func (s *storageSuite) TestUnitStorageAttachments(c *gc.C) { storageAttachmentIds := []params.StorageAttachmentId{{ StorageTag: "storage-whatever-0", UnitTag: "unit-mysql-0", }} var called bool apiCaller := testing.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error { c.Check(objType, gc.Equals, "Uniter") c.Check(version, gc.Equals, 2) c.Check(id, gc.Equals, "") c.Check(request, gc.Equals, "UnitStorageAttachments") c.Check(arg, gc.DeepEquals, params.Entities{ Entities: []params.Entity{{Tag: "unit-mysql-0"}}, }) c.Assert(result, gc.FitsTypeOf, ¶ms.StorageAttachmentIdsResults{}) *(result.(*params.StorageAttachmentIdsResults)) = params.StorageAttachmentIdsResults{ Results: []params.StorageAttachmentIdsResult{{ Result: params.StorageAttachmentIds{storageAttachmentIds}, }}, } called = true return nil }) st := uniter.NewState(apiCaller, names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0")) attachmentIds, err := st.UnitStorageAttachments(names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0")) c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Check(called, jc.IsTrue) c.Assert(attachmentIds, gc.DeepEquals, storageAttachmentIds) }
func (s *storageSuite) TestRemoveStorageAttachment(c *gc.C) { apiCaller := testing.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error { c.Check(objType, gc.Equals, "Uniter") c.Check(version, gc.Equals, 2) c.Check(id, gc.Equals, "") c.Check(request, gc.Equals, "RemoveStorageAttachments") c.Check(arg, gc.DeepEquals, params.StorageAttachmentIds{ Ids: []params.StorageAttachmentId{{ StorageTag: "storage-data-0", UnitTag: "unit-mysql-0", }}, }) c.Assert(result, gc.FitsTypeOf, ¶ms.ErrorResults{}) *(result.(*params.ErrorResults)) = params.ErrorResults{ Results: []params.ErrorResult{{ Error: ¶ms.Error{Message: "yoink"}, }}, } return nil }) st := uniter.NewState(apiCaller, names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0")) err := st.RemoveStorageAttachment(names.NewStorageTag("data/0"), names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0")) c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "yoink") }
func (s *storageSuite) TestWatchStorageAttachments(c *gc.C) { var called bool apiCaller := testing.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error { c.Check(objType, gc.Equals, "Uniter") c.Check(version, gc.Equals, 2) c.Check(id, gc.Equals, "") c.Check(request, gc.Equals, "WatchStorageAttachments") c.Check(arg, gc.DeepEquals, params.StorageAttachmentIds{ Ids: []params.StorageAttachmentId{{ StorageTag: "storage-data-0", UnitTag: "unit-mysql-0", }}, }) c.Assert(result, gc.FitsTypeOf, ¶ms.NotifyWatchResults{}) *(result.(*params.NotifyWatchResults)) = params.NotifyWatchResults{ Results: []params.NotifyWatchResult{{ Error: ¶ms.Error{Message: "FAIL"}, }}, } called = true return nil }) st := uniter.NewState(apiCaller, names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0")) _, err := st.WatchStorageAttachment(names.NewStorageTag("data/0"), names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0")) c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "FAIL") c.Check(called, jc.IsTrue) }
func (s *storageSuite) TestAPIErrors(c *gc.C) { apiCaller := testing.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error { return errors.New("bad") }) st := uniter.NewState(apiCaller, names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0")) _, err := st.UnitStorageAttachments(names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0")) c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "bad") }
func (s *storageSuite) TestRemoveStorageAttachments(c *gc.C) { setMock := func(st *mockStorageState, f func(s names.StorageTag, u names.UnitTag) error) { st.remove = f } unitTag0 := names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0") unitTag1 := names.NewUnitTag("mysql/1") storageTag0 := names.NewStorageTag("data/0") storageTag1 := names.NewStorageTag("data/1") resources := common.NewResources() getCanAccess := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) { return func(tag names.Tag) bool { return tag == unitTag0 }, nil } state := &mockStorageState{} setMock(state, func(s names.StorageTag, u names.UnitTag) error { c.Assert(u, gc.DeepEquals, unitTag0) if s == storageTag1 { return errors.New("badness") } return nil }) storage, err := uniter.NewStorageAPI(state, resources, getCanAccess) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) errors, err := storage.RemoveStorageAttachments(params.StorageAttachmentIds{ Ids: []params.StorageAttachmentId{{ StorageTag: storageTag0.String(), UnitTag: unitTag0.String(), }, { StorageTag: storageTag1.String(), UnitTag: unitTag0.String(), }, { StorageTag: storageTag0.String(), UnitTag: unitTag1.String(), }, { StorageTag: unitTag0.String(), // oops UnitTag: unitTag0.String(), }, { StorageTag: storageTag0.String(), UnitTag: storageTag0.String(), // oops }}, }) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(errors, jc.DeepEquals, params.ErrorResults{ Results: []params.ErrorResult{ {nil}, {¶ms.Error{Message: "badness"}}, {¶ms.Error{Code: params.CodeUnauthorized, Message: "permission denied"}}, {¶ms.Error{Message: `"unit-mysql-0" is not a valid storage tag`}}, {¶ms.Error{Message: `"storage-data-0" is not a valid unit tag`}}, }, }) }
func (s *unitSuite) TestUnit(c *gc.C) { apiUnitFoo, err := s.firewaller.Unit(names.NewUnitTag("foo/42")) c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `unit "foo/42" not found`) c.Assert(err, jc.Satisfies, params.IsCodeNotFound) c.Assert(apiUnitFoo, gc.IsNil) apiUnit0, err := s.firewaller.Unit(s.units[0].Tag().(names.UnitTag)) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(apiUnit0, gc.NotNil) c.Assert(apiUnit0.Name(), gc.Equals, s.units[0].Name()) c.Assert(apiUnit0.Tag(), gc.Equals, names.NewUnitTag(s.units[0].Name())) }
func (s *storageSuite) TestStorageAttachmentResultCountMismatch(c *gc.C) { apiCaller := testing.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error { *(result.(*params.StorageAttachmentIdsResults)) = params.StorageAttachmentIdsResults{ []params.StorageAttachmentIdsResult{{}, {}}, } return nil }) st := uniter.NewState(apiCaller, names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0")) c.Assert(func() { st.UnitStorageAttachments(names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0")) }, gc.PanicMatches, "expected 1 result, got 2") }
func (s *RsyslogSuite) TestNamespace(c *gc.C) { st := // set the rsyslog cert err := s.APIState.Client().EnvironmentSet(map[string]interface{}{"rsyslog-ca-cert": coretesting.CACert}) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) // namespace only takes effect in filenames // for machine-0; all others assume isolation. s.testNamespace(c, st, names.NewMachineTag("0"), "", "25-juju.conf", *rsyslog.LogDir) s.testNamespace(c, st, names.NewMachineTag("0"), "mynamespace", "25-juju-mynamespace.conf", *rsyslog.LogDir+"-mynamespace") s.testNamespace(c, st, names.NewMachineTag("1"), "", "25-juju.conf", *rsyslog.LogDir) s.testNamespace(c, st, names.NewMachineTag("1"), "mynamespace", "25-juju.conf", *rsyslog.LogDir) s.testNamespace(c, st, names.NewUnitTag("myservice/0"), "", "26-juju-unit-myservice-0.conf", *rsyslog.LogDir) s.testNamespace(c, st, names.NewUnitTag("myservice/0"), "mynamespace", "26-juju-unit-myservice-0.conf", *rsyslog.LogDir) }
func (testsuite) TestHandle(c *gc.C) { f := &fakeAPI{} ua := unitAssignerHandler{api: f} ids := []string{"foo/0", "bar/0"} err := ua.Handle(nil, ids) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(f.assignTags, gc.DeepEquals, []names.UnitTag{ names.NewUnitTag("foo/0"), names.NewUnitTag("bar/0"), }) f.err = errors.New("boo") err = ua.Handle(nil, ids) c.Assert(err, gc.Equals, f.err) }
func (s *PathsSuite) TestWorkerPathsWindows(c *gc.C) { s.PatchValue(&os.HostOS, func() os.OSType { return os.Windows }) dataDir := c.MkDir() unitTag := names.NewUnitTag("some-service/323") worker := "some-worker" paths := uniter.NewWorkerPaths(dataDir, unitTag, worker) relData := relPathFunc(dataDir) relAgent := relPathFunc(relData("agents", "unit-some-service-323")) c.Assert(paths, jc.DeepEquals, uniter.Paths{ ToolsDir: relData("tools/unit-some-service-323"), Runtime: uniter.RuntimePaths{ JujuRunSocket: `\\.\pipe\unit-some-service-323-some-worker-run`, JujucServerSocket: `\\.\pipe\unit-some-service-323-some-worker-agent`, }, State: uniter.StatePaths{ BaseDir: relAgent(), CharmDir: relAgent("charm"), OperationsFile: relAgent("state", "uniter"), RelationsDir: relAgent("state", "relations"), BundlesDir: relAgent("state", "bundles"), DeployerDir: relAgent("state", "deployer"), StorageDir: relAgent("state", "storage"), MetricsSpoolDir: relAgent("state", "spool", "metrics"), }, }) }
// ReadSettings returns a map holding the settings of the unit with the // supplied name within this relation. An error will be returned if the // relation no longer exists, or if the unit's service is not part of the // relation, or the settings are invalid; but mere non-existence of the // unit is not grounds for an error, because the unit settings are // guaranteed to persist for the lifetime of the relation, regardless // of the lifetime of the unit. func (ru *RelationUnit) ReadSettings(uname string) (params.RelationSettings, error) { if !names.IsValidUnit(uname) { return nil, errors.Errorf("%q is not a valid unit", uname) } tag := names.NewUnitTag(uname) var results params.RelationSettingsResults args := params.RelationUnitPairs{ RelationUnitPairs: []params.RelationUnitPair{{ Relation: ru.relation.tag.String(), LocalUnit: ru.unit.tag.String(), RemoteUnit: tag.String(), }}, } err :="ReadRemoteSettings", args, &results) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(results.Results) != 1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected 1 result, got %d", len(results.Results)) } result := results.Results[0] if result.Error != nil { return nil, result.Error } return result.Settings, nil }
func (s *metricsAdderSuite) TestAddMetricBatches(c *gc.C) { var called bool var callParams params.MetricBatchParams metricsadder.PatchFacadeCall(s, s.adder, func(request string, args, response interface{}) error { p, ok := args.(params.MetricBatchParams) c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue) callParams = p called = true c.Assert(request, gc.Equals, "AddMetricBatches") result := response.(*params.ErrorResults) result.Results = make([]params.ErrorResult, 1) return nil }) batches := []params.MetricBatchParam{{ Tag: names.NewUnitTag("test-unit/0").String(), Batch: params.MetricBatch{ UUID: utils.MustNewUUID().String(), CharmURL: "test-charm-url", Created: time.Now(), Metrics: []params.Metric{{Key: "pings", Value: "5", Time: time.Now().UTC()}}, }, }} _, err := s.adder.AddMetricBatches(batches) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(called, jc.IsTrue) c.Assert(callParams.Batches, gc.DeepEquals, batches) }
// Subordinates implements Unit. func (u *unit) Subordinates() []names.UnitTag { var subordinates []names.UnitTag for _, s := range u.Subordinates_ { subordinates = append(subordinates, names.NewUnitTag(s)) } return subordinates }
func (s *leadershipSuite) TestClaimLeadershipDeniedError(c *gc.C) { var ldrMgr stubLeadershipManager ldrMgr.ClaimLeadershipFn = func(sid, uid string, duration time.Duration) error { c.Check(sid, gc.Equals, StubServiceNm) c.Check(uid, gc.Equals, StubUnitNm) expectDuration := time.Duration(5.001 * float64(time.Second)) checkDurationEquals(c, duration, expectDuration) return errors.Annotatef(leadership.ErrClaimDenied, "obfuscated") } ldrSvc := &leadershipService{LeadershipManager: &ldrMgr, authorizer: &stubAuthorizer{}} results, err := ldrSvc.ClaimLeadership(params.ClaimLeadershipBulkParams{ Params: []params.ClaimLeadershipParams{ { ServiceTag: names.NewServiceTag(StubServiceNm).String(), UnitTag: names.NewUnitTag(StubUnitNm).String(), DurationSeconds: 5.001, }, }, }) c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(results.Results, gc.HasLen, 1) c.Check(results.Results[0].Error, jc.Satisfies, params.IsCodeLeadershipClaimDenied) }
func (s *storageSuite) TestWatchUnitStorageAttachments(c *gc.C) { resources := common.NewResources() getCanAccess := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) { return func(names.Tag) bool { return true }, nil } unitTag := names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0") watcher := &mockStringsWatcher{ changes: make(chan []string, 1), } watcher.changes <- []string{"storage/0", "storage/1"} state := &mockStorageState{ watchStorageAttachments: func(u names.UnitTag) state.StringsWatcher { c.Assert(u, gc.DeepEquals, unitTag) return watcher }, } storage, err := uniter.NewStorageAPI(state, resources, getCanAccess) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) watches, err := storage.WatchUnitStorageAttachments(params.Entities{ Entities: []params.Entity{{unitTag.String()}}, }) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(watches, gc.DeepEquals, params.StringsWatchResults{ Results: []params.StringsWatchResult{{ StringsWatcherId: "1", Changes: []string{"storage/0", "storage/1"}, }}, }) c.Assert(resources.Get("1"), gc.Equals, watcher) }
// changed ensures that the named unit is deployed, recalled, or removed, as // indicated by its state. func (d *Deployer) changed(unitName string) error { unitTag := names.NewUnitTag(unitName) // Determine unit life state, and whether we're responsible for it. logger.Infof("checking unit %q", unitName) var life params.Life unit, err := if params.IsCodeNotFoundOrCodeUnauthorized(err) { life = params.Dead } else if err != nil { return err } else { life = unit.Life() } // Deployed units must be removed if they're Dead, or if the deployer // is no longer responsible for them. if d.deployed.Contains(unitName) { if life == params.Dead { if err := d.recall(unitName); err != nil { return err } } } // The only units that should be deployed are those that (1) we are responsible // for and (2) are Alive -- if we're responsible for a Dying unit that is not // yet deployed, we should remove it immediately rather than undergo the hassle // of deploying a unit agent purely so it can set itself to Dead. if !d.deployed.Contains(unitName) { if life == params.Alive { return d.deploy(unit) } else if unit != nil { return d.remove(unit) } } return nil }
// GetPrincipal returns the result of calling PrincipalName() and // converting it to a tag, on each given unit. func (u *UniterAPI) GetPrincipal(args params.Entities) (params.StringBoolResults, error) { result := params.StringBoolResults{ Results: make([]params.StringBoolResult, len(args.Entities)), } canAccess, err := u.accessUnit() if err != nil { return params.StringBoolResults{}, err } for i, entity := range args.Entities { tag, err := names.ParseUnitTag(entity.Tag) if err != nil { result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm) continue } err = common.ErrPerm if canAccess(tag) { var unit *state.Unit unit, err = u.getUnit(tag) if err == nil { principal, ok := unit.PrincipalName() if principal != "" { result.Results[i].Result = names.NewUnitTag(principal).String() } result.Results[i].Ok = ok } } result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err) } return result, nil }
func (s *retryStrategySuite) TestWatchRetryStrategyResultError(c *gc.C) { tag := names.NewUnitTag("wp/1") var called bool apiCaller := testing.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, response interface{}) error { called = true c.Check(objType, gc.Equals, "RetryStrategy") c.Check(version, gc.Equals, 0) c.Check(id, gc.Equals, "") c.Check(request, gc.Equals, "WatchRetryStrategy") c.Check(arg, gc.DeepEquals, params.Entities{ Entities: []params.Entity{{Tag: tag.String()}}, }) c.Assert(response, gc.FitsTypeOf, ¶ms.NotifyWatchResults{}) result := response.(*params.NotifyWatchResults) result.Results = []params.NotifyWatchResult{{ Error: ¶ms.Error{ Message: "rigged", Code: params.CodeNotAssigned, }, }} return nil }) client := retrystrategy.NewClient(apiCaller) c.Assert(client, gc.NotNil) w, err := client.WatchRetryStrategy(tag) c.Assert(called, jc.IsTrue) c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "rigged") c.Assert(w, gc.IsNil) }
func (s *leadershipSuite) TestClaimLeadershipTranslation(c *gc.C) { var ldrMgr stubLeadershipManager ldrMgr.ClaimLeadershipFn = func(sid, uid string, duration time.Duration) error { c.Check(sid, gc.Equals, StubServiceNm) c.Check(uid, gc.Equals, StubUnitNm) expectDuration := time.Duration(299.9 * float64(time.Second)) checkDurationEquals(c, duration, expectDuration) return nil } ldrSvc := &leadershipService{LeadershipManager: &ldrMgr, authorizer: &stubAuthorizer{}} results, err := ldrSvc.ClaimLeadership(params.ClaimLeadershipBulkParams{ Params: []params.ClaimLeadershipParams{ { ServiceTag: names.NewServiceTag(StubServiceNm).String(), UnitTag: names.NewUnitTag(StubUnitNm).String(), DurationSeconds: 299.9, }, }, }) c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(results.Results, gc.HasLen, 1) c.Check(results.Results[0].Error, gc.IsNil) }
func (s *retryStrategySuite) TestRetryStrategyMoreResults(c *gc.C) { tag := names.NewUnitTag("wp/1") var called bool apiCaller := testing.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, response interface{}) error { called = true c.Check(objType, gc.Equals, "RetryStrategy") c.Check(version, gc.Equals, 0) c.Check(id, gc.Equals, "") c.Check(request, gc.Equals, "RetryStrategy") c.Check(arg, gc.DeepEquals, params.Entities{ Entities: []params.Entity{{Tag: tag.String()}}, }) c.Assert(response, gc.FitsTypeOf, ¶ms.RetryStrategyResults{}) result := response.(*params.RetryStrategyResults) result.Results = make([]params.RetryStrategyResult, 2) return nil }) client := retrystrategy.NewClient(apiCaller) c.Assert(client, gc.NotNil) retryStrategy, err := client.RetryStrategy(tag) c.Assert(called, jc.IsTrue) c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "expected 1 result, got 2") c.Assert(retryStrategy, jc.DeepEquals, params.RetryStrategy{}) }
func (st *State) checkCanUpgrade(currentVersion, newVersion string) error { matchCurrent := "^" + regexp.QuoteMeta(currentVersion) + "-" matchNew := "^" + regexp.QuoteMeta(newVersion) + "-" // Get all machines and units with a different or empty version. sel := bson.D{{"$or", []bson.D{ {{"tools", bson.D{{"$exists", false}}}}, {{"$and", []bson.D{ {{"tools.version", bson.D{{"$not", bson.RegEx{matchCurrent, ""}}}}}, {{"tools.version", bson.D{{"$not", bson.RegEx{matchNew, ""}}}}}, }}}, }}} var agentTags []string for _, collection := range []*mgo.Collection{st.machines, st.units} { var doc struct { Id string `bson:"_id"` } iter := collection.Find(sel).Select(bson.D{{"_id", 1}}).Iter() for iter.Next(&doc) { switch collection.Name { case "machines": agentTags = append(agentTags, names.NewMachineTag(doc.Id).String()) case "units": agentTags = append(agentTags, names.NewUnitTag(doc.Id).String()) } } if err := iter.Close(); err != nil { return err } } if len(agentTags) > 0 { return newVersionInconsistentError(version.MustParse(currentVersion), agentTags) } return nil }
func (s *watchStorageAttachmentSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) { s.storageTag = names.NewStorageTag("osd-devices/0") s.machineTag = names.NewMachineTag("0") s.unitTag = names.NewUnitTag("ceph/0") s.storageInstance = &fakeStorageInstance{ tag: s.storageTag, owner: s.machineTag, kind: state.StorageKindBlock, } s.volume = &fakeVolume{tag: names.NewVolumeTag("0")} s.volumeAttachmentWatcher = apiservertesting.NewFakeNotifyWatcher() s.volumeAttachmentWatcher.C <- struct{}{} s.blockDevicesWatcher = apiservertesting.NewFakeNotifyWatcher() s.blockDevicesWatcher.C <- struct{}{} s.storageAttachmentWatcher = apiservertesting.NewFakeNotifyWatcher() s.storageAttachmentWatcher.C <- struct{}{} = &fakeStorage{ storageInstance: func(tag names.StorageTag) (state.StorageInstance, error) { return s.storageInstance, nil }, storageInstanceVolume: func(tag names.StorageTag) (state.Volume, error) { return s.volume, nil }, watchVolumeAttachment: func(names.MachineTag, names.VolumeTag) state.NotifyWatcher { return s.volumeAttachmentWatcher }, watchBlockDevices: func(names.MachineTag) state.NotifyWatcher { return s.blockDevicesWatcher }, watchStorageAttachment: func(names.StorageTag, names.UnitTag) state.NotifyWatcher { return s.storageAttachmentWatcher }, } }
func (s *metricsAdderSuite) TestAddMetricBatchesFails(c *gc.C) { var called bool metricsadder.PatchFacadeCall(s, s.adder, func(request string, args, response interface{}) error { _, ok := args.(params.MetricBatchParams) c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue) called = true c.Assert(request, gc.Equals, "AddMetricBatches") result := response.(*params.ErrorResults) result.Results = make([]params.ErrorResult, 1) result.Results[0].Error = common.ServerError(common.ErrPerm) return nil }) batches := []params.MetricBatchParam{{ Tag: names.NewUnitTag("test-unit/0").String(), Batch: params.MetricBatch{ UUID: utils.MustNewUUID().String(), CharmURL: "test-charm-url", Created: time.Now(), Metrics: []params.Metric{{Key: "pings", Value: "5", Time: time.Now().UTC()}}, }, }} results, err := s.adder.AddMetricBatches(batches) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) result, ok := results[batches[0].Batch.UUID] c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue) c.Assert(result.Error(), gc.Equals, "permission denied") c.Assert(called, jc.IsTrue) }
func (s *deployerSuite) TestUnit(c *gc.C) { // Try getting a missing unit and an invalid tag. unit, err :="foo/42")) s.assertUnauthorized(c, err) c.Assert(unit, gc.IsNil) // Try getting a unit we're not responsible for. // First create a new machine and deploy another unit there. machine, err := s.State.AddMachine("quantal", state.JobHostUnits) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) principal1, err := s.service0.AddUnit() c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) err = principal1.AssignToMachine(machine) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) unit, err = s.assertUnauthorized(c, err) c.Assert(unit, gc.IsNil) // Get the principal and subordinate we're responsible for. unit, err = c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(unit.Name(), gc.Equals, "mysql/0") unit, err = c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(unit.Name(), gc.Equals, "logging/0") }
func newHookQueue(attached bool) storage.StorageHookQueue { return storage.NewStorageHookQueue( names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0"), names.NewStorageTag("data/0"), attached, ) }
func (c *RunCommand) Init(args []string) error { // make sure we aren't in an existing hook context if contextId, err := getenv("JUJU_CONTEXT_ID"); err == nil && contextId != "" { return fmt.Errorf("juju-run cannot be called from within a hook, have context %q", contextId) } if !c.noContext { if len(args) < 1 { return fmt.Errorf("missing unit-name") } var unitName string unitName, args = args[0], args[1:] // If the command line param is a unit id (like service/2) we need to // change it to the unit tag as that is the format of the agent directory // on disk (unit-service-2). if names.IsValidUnit(unitName) { c.unit = names.NewUnitTag(unitName) } else { var err error c.unit, err = names.ParseUnitTag(unitName) if err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } } } if len(args) < 1 { return fmt.Errorf("missing commands") } c.commands, args = args[0], args[1:] return cmd.CheckEmpty(args) }
func (s *modelManagerSuite) TestNewAPIRefusesNonClient(c *gc.C) { anAuthoriser := s.authoriser anAuthoriser.Tag = names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0") endPoint, err := modelmanager.NewModelManagerAPI(s.State, s.resources, anAuthoriser) c.Assert(endPoint, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "permission denied") }
func (s *metricsAdderSuite) TestNewMetricsAdderAPIRefusesNonAgent(c *gc.C) { tests := []struct { tag names.Tag environManager bool expectedError string }{ // TODO(cmars): unit agent should get permission denied when callers are // moved to machine agent. {names.NewUnitTag("mysql/0"), false, ""}, {names.NewLocalUserTag("admin"), true, "permission denied"}, {names.NewMachineTag("0"), false, ""}, {names.NewMachineTag("0"), true, ""}, } for i, test := range tests { c.Logf("test %d", i) anAuthoriser := s.authorizer anAuthoriser.EnvironManager = test.environManager anAuthoriser.Tag = test.tag endPoint, err := metricsadder.NewMetricsAdderAPI(s.State, nil, anAuthoriser) if test.expectedError == "" { c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(endPoint, gc.NotNil) } else { c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, test.expectedError) c.Assert(endPoint, gc.IsNil) } } }
func (s *PathsSuite) TestOther(c *gc.C) { s.PatchValue(&os.HostOS, func() os.OSType { return os.Unknown }) dataDir := c.MkDir() unitTag := names.NewUnitTag("some-service/323") paths := uniter.NewPaths(dataDir, unitTag) relData := relPathFunc(dataDir) relAgent := relPathFunc(relData("agents", "unit-some-service-323")) c.Assert(paths, jc.DeepEquals, uniter.Paths{ ToolsDir: relData("tools/unit-some-service-323"), Runtime: uniter.RuntimePaths{ JujuRunSocket: relAgent("run.socket"), JujucServerSocket: "@" + relAgent("agent.socket"), }, State: uniter.StatePaths{ BaseDir: relAgent(), CharmDir: relAgent("charm"), OperationsFile: relAgent("state", "uniter"), RelationsDir: relAgent("state", "relations"), BundlesDir: relAgent("state", "bundles"), DeployerDir: relAgent("state", "deployer"), StorageDir: relAgent("state", "storage"), MetricsSpoolDir: relAgent("state", "spool", "metrics"), }, }) }
func (*volumesSuite) TestVolumeParamsStorageTags(c *gc.C) { volumeTag := names.NewVolumeTag("100") storageTag := names.NewStorageTag("mystore/0") unitTag := names.NewUnitTag("mysql/123") p, err := storagecommon.VolumeParams( &fakeVolume{tag: volumeTag, params: &state.VolumeParams{ Pool: "loop", Size: 1024, }}, &fakeStorageInstance{tag: storageTag, owner: unitTag}, testing.CustomModelConfig(c, nil), &fakePoolManager{}, ) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(p, jc.DeepEquals, params.VolumeParams{ VolumeTag: "volume-100", Provider: "loop", Size: 1024, Tags: map[string]string{ tags.JujuController: testing.ModelTag.Id(), tags.JujuModel: testing.ModelTag.Id(), tags.JujuStorageInstance: "mystore/0", tags.JujuStorageOwner: "mysql/123", }, }) }