예제 #1
func (s *StoreSuite) TestListCountersBy(c *gc.C) {
	if *noTestMongoJs {
		c.Skip("MongoDB javascript not available")

	incs := []struct {
		key []string
		day int
		{[]string{"a"}, 1},
		{[]string{"a"}, 1},
		{[]string{"b"}, 1},
		{[]string{"a", "b"}, 1},
		{[]string{"a", "c"}, 1},
		{[]string{"a"}, 3},
		{[]string{"a", "b"}, 3},
		{[]string{"b"}, 9},
		{[]string{"b"}, 9},
		{[]string{"a", "c", "d"}, 9},
		{[]string{"a", "c", "e"}, 9},
		{[]string{"a", "c", "f"}, 9},

	day := func(i int) time.Time {
		return time.Date(2012, time.May, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)

	counters := s.Session.DB("juju").C("stat.counters")
	for i, inc := range incs {
		err := s.store.IncCounter(inc.key)
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

		// Hack time so counters are assigned to 2012-05-<day>
		filter := bson.M{"t": bson.M{"$gt": charmstore.TimeToStamp(time.Date(2013, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))}}
		stamp := charmstore.TimeToStamp(day(inc.day))
		stamp += int32(i) * 60 // Make every entry unique.
		err = counters.Update(filter, bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"t", stamp}}}})
		c.Check(err, gc.IsNil)

	tests := []struct {
		request charmstore.CounterRequest
		result  []charmstore.Counter
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: false,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: false, Count: 2, Time: day(1)},
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: false, Count: 1, Time: day(3)},
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: true, Count: 2, Time: day(1)},
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: true, Count: 1, Time: day(3)},
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: true, Count: 3, Time: day(9)},
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
				Start:  day(2),
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: true, Count: 1, Time: day(3)},
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: true, Count: 3, Time: day(9)},
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
				Stop:   day(4),
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: true, Count: 2, Time: day(1)},
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: true, Count: 1, Time: day(3)},
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
				Start:  day(3),
				Stop:   day(8),
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: true, Count: 1, Time: day(3)},
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   true,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
				{Key: []string{"a", "b"}, Prefix: false, Count: 1, Time: day(1)},
				{Key: []string{"a", "c"}, Prefix: false, Count: 1, Time: day(1)},
				{Key: []string{"a", "b"}, Prefix: false, Count: 1, Time: day(3)},
				{Key: []string{"a", "c"}, Prefix: true, Count: 3, Time: day(9)},
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByWeek,
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: true, Count: 3, Time: day(6)},
				{Key: []string{"a"}, Prefix: true, Count: 3, Time: day(13)},
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   true,
				By:     charmstore.ByWeek,
				{Key: []string{"a", "b"}, Prefix: false, Count: 2, Time: day(6)},
				{Key: []string{"a", "c"}, Prefix: false, Count: 1, Time: day(6)},
				{Key: []string{"a", "c"}, Prefix: true, Count: 3, Time: day(13)},

	for _, test := range tests {
		result, err := s.store.Counters(&test.request)
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		c.Assert(result, gc.DeepEquals, test.result)
예제 #2
func (s *StoreSuite) TestStatsCounterBy(c *gc.C) {
	if *noTestMongoJs {
		c.Skip("MongoDB javascript not available")

	incs := []struct {
		key []string
		day int
		{[]string{"a"}, 1},
		{[]string{"a"}, 1},
		{[]string{"b"}, 1},
		{[]string{"a", "b"}, 1},
		{[]string{"a", "c"}, 1},
		{[]string{"a"}, 3},
		{[]string{"a", "b"}, 3},
		{[]string{"b"}, 9},
		{[]string{"b"}, 9},
		{[]string{"a", "c", "d"}, 9},
		{[]string{"a", "c", "e"}, 9},
		{[]string{"a", "c", "f"}, 9},

	day := func(i int) time.Time {
		return time.Date(2012, time.May, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)

	server, _ := s.prepareServer(c)

	counters := s.Session.DB("juju").C("stat.counters")
	for i, inc := range incs {
		err := s.store.IncCounter(inc.key)
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

		// Hack time so counters are assigned to 2012-05-<day>
		filter := bson.M{"t": bson.M{"$gt": charmstore.TimeToStamp(time.Date(2013, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))}}
		stamp := charmstore.TimeToStamp(day(inc.day))
		stamp += int32(i) * 60 // Make every entry unique.
		err = counters.Update(filter, bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"t", stamp}}}})
		c.Check(err, gc.IsNil)

	tests := []struct {
		request charmstore.CounterRequest
		format  string
		result  string
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: false,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
			"2012-05-01  2\n2012-05-03  1\n",
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: false,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: false,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
			"2012-05-01  2\n2012-05-03  1\n2012-05-09  3\n",
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
				Start:  time.Date(2012, 5, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
			"2012-05-03  1\n2012-05-09  3\n",
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
				Stop:   time.Date(2012, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
			"2012-05-01  2\n2012-05-03  1\n",
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
				Start:  time.Date(2012, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
				Stop:   time.Date(2012, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
			"2012-05-03  1\n",
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   true,
				By:     charmstore.ByDay,
			"a:b    2012-05-01  1\na:c    2012-05-01  1\na:b    2012-05-03  1\na:c:*  2012-05-09  3\n",
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   false,
				By:     charmstore.ByWeek,
			"2012-05-06  3\n2012-05-13  3\n",
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   true,
				By:     charmstore.ByWeek,
			"a:b    2012-05-06  2\na:c    2012-05-06  1\na:c:*  2012-05-13  3\n",
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   true,
				By:     charmstore.ByWeek,
		}, {
				Key:    []string{"a"},
				Prefix: true,
				List:   true,
				By:     charmstore.ByWeek,

	for _, test := range tests {
		path := "/stats/counter/" + strings.Join(test.request.Key, ":")
		if test.request.Prefix {
			path += ":*"
		req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", path, nil)
		req.Form = url.Values{}
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		if test.request.List {
			req.Form.Set("list", "1")
		if test.format != "" {
			req.Form.Set("format", test.format)
		if !test.request.Start.IsZero() {
			req.Form.Set("start", test.request.Start.Format("2006-01-02"))
		if !test.request.Stop.IsZero() {
			req.Form.Set("stop", test.request.Stop.Format("2006-01-02"))
		switch test.request.By {
		case charmstore.ByDay:
			req.Form.Set("by", "day")
		case charmstore.ByWeek:
			req.Form.Set("by", "week")
		rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
		server.ServeHTTP(rec, req)

		data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Body)
		c.Assert(string(data), gc.Equals, test.result)

		c.Assert(rec.Header().Get("Content-Type"), gc.Equals, "text/plain")
		c.Assert(rec.Header().Get("Content-Length"), gc.Equals, strconv.Itoa(len(test.result)))