.LB)
	V.SubMatrix(W, conf.LB, 0, m(A), conf.LB)

		&ATL, &ATR,
		&ABL, &ABR, A, 0, 0, util.PTOPLEFT)
		&tB, Tvec, 0, util.PTOP)

	for m(&ABR) > nb+1 && n(&ABR) > nb {
			&A00, nil, nil,
			nil, &A11, &A12,
			nil, &A21, &A22, A, nb, util.PBOTTOMRIGHT)
			&t2, Tvec, nb, util.PBOTTOM)

			&VB, &V, m(&ATL), util.PTOP)
		// ------------------------------------------------------

		unblkBuildHessGQvdG(&ABR, &T, &VB, nil)
		blasd.Copy(&t1, &td)

		// m(Y) == m(ABR)-1, n(Y) == n(A11)
		Y1.SubMatrix(&ABR, 1, 0, n(&A11), n(&A11))
		Y2.SubMatrix(&ABR, 1+n(&A11), 0, m(&A21)-1, n(&A11))

		// [A01; A02] == ATR := ATR*(I - Y*T*Y.T)
		updateHessRightWY(&ATR, &Y1, &Y2, &T, &VT, conf)

		// A2 = [A12; A22].T
		util.Merge2x1(&A2, &A12, &A22)

		// A2 := A2 - VB*T*A21.T
		be := A21.Get(0, -1)
		A21.Set(0, -1, 1.0)
		blasd.MultTrm(&VB, &T, 1.0, gomas.UPPER|gomas.RIGHT)
		blasd.Mult(&A2, &VB, &A21, -1.0, 1.0, gomas.TRANSB, conf)
		A21.Set(0, -1, be)

		// A2 := (I - Y*T*Y.T).T * A2
		W0.SubMatrix(&V, 0, 0, n(&A2), n(&Y2))
		updateHessLeftWY(&A2, &Y1, &Y2, &T, &W0, conf)

		// ------------------------------------------------------
			&ATL, &ATR,
			&ABL, &ABR, &A00, &A11, &A22, A, util.PBOTTOMRIGHT)
			&tB, &t0, &t1, Tvec, util.PBOTTOM)

	if m(&ABR) > 1 {
		// do the rest with unblocked
		util.Merge2x1(&A2, &ATR, &ABR)
		W0.SetBuf(m(A), 1, m(A), W.Data())
		unblkHessGQvdG(&A2, &tB, &W0, m(&ATR))
	return nil
예제 #17
파일: svd.go 프로젝트: hrautila/gomas
// Compute SVD when m(A) >= n(A)
func svdTall(S, U, V, A, W *cmat.FloatMatrix, bits int, conf *gomas.Config) (err *gomas.Error) {
	var uu, vv *cmat.FloatMatrix
	var tauq, taup, Wred, sD, sE, R, Un cmat.FloatMatrix

	if (bits & (gomas.WANTU | gomas.WANTV)) != 0 {
		if W.Len() < 4*n(A) {
			err = gomas.NewError(gomas.ESIZE, "SVD")
	tauq.SetBuf(n(A), 1, n(A), W.Data())
	taup.SetBuf(n(A)-1, 1, n(A)-1, W.Data()[tauq.Len():])
	wrl := W.Len() - 2*n(A) - 1
	Wred.SetBuf(wrl, 1, wrl, W.Data()[2*n(A)-1:])

	if svdCrossover(m(A), n(A)) {
		goto do_m_much_bigger

	// reduce to bidiagonal form
	if err = BDReduce(A, &tauq, &taup, &Wred, conf); err != nil {

	sE.Diag(A, 1)
	blasd.Copy(S, &sD)

	// left vectors
	if bits&gomas.WANTU != 0 {
		if n(U) == n(A) {
			// U is M-by-N; copy and make lower triangular
			cmat.TriL(U, 0)
			if err = BDBuild(U, &tauq, &Wred, n(U), gomas.WANTQ, conf); err != nil {
		} else {
			// U is M-by-M
			eye := cmat.FloatDiagonalSource{1.0}
			U.SetFrom(&eye, cmat.SYMM)
			if err = BDMult(U, A, &tauq, &Wred, gomas.MULTQ|gomas.RIGHT, conf); err != nil {
		uu = U
	// right vectors
	if bits&gomas.WANTV != 0 {
		R.SubMatrix(A, 0, 0, n(A), n(A))
		cmat.TriU(V, 0)
		if err = BDBuild(V, &taup, &Wred, m(V), gomas.WANTP, conf); err != nil {
		vv = V
	err = BDSvd(S, &sE, uu, vv, W, bits|gomas.UPPER)

	// M >> N here; first use QR factorization
	if err = QRFactor(A, &tauq, &Wred, conf); err != nil {
	if bits&gomas.WANTU != 0 {
		if n(U) == n(A) {
			if err = QRBuild(U, &tauq, &Wred, n(U), conf); err != nil {
		} else {
			// U is M-by-M
			eye := cmat.FloatDiagonalSource{1.0}
			U.SetFrom(&eye, cmat.SYMM)
			if err = QRMult(U, A, &tauq, &Wred, gomas.LEFT, conf); err != nil {
	R.SubMatrix(A, 0, 0, n(A), n(A))
	cmat.TriU(&R, 0)

	// bidiagonal reduce
	if err = BDReduce(&R, &tauq, &taup, &Wred, conf); err != nil {

	if bits&gomas.WANTU != 0 {
		Un.SubMatrix(U, 0, 0, m(A), n(A))
		if err = BDMult(&Un, &R, &tauq, &Wred, gomas.MULTQ|gomas.RIGHT, conf); err != nil {
		uu = U
	if bits&gomas.WANTV != 0 {
		if err = BDBuild(V, &taup, &Wred, m(V), gomas.WANTP, conf); err != nil {
		vv = V

	sE.Diag(A, 1)
	blasd.Copy(S, &sD)

	err = BDSvd(S, &sE, uu, vv, W, bits|gomas.UPPER, conf)