예제 #1
func credentialsCallback(url string, username string, allowedTypes git.CredType) (git.ErrorCode, *git.Cred) {
	u, err := user.Current()
	if err != nil {
	uname := "git"
	publickey := path.Join(u.HomeDir, ".ssh/id_rsa.pub")
	privatekey := path.Join(u.HomeDir, ".ssh/id_rsa")
	passphrase := ""
	ret, cred := git.NewCredSshKey(uname, publickey, privatekey, passphrase)
	return git.ErrorCode(ret), &cred
예제 #2
// makeRemoteCallbacks constructs the remote callbacks for libgit2
// remote operations. Currently the remote callbacks are trivial
// (empty) except when using an SSH remote.
// cleanupFuncs's run method should be called when the RemoteCallbacks
// struct is done being used. It is OK to ignore the error return.
func makeRemoteCallbacks(url string, opt vcs.RemoteOpts) (rc *git2go.RemoteCallbacks, cfs cleanupFuncs, err error) {
	defer func() {
		// Clean up if error; don't expect the caller to clean up if
		// we have a non-nil error.
		if err != nil {

	if opt.SSH != nil {
		var privkeyFilename, pubkeyFilename string
		var privkeyFile, pubkeyFile *os.File
		var err error

		if opt.SSH.PrivateKey != nil {
			privkeyFilename, privkeyFile, err = util.WriteKeyTempFile(url, opt.SSH.PrivateKey)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			cfs = append(cfs, privkeyFile.Close)
			cfs = append(cfs, func() error { return os.Remove(privkeyFile.Name()) })

			// Derive public key from private key if empty.
			if opt.SSH.PublicKey == nil {
				privKey, err := ssh.ParsePrivateKey(opt.SSH.PrivateKey)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, cfs, err
				opt.SSH.PublicKey = ssh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(privKey.PublicKey())

			pubkeyFilename, pubkeyFile, err = util.WriteKeyTempFile(url, opt.SSH.PublicKey)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, cfs, err
			cfs = append(cfs, pubkeyFile.Close)
			cfs = append(cfs, func() error { return os.Remove(pubkeyFile.Name()) })

		rc = &git2go.RemoteCallbacks{
			CredentialsCallback: git2go.CredentialsCallback(func(url string, usernameFromURL string, allowedTypes git2go.CredType) (git2go.ErrorCode, *git2go.Cred) {
				var username string
				if usernameFromURL != "" {
					username = usernameFromURL
				} else if opt.SSH.User != "" {
					username = opt.SSH.User
				} else {
					if username == "" {
						u, err := user.Current()
						if err == nil {
							username = u.Username
				if allowedTypes&git2go.CredTypeSshKey != 0 && opt.SSH.PrivateKey != nil {
					rv, cred := git2go.NewCredSshKey(username, pubkeyFilename, privkeyFilename, "")
					return git2go.ErrorCode(rv), &cred
				log.Printf("No authentication available for git URL %q.", url)
				rv, cred := git2go.NewCredDefault()
				return git2go.ErrorCode(rv), &cred
			CertificateCheckCallback: git2go.CertificateCheckCallback(func(cert *git2go.Certificate, valid bool, hostname string) git2go.ErrorCode {
				// libgit2 currently always returns valid=false. It
				// may return valid=true in the future if it checks
				// host keys using known_hosts, but let's ignore valid
				// so we don't get that behavior unexpectedly.

				if InsecureSkipCheckVerifySSH {
					return git2go.ErrOk

				if cert == nil {
					return git2go.ErrNotFound

				if cert.Hostkey.Kind&git2go.HostkeyMD5 > 0 {
					keys, found := standardKnownHosts.Lookup(hostname)
					if found {
						hostFingerprint := md5String(cert.Hostkey.HashMD5)
						for _, key := range keys {
							knownFingerprint := md5String(md5.Sum(key.Marshal()))
							if hostFingerprint == knownFingerprint {
								return git2go.ErrOk

				log.Printf("Invalid certificate for SSH host %s: %v.", hostname, cert)
				return git2go.ErrGeneric

	return rc, cfs, nil
예제 #3
파일: main.go 프로젝트: realb0t/git2test
func credentialsCallback(url string, username string, allowedTypes git.CredType) (git.ErrorCode, *git.Cred) {
	ret, cred := git.NewCredSshKey("git", "/Users/realbot/.ssh/id_rsa.pub", "/Users/realbot/.ssh/id_rsa", "")
	return git.ErrorCode(ret), &cred
예제 #4
// LibgitCred returns a git2go *Cred struct, which is used for remote
// operations over ssh.
func (c *Credentials) LibgitCred() (git.ErrorCode, *git.Cred) {
	returnCode, credentials := git.NewCredSshKey(c.Username, c.Publickey, c.Privatekey, c.Passphrase)
	return git.ErrorCode(returnCode), &credentials