func main() { Sdata := [][]float64{ []float64{4e-2, 6e-3, -4e-3, 0.0}, []float64{6e-3, 1e-2, 0.0, 0.0}, []float64{-4e-3, 0.0, 2.5e-3, 0.0}, []float64{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}} pbar := matrix.FloatVector([]float64{.12, .10, .07, .03}) S := matrix.FloatMatrixFromTable(Sdata) n := pbar.Rows() G := matrix.FloatDiagonal(n, -1.0) h := matrix.FloatZeros(n, 1) A := matrix.FloatWithValue(1, n, 1.0) b := matrix.FloatNew(1, 1, []float64{1.0}) var solopts cvx.SolverOptions solopts.MaxIter = 30 solopts.ShowProgress = true mu := 1.0 Smu := matrix.Scale(S, mu) pbarNeg := matrix.Scale(pbar, -1.0) fmt.Printf("Smu=\n%v\n", Smu.String()) fmt.Printf("-pbar=\n%v\n", pbarNeg.String()) sol, err := cvx.Qp(Smu, pbarNeg, G, h, A, b, &solopts, nil) fmt.Printf("status: %v\n", err) if sol != nil && sol.Status == cvx.Optimal { x := sol.Result.At("x")[0] ret := blas.DotFloat(x, pbar) risk := math.Sqrt(blas.DotFloat(x, S.Times(x))) fmt.Printf("ret=%.3f, risk=%.3f\n", ret, risk) fmt.Printf("x=\n%v\n", x) } }
func TestAcent(t *testing.T) { // matrix string in row order presentation Adata := [][]float64{ []float64{-7.44e-01, 1.11e-01, 1.29e+00, 2.62e+00, -1.82e+00}, []float64{4.59e-01, 7.06e-01, 3.16e-01, -1.06e-01, 7.80e-01}, []float64{-2.95e-02, -2.22e-01, -2.07e-01, -9.11e-01, -3.92e-01}, []float64{-7.75e-01, 1.03e-01, -1.22e+00, -5.74e-01, -3.32e-01}, []float64{-1.80e+00, 1.24e+00, -2.61e+00, -9.31e-01, -6.38e-01}} bdata := []float64{ 8.38e-01, 9.92e-01, 9.56e-01, 6.14e-01, 6.56e-01, 3.57e-01, 6.36e-01, 5.08e-01, 8.81e-03, 7.08e-02} // these are solution obtained from running cvxopt with above data solData := []float64{-11.59728373909344512, -1.35196389161339936, 7.21894899350256303, -3.29159917142051528, 4.90454147385329176} ntData := []float64{ 1.5163484265903457, 1.2433928210771914, 1.0562922103520955, 0.8816246051011607, 0.7271128861543598, 0.42725003346248974, 0.0816777301914883, 0.0005458037072843131, 1.6259980735305693e-10} b := matrix.FloatVector(bdata) Al := matrix.FloatMatrixFromTable(Adata, matrix.RowOrder) Au := matrix.Scale(Al, -1.0) A := matrix.FloatZeros(2*Al.Rows(), Al.Cols()) A.SetSubMatrix(0, 0, Al) A.SetSubMatrix(Al.Rows(), 0, Au) x, nt, err := acent(A, b, 10) if err != nil { t.Logf("Acent error: %s", err) t.Fail() } solref := matrix.FloatVector(solData) ntref := matrix.FloatVector(ntData) soldf := matrix.Minus(x, solref) ntdf := matrix.Minus(matrix.FloatVector(nt), ntref) solNrm := blas.Nrm2Float(soldf) ntNrm := blas.Nrm2Float(ntdf) t.Logf("x [diff=%.2e]:\n%v\n", solNrm, x) t.Logf("nt [diff=%.2e]:\n%v\n", ntNrm, nt) if solNrm > TOL { t.Log("solution deviates too much from expected\n") t.Fail() } }
func (p *acenterProg) F1(x *matrix.FloatMatrix) (f, Df *matrix.FloatMatrix, err error) { f = nil Df = nil err = nil max := matrix.Abs(x).Max() if max >= 1.0 { err = errors.New("max(abs(x)) >= 1.0") return } // u = 1 - x**2 u := matrix.Pow(x, 2.0).Scale(-1.0).Add(1.0) val := -matrix.Log(u).Sum() f = matrix.FloatValue(val) Df = matrix.Div(matrix.Scale(x, 2.0), u).Transpose() return }
func main() { m := 6 Vdata := [][]float64{ []float64{1.0, -1.0, -2.0, -2.0, 0.0, 1.5, 1.0}, []float64{1.0, 2.0, 1.0, -1.0, -2.0, -1.0, 1.0}} V := matrix.FloatMatrixFromTable(Vdata, matrix.RowOrder) // V[1, :m] - V[1,1:] a0 := matrix.Minus(V.GetSubMatrix(1, 0, 1, m), V.GetSubMatrix(1, 1, 1)) // V[0, :m] - V[0,1:] a1 := matrix.Minus(V.GetSubMatrix(0, 0, 1, m), V.GetSubMatrix(0, 1, 1)) A0, _ := matrix.FloatMatrixStacked(matrix.StackDown, a0.Scale(-1.0), a1) A0 = A0.Transpose() b0 := matrix.Mul(A0, V.GetSubMatrix(0, 0, 2, m).Transpose()) b0 = matrix.Times(b0, matrix.FloatWithValue(2, 1, 1.0)) A := make([]*matrix.FloatMatrix, 0) b := make([]*matrix.FloatMatrix, 0) A = append(A, A0) b = append(b, b0) // List of symbols C := make([]*matrix.FloatMatrix, 0) C = append(C, matrix.FloatZeros(2, 1)) var row *matrix.FloatMatrix = nil for k := 0; k < m; k++ { row = A0.GetRow(k, row) nrm := blas.Nrm2Float(row) row.Scale(2.0 * b0.GetIndex(k) / (nrm * nrm)) C = append(C, row.Transpose()) } // Voronoi set around C[1] A1 := matrix.FloatZeros(3, 2) A1.SetSubMatrix(0, 0, A0.GetSubMatrix(0, 0, 1).Scale(-1.0)) A1.SetSubMatrix(1, 0, matrix.Minus(C[m], C[1]).Transpose()) A1.SetSubMatrix(2, 0, matrix.Minus(C[2], C[1]).Transpose()) b1 := matrix.FloatZeros(3, 1) b1.SetIndex(0, -b0.GetIndex(0)) v := matrix.Times(A1.GetRow(1, nil), matrix.Plus(C[m], C[1])).Float() * 0.5 b1.SetIndex(1, v) v = matrix.Times(A1.GetRow(2, nil), matrix.Plus(C[2], C[1])).Float() * 0.5 b1.SetIndex(2, v) A = append(A, A1) b = append(b, b1) // Voronoi set around C[2] ... C[5] for k := 2; k < 6; k++ { A1 = matrix.FloatZeros(3, 2) A1.SetSubMatrix(0, 0, A0.GetSubMatrix(k-1, 0, 1).Scale(-1.0)) A1.SetSubMatrix(1, 0, matrix.Minus(C[k-1], C[k]).Transpose()) A1.SetSubMatrix(2, 0, matrix.Minus(C[k+1], C[k]).Transpose()) b1 = matrix.FloatZeros(3, 1) b1.SetIndex(0, -b0.GetIndex(k-1)) v := matrix.Times(A1.GetRow(1, nil), matrix.Plus(C[k-1], C[k])).Float() * 0.5 b1.SetIndex(1, v) v = matrix.Times(A1.GetRow(2, nil), matrix.Plus(C[k+1], C[k])).Float() * 0.5 b1.SetIndex(2, v) A = append(A, A1) b = append(b, b1) } // Voronoi set around C[6] A1 = matrix.FloatZeros(3, 2) A1.SetSubMatrix(0, 0, A0.GetSubMatrix(5, 0, 1).Scale(-1.0)) A1.SetSubMatrix(1, 0, matrix.Minus(C[1], C[6]).Transpose()) A1.SetSubMatrix(2, 0, matrix.Minus(C[5], C[6]).Transpose()) b1 = matrix.FloatZeros(3, 1) b1.SetIndex(0, -b0.GetIndex(5)) v = matrix.Times(A1.GetRow(1, nil), matrix.Plus(C[1], C[6])).Float() * 0.5 b1.SetIndex(1, v) v = matrix.Times(A1.GetRow(2, nil), matrix.Plus(C[5], C[6])).Float() * 0.5 b1.SetIndex(2, v) A = append(A, A1) b = append(b, b1) P := matrix.FloatIdentity(2) q := matrix.FloatZeros(2, 1) solopts := &cvx.SolverOptions{ShowProgress: false, MaxIter: 30} ovals := make([]float64, 0) for k := 1; k < 7; k++ { sol, err := cvx.Qp(P, q, A[k], b[k], nil, nil, solopts, nil) _ = err x := sol.Result.At("x")[0] ovals = append(ovals, math.Pow(blas.Nrm2Float(x), 2.0)) } optvals := matrix.FloatVector(ovals) //fmt.Printf("optvals=\n%v\n", optvals) rangeFunc := func(n int) []float64 { r := make([]float64, 0) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { r = append(r, float64(i)) } return r } nopts := 200 sigmas := matrix.FloatVector(rangeFunc(nopts)) sigmas.Scale((0.5 - 0.2) / float64(nopts)).Add(0.2) bndsVal := func(sigma float64) float64 { // 1.0 - sum(exp( -optvals/(2*sigma**2))) return 1.0 - matrix.Exp(matrix.Scale(optvals, -1.0/(2*sigma*sigma))).Sum() } bnds := matrix.FloatZeros(sigmas.NumElements(), 1) for j, v := range sigmas.FloatArray() { bnds.SetIndex(j, bndsVal(v)) } plotData("plot.png", sigmas.FloatArray(), bnds.FloatArray()) }
func main() { flag.Parse() m := len(udata) nvars := 2 * m u := matrix.FloatVector(udata[:m]) y := matrix.FloatVector(ydata[:m]) // minimize (1/2) * || yhat - y ||_2^2 // subject to yhat[j] >= yhat[i] + g[i]' * (u[j] - u[i]), j, i = 0,...,m-1 // // Variables yhat (m), g (m). P := matrix.FloatZeros(nvars, nvars) // set m first diagonal indexes to 1.0 //P.SetIndexes(1.0, matrix.DiagonalIndexes(P)[:m]...) P.Diag().SubMatrix(0, 0, 1, m).SetIndexes(1.0) q := matrix.FloatZeros(nvars, 1) q.SubMatrix(0, 0, y.NumElements(), 1).Plus(matrix.Scale(y, -1.0)) // m blocks (i = 0,...,m-1) of linear inequalities // // yhat[i] + g[i]' * (u[j] - u[i]) <= yhat[j], j = 0,...,m-1. G := matrix.FloatZeros(m*m, nvars) I := matrix.FloatDiagonal(m, 1.0) for i := 0; i < m; i++ { // coefficients of yhat[i] (column i) //G.Set(1.0, matrix.ColumnIndexes(G, i)[i*m:(i+1)*m]...) column(G, i).SetIndexes(1.0) // coefficients of gi[i] (column i, rows i*m ... (i+1)*m) //rows := matrix.Indexes(i*m, (i+1)*m) //G.SetAtColumnArray(m+i, rows, matrix.Add(u, -u.GetIndex(i)).FloatArray()) // coefficients of gi[i] (column i, rows i*m ... (i+1)*m) // from column m+i staring at row i*m select m rows and one column G.SubMatrix(i*m, m+i, m, 1).Plus(matrix.Add(u, -u.GetIndex(i))) // coeffients of yhat[i]) from rows i*m ... (i+1)*m, cols 0 ... m //G.SetSubMatrix(i*m, 0, matrix.Minus(G.GetSubMatrix(i*m, 0, m, m), I)) G.SubMatrix(i*m, 0, m, m).Minus(I) } h := matrix.FloatZeros(m*m, 1) var A, b *matrix.FloatMatrix = nil, nil var solopts cvx.SolverOptions solopts.ShowProgress = true solopts.KKTSolverName = solver sol, err := cvx.Qp(P, q, G, h, A, b, &solopts, nil) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err) return } if sol != nil && sol.Status != cvx.Optimal { fmt.Printf("status not optimal\n") return } x := sol.Result.At("x")[0] //yhat := matrix.FloatVector(x.FloatArray()[:m]) //g := matrix.FloatVector(x.FloatArray()[m:]) yhat := x.SubMatrix(0, 0, m, 1).Copy() g := x.SubMatrix(m, 0).Copy() rangeFunc := func(n int) []float64 { r := make([]float64, 0) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { r = append(r, float64(i)*2.2/float64(n)) } return r } ts := rangeFunc(1000) fitFunc := func(points []float64) []float64 { res := make([]float64, len(points)) for k, t := range points { res[k] = matrix.Plus(yhat, matrix.Mul(g, matrix.Scale(u, -1.0).Add(t))).Max() } return res } fs := fitFunc(ts) plotData("cvxfit.png", u.FloatArray(), y.FloatArray(), ts, fs) }
func qcl1(A, b *matrix.FloatMatrix) (*cvx.Solution, error) { // Returns the solution u, z of // // (primal) minimize || u ||_1 // subject to || A * u - b ||_2 <= 1 // // (dual) maximize b^T z - ||z||_2 // subject to || A'*z ||_inf <= 1. // // Exploits structure, assuming A is m by n with m >= n. m, n := A.Size() Fkkt := func(W *sets.FloatMatrixSet) (f cvx.KKTFunc, err error) { minor := 0 if !checkpnt.MinorEmpty() { minor = checkpnt.MinorTop() } err = nil f = nil beta := W.At("beta")[0].GetIndex(0) v := W.At("v")[0] // As = 2 * v *(v[1:].T * A) //v_1 := matrix.FloatNew(1, v.NumElements()-1, v.FloatArray()[1:]) v_1 := v.SubMatrix(1, 0).Transpose() As := matrix.Times(v, matrix.Times(v_1, A)).Scale(2.0) //As_1 := As.GetSubMatrix(1, 0, m, n) //As_1.Scale(-1.0) //As.SetSubMatrix(1, 0, matrix.Minus(As_1, A)) As_1 := As.SubMatrix(1, 0, m, n) As_1.Scale(-1.0) As_1.Minus(A) As.Scale(1.0 / beta) S := matrix.Times(As.Transpose(), As) checkpnt.AddMatrixVar("S", S) d1 := W.At("d")[0].SubMatrix(0, 0, n, 1).Copy() d2 := W.At("d")[0].SubMatrix(n, 0).Copy() // D = 4.0 * (d1**2 + d2**2)**-1 d := matrix.Plus(matrix.Mul(d1, d1), matrix.Mul(d2, d2)).Inv().Scale(4.0) // S[::n+1] += d S.Diag().Plus(d.Transpose()) err = lapack.Potrf(S) checkpnt.Check("00-Fkkt", minor) if err != nil { return } f = func(x, y, z *matrix.FloatMatrix) (err error) { minor := 0 if !checkpnt.MinorEmpty() { minor = checkpnt.MinorTop() } else { loopf += 1 minor = loopf } checkpnt.Check("00-f", minor) // -- z := - W**-T * z // z[:n] = -div( z[:n], d1 ) z_val := z.SubMatrix(0, 0, n, 1) z_res := matrix.Div(z_val, d1).Scale(-1.0) z.SubMatrix(0, 0, n, 1).Set(z_res) // z[n:2*n] = -div( z[n:2*n], d2 ) z_val = z.SubMatrix(n, 0, n, 1) z_res = matrix.Div(z_val, d2).Scale(-1.0) z.SubMatrix(n, 0, n, 1).Set(z_res) // z[2*n:] -= 2.0*v*( v[0]*z[2*n] -[1:], z[2*n+1:]) ) v0_z2n := v.GetIndex(0) * z.GetIndex(2*n) v1_z2n := blas.DotFloat(v, z, &linalg.IOpt{"offsetx", 1}, &linalg.IOpt{"offsety", 2*n + 1}) z_res = matrix.Scale(v, -2.0*(v0_z2n-v1_z2n)) z.SubMatrix(2*n, 0, z_res.NumElements(), 1).Plus(z_res) // z[2*n+1:] *= -1.0 z.SubMatrix(2*n+1, 0).Scale(-1.0) // z[2*n:] /= beta z.SubMatrix(2*n, 0).Scale(1.0 / beta) // -- x := x - G' * W**-1 * z // z_n = z[:n], z_2n = z[n:2*n], z_m = z[-(m+1):], z_n := z.SubMatrix(0, 0, n, 1) z_2n := z.SubMatrix(n, 0, n, 1) z_m := z.SubMatrix(z.NumElements()-(m+1), 0) // x[:n] -= div(z[:n], d1) - div(z[n:2*n], d2) + As.T * z[-(m+1):] z_res = matrix.Minus(matrix.Div(z_n, d1), matrix.Div(z_2n, d2)) a_res := matrix.Times(As.Transpose(), z_m) z_res.Plus(a_res).Scale(-1.0) x.SubMatrix(0, 0, n, 1).Plus(z_res) // x[n:] += div(z[:n], d1) + div(z[n:2*n], d2) z_res = matrix.Plus(matrix.Div(z_n, d1), matrix.Div(z_2n, d2)) x.SubMatrix(n, 0, z_res.NumElements(), 1).Plus(z_res) checkpnt.Check("15-f", minor) // Solve for x[:n]: // // S*x[:n] = x[:n] - (W1**2 - W2**2)(W1**2 + W2**2)^-1 * x[n:] // w1 = (d1**2 - d2**2), w2 = (d1**2 + d2**2) w1 := matrix.Minus(matrix.Mul(d1, d1), matrix.Mul(d2, d2)) w2 := matrix.Plus(matrix.Mul(d1, d1), matrix.Mul(d2, d2)) // x[:n] += -mul( div(w1, w2), x[n:]) x_n := x.SubMatrix(n, 0) x_val := matrix.Mul(matrix.Div(w1, w2), x_n).Scale(-1.0) x.SubMatrix(0, 0, n, 1).Plus(x_val) checkpnt.Check("25-f", minor) // Solve for x[n:]: // // (d1**-2 + d2**-2) * x[n:] = x[n:] + (d1**-2 - d2**-2)*x[:n] err = lapack.Potrs(S, x) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Potrs error: %s\n", err) } checkpnt.Check("30-f", minor) // Solve for x[n:]: // // (d1**-2 + d2**-2) * x[n:] = x[n:] + (d1**-2 - d2**-2)*x[:n] // w1 = (d1**-2 - d2**-2), w2 = (d1**-2 + d2**-2) w1 = matrix.Minus(matrix.Mul(d1, d1).Inv(), matrix.Mul(d2, d2).Inv()) w2 = matrix.Plus(matrix.Mul(d1, d1).Inv(), matrix.Mul(d2, d2).Inv()) x_n = x.SubMatrix(0, 0, n, 1) // x[n:] += mul( d1**-2 - d2**-2, x[:n]) x_val = matrix.Mul(w1, x_n) x.SubMatrix(n, 0, x_val.NumElements(), 1).Plus(x_val) checkpnt.Check("35-f", minor) // x[n:] = div( x[n:], d1**-2 + d2**-2) x_n = x.SubMatrix(n, 0) x_val = matrix.Div(x_n, w2) x.SubMatrix(n, 0, x_val.NumElements(), 1).Set(x_val) checkpnt.Check("40-f", minor) // x_n = x[:n], x-2n = x[n:2*n] x_n = x.SubMatrix(0, 0, n, 1) x_2n := x.SubMatrix(n, 0, n, 1) // z := z + W^-T * G*x // z[:n] += div( x[:n] - x[n:2*n], d1) x_val = matrix.Div(matrix.Minus(x_n, x_2n), d1) z.SubMatrix(0, 0, n, 1).Plus(x_val) checkpnt.Check("44-f", minor) // z[n:2*n] += div( -x[:n] - x[n:2*n], d2) x_val = matrix.Div(matrix.Plus(x_n, x_2n).Scale(-1.0), d2) z.SubMatrix(n, 0, n, 1).Plus(x_val) checkpnt.Check("48-f", minor) // z[2*n:] += As*x[:n] x_val = matrix.Times(As, x_n) z.SubMatrix(2*n, 0, x_val.NumElements(), 1).Plus(x_val) checkpnt.Check("50-f", minor) return nil } return } // matrix(n*[0.0] + n*[1.0]) c := matrix.FloatZeros(2*n, 1) c.SubMatrix(n, 0).SetIndexes(1.0) h := matrix.FloatZeros(2*n+m+1, 1) h.SetIndexes(1.0, 2*n) // h[2*n+1:] = -b h.SubMatrix(2*n+1, 0).Plus(b).Scale(-1.0) G := &matrixFs{A} dims := sets.DSetNew("l", "q", "s") dims.Set("l", []int{2 * n}) dims.Set("q", []int{m + 1}) var solopts cvx.SolverOptions solopts.ShowProgress = true if maxIter > 0 { solopts.MaxIter = maxIter } if len(solver) > 0 { solopts.KKTSolverName = solver } return cvx.ConeLpCustomMatrix(c, G, h, nil, nil, dims, Fkkt, &solopts, nil, nil) }
// Computes analytic center of A*x <= b with A m by n of rank n. // We assume that b > 0 and the feasible set is bounded. func acent(A, b *matrix.FloatMatrix, niters int) (x *matrix.FloatMatrix, ntdecrs []float64, err error) { err = nil if niters <= 0 { niters = MAXITERS } ntdecrs = make([]float64, 0, niters) if A.Rows() != b.Rows() { return nil, nil, errors.New("A.Rows() != b.Rows()") } m, n := A.Size() x = matrix.FloatZeros(n, 1) H := matrix.FloatZeros(n, n) // Helper m*n matrix Dmn := matrix.FloatZeros(m, n) for i := 0; i < niters; i++ { // Gradient is g = A^T * (1.0/(b - A*x)). d = 1.0/(b - A*x) // d is m*1 matrix, g is n*1 matrix d := matrix.Minus(b, matrix.Times(A, x)).Inv() g := matrix.Times(A.Transpose(), d) // Hessian is H = A^T * diag(1./(b-A*x))^2 * A. // in the original python code expression d[:,n*[0]] creates // a m*n matrix where each column is copy of column 0. // We do it here manually. for i := 0; i < n; i++ { Dmn.SetColumn(i, d) } // Function mul creates element wise product of matrices. Asc := matrix.Mul(Dmn, A) blas.SyrkFloat(Asc, H, 1.0, 0.0, linalg.OptTrans) // Newton step is v = H^-1 * g. v := matrix.Scale(g, -1.0) PosvFloat(H, v) // Directional derivative and Newton decrement. lam := blas.DotFloat(g, v) ntdecrs = append(ntdecrs, math.Sqrt(-lam)) if ntdecrs[len(ntdecrs)-1] < TOL { return x, ntdecrs, err } // Backtracking line search. // y = d .* A*v y := matrix.Mul(d, matrix.Times(A, v)) step := 1.0 for 1-step*y.Max() < 0 { step *= BETA } search: for { // t = -step*y + 1 [e.g. t = 1 - step*y] t := matrix.Scale(y, -step).Add(1.0) // ts = sum(log(1-step*y)) ts := t.Log().Sum() if -ts < ALPHA*step*lam { break search } step *= BETA } v.Scale(step) x.Plus(v) } // no solution !! err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Iteration %d exhausted\n", niters)) return x, ntdecrs, err }