예제 #1
// WritePropertyMap writes an entire PropertyMap to the buffer. `context`
// behaves the same way that it does for WriteKey.
// If WritePropertyMapDeterministic is true, then the rows will be sorted by
// property name before they're serialized to buf (mostly useful for testing,
// but also potentially useful if you need to make a hash of the property data).
// Write skips metadata keys.
func WritePropertyMap(buf Buffer, context KeyContext, pm ds.PropertyMap) (err error) {
	defer recoverTo(&err)
	rows := make(sort.StringSlice, 0, len(pm))
	tmpBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	pm, _ = pm.Save(false)
	for name, vals := range pm {
		_, e := cmpbin.WriteString(tmpBuf, name)
		_, e = cmpbin.WriteUint(tmpBuf, uint64(len(vals)))
		for _, p := range vals {
			panicIf(WriteProperty(tmpBuf, context, p))
		rows = append(rows, tmpBuf.String())

	if WritePropertyMapDeterministic {

	_, e := cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, uint64(len(pm)))
	for _, r := range rows {
		_, e := buf.WriteString(r)
예제 #2
func curs(pairs ...interface{}) queryCursor {
	if len(pairs)%2 != 0 {
		panic("curs() takes only even pairs")
	pre := &bytes.Buffer{}
	if _, err := cmpbin.WriteUint(pre, uint64(len(pairs)/2)); err != nil {
	post := serialize.Invertible(&bytes.Buffer{})
	for i := 0; i < len(pairs); i += 2 {
		k, v := pairs[i].(string), pairs[i+1]

		col, err := dstore.ParseIndexColumn(k)
		if err != nil {

		if err := serialize.WriteIndexColumn(pre, col); err != nil {
		if err := serialize.WriteProperty(post, serialize.WithoutContext, prop(v)); err != nil {
	return queryCursor(serialize.Join(pre.Bytes(), post.Bytes()))
예제 #3
파일: serialize.go 프로젝트: martiniss/gae
// WriteTime writes a time.Time in a byte-sortable way.
// This method truncates the time to microseconds and drops the timezone,
// because that's the (undocumented) way that the appengine SDK does it.
func WriteTime(buf Buffer, t time.Time) error {
	name, off := t.Zone()
	if name != "UTC" || off != 0 {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("helper: UTC OR DEATH: %s", t))
	_, err := cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, uint64(t.Unix())*1e6+uint64(t.Nanosecond()/1e3))
	return err
예제 #4
// cat is a convenience method for concatenating anything with an underlying
// byte representation into a single []byte.
func cat(bytethings ...interface{}) []byte {
	err := error(nil)
	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	for _, thing := range bytethings {
		switch x := thing.(type) {
		case int64:
			_, err = cmpbin.WriteInt(buf, x)
		case int:
			_, err = cmpbin.WriteInt(buf, int64(x))
		case uint64:
			_, err = cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, x)
		case uint:
			_, err = cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, uint64(x))
		case float64:
			_, err = cmpbin.WriteFloat64(buf, x)
		case byte:
			err = buf.WriteByte(x)
		case ds.PropertyType:
			err = buf.WriteByte(byte(x))
		case string:
			_, err = cmpbin.WriteString(buf, x)
		case []byte:
			_, err = buf.Write(x)
		case time.Time:
			err = serialize.WriteTime(buf, x)
		case *ds.Key:
			err = serialize.WriteKey(buf, serialize.WithoutContext, x)
		case *ds.IndexDefinition:
			err = serialize.WriteIndexDefinition(buf, *x)
		case ds.Property:
			err = serialize.WriteProperty(buf, serialize.WithoutContext, x)
			panic(fmt.Errorf("I don't know how to deal with %T: %#v", thing, thing))
	ret := buf.Bytes()
	if ret == nil {
		ret = []byte{}
	return ret
예제 #5
func curs(pairs ...interface{}) queryCursor {
	if len(pairs)%2 != 0 {
		panic("curs() takes only even pairs")
	pre := &bytes.Buffer{}
	cmpbin.WriteUint(pre, uint64(len(pairs)/2))
	post := serialize.Invertible(&bytes.Buffer{})
	for i := 0; i < len(pairs); i += 2 {
		k, v := pairs[i].(string), pairs[i+1]

		col := dsS.IndexColumn{Property: k}

		if k[0] == '-' {
			col.Property = k[1:]
			col.Direction = dsS.DESCENDING
		serialize.WriteIndexColumn(pre, col)
		serialize.WriteProperty(post, serialize.WithoutContext, prop(v))
	return queryCursor(bjoin(pre.Bytes(), post.Bytes()))
예제 #6
func TestSerializationReadMisc(t *testing.T) {

	Convey("Misc Serialization tests", t, func() {
		Convey("GeoPoint", func() {
			buf := mkBuf(nil)
			cmpbin.WriteFloat64(buf, 10)
			cmpbin.WriteFloat64(buf, 20)
			So(string(ToBytes(ds.GeoPoint{Lat: 10, Lng: 20})), ShouldEqual, buf.String())

		Convey("IndexColumn", func() {
			buf := mkBuf(nil)
			cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "hi")
			So(string(ToBytes(ds.IndexColumn{Property: "hi", Direction: ds.DESCENDING})),
				ShouldEqual, buf.String())

		Convey("KeyTok", func() {
			buf := mkBuf(nil)
			cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "foo")
			cmpbin.WriteInt(buf, 20)
			So(string(ToBytes(ds.KeyTok{Kind: "foo", IntID: 20})),
				ShouldEqual, buf.String())

		Convey("Property", func() {
			buf := mkBuf(nil)
			buf.WriteByte(0x80 | byte(ds.PTString))
			cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "nerp")
				ShouldEqual, buf.String())

		Convey("Time", func() {
			tp := mp(time.Now().UTC())
			So(string(ToBytes(tp.Value())), ShouldEqual, string(ToBytes(tp)[1:]))

		Convey("Bad ToBytes", func() {
			So(func() { ToBytes(100.7) }, ShouldPanic)
			So(func() { ToBytesWithContext(100.7) }, ShouldPanic)

		Convey("ReadKey", func() {
			Convey("good cases", func() {
				Convey("w/ ctx decodes normally w/ ctx", func() {
					k := mkKey("aid", "ns", "knd", "yo", "other", 10)
					data := ToBytesWithContext(k)
					dk, err := ReadKey(mkBuf(data), WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					So(dk, ShouldEqualKey, k)
				Convey("w/ ctx decodes normally w/o ctx", func() {
					k := mkKey("aid", "ns", "knd", "yo", "other", 10)
					data := ToBytesWithContext(k)
					dk, err := ReadKey(mkBuf(data), WithoutContext, "spam", "nerd")
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					So(dk, ShouldEqualKey, mkKey("spam", "nerd", "knd", "yo", "other", 10))
				Convey("w/o ctx decodes normally w/ ctx", func() {
					k := mkKey("aid", "ns", "knd", "yo", "other", 10)
					data := ToBytes(k)
					dk, err := ReadKey(mkBuf(data), WithContext, "spam", "nerd")
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					So(dk, ShouldEqualKey, mkKey("", "", "knd", "yo", "other", 10))
				Convey("w/o ctx decodes normally w/o ctx", func() {
					k := mkKey("aid", "ns", "knd", "yo", "other", 10)
					data := ToBytes(k)
					dk, err := ReadKey(mkBuf(data), WithoutContext, "spam", "nerd")
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					So(dk, ShouldEqualKey, mkKey("spam", "nerd", "knd", "yo", "other", 10))
				Convey("IntIDs always sort before StringIDs", func() {
					// -1 writes as almost all 1's in the first byte under cmpbin, even
					// though it's technically not a valid key.
					k := mkKey("aid", "ns", "knd", -1)
					data := ToBytes(k)

					k = mkKey("aid", "ns", "knd", "hat")
					data2 := ToBytes(k)

					So(string(data), ShouldBeLessThan, string(data2))

			Convey("err cases", func() {
				buf := mkBuf(nil)
				Convey("nil", func() {
					_, err := ReadKey(buf, WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
				Convey("str", func() {
					_, err := ReadKey(buf, WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldErrLike, "expected actualCtx")
				Convey("truncated 1", func() {
					buf.WriteByte(1) // actualCtx == 1
					_, err := ReadKey(buf, WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
				Convey("truncated 2", func() {
					buf.WriteByte(1) // actualCtx == 1
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "aid")
					_, err := ReadKey(buf, WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
				Convey("truncated 3", func() {
					buf.WriteByte(1) // actualCtx == 1
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "aid")
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "ns")
					_, err := ReadKey(buf, WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
				Convey("huge key", func() {
					buf.WriteByte(1) // actualCtx == 1
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "aid")
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "ns")
					for i := 1; i < 60; i++ {
						WriteKeyTok(buf, ds.KeyTok{Kind: "sup", IntID: int64(i)})
					_, err := ReadKey(buf, WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldErrLike, "huge key")
				Convey("insufficient tokens", func() {
					buf.WriteByte(1) // actualCtx == 1
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "aid")
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "ns")
					cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, 2)
					_, err := ReadKey(buf, WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
				Convey("partial token 1", func() {
					buf.WriteByte(1) // actualCtx == 1
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "aid")
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "ns")
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "hi")
					_, err := ReadKey(buf, WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
				Convey("partial token 2", func() {
					buf.WriteByte(1) // actualCtx == 1
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "aid")
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "ns")
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "hi")
					_, err := ReadKey(buf, WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
				Convey("bad token (invalid type)", func() {
					buf.WriteByte(1) // actualCtx == 1
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "aid")
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "ns")
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "hi")
					_, err := ReadKey(buf, WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldErrLike, "invalid type PTBlobKey")
				Convey("bad token (invalid IntID)", func() {
					buf.WriteByte(1) // actualCtx == 1
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "aid")
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "ns")
					cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "hi")
					cmpbin.WriteInt(buf, -2)
					_, err := ReadKey(buf, WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldErrLike, "zero/negative")

		Convey("ReadGeoPoint", func() {
			buf := mkBuf(nil)
			Convey("trunc 1", func() {
				_, err := ReadGeoPoint(buf)
				So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
			Convey("trunc 2", func() {
				cmpbin.WriteFloat64(buf, 100)
				_, err := ReadGeoPoint(buf)
				So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
			Convey("invalid", func() {
				cmpbin.WriteFloat64(buf, 100)
				cmpbin.WriteFloat64(buf, 1000)
				_, err := ReadGeoPoint(buf)
				So(err, ShouldErrLike, "invalid GeoPoint")

		Convey("WriteTime", func() {
			Convey("in non-UTC!", func() {
				pst, err := time.LoadLocation("America/Los_Angeles")
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(func() {
					WriteTime(mkBuf(nil), time.Now().In(pst))
				}, ShouldPanic)

		Convey("ReadTime", func() {
			Convey("trunc 1", func() {
				_, err := ReadTime(mkBuf(nil))
				So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)

		Convey("ReadProperty", func() {
			buf := mkBuf(nil)
			Convey("trunc 1", func() {
				p, err := ReadProperty(buf, WithContext, "", "")
				So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
				So(p.Type(), ShouldEqual, ds.PTNull)
				So(p.Value(), ShouldBeNil)
			Convey("trunc (PTBytes)", func() {
				_, err := ReadProperty(buf, WithContext, "", "")
				So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
			Convey("trunc (PTBlobKey)", func() {
				_, err := ReadProperty(buf, WithContext, "", "")
				So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
			Convey("invalid type", func() {
				buf.WriteByte(byte(ds.PTUnknown + 1))
				_, err := ReadProperty(buf, WithContext, "", "")
				So(err, ShouldErrLike, "unknown type!")

		Convey("ReadPropertyMap", func() {
			buf := mkBuf(nil)
			Convey("trunc 1", func() {
				_, err := ReadPropertyMap(buf, WithContext, "", "")
				So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
			Convey("too many rows", func() {
				cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, 1000000)
				_, err := ReadPropertyMap(buf, WithContext, "", "")
				So(err, ShouldErrLike, "huge number of rows")
			Convey("trunc 2", func() {
				cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, 10)
				_, err := ReadPropertyMap(buf, WithContext, "", "")
				So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
			Convey("trunc 3", func() {
				cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, 10)
				cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "ohai")
				_, err := ReadPropertyMap(buf, WithContext, "", "")
				So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)
			Convey("too many values", func() {
				cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, 10)
				cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "ohai")
				cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, 100000)
				_, err := ReadPropertyMap(buf, WithContext, "", "")
				So(err, ShouldErrLike, "huge number of properties")
			Convey("trunc 4", func() {
				cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, 10)
				cmpbin.WriteString(buf, "ohai")
				cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, 10)
				_, err := ReadPropertyMap(buf, WithContext, "", "")
				So(err, ShouldEqual, io.EOF)

		Convey("IndexDefinition", func() {
			id := ds.IndexDefinition{Kind: "kind"}
			data := ToBytes(*id.PrepForIdxTable())
			newID, err := ReadIndexDefinition(mkBuf(data))
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
			So(newID.Flip(), ShouldResemble, id.Normalize())

			id.SortBy = append(id.SortBy, ds.IndexColumn{Property: "prop"})
			data = ToBytes(*id.PrepForIdxTable())
			newID, err = ReadIndexDefinition(mkBuf(data))
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
			So(newID.Flip(), ShouldResemble, id.Normalize())

			id.SortBy = append(id.SortBy, ds.IndexColumn{Property: "other", Direction: ds.DESCENDING})
			id.Ancestor = true
			data = ToBytes(*id.PrepForIdxTable())
			newID, err = ReadIndexDefinition(mkBuf(data))
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
			So(newID.Flip(), ShouldResemble, id.Normalize())

			// invalid
			id.SortBy = append(id.SortBy, ds.IndexColumn{Property: "", Direction: ds.DESCENDING})
			data = ToBytes(*id.PrepForIdxTable())
			newID, err = ReadIndexDefinition(mkBuf(data))
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
			So(newID.Flip(), ShouldResemble, id.Normalize())

			Convey("too many", func() {
				id := ds.IndexDefinition{Kind: "wat"}
				for i := 0; i < MaxIndexColumns+1; i++ {
					id.SortBy = append(id.SortBy, ds.IndexColumn{Property: "Hi", Direction: ds.ASCENDING})
				data := ToBytes(*id.PrepForIdxTable())
				newID, err = ReadIndexDefinition(mkBuf(data))
				So(err, ShouldErrLike, "over 64 sort orders")
예제 #7
func executeQuery(origQ ds.Query, ns string, isTxn bool, idx, head *memStore, cb ds.RawRunCB) error {
	q := origQ.(*queryImpl)

	rq, err := q.reduce(ns, isTxn)
	if err == errQueryDone {
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return err

	idxs, err := getIndexes(rq, idx)
	if err == errQueryDone {
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return err

	strategy := pickQueryStrategy(q, rq, cb, head)
	if strategy == nil {
		// e.g. the normalStrategy found that there were NO entities in the current
		// namespace.
		return nil

	offset := q.offset
	limit := q.limit
	hasLimit := q.limitSet && limit >= 0

	cursorPrefix := []byte(nil)
	getCursorFn := func(suffix []byte) func() (ds.Cursor, error) {
		return func() (ds.Cursor, error) {
			if cursorPrefix == nil {
				buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
				_, err := cmpbin.WriteUint(buf, uint64(len(rq.suffixFormat)))

				for _, col := range rq.suffixFormat {
					err := serialize.WriteIndexColumn(buf, col)
				cursorPrefix = buf.Bytes()
			// TODO(riannucci): Do we need to decrement suffix instead of increment
			// if we're sorting by __key__ DESCENDING?
			return queryCursor(bjoin(cursorPrefix, increment(suffix))), nil

	multiIterate(idxs, func(suffix []byte) bool {
		if offset > 0 {
			return true
		if hasLimit {
			if limit <= 0 {
				return false

		rawData, decodedProps := parseSuffix(ns, rq.suffixFormat, suffix, -1)

		keyProp := decodedProps[len(decodedProps)-1]
		if keyProp.Type() != ds.PTKey {
			impossible(fmt.Errorf("decoded index row doesn't end with a Key: %#v", keyProp))

		return strategy.handle(
			rawData, decodedProps, keyProp.Value().(ds.Key),

	return nil
예제 #8
func wui(w io.ByteWriter, i uint64) int {
	ret, err := cmpbin.WriteUint(w, i)
	return ret