예제 #1
// distanceFrom returns the column difference between from and p.pos (the current
// estimated position) if both are on the same line; if they are on different lines
// (or unknown) the result is infinity.
func (p *printer) distanceFrom(from token.Pos) int {
	if from.IsValid() && p.pos.IsValid() {
		if f := p.posFor(from); f.Line == p.pos.Line {
			return p.pos.Column - f.Column
	return infinity
예제 #2
// LookupParent follows the parent chain of scopes starting with s until
// it finds a scope where Lookup(name) returns a non-nil object, and then
// returns that scope and object. If a valid position pos is provided,
// only objects that were declared at or before pos are considered.
// If no such scope and object exists, the result is (nil, nil).
// Note that obj.Parent() may be different from the returned scope if the
// object was inserted into the scope and already had a parent at that
// time (see Insert, below). This can only happen for dot-imported objects
// whose scope is the scope of the package that exported them.
func (s *Scope) LookupParent(name string, pos token.Pos) (*Scope, Object) {
	for ; s != nil; s = s.parent {
		if obj := s.elems[name]; obj != nil && (!pos.IsValid() || obj.scopePos() <= pos) {
			return s, obj
	return nil, nil
예제 #3
// Eval returns the type and, if constant, the value for the
// expression expr, evaluated at position pos of package pkg,
// which must have been derived from type-checking an AST with
// complete position information relative to the provided file
// set.
// If the expression contains function literals, their bodies
// are ignored (i.e., the bodies are not type-checked).
// If pkg == nil, the Universe scope is used and the provided
// position pos is ignored. If pkg != nil, and pos is invalid,
// the package scope is used. Otherwise, pos must belong to the
// package.
// An error is returned if pos is not within the package or
// if the node cannot be evaluated.
// Note: Eval should not be used instead of running Check to compute
// types and values, but in addition to Check. Eval will re-evaluate
// its argument each time, and it also does not know about the context
// in which an expression is used (e.g., an assignment). Thus, top-
// level untyped constants will return an untyped type rather then the
// respective context-specific type.
func Eval(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *Package, pos token.Pos, expr string) (tv TypeAndValue, err error) {
	// determine scope
	var scope *Scope
	if pkg == nil {
		scope = Universe
		pos = token.NoPos
	} else if !pos.IsValid() {
		scope = pkg.scope
	} else {
		// The package scope extent (position information) may be
		// incorrect (files spread accross a wide range of fset
		// positions) - ignore it and just consider its children
		// (file scopes).
		for _, fscope := range pkg.scope.children {
			if scope = fscope.Innermost(pos); scope != nil {
		if scope == nil || debug {
			s := scope
			for s != nil && s != pkg.scope {
				s = s.parent
			// s == nil || s == pkg.scope
			if s == nil {
				return TypeAndValue{}, fmt.Errorf("no position %s found in package %s", fset.Position(pos), pkg.name)

	// parse expressions
	node, err := parser.ParseExprFrom(fset, "eval", expr, 0)
	if err != nil {
		return TypeAndValue{}, err

	// initialize checker
	check := NewChecker(nil, fset, pkg, nil)
	check.scope = scope
	check.pos = pos
	defer check.handleBailout(&err)

	// evaluate node
	var x operand
	check.rawExpr(&x, node, nil)
	return TypeAndValue{x.mode, x.typ, x.val}, err
예제 #4
// argument checks passing of argument x to the i'th parameter of the given signature.
// If ellipsis is valid, the argument is followed by ... at that position in the call.
func (check *Checker) argument(sig *Signature, i int, x *operand, ellipsis token.Pos) {
	n := sig.params.Len()

	// determine parameter type
	var typ Type
	switch {
	case i < n:
		typ = sig.params.vars[i].typ
	case sig.variadic:
		typ = sig.params.vars[n-1].typ
		if debug {
			if _, ok := typ.(*Slice); !ok {
				check.dump("%s: expected unnamed slice type, got %s", sig.params.vars[n-1].Pos(), typ)
		check.errorf(x.pos(), "too many arguments")

	if ellipsis.IsValid() {
		// argument is of the form x...
		if i != n-1 {
			check.errorf(ellipsis, "can only use ... with matching parameter")
		switch t := x.typ.Underlying().(type) {
		case *Slice:
			// ok
		case *Tuple:
			check.errorf(ellipsis, "cannot use ... with %d-valued expression %s", t.Len(), x)
			check.errorf(x.pos(), "cannot use %s as parameter of type %s", x, typ)
	} else if sig.variadic && i >= n-1 {
		// use the variadic parameter slice's element type
		typ = typ.(*Slice).elem

	if !check.assignment(x, typ) && x.mode != invalid {
		check.errorf(x.pos(), "cannot pass argument %s to parameter of type %s", x, typ)
예제 #5
// If returnPos is valid, initVars is called to type-check the assignment of
// return expressions, and returnPos is the position of the return statement.
func (check *Checker) initVars(lhs []*Var, rhs []ast.Expr, returnPos token.Pos) {
	l := len(lhs)
	get, r, commaOk := unpack(func(x *operand, i int) { check.expr(x, rhs[i]) }, len(rhs), l == 2 && !returnPos.IsValid())
	if get == nil || l != r {
		// invalidate lhs and use rhs
		for _, obj := range lhs {
			if obj.typ == nil {
				obj.typ = Typ[Invalid]
		if get == nil {
			return // error reported by unpack
		check.useGetter(get, r)
		if returnPos.IsValid() {
			check.errorf(returnPos, "wrong number of return values (want %d, got %d)", l, r)
		check.errorf(rhs[0].Pos(), "assignment count mismatch (%d vs %d)", l, r)

	var x operand
	if commaOk {
		var a [2]Type
		for i := range a {
			get(&x, i)
			a[i] = check.initVar(lhs[i], &x, returnPos.IsValid())
		check.recordCommaOkTypes(rhs[0], a)

	for i, lhs := range lhs {
		get(&x, i)
		check.initVar(lhs, &x, returnPos.IsValid())
예제 #6
// blockBranches processes a block's statement list and returns the set of outgoing forward jumps.
// all is the scope of all declared labels, parent the set of labels declared in the immediately
// enclosing block, and lstmt is the labeled statement this block is associated with (or nil).
func (check *Checker) blockBranches(all *Scope, parent *block, lstmt *ast.LabeledStmt, list []ast.Stmt) []*ast.BranchStmt {
	b := &block{parent: parent, lstmt: lstmt}

	var (
		varDeclPos         token.Pos
		fwdJumps, badJumps []*ast.BranchStmt

	// All forward jumps jumping over a variable declaration are possibly
	// invalid (they may still jump out of the block and be ok).
	// recordVarDecl records them for the given position.
	recordVarDecl := func(pos token.Pos) {
		varDeclPos = pos
		badJumps = append(badJumps[:0], fwdJumps...) // copy fwdJumps to badJumps

	jumpsOverVarDecl := func(jmp *ast.BranchStmt) bool {
		if varDeclPos.IsValid() {
			for _, bad := range badJumps {
				if jmp == bad {
					return true
		return false

	blockBranches := func(lstmt *ast.LabeledStmt, list []ast.Stmt) {
		// Unresolved forward jumps inside the nested block
		// become forward jumps in the current block.
		fwdJumps = append(fwdJumps, check.blockBranches(all, b, lstmt, list)...)

	var stmtBranches func(ast.Stmt)
	stmtBranches = func(s ast.Stmt) {
		switch s := s.(type) {
		case *ast.DeclStmt:
			if d, _ := s.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl); d != nil && d.Tok == token.VAR {

		case *ast.LabeledStmt:
			// declare non-blank label
			if name := s.Label.Name; name != "_" {
				lbl := NewLabel(s.Label.Pos(), check.pkg, name)
				if alt := all.Insert(lbl); alt != nil {
					check.softErrorf(lbl.pos, "label %s already declared", name)
					// ok to continue
				} else {
					check.recordDef(s.Label, lbl)
				// resolve matching forward jumps and remove them from fwdJumps
				i := 0
				for _, jmp := range fwdJumps {
					if jmp.Label.Name == name {
						// match
						lbl.used = true
						check.recordUse(jmp.Label, lbl)
						if jumpsOverVarDecl(jmp) {
								"goto %s jumps over variable declaration at line %d",
							// ok to continue
					} else {
						// no match - record new forward jump
						fwdJumps[i] = jmp
				fwdJumps = fwdJumps[:i]
				lstmt = s

		case *ast.BranchStmt:
			if s.Label == nil {
				return // checked in 1st pass (check.stmt)

			// determine and validate target
			name := s.Label.Name
			switch s.Tok {
			case token.BREAK:
				// spec: "If there is a label, it must be that of an enclosing
				// "for", "switch", or "select" statement, and that is the one
				// whose execution terminates."
				valid := false
				if t := b.enclosingTarget(name); t != nil {
					switch t.Stmt.(type) {
					case *ast.SwitchStmt, *ast.TypeSwitchStmt, *ast.SelectStmt, *ast.ForStmt, *ast.RangeStmt:
						valid = true
				if !valid {
					check.errorf(s.Label.Pos(), "invalid break label %s", name)

			case token.CONTINUE:
				// spec: "If there is a label, it must be that of an enclosing
				// "for" statement, and that is the one whose execution advances."
				valid := false
				if t := b.enclosingTarget(name); t != nil {
					switch t.Stmt.(type) {
					case *ast.ForStmt, *ast.RangeStmt:
						valid = true
				if !valid {
					check.errorf(s.Label.Pos(), "invalid continue label %s", name)

			case token.GOTO:
				if b.gotoTarget(name) == nil {
					// label may be declared later - add branch to forward jumps
					fwdJumps = append(fwdJumps, s)

				check.invalidAST(s.Pos(), "branch statement: %s %s", s.Tok, name)

			// record label use
			obj := all.Lookup(name)
			obj.(*Label).used = true
			check.recordUse(s.Label, obj)

		case *ast.AssignStmt:
			if s.Tok == token.DEFINE {

		case *ast.BlockStmt:
			blockBranches(lstmt, s.List)

		case *ast.IfStmt:
			if s.Else != nil {

		case *ast.CaseClause:
			blockBranches(nil, s.Body)

		case *ast.SwitchStmt:

		case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:

		case *ast.CommClause:
			blockBranches(nil, s.Body)

		case *ast.SelectStmt:

		case *ast.ForStmt:

		case *ast.RangeStmt:

	for _, s := range list {

	return fwdJumps