예제 #1
func NewDateConv(colinfo schema.Columns) (dfmth *DateFmtHandle) {
	dfmth = &DateFmtHandle{make([]DateFmtFunc, len(colinfo))}
	for idx, ci := range colinfo {
		if ci.Datefmt == "" {
			dfmth.fmtf[idx] = func(i string) string { return i }
		} else {
			var df string = ci.Datefmt
			dfmth.fmtf[idx] = func(i string) (o string) {
				t, _ := datefmt.Strptime(df, i)
				o, _ = datefmt.Strftime(StdDateFmt, t)
예제 #2
파일: conv.go 프로젝트: knz/cockroach
// Strptime converts a string to a time using some C-style format.
func Strptime(time, fmt string) (time.Time, error) {
	// TODO(knz) The `datefmt` package uses C's `strptime` which doesn't
	// know about microseconds. We may want to change to an
	// implementation that does this better.
	return datefmt.Strptime(fmt, time)