func testHasProtocolVersions(t *testing.T, h host.Host, p peer.ID) { v, err := h.Peerstore().Get(p, "ProtocolVersion") if v == nil { t.Error("no protocol version") return } if v.(string) != identify.LibP2PVersion { t.Error("protocol mismatch", err) } v, err = h.Peerstore().Get(p, "AgentVersion") if v.(string) != identify.ClientVersion { t.Error("agent version mismatch", err) } }
func testKnowsAddrs(t *testing.T, h host.Host, p peer.ID, expected []ma.Multiaddr) { actual := h.Peerstore().Addrs(p) if len(actual) != len(expected) { t.Error("dont have the same addresses") } have := map[string]struct{}{} for _, addr := range actual { have[addr.String()] = struct{}{} } for _, addr := range expected { if _, found := have[addr.String()]; !found { t.Errorf("%s did not have addr for %s: %s", h.ID(), p, addr) // panic("ahhhhhhh") } } }