예제 #1
 * This is a fallback client builder, which builds the default
 * coach client.  The default coach client is currently the
 * FSouza Docker client, configured to use ENV settings, or
 * a local socket.
func (clientFactories *ClientFactories) from_Default(logger log.Log, project *conf.Project) {
	clientFactorySettings := &FSouza_ClientFactorySettings{}
	clientType := "fsouza"

	if DockerHost := os.Getenv("DOCKER_HOST"); DockerHost == "" {
		logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG, "No local environment DOCKER settings found, assuming a locally running docker client will be found.")
		clientFactorySettings.Host = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
	} else {
		clientFactorySettings.Host = DockerHost

	// if we have no cert path, and we are going to use a TCP socket, test for a default cert path.
	if DockerCertPath := os.Getenv("DOCKER_CERT_PATH"); DockerCertPath != "" {
		clientFactorySettings.CertPath = DockerCertPath

	factory := FSouza_ClientFactory{}
	if !factory.Init(logger, project, ClientFactorySettings(clientFactorySettings)) {
		logger.Error("Failed to initialize FSouza factory from client factory configuration")

	// Add this factory to the factory list
	logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG_LOTS, "Client Factory Created [Client_DockerFSouzaFactory]", factory)
	clientFactories.AddClientFactory(clientType, ClientFactory(&factory))
예제 #2
func Init_Generate(logger log.Log, handler string, path string, skip []string, sizeLimit int64, output io.Writer) bool {
	logger.Message("GENERATING INIT")

	var generator Generator
	switch handler {
	case "test":
		generator = Generator(&TestInitGenerator{logger: logger, output: output})
	case "yaml":
		generator = Generator(&YMLInitGenerator{logger: logger, output: output})
		logger.Error("Unknown init generator (handler) " + handler)
		return false

	iterator := GenerateIterator{
		logger:    logger,
		output:    output,
		skip:      skip,
		sizeLimit: sizeLimit,
		generator: generator,

	if iterator.Generate(path) {
		return true
	} else {
		return false
예제 #3
func (client *FSouza_NodeClient) Destroy(logger log.Log, force bool) bool {
	// Get the image name
	image, tag := client.GetImageName()
	if tag != "" {
		image += ":" + tag

	if !client.HasImage() {
		logger.Warning("Node has no image to destroy [" + image + "]")
		return false

	options := docker.RemoveImageOptions{
		Force: force,

	// ask the docker client to remove the image
	err := client.backend.RemoveImageExtended(image, options)

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Node image removal failed [" + image + "] => " + err.Error())
		return false
	} else {
		client.backend.Refresh(true, false)
		logger.Message("Node image was removed [" + image + "]")
		return true
예제 #4
func (operation *InitGenerateOperation) Run(logger log.Log) bool {
	logger.Info("running init operation:" + operation.output)

	var writer io.Writer
	switch operation.output {
	case "logger":
	case "":
		writer = logger
		if strings.HasSuffix(operation.output, ".") {
			operation.output = operation.output + operation.handler
		if fileWriter, err := os.Create(operation.output); err == nil {
			operation.skip = append(operation.skip, operation.output)
			writer = io.Writer(fileWriter)
			defer fileWriter.Close()
			logger.Message("Opening file for init generation output: " + operation.output)
		} else {
			logger.Error("Could not open output file to write init to:" + operation.output)

	initialize.Init_Generate(logger.MakeChild("init-generate"), operation.handler, operation.root, operation.skip, operation.sizeLimit, writer)

	return true
예제 #5
func (clientFactory *FSouza_ClientFactory) Init(logger log.Log, project *conf.Project, settings ClientFactorySettings) bool {
	clientFactory.log = logger
	clientFactory.conf = project

	// make sure that the settings that were given, where the proper "FSouza_ClientFactory" type
	typedSettings := settings.Settings()
	switch asserted := typedSettings.(type) {
	case *FSouza_ClientFactorySettings:
		clientFactory.settings = *asserted
		logger.Error("Invalid settings type passed to Fsouza Factory")
		logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG, "Settings passed:", asserted)

	// if we haven't made an actual fsouza docker client, then do it now
	if clientFactory.client == nil {
		if client, pk := clientFactory.makeFsouzaClientWrapper(logger.MakeChild("fsouza")); pk {
			clientFactory.client = client
			return true
		} else {
			logger.Error("Failed to create actual FSouza Docker client from client factory configuration")
			return false
	return true
예제 #6
// Try to configure factories by parsing yaml from a byte stream
func (clientFactories *ClientFactories) from_ClientFactoriesYamlBytes(logger log.Log, project *conf.Project, yamlBytes []byte) bool {
	if project != nil {
		// token replace
		tokens := &project.Tokens
		yamlBytes = []byte(tokens.TokenReplace(string(yamlBytes)))

	var yaml_clients map[string]map[string]interface{}
	err := yaml.Unmarshal(yamlBytes, &yaml_clients)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Warning("YAML parsing error : " + err.Error())
		return false
	logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG_STAAAP, "YAML source:", yaml_clients)

	for name, client_struct := range yaml_clients {
		clientType := ""
		client_json, _ := json.Marshal(client_struct)
		logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG_STAAAP, "Single client JSON:", string(client_json))

		if clientType_struct, ok := client_struct["Type"]; ok {
			clientType, _ = clientType_struct.(string)
		} else {
			clientType = name

		switch strings.ToLower(clientType) {
		case "docker":
		case "fsouza":

			clientFactorySettings := &FSouza_ClientFactorySettings{}
			err := json.Unmarshal(client_json, clientFactorySettings)

			if err != nil {
				logger.Warning("Factory definition failed to configure client factory :" + err.Error())
				logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG, "Factory configuration json: ", string(client_json), clientFactorySettings)

			factory := FSouza_ClientFactory{}
			if !factory.Init(logger.MakeChild(clientType), project, ClientFactorySettings(clientFactorySettings)) {
				logger.Error("Failed to initialize FSouza factory from client factory configuration: " + err.Error())

			// Add this factory to the factory list
			logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG_LOTS, "Client Factory Created [Client_DockerFSouzaFactory]", factory)
			clientFactories.AddClientFactory(clientType, ClientFactory(&factory))

		case "":
			logger.Warning("Client registration failure, client has a bad value for 'Type'")
			logger.Warning("Client registration failure, client has an unknown value for 'Type' :" + clientType)


	return true
예제 #7
func (client *FSouza_InstanceClient) Attach(logger log.Log) bool {
	id := client.instance.MachineName()

	// build options for the docker attach operation
	options := docker.AttachToContainerOptions{
		Container:    id,
		InputStream:  os.Stdin,
		OutputStream: os.Stdout,
		ErrorStream:  logger,

		Logs:   true, // Get container logs, sending it to OutputStream.
		Stream: true, // Stream the response?

		Stdin:  true, // Attach to stdin, and use InputStream.
		Stdout: true, // Attach to stdout, and use OutputStream.
		Stderr: true,

		//Success chan struct{}

		RawTerminal: client.settings.Config.Tty, // Use raw terminal? Usually true when the container contains a TTY.

	logger.Message("Attaching to instance container [" + id + "]")
	err := client.backend.AttachToContainer(options)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Failed to attach to instance container [" + id + "] =>" + err.Error())
		return false
	} else {
		logger.Message("Disconnected from instance container [" + id + "]")
		return true
예제 #8
func (operation *UnknownOperation) Run(logger log.Log) bool {
	if operation.id == DEFAULT_OPERATION {
		logger.Error("No operation specified")
	} else {
		logger.Error("Unknown operation: " + operation.id)
	return false
예제 #9
파일: demo.go 프로젝트: james-nesbitt/coach
func (tasks *InitTasks) Init_Demo_Run(logger log.Log, demo string) bool {
	if demoPath, ok := COACH_DEMO_URLS[demo]; ok {
		return tasks.Init_Yaml_Run(logger, demoPath)
	} else {
		logger.Error("Unknown demo key : " + demo)
		return false
예제 #10
// Run all of the prepared operations
func (operations *Operations) Run(logger log.Log) {
	if len(operations.operationsList) == 0 {
		logger.Error("No operation created")
	} else {
		for _, operation := range operations.operationsList {
예제 #11
func (client *FSouza_NodeClient) Pull(logger log.Log, force bool) bool {
	image, tag := client.GetImageName()
	actionCacheTag := "pull:" + image + ":" + tag

	if _, ok := actionCache[actionCacheTag]; ok {
		logger.Message("Node image [" + image + ":" + tag + "] was just pulled, so not pulling it again.")
		return true

	if !force && client.HasImage() {
		logger.Info("Node already has an image [" + image + ":" + tag + "], so not pulling it again.  You can force this operation if you want to pull this image.")
		return false

	options := docker.PullImageOptions{
		Repository:    image,
		OutputStream:  logger,
		RawJSONStream: false,

	if tag != "" {
		options.Tag = tag

	var auth docker.AuthConfiguration
	// 		var ok bool
	//options.Registry = "https://index.docker.io/v1/"

	// 		auths, _ := docker.NewAuthConfigurationsFromDockerCfg()
	// 		if auth, ok = auths.Configs[registry]; ok {
	// 			options.Registry = registry
	// 		} else {
	// 			node.log.Warning("You have no local login credentials for any repo. Defaulting to no login.")
	auth = docker.AuthConfiguration{}
	options.Registry = "https://index.docker.io/v1/"
	// 		}

	logger.Message("Pulling node image [" + image + ":" + tag + "] from server [" + options.Registry + "] using auth [" + auth.Username + "] : " + image + ":" + tag)
	logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG_LOTS, "AUTH USED: ", map[string]string{"Username": auth.Username, "Password": auth.Password, "Email": auth.Email, "ServerAdddress": auth.ServerAddress})

	// ask the docker client to build the image
	err := client.backend.PullImage(options, auth)

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Node image not pulled : " + image + " => " + err.Error())
		actionCache[actionCacheTag] = false
		return false
	} else {
		client.backend.Refresh(true, false)
		logger.Message("Node image pulled: " + image + ":" + tag)
		actionCache[actionCacheTag] = false
		return true
예제 #12
func (client *FSouza_InstanceClient) Unpause(logger log.Log) bool {
	id := client.instance.MachineName()

	err := client.backend.UnpauseContainer(id)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Failed to unpause Instance [" + client.instance.Id() + "] Container [" + id + "] =>" + err.Error())
		return false
	} else {
		client.backend.Refresh(false, true)
		logger.Message("Unpaused Instance [" + client.instance.Id() + "] Container [" + id + "]")
		return true
예제 #13
func (client *FSouza_InstanceClient) Stop(logger log.Log, force bool, timeout uint) bool {
	id := client.instance.MachineName()

	err := client.backend.StopContainer(id, timeout)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Failed to stop node container [" + id + "] => " + err.Error())
		return false
	} else {
		client.backend.Refresh(false, true)
		logger.Message("Node instance stopped [" + id + "]")
		return true
예제 #14
func (client *FSouza_NodeClient) Build(logger log.Log, force bool) bool {
	image, tag := client.GetImageName()

	if client.settings.BuildPath == "" {
		logger.Warning("Node image [" + image + ":" + tag + "] not built as an empty path was provided.  You must point Build: to a path inside .coach")
		return false

	if !force && client.HasImage() {
		logger.Info("Node image [" + image + ":" + tag + "] not built as an image already exists.  You can force this operation to build this image")
		return false

	// determine an absolute buildPath to the build, for Docker to use.
	buildPath := ""
	for _, confBuildPath := range client.conf.Paths.GetConfSubPaths(client.settings.BuildPath) {
		logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG_STAAAP, "Looking for Build: "+confBuildPath)
		if _, err := os.Stat(confBuildPath); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			buildPath = confBuildPath
	if buildPath == "" {
		logger.Error("No matching build path could be found [" + client.settings.BuildPath + "]")

	options := docker.BuildImageOptions{
		Name:           image + ":" + tag,
		ContextDir:     buildPath,
		RmTmpContainer: true,
		OutputStream:   logger,

	logger.Info("Building node image [" + image + ":" + tag + "] From build path [" + buildPath + "]")

	// ask the docker client to build the image
	err := client.backend.BuildImage(options)

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Node build failed [" + client.node.MachineName() + "] in build path [" + buildPath + "] => " + err.Error())
		return false
	} else {
		client.backend.Refresh(true, false)
		logger.Message("Node succesfully built image [" + image + ":" + tag + "] From path [" + buildPath + "]")
		return true

예제 #15
func (client *FSouza_Client) Init(logger log.Log, project *conf.Project, settings ClientSettings) bool {
	client.log = logger
	client.conf = project

	// make sure that the settings that were given, where the proper "FSouza_Client" type
	settingsTyped := settings.Settings()
	switch asserted := settingsTyped.(type) {
	case *FSouza_ClientSettings:
		client.settings = *asserted
		client.settings.Init(logger, project)
		return true
		logger.Error("Invalid settings type passed to Fsouza Client")
		return false
예제 #16
func (client *FSouza_InstanceClient) Start(logger log.Log, force bool) bool {
	// Convert the node data into docker data (transform node keys to container IDs for things like Links & VolumesFrom)
	id := client.instance.MachineName()
	Host := client.settings.Host

	// ask the docker client to start the instance container
	err := client.backend.StartContainer(id, &Host)

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Failed to start node container [" + id + "] => " + err.Error())
		return false
	} else {
		logger.Message("Node instance started [" + id + "]")
		client.backend.Refresh(false, true)
		return true
예제 #17
func (client *FSouza_InstanceClient) Remove(logger log.Log, force bool) bool {
	name := client.instance.MachineName()
	options := docker.RemoveContainerOptions{
		ID: name,

	// ask the docker client to remove the instance container
	err := client.backend.RemoveContainer(options)

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Failed to remove instance container [" + name + "] =>" + err.Error())
		return false
	} else {
		client.backend.Refresh(false, true)
		logger.Message("Removed instance container [" + name + "] ")
		return true

	return false
예제 #18
파일: file.go 프로젝트: james-nesbitt/coach
// perform a string replace on file contents
func (task *InitTaskFileBase) FileStringReplace(logger log.Log, targetPath string, oldString string, newString string, replaceCount int) bool {

	targetPath, ok := task.absolutePath(targetPath, false)
	if !ok {
		logger.Warning("Invalid string replace path: " + targetPath)
		return false

	contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(targetPath)
	if err != nil {

	contents = []byte(strings.Replace(string(contents), oldString, newString, replaceCount))

	err = ioutil.WriteFile(targetPath, contents, 0644)
	if err != nil {
	return true
예제 #19
파일: git.go 프로젝트: james-nesbitt/coach
func (tasks *InitTasks) Init_Git_Run(logger log.Log, source string) bool {

	if source == "" {
		logger.Error("You have not provided a git target $/> coach init git https://github.com/aleksijohansson/docker-drupal-coach")
		return false

	url := source
	path := tasks.root

	cmd := exec.Command("git", "clone", "--progress", url, path)
	cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
	cmd.Stdout = logger
	cmd.Stderr = logger

	err := cmd.Start()

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Failed to clone the remote repository [" + url + "] => " + err.Error())
		return false

	logger.Message("Clone remote repository to local project folder [" + url + "]")
	err = cmd.Wait()

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Failed to clone the remote repository [" + url + "] => " + err.Error())
		return false

	tasks.AddMessage("Cloned remote repository [" + url + "] to local project folder")

	return true
예제 #20
파일: user.go 프로젝트: james-nesbitt/coach
func (tasks *InitTasks) Init_User_Run(logger log.Log, template string) bool {

	if template == "" {
		logger.Error("You have not provided a template name  $/> coach init user {template}")
		return false

	templatePath, ok := tasks.conf.Path("user-templates")
	if !ok {
		logger.Error("COACH has no user template path for the current user")
		return false
	sourcePath := path.Join(templatePath, template)

	if _, err := os.Stat(sourcePath); err != nil {
		logger.Error("Invalid template path suggested for new project init : [" + template + "] expected path [" + sourcePath + "] => " + err.Error())
		return false

	logger.Message("Perfoming init operation from user template [" + template + "] : " + sourcePath)

	tasks.AddFileCopy(tasks.root, sourcePath)

	tasks.AddMessage("Copied coach template [" + template + "] to init project")
	tasks.AddFile(".coach/CREATEDFROM.md", `THIS PROJECT WAS CREATED FROM A User Template :`+template)

	return true
예제 #21
// Init constructor for the client wrapper
func (wrapper *FSouza_Wrapper) Init(logger log.Log, settings FSouza_ClientFactorySettings) bool {
	var client *docker.Client
	var err error
	logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG_WOAH, "Docker client conf: ", settings)

	if strings.HasPrefix(settings.Host, "tcp://") {

		if _, err := os.Stat(settings.CertPath); err == nil {
			client, err = docker.NewTLSClient(
				path.Join(settings.CertPath, "cert.pem"),
				path.Join(settings.CertPath, "key.pem"),
				path.Join(settings.CertPath, "ca.pem"),
		} else {
			client, err = docker.NewClient(settings.Host)

	} else if strings.HasPrefix(settings.Host, "unix://") {
		client, err = docker.NewClient(settings.Host)
	} else {
		err = errors.New("Unknown client host :" + settings.Host)

	if err == nil {
		logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG_WOAH, "FSouza Docker client created:", client)
		wrapper.Client = client
		return true
	} else {
		return false
예제 #22
파일: yaml.go 프로젝트: james-nesbitt/coach
// Get tasks from remote YAML corresponding to a remote yaml file
func (tasks *InitTasks) Init_Yaml_Run(logger log.Log, path string) bool {

	var yamlSourceBytes []byte
	var err error

	if strings.Contains(path, "://") {

		resp, err := http.Get(path)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error("Could not retrieve remote yaml init instructions [" + path + "] : " + err.Error())
			return false
		defer resp.Body.Close()
		yamlSourceBytes, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

	} else {

		// read the config file
		yamlSourceBytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile(path)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error("Could not read the local YAML file [" + path + "]: " + err.Error())
			return false
		if len(yamlSourceBytes) == 0 {
			logger.Error("Yaml file [" + path + "] was empty")
			return false


	tasks.AddMessage("Initializing using YAML Source [" + path + "] to local project folder")

	// get tasks from yaml
	tasks.AddTasksFromYaml(logger, yamlSourceBytes)

	// Add some message items

	return true
예제 #23
파일: git.go 프로젝트: james-nesbitt/coach
func (task *InitTaskGitClone) RunTask(logger log.Log) bool {
	if task.root == "" || task.url == "" {
		logger.Error("EMPTY ROOT PASSED TO GIT: " + task.root)
		return false

	destinationPath := task.path
	url := task.url

	if !task.MakeDir(logger, destinationPath, false) {
		return false

	destinationAbsPath, ok := task.absolutePath(destinationPath, true)
	if !ok {
		logger.Warning("Invalid copy destination path: " + destinationPath)
		return false

	cmd := exec.Command("git", "clone", "--progress", url, destinationAbsPath)
	cmd.Stderr = logger
	err := cmd.Start()

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Failed to clone the remote repository [" + url + "] => " + err.Error())
		return false

	err = cmd.Wait()

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Failed to clone the remote repository [" + url + "] => " + err.Error())
		return false

	logger.Message("Cloned remote repository [" + url + "] to local path " + destinationPath)
	return true
예제 #24
func (client *FSouza_InstanceClient) Run(logger log.Log, persistant bool, cmd []string) bool {
	hushedLogger := logger.MakeChild("RunSupport")

	instance := client.instance

	// Set up some additional settings for TTY commands
	if client.settings.Config.Tty == true {

		// set a default hostname to make a prettier prompt
		if client.settings.Config.Hostname == "" {
			client.settings.Config.Hostname = instance.Id()

		// make sure that all tty runs have openstdin
		client.settings.Config.OpenStdin = true

	client.settings.Config.AttachStdin = true
	client.settings.Config.AttachStdout = true
	client.settings.Config.AttachStderr = true

	// 1. get the container for the instance (create it if needed)
	hasContainer := client.HasContainer()
	if !hasContainer {
		logger.Info("Creating new disposable RUN container")

		if hasContainer = client.Create(hushedLogger, cmd, false); hasContainer {
			logger.Debug(log.VERBOSITY_DEBUG, "Created disposable run container")
			if !persistant {
				// 5. [DEFERED] remove the container (if not instructed to keep it)
				defer func(client *FSouza_InstanceClient, hushedLogger log.Log) {
					client.backend.Refresh(false, true)
					if client.IsRunning() {
						client.Stop(hushedLogger, true, 0)
					client.Remove(hushedLogger, true)
				}(client, hushedLogger)
		} else {
			logger.Error("Failed to create disposable run container")
	} else {
		logger.Info("Run container already exists")

	if hasContainer {

		// 3. start the container (set up a remove)
		logger.Info("Starting RUN container")
		ok := client.Start(hushedLogger, false)

		// 4. attach to the container
		if ok {
			logger.Info("Attaching to disposable RUN container")
			return true
		} else {
			logger.Error("Could not start RUN container")
			return false

	} else {
		logger.Error("Could not create RUN container")
	return false
예제 #25
func (operation *InitOperation) Run(logger log.Log) bool {
	logger.Info("running init operation")

	var err error
	var ok bool
	var targetPath, coachPath string

	targetPath = operation.root
	if targetPath == "" {
		targetPath, ok = operation.conf.Path("project-root")
		if !ok || targetPath == "" {
			targetPath, err = os.Getwd()
			if err != nil {
				logger.Error("No path suggested for new project init")
				return false

	_, err = os.Stat(targetPath)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Invalid path suggested for new project init : [" + targetPath + "] => " + err.Error())
		return false

	coachPath, _ = operation.conf.Paths.Path("coach-root")

	logger.Message("Preparing INIT operation [" + operation.handler + ":" + operation.source + "] in path : " + targetPath)

	_, err = os.Stat(coachPath)
	if !operation.force && err == nil {
		logger.Error("cannot create new project folder, as one already exists")
		return false

	logger = logger.MakeChild(strings.ToUpper(operation.handler))
	tasks := initialize.InitTasks{}
	tasks.Init(logger.MakeChild("TASKS"), operation.conf, targetPath)

	ok = true
	switch operation.handler {
	case "user":
		ok = tasks.Init_User_Run(logger, operation.source)
	case "demo":
		ok = tasks.Init_Demo_Run(logger, operation.source)
	case "git":
		ok = tasks.Init_Git_Run(logger, operation.source)
	case "yaml":
		ok = tasks.Init_Yaml_Run(logger, operation.source)
	case "default":
		ok = tasks.Init_Default_Run(logger, operation.source)

		logger.Error("Unknown init handler " + operation.handler)
		ok = false


	if ok {
		logger.Info("Running init tasks")
		return true
	} else {
		logger.Warning("No init tasks were defined.")
		return false

예제 #26
파일: init.go 프로젝트: james-nesbitt/coach
func (task *InitTaskError) RunTask(logger log.Log) bool {
	return true
예제 #27
func (client *FSouza_InstanceClient) Create(logger log.Log, overrideCmd []string, force bool) bool {
	instance := client.instance

	if !force && client.HasContainer() {
		logger.Info("[" + instance.MachineName() + "]: Skipping node instance, which already has a container")
		return false

	* Transform node data, into a format that can be used
	* for the actual Docker call.  This involves transforming
	* the node keys into docker container ids, for things like
	* the name, Links, VolumesFrom etc
	name := instance.MachineName()
	Config := client.settings.Config
	Host := client.settings.Host

	image, tag := client.GetImageName()
	if tag != "" && tag != "latest" {
		image += ":" + tag
	Config.Image = image

	if len(overrideCmd) > 0 {
		Config.Cmd = overrideCmd

	// ask the docker client to create a container for this instance
	options := docker.CreateContainerOptions{
		Name:       name,
		Config:     &Config,
		HostConfig: &Host,

	container, err := client.backend.CreateContainer(options)
	client.backend.Refresh(false, true)

	if err != nil {


		* There is a weird bug with the library, where sometimes it
		* reports a missing image error, and yet it still creates the
		* container.  It is not clear if this failure occurs in the
		* remote API, or in the dockerclient library.
		client.backend.Refresh(false, true)
		if err.Error() == "no such image" && client.HasContainer() {
			logger.Message("Created instance container [" + name + " FROM " + Config.Image + "] => " + container.ID[:12])
			logger.Warning("Docker created the container, but reported an error due to a 'missing image'.  This is a known bug, that can be ignored")
			return true

		logger.Error("Failed to create instance container [" + name + " FROM " + Config.Image + "] => " + err.Error())
		return false
	} else {
		client.backend.Refresh(false, true)
		logger.Message("Created instance container [" + name + "] => " + container.ID[:12])
		return true