예제 #1
func (s *PublishSuite) TestNoBranch(c *gc.C) {
	dir := c.MkDir()
	_, err := testing.RunCommandInDir(c, newPublishCommand(), []string{"cs:precise/wordpress"}, dir)
	// We need to do this here because \U is outputed on windows
	// and it's an invalid regex escape sequence
	c.Assert(err.Error(), gc.Equals, fmt.Sprintf("not a charm branch: %s", dir))
예제 #2
func (s *PublishSuite) TestFullPublish(c *gc.C) {
	addMeta(c, s.branch, "")

	digest, err := s.branch.RevisionId()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	pushBranch := bzr.New(c.MkDir())
	err = pushBranch.Init()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	cmd := &publishCommand{}
	cmd.ChangePushLocation(func(location string) string {
		c.Assert(location, gc.Equals, "lp:~user/charms/precise/wordpress/trunk")
		return pushBranch.Location()

	var body string

	// The local digest isn't found.
	body = `{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress": {"kind": "", "errors": ["entry not found"]}}`
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(body))

	// But the charm exists with an arbitrary non-matching digest.
	body = `{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress": {"kind": "published", "digest": "other-digest"}}`
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(body))

	// After the branch is pushed we fake the publishing delay.
	body = `{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress": {"kind": "published", "digest": "other-digest"}}`
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(body))

	// And finally report success.
	body = `{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress": {"kind": "published", "digest": %q, "revision": 42}}`
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(body, digest)))

	ctx, err := testing.RunCommandInDir(c, modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), []string{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress"}, s.dir)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(testing.Stdout(ctx), gc.Equals, "cs:~user/precise/wordpress-42\n")

	// Ensure the branch was actually pushed.
	pushDigest, err := pushBranch.RevisionId()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(pushDigest, gc.Equals, digest)

	// And that all the requests were sent with the proper data.
	req := gitjujutesting.Server.WaitRequest()
	c.Assert(req.URL.Path, gc.Equals, "/charm-event")
	c.Assert(req.Form.Get("charms"), gc.Equals, "cs:~user/precise/wordpress@"+digest)

	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		// The second request grabs tip to see the current state, and the
		// following requests are done after pushing to see when it changes.
		req = gitjujutesting.Server.WaitRequest()
		c.Assert(req.URL.Path, gc.Equals, "/charm-event")
		c.Assert(req.Form.Get("charms"), gc.Equals, "cs:~user/precise/wordpress")
예제 #3
func (s *PublishSuite) TestFullPublishRace(c *gc.C) {
	addMeta(c, s.branch, "")

	digest, err := s.branch.RevisionId()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	pushBranch := bzr.New(c.MkDir())
	err = pushBranch.Init()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	cmd := &publishCommand{}
	cmd.ChangePushLocation(func(location string) string {
		c.Assert(location, gc.Equals, "lp:~user/charms/precise/wordpress/trunk")
		return pushBranch.Location()

	var body string

	// The local digest isn't found.
	body = `{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress": {"kind": "", "errors": ["entry not found"]}}`
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(body))

	// And tip isn't found either, meaning the charm was never published.
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(body))

	// After the branch is pushed we fake the publishing delay.
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(body))

	// But, surprisingly, the digest changed to something else entirely.
	body = `{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress": {"kind": "published", "digest": "surprising-digest", "revision": 42}}`
	gitjujutesting.Server.Response(200, nil, []byte(body))

	_, err = testing.RunCommandInDir(c, modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), []string{"cs:~user/precise/wordpress"}, s.dir)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `charm changed but not to local charm digest; publishing race\?`)

	// Ensure the branch was actually pushed.
	pushDigest, err := pushBranch.RevisionId()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(pushDigest, gc.Equals, digest)

	// And that all the requests were sent with the proper data.
	req := gitjujutesting.Server.WaitRequest()
	c.Assert(req.URL.Path, gc.Equals, "/charm-event")
	c.Assert(req.Form.Get("charms"), gc.Equals, "cs:~user/precise/wordpress@"+digest)

	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		// The second request grabs tip to see the current state, and the
		// following requests are done after pushing to see when it changes.
		req = gitjujutesting.Server.WaitRequest()
		c.Assert(req.URL.Path, gc.Equals, "/charm-event")
		c.Assert(req.Form.Get("charms"), gc.Equals, "cs:~user/precise/wordpress")
예제 #4
func (s *PublishSuite) TestParseReference(c *gc.C) {
	addMeta(c, s.branch, "")

	cmd := &publishCommand{}
	cmd.ChangePushLocation(func(location string) string {
		c.Assert(location, gc.Equals, "lp:charms/precise/wordpress")

	_, err := testing.RunCommandInDir(c, modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), []string{"precise/wordpress"}, s.dir)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Fatal("shouldn't get here; location closure didn't run?")
예제 #5
func (s *PublishSuite) runPublish(c *gc.C, args ...string) (*cmd.Context, error) {
	return testing.RunCommandInDir(c, newPublishCommand(), args, s.dir)
예제 #6
func (s *PublishSuite) TestFrom(c *gc.C) {
	_, err := testing.RunCommandInDir(c, newPublishCommand(), []string{"--from", s.dir, "cs:precise/wordpress"}, c.MkDir())
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `cannot obtain local digest: branch has no content`)
예제 #7
파일: publish_test.go 프로젝트: kapilt/juju
func (s *PublishSuite) TestNoBranch(c *gc.C) {
	dir := c.MkDir()
	_, err := testing.RunCommandInDir(c, envcmd.Wrap(&PublishCommand{}), []string{"cs:precise/wordpress"}, dir)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, fmt.Sprintf("not a charm branch: %s", dir))