예제 #1
func (h *newLinkHandler) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	l := nom.Link(msg.Data().(NewLink))
	n, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(l.From)
	d := ctx.Dict(nodeDict)
	k := string(n)
	v, err := d.Get(k)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	np := v.(nodePortsAndLinks)

	if oldl, ok := np.linkFrom(l.From); ok {
		if oldl.UID() == l.UID() {
			return nil

	glog.V(2).Infof("Link detected %v", l)
	np.L = append(np.L, l)
	return d.Put(k, np)
예제 #2
func (p Poller) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	dict := ctx.Dict(driversDict)
	dict.ForEach(func(k string, v interface{}) {
		node := nom.UID(k)
		query := nom.FlowStatsQuery{
			Node: node,
		sendToMaster(query, node, ctx)

		nd := v.(nodeDrivers)
		for i := range nd.Drivers {
			// TODO(soheil): remove the hardcoded value.
			if nd.Drivers[i].OutPings > MaxPings {
					Node:   nom.Node{ID: nom.NodeID(node)},
					Driver: nd.Drivers[i].Driver,
				}, ctx.ID())

			ctx.SendToBee(nom.Ping{}, nd.Drivers[i].BeeID)

		if err := dict.Put(k, nd); err != nil {
			glog.Warningf("error in encoding drivers: %v", err)
	return nil
예제 #3
// NodesCentralized returns the nodes with outgoing links so far.
// Note that this methods should be used only when the GraphBuilderCentralized
// is in use.
func NodesCentralized(ctx bh.RcvContext) (nodes []nom.UID) {
	ctx.Dict(GraphDict).ForEach(func(k string, v interface{}) bool {
		nodes = append(nodes, nom.UID(k))
		return true
	return nodes
예제 #4
func (h portStatusHandler) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	// FIXME(soheil): This implementation is very naive and cannot tolerate
	// faults. We need to first check if the driver is the mater, and then apply
	// the change. Otherwise, we need to enque this message for that driver and
	// make sure we apply the log to the port status
	data := msg.Data().(nom.PortStatusChanged)
	dict := ctx.Dict(driversDict)
	k := string(data.Port.Node)
	v, err := dict.Get(k)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NOMController: node %v not found", data.Port.Node)
	n := v.(nodeDrivers)

	if !n.isMaster(data.Driver) {
		glog.Warningf("NOMController: %v ignored, %v is not master, master is %v",
			data.Port, data.Driver, n.master())
		return nil

	if p, ok := n.Ports.GetPort(data.Port.UID()); ok {
		if p == data.Port {
			return fmt.Errorf("NOMController: duplicate port status change for %v",


	return nil
예제 #5
파일: flow.go 프로젝트: 1995parham/FlyNest
func confirmFlowEntryForPath(flow nom.FlowEntry, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	d := ctx.Dict(dictPath)

	v, err := d.Get(flow.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("path: flow not found: %v", err)

	pf := v.(pathAndFlows)

	for i := range pf.Flows {
		if pf.Flows[i].Flow.Equals(flow) {
			if pf.Flows[i].Installed {
				return fmt.Errorf("%v is already installed", flow)
			pf.Flows[i].Installed = true

	if pf.Installed == len(pf.Flows) {
		ctx.SendToCell(nom.PathAdded{Path: pf.Path}, pf.Subscriber.App,
	return d.Put(flow.ID, pf)
예제 #6
func (b GraphBuilderCentralized) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	dict := ctx.Dict(GraphDict)
	var link nom.Link
	switch dm := msg.Data().(type) {
	case nom.LinkAdded:
		link = nom.Link(dm)
	case nom.LinkDeleted:
		link = nom.Link(dm)
		return fmt.Errorf("GraphBuilderCentralized: unsupported message type %v",

	nf, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.From)
	nt, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(link.To)

	if nf == nt {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v is a loop", link)

	k := string(nf)
	links := make(map[nom.UID][]nom.Link)
	if v, err := dict.Get(k); err == nil {
		links = v.(map[nom.UID][]nom.Link)
	links[nt.UID()] = append(links[nt.UID()], link)
	return dict.Put(k, links)
예제 #7
func (h HealthChecker) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	db := msg.From()
	dict := ctx.Dict(driversDict)

	dict.ForEach(func(k string, v interface{}) {
		nd := v.(nodeDrivers)
		updated := false
		for i := range nd.Drivers {
			if nd.Drivers[i].BeeID == db {
				nd.Drivers[i].LastSeen = time.Now()
				// TODO(soheil): Maybe if outpings was more than MaxPings we
				// should emit a connected message.
				updated = true

		if !updated {

		if err := dict.Put(k, nd); err != nil {
			glog.Warningf("error in encoding drivers: %v", err)

	return nil
예제 #8
파일: host.go 프로젝트: 1995parham/FlyNest
func (h *hostConnectedHandler) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	host := msg.Data().(nom.HostConnected)
	dict := ctx.Dict(hostDict)

	_, err := dict.Get(host.MACAddr.String())
	if err == nil {
		return nil

	v, err := dict.Get("hsts")
	hsts := []nom.Host{}
	if err == nil {
		hsts = v.([]nom.Host)

	hsts = append(hsts, nom.Host(host))

	err = dict.Put(host.MACAddr.String(), host)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Put %v in %s: %v", host, host.MACAddr.String(), err)
		return err

	err = dict.Put("hsts", hsts)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Put %v in hsts: %v", hsts, err)
		return err


	return nil
// The bee hander
func BeeHandler(
	beehiveMessage beehive.Msg,
	beeContext beehive.RcvContext) error {
	// beehiveMessage is an envelope around the Hello message.
	// You can retrieve the Hello, using msg.Data() and then
	// you need to assert that its a MessageToBee.
	message := beehiveMessage.Data().(MessageToBee)
	// Using ctx.Dict you can get (or create) a dictionary.
	dict := beeContext.Dict("beehive-app-dict")
	value, err := dict.Get(message.DestinationBee)

	logger.Trace.Printf("[BeeHandler] Message sent to bee with id (%s) \n",

	count := 0
	if err == nil {
		// No error mean there is already an item with given key
		count = value.(int)
	logger.Trace.Printf("[BeeHandler] Count = %d\n",

	logger.Trace.Printf("[BeeHandler] Calculate fib number %d\n",

	beeContext.Reply(beehiveMessage, count)
	return dict.Put(message.DestinationBee, count)
예제 #10
파일: host.go 프로젝트: 1995parham/FlyNest
func (h *httpHostListHandler) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	hrq := msg.Data().(http.HTTPRequest)
	if hrq.AppName == "host" && hrq.Verb == "list" {
		dict := ctx.Dict(hostDict)

		v, err := dict.Get("hsts")
		hsts := []nom.Host{}
		if err == nil {
			hsts = v.([]nom.Host)

		data, err := json.Marshal(hsts)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Host list JSON marshaling: %v", err)
			return err


		hrs := http.HTTPResponse{
			AppName: "host",
			Data:    data,

		err = ctx.Reply(msg, hrs)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Replay error: %v", err)
			return err
	return nil
예제 #11
파일: server.go 프로젝트: jyzhe/beehive
func (h AckHandler) Rcv(msg beehive.Msg, ctx beehive.RcvContext) error {
	ack := msg.Data().(Ack)
	acked := Acked{
		ID:     ack.ID,
		Queue:  ack.Queue,
		TaskID: ack.TaskID,

	key := ack.TaskID.String()
	ddict := ctx.Dict(dequed)
	if err := ddict.Del(key); err == nil {
		ctx.Reply(msg, acked)
		return nil

	// The task might have been moved from dequed to out of order, because of a
	// timeout. So, we need to search the active dictionary as well.
	odict := ctx.Dict(ooo)
	if err := odict.Del(key); err == nil {
		ctx.Reply(msg, acked)
		return nil

	return ErrNoSuchTask
예제 #12
// Rcvf receives the message and the context.
func Rcvf(msg beehive.Msg, ctx beehive.RcvContext) error {
	// msg is an envelope around the Hello message.
	// You can retrieve the Hello, using msg.Data() and then
	// you need to assert that its a Hello.
	hello := msg.Data().(Hello)
	// Using ctx.Dict you can get (or create) a dictionary.
	dict := ctx.Dict("hello_dict")
	// Using Get(), you can get the value associated with
	// a key in the dictionary. Keys are always string
	// and values are generic interface{}'s.
	v, err := dict.Get(hello.Name)
	// If there is an error, the entry is not in the
	// dictionary. Otherwise, we set cnt based on
	// the value we already have in the dictionary
	// for that name.
	cnt := 0
	if err == nil {
		cnt = v.(int)
	// Now we increment the count.
	// And then we print the hello message.
	ctx.Printf("hello %s (%d)!\n", hello.Name, cnt)
	// Finally we update the count stored in the dictionary.
	return dict.Put(hello.Name, cnt)
예제 #13
파일: server.go 프로젝트: jyzhe/beehive
func (h EnQHandler) Rcv(msg beehive.Msg, ctx beehive.RcvContext) error {
	enq := msg.Data().(Enque)
	dict := ctx.Dict(active)

	next := TaskID(1)
	if v, err := dict.Get("_next_"); err == nil {
		next = v.(TaskID)

	key := next.String()
	task := Task{
		Queue: enq.Queue,
		ID:    next,
		Body:  enq.Body,
	if err := dict.Put(key, task); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := dict.Put("_next_", next+1); err != nil {
		return err

	enqued := Enqued{
		ID:     enq.ID,
		Queue:  enq.Queue,
		TaskID: next,
	return ctx.Reply(msg, enqued)
예제 #14
파일: collect.go 프로젝트: jyzhe/beehive
func (c *Collector) Rcv(m beehive.Msg, ctx beehive.RcvContext) error {
	res := m.Data().(StatResult)
	glog.V(2).Infof("Stat results: %+v", res)
	matrix := ctx.Dict(matrixDict)
	key := res.Switch.Key()
	v, err := matrix.Get(key)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("No such switch in matrix: %+v", res)

	c.poller.query <- StatQuery{res.Switch}

	sw := v.(SwitchStats)
	stat, ok := sw[res.Flow]
	sw[res.Flow] = res.Bytes

	glog.V(2).Infof("Previous stats: %+v, Now: %+v", stat, res.Bytes)
	if !ok || res.Bytes-stat > c.delta {
		glog.Infof("Found an elephent flow: %+v, %+v, %+v", res, stat,

	matrix.Put(key, sw)
	return nil
예제 #15
파일: flow.go 프로젝트: 1995parham/FlyNest
func addFlowEntriesForPath(sub bh.AppCellKey, path nom.Path,
	flows []nom.FlowEntry, ctx bh.RcvContext) {

	fs := make([]flowAndStatus, 0, len(flows))
	path.ID = strconv.FormatUint(reservePathID(ctx), 16)
	for i := range flows {
		flows[i].ID = path.ID
		fs = append(fs, flowAndStatus{Flow: flows[i]})

	pf := pathAndFlows{
		Subscriber: sub,
		Path:       path,
		Flows:      fs,
		Timestamp:  time.Now(),
	d := ctx.Dict(dictPath)
	if err := d.Put(path.ID, pf); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("error in storing path entry: %v", err)

	ack := centralizedAppCellKey(ctx.App())
	for _, f := range flows {
		addf := nom.AddFlowEntry{
			Flow:       f,
			Subscriber: ack,
예제 #16
파일: routing.go 프로젝트: jyzhe/beehive
func (r Router) neighbors(node Node, ctx bh.RcvContext) Edges {
	dict := ctx.Dict(neighDict)
	var neighs Edges
	if v, err := dict.Get(node.Key()); err == nil {
		neighs = v.(Edges)
	return neighs
예제 #17
func (p Poller) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	ctx.Dict("Switches").ForEach(func(k string, v interface{}) {
		fmt.Printf("poller: polling switch %v\n", k)
			Node: nom.UID(k),
	return nil
예제 #18
파일: routing.go 프로젝트: jyzhe/beehive
func (r Router) appendNieghbor(edge Edge, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	neighs := r.neighbors(edge.To, ctx)
	if neighs.Contains(edge) {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v is already a neighbor", edge)
	neighs = append(neighs, edge)
	ctx.Dict(neighDict).Put(edge.To.Key(), neighs)
	return nil
예제 #19
func (h *nodeLeftHandler) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	n := nom.Node(msg.Data().(nom.NodeLeft))
	d := ctx.Dict(nodeDict)
	k := string(n.UID())
	if _, err := d.Get(k); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v is not joined", n)
	return nil
예제 #20
파일: id.go 프로젝트: 1995parham/FlyNest
func reservePathID(ctx bh.RcvContext) uint64 {
	d := ctx.Dict(dictID)
	var id uint64
	if v, err := d.Get("path"); err == nil {
		id = v.(uint64)
	d.Put("path", id)
	return id - 1
예제 #21
파일: id.go 프로젝트: 1995parham/FlyNest
func reserveFlowID(ctx bh.RcvContext, cnt int) uint64 {
	d := ctx.Dict(dictID)
	var id uint64
	if v, err := d.Get("flow"); err == nil {
		id = v.(uint64)
	id += uint64(cnt)
	d.Put("flow", id)
	return id - uint64(cnt)
예제 #22
파일: routing.go 프로젝트: jyzhe/beehive
func (r Router) routingTable(from Node, ctx bh.RcvContext) RoutingTable {
	dict := ctx.Dict(routeDict)
	var tbl RoutingTable
	if v, err := dict.Get(from.Key()); err == nil {
		tbl = v.(RoutingTable)
	} else {
		tbl = make(RoutingTable)
	return tbl
예제 #23
func (h *timeoutHandler) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	d := ctx.Dict(nodeDict)
	d.ForEach(func(k string, v interface{}) {
		np := v.(nodePortsAndLinks)
		for _, p := range np.P {
			sendLLDPPacket(np.N, p, ctx)
	return nil
예제 #24
func (h addTriggerHandler) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	add := msg.Data().(nom.AddTrigger)
	dict := ctx.Dict(triggersDict)
	var nt nodeTriggers
	if v, err := dict.Get(string(add.Node)); err == nil {
		nt = v.(nodeTriggers)
	return dict.Put(string(add.Node), nt)
예제 #25
func (h delTriggerHandler) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	del := msg.Data().(nom.DelTrigger)
	var nt nodeTriggers
	dict := ctx.Dict(triggersDict)
	if v, err := dict.Get(string(del.Node)); err == nil {
		nt = v.(nodeTriggers)
	return dict.Put(string(del.Node), nt)
예제 #26
파일: pingpong.go 프로젝트: jyzhe/beehive
func (p *pinger) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	dict := ctx.Dict(PingPongDict)
	data := msg.Data()
	switch data := data.(type) {
	case ping:
		fmt.Printf("Rx Ping %d %v->%v\n", data.Seq, msg.From(), ctx.ID())
		time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)

		v, err := dict.Get("ping")
		var p ping
		if err == nil {
			p = v.(ping)

		if data != p {
			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid ping: ping=%d, want=%d", data.Seq, p.Seq)

		p.Seq += 1
		dict.Put("ping", p)

		fmt.Printf("Ping stored to %v\n", p.Seq)

		if !msg.NoReply() {
			fmt.Printf("Tx Pong %d @ %v\n", data.pong().Seq, ctx.ID())

	case pong:
		fmt.Printf("Rx Pong %d %v->%v\n", data.Seq, msg.From(), ctx.ID())

		time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)

		dict := ctx.Dict(PingPongDict)
		v, err := dict.Get("pong")
		var p pong
		if err == nil {
			p = v.(pong)

		if data != p {
			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid pong: pong=%d, want=%d", data.Seq, p.Seq)

		p.Seq += 1
		dict.Put("pong", p)
		fmt.Printf("Pong stored to %v\n", p.Seq)

		fmt.Printf("Tx Ping %d @ %v\n", data.ping().Seq, ctx.ID())
	return nil
예제 #27
파일: server.go 프로젝트: jyzhe/beehive
// doDequeTask adds a task to the dequed dictionary and replys to the message.
func doDequeTask(msg beehive.Msg, ctx beehive.RcvContext, t Task) error {
	ctx.Reply(msg, Dequed{
		ID:   msg.Data().(Deque).ID,
		Task: t,

	ddict := ctx.Dict(dequed)
	return ddict.Put(t.ID.String(), dqTask{
		Task:      t,
		DequeTime: time.Now(),
예제 #28
// ShortestPathCentralized calculates the shortest path from node "from" to node
// "to" according to the state stored in GraphDict by the
// GraphBuilderCentralized.
// This method is not go-routine safe and must be called within a handler of the
// application that uses the GraphBuilderCentralized as a handler. Otherwise,
// the user needs to synchronize the two.
func ShortestPathCentralized(from, to nom.UID, ctx bh.RcvContext) (
	paths [][]nom.Link, length int) {

	if from == to {
		return nil, 0

	visited := make(map[nom.UID]distAndLinks)
	visited[from] = distAndLinks{Dist: 0}

	pq := nodeAndDistSlice{{Dist: 0, Node: from}}

	dict := ctx.Dict(GraphDict)
	for len(pq) != 0 {
		nd := heap.Pop(&pq).(nodeAndDist)
		if nd.Node == to {
		nodeLinks := make(map[nom.UID][]nom.Link)
		if v, err := dict.Get(string(nd.Node)); err == nil {
			nodeLinks = v.(map[nom.UID][]nom.Link)
		nd.Dist = visited[nd.Node].Dist
		for _, links := range nodeLinks {
			for _, l := range links {
				nid, _ := nom.ParsePortUID(l.To)
				ton := nom.UID(nid)
				if dl, ok := visited[ton]; ok {
					switch {
					case nd.Dist+1 < dl.Dist:
						glog.Fatalf("invalid distance in BFS")
					case nd.Dist+1 == dl.Dist:
						dl.BackLinks = append(dl.BackLinks, l)
						visited[ton] = dl

				visited[ton] = distAndLinks{
					Dist:      nd.Dist + 1,
					BackLinks: []nom.Link{l},
				ndto := nodeAndDist{
					Dist: nd.Dist + 1,
					Node: ton,
				heap.Push(&pq, ndto)
	return allPaths(from, to, visited)
예제 #29
func (h *timeoutHandler) Rcv(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	fmt.Println("LLDP .. ?! Timeout")
	d := ctx.Dict(nodeDict)
	d.ForEach(func(k string, v interface{}) bool {
		np := v.(nodePortsAndLinks)
		for _, p := range np.P {
			sendLLDPPacket(np.N, p, ctx)
		return true
	return nil
예제 #30
파일: helloworld.go 프로젝트: jyzhe/beehive
func rcvf(msg bh.Msg, ctx bh.RcvContext) error {
	name := msg.Data().(string)

	cnt := 0
	if v, err := ctx.Dict(helloDict).Get(name); err == nil {
		cnt = v.(int)

	ctx.Printf("hello %s (%d)!\n", name, cnt)
	ctx.Dict(helloDict).Put(name, cnt)
	return nil