예제 #1
func ExampleAppBashComplete() {
	// set args for examples sake
	os.Args = []string{"greet", "--generate-bash-completion"}

	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "greet"
	app.EnableBashCompletion = true
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:        "describeit",
			Aliases:     []string{"d"},
			Usage:       "use it to see a description",
			Description: "This is how we describe describeit the function",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				fmt.Printf("i like to describe things")
		}, {
			Name:        "next",
			Usage:       "next example",
			Description: "more stuff to see when generating bash completion",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				fmt.Printf("the next example")

	// Output:
	// describeit
	// d
	// next
	// help
	// h
예제 #2
func TestApp_RunAsSubcommandParseFlags(t *testing.T) {
	var context *cli.Context

	a := cli.NewApp()
	a.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name: "foo",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				context = c
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "lang",
					Value: "english",
					Usage: "language for the greeting",
			Before: func(_ *cli.Context) error { return nil },
	a.Run([]string{"", "foo", "--lang", "spanish", "abcd"})

	expect(t, context.Args().Get(0), "abcd")
	expect(t, context.String("lang"), "spanish")
예제 #3
func TestApp_DefaultStdout(t *testing.T) {
	app := cli.NewApp()

	if app.Writer != os.Stdout {
		t.Error("Default output writer not set.")
예제 #4
func TestGlobalFlagsInSubcommands(t *testing.T) {
	subcommandRun := false
	app := cli.NewApp()

	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
		cli.BoolFlag{Name: "debug, d", Usage: "Enable debugging"},

	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name: "foo",
			Subcommands: []cli.Command{
					Name: "bar",
					Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
						if c.GlobalBool("debug") {
							subcommandRun = true

	app.Run([]string{"command", "-d", "foo", "bar"})

	expect(t, subcommandRun, true)
예제 #5
func Example() {
	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "todo"
	app.Usage = "task list on the command line"
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:    "add",
			Aliases: []string{"a"},
			Usage:   "add a task to the list",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				println("added task: ", c.Args().First())
			Name:    "complete",
			Aliases: []string{"c"},
			Usage:   "complete a task on the list",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				println("completed task: ", c.Args().First())

예제 #6
func ExampleAppHelp() {
	// set args for examples sake
	os.Args = []string{"greet", "h", "describeit"}

	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "greet"
	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
		cli.StringFlag{Name: "name", Value: "bob", Usage: "a name to say"},
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:        "describeit",
			Aliases:     []string{"d"},
			Usage:       "use it to see a description",
			Description: "This is how we describe describeit the function",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				fmt.Printf("i like to describe things")
	// Output:
	// NAME:
	//    describeit - use it to see a description
	// USAGE:
	//    command describeit [arguments...]
	//    This is how we describe describeit the function
예제 #7
func TestApp_ParseSliceFlags(t *testing.T) {
	var parsedOption, firstArg string
	var parsedIntSlice []int
	var parsedStringSlice []string

	app := cli.NewApp()
	command := cli.Command{
		Name: "cmd",
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.IntSliceFlag{Name: "p", Value: &cli.IntSlice{}, Usage: "set one or more ip addr"},
			cli.StringSliceFlag{Name: "ip", Value: &cli.StringSlice{}, Usage: "set one or more ports to open"},
		Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
			parsedIntSlice = c.IntSlice("p")
			parsedStringSlice = c.StringSlice("ip")
			parsedOption = c.String("option")
			firstArg = c.Args().First()
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{command}

	app.Run([]string{"", "cmd", "my-arg", "-p", "22", "-p", "80", "-ip", "", "-ip", ""})

	IntsEquals := func(a, b []int) bool {
		if len(a) != len(b) {
			return false
		for i, v := range a {
			if v != b[i] {
				return false
		return true

	StrsEquals := func(a, b []string) bool {
		if len(a) != len(b) {
			return false
		for i, v := range a {
			if v != b[i] {
				return false
		return true
	var expectedIntSlice = []int{22, 80}
	var expectedStringSlice = []string{"", ""}

	if !IntsEquals(parsedIntSlice, expectedIntSlice) {
		t.Errorf("%v does not match %v", parsedIntSlice, expectedIntSlice)

	if !StrsEquals(parsedStringSlice, expectedStringSlice) {
		t.Errorf("%v does not match %v", parsedStringSlice, expectedStringSlice)
예제 #8
func TestApp_Command(t *testing.T) {
	app := cli.NewApp()
	fooCommand := cli.Command{Name: "foobar", Aliases: []string{"f"}}
	batCommand := cli.Command{Name: "batbaz", Aliases: []string{"b"}}
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{

	for _, test := range commandAppTests {
		expect(t, app.Command(test.name) != nil, test.expected)
예제 #9
func TestApp_Float64Flag(t *testing.T) {
	var meters float64

	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
		cli.Float64Flag{Name: "height", Value: 1.5, Usage: "Set the height, in meters"},
	app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) {
		meters = c.Float64("height")

	app.Run([]string{"", "--height", "1.93"})
	expect(t, meters, 1.93)
예제 #10
func TestApp_Run(t *testing.T) {
	s := ""

	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) {
		s = s + c.Args().First()

	err := app.Run([]string{"command", "foo"})
	expect(t, err, nil)
	err = app.Run([]string{"command", "bar"})
	expect(t, err, nil)
	expect(t, s, "foobar")
예제 #11
func TestAppNoHelpFlag(t *testing.T) {
	oldFlag := cli.HelpFlag
	defer func() {
		cli.HelpFlag = oldFlag

	cli.HelpFlag = cli.BoolFlag{}

	app := cli.NewApp()
	err := app.Run([]string{"test", "-h"})

	if err != flag.ErrHelp {
		t.Errorf("expected error about missing help flag, but got: %s (%T)", err, err)
예제 #12
func TestApp_SetStdout(t *testing.T) {
	w := &mockWriter{}

	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "test"
	app.Writer = w

	err := app.Run([]string{"help"})

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Run error: %s", err)

	if len(w.written) == 0 {
		t.Error("App did not write output to desired writer.")
예제 #13
func TestApp_CommandWithNoFlagBeforeTerminator(t *testing.T) {
	var args []string

	app := cli.NewApp()
	command := cli.Command{
		Name: "cmd",
		Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
			args = c.Args()
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{command}

	app.Run([]string{"", "cmd", "my-arg", "--", "notAFlagAtAll"})

	expect(t, args[0], "my-arg")
	expect(t, args[1], "--")
	expect(t, args[2], "notAFlagAtAll")
예제 #14
func TestAppHelpPrinter(t *testing.T) {
	oldPrinter := cli.HelpPrinter
	defer func() {
		cli.HelpPrinter = oldPrinter

	var wasCalled = false
	cli.HelpPrinter = func(template string, data interface{}) {
		wasCalled = true

	app := cli.NewApp()

	if wasCalled == false {
		t.Errorf("Help printer expected to be called, but was not")
예제 #15
func TestAppVersionPrinter(t *testing.T) {
	oldPrinter := cli.VersionPrinter
	defer func() {
		cli.VersionPrinter = oldPrinter

	var wasCalled = false
	cli.VersionPrinter = func(c *cli.Context) {
		wasCalled = true

	app := cli.NewApp()
	ctx := cli.NewContext(app, nil, nil)

	if wasCalled == false {
		t.Errorf("Version printer expected to be called, but was not")
예제 #16
func ExampleApp() {
	// set args for examples sake
	os.Args = []string{"greet", "--name", "Jeremy"}

	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "greet"
	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
		cli.StringFlag{Name: "name", Value: "bob", Usage: "a name to say"},
	app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) {
		fmt.Printf("Hello %v\n", c.String("name"))
	app.Author = "Harrison"
	app.Email = "*****@*****.**"
	app.Authors = []cli.Author{cli.Author{Name: "Oliver Allen", Email: "*****@*****.**"}}
	// Output:
	// Hello Jeremy
예제 #17
func TestCommandDoNotIgnoreFlags(t *testing.T) {
	app := cli.NewApp()
	set := flag.NewFlagSet("test", 0)
	test := []string{"blah", "blah", "-break"}

	c := cli.NewContext(app, set, set)

	command := cli.Command{
		Name:        "test-cmd",
		Aliases:     []string{"tc"},
		Usage:       "this is for testing",
		Description: "testing",
		Action:      func(_ *cli.Context) {},
	err := command.Run(c)

	expect(t, err.Error(), "flag provided but not defined: -break")
예제 #18
func TestCommandIgnoreFlags(t *testing.T) {
	app := cli.NewApp()
	set := flag.NewFlagSet("test", 0)
	test := []string{"blah", "blah"}

	c := cli.NewContext(app, set, set)

	command := cli.Command{
		Name:            "test-cmd",
		Aliases:         []string{"tc"},
		Usage:           "this is for testing",
		Description:     "testing",
		Action:          func(_ *cli.Context) {},
		SkipFlagParsing: true,
	err := command.Run(c)

	expect(t, err, nil)
예제 #19
func TestApp_CommandWithArgBeforeFlags(t *testing.T) {
	var parsedOption, firstArg string

	app := cli.NewApp()
	command := cli.Command{
		Name: "cmd",
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.StringFlag{Name: "option", Value: "", Usage: "some option"},
		Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
			parsedOption = c.String("option")
			firstArg = c.Args().First()
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{command}

	app.Run([]string{"", "cmd", "my-arg", "--option", "my-option"})

	expect(t, parsedOption, "my-option")
	expect(t, firstArg, "my-arg")
예제 #20
func TestAppCommandNotFound(t *testing.T) {
	beforeRun, subcommandRun := false, false
	app := cli.NewApp()

	app.CommandNotFound = func(c *cli.Context, command string) {
		beforeRun = true

	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name: "bar",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				subcommandRun = true

	app.Run([]string{"command", "foo"})

	expect(t, beforeRun, true)
	expect(t, subcommandRun, false)
예제 #21
func ExampleAppSubcommand() {
	// set args for examples sake
	os.Args = []string{"say", "hi", "english", "--name", "Jeremy"}
	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "say"
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:        "hello",
			Aliases:     []string{"hi"},
			Usage:       "use it to see a description",
			Description: "This is how we describe hello the function",
			Subcommands: []cli.Command{
					Name:        "english",
					Aliases:     []string{"en"},
					Usage:       "sends a greeting in english",
					Description: "greets someone in english",
					Flags: []cli.Flag{
							Name:  "name",
							Value: "Bob",
							Usage: "Name of the person to greet",
					Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
						fmt.Println("Hello,", c.String("name"))

	// Output:
	// Hello, Jeremy
예제 #22
func TestApp_CommandWithFlagBeforeTerminator(t *testing.T) {
	var parsedOption string
	var args []string

	app := cli.NewApp()
	command := cli.Command{
		Name: "cmd",
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.StringFlag{Name: "option", Value: "", Usage: "some option"},
		Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
			parsedOption = c.String("option")
			args = c.Args()
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{command}

	app.Run([]string{"", "cmd", "my-arg", "--option", "my-option", "--", "--notARealFlag"})

	expect(t, parsedOption, "my-option")
	expect(t, args[0], "my-arg")
	expect(t, args[1], "--")
	expect(t, args[2], "--notARealFlag")
예제 #23
func ExampleSubcommand() {
	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "say"
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:        "hello",
			Aliases:     []string{"hi"},
			Usage:       "use it to see a description",
			Description: "This is how we describe hello the function",
			Subcommands: []cli.Command{
					Name:        "english",
					Aliases:     []string{"en"},
					Usage:       "sends a greeting in english",
					Description: "greets someone in english",
					Flags: []cli.Flag{
							Name:  "name",
							Value: "Bob",
							Usage: "Name of the person to greet",
					Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
						println("Hello, ", c.String("name"))
				}, {
					Name:    "spanish",
					Aliases: []string{"sp"},
					Usage:   "sends a greeting in spanish",
					Flags: []cli.Flag{
							Name:  "surname",
							Value: "Jones",
							Usage: "Surname of the person to greet",
					Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
						println("Hola, ", c.String("surname"))
				}, {
					Name:    "french",
					Aliases: []string{"fr"},
					Usage:   "sends a greeting in french",
					Flags: []cli.Flag{
							Name:  "nickname",
							Value: "Stevie",
							Usage: "Nickname of the person to greet",
					Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
						println("Bonjour, ", c.String("nickname"))
		}, {
			Name:  "bye",
			Usage: "says goodbye",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {

예제 #24
func TestApp_AfterFunc(t *testing.T) {
	afterRun, subcommandRun := false, false
	afterError := fmt.Errorf("fail")
	var err error

	app := cli.NewApp()

	app.After = func(c *cli.Context) error {
		afterRun = true
		s := c.String("opt")
		if s == "fail" {
			return afterError

		return nil

	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name: "sub",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				subcommandRun = true

	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
		cli.StringFlag{Name: "opt"},

	// run with the After() func succeeding
	err = app.Run([]string{"command", "--opt", "succeed", "sub"})

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Run error: %s", err)

	if afterRun == false {
		t.Errorf("After() not executed when expected")

	if subcommandRun == false {
		t.Errorf("Subcommand not executed when expected")

	// reset
	afterRun, subcommandRun = false, false

	// run with the Before() func failing
	err = app.Run([]string{"command", "--opt", "fail", "sub"})

	// should be the same error produced by the Before func
	if err != afterError {
		t.Errorf("Run error expected, but not received")

	if afterRun == false {
		t.Errorf("After() not executed when expected")

	if subcommandRun == false {
		t.Errorf("Subcommand not executed when expected")
예제 #25
func main() {
	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "lowprofile"
	app.Usage = "Control AWS profiles"
	app.Version = "0.1"

	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
			Name:  "debug",
			Usage: "shall we debug?",
	app.Before = func(c *cli.Context) error {
		if c.Bool("debug") {
			lowprofile.Debug = true
			lowprofile.Debugln("Turning debug on.")
		return nil

	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:    "describe-profiles",
			Aliases: []string{"d"},
			Usage:   `Describes the list of AWS profile`,
			Before:  lowprofile.BeforeDescribeProfiles,
			Action:  lowprofile.DescribeProfiles,
			Name:    "describe-active-profile",
			Aliases: []string{"dap"},
			Usage:   `Describes the currently active AWS profile`,
			Action:  lowprofile.DescribeActiveProfile,
			Name:    "activate-profile",
			Aliases: []string{"ap"},
			Usage:   `Sets the currently active profile`,
			Before:  lowprofile.BeforeActivateProfile,
			Action:  lowprofile.ActivateProfile,
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "profile",
					Usage: "name of the profile to activate",
					Value: "profile-name",
			Name:    "deactive-profile",
			Aliases: []string{"dp"},
			Usage:   `Deactivate the currently active AWS profile`,
			Before:  lowprofile.BeforeDeactivateProfile,
			Action:  lowprofile.DeactivateProfile,

	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {