func (c *launchCmd) flags() { massage_args() gnuflag.Var(&profArgs, "profile", "Profile to apply to the new container") gnuflag.Var(&profArgs, "p", "Profile to apply to the new container") gnuflag.BoolVar(&ephem, "ephemeral", false, gettext.Gettext("Ephemeral container")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&ephem, "e", false, gettext.Gettext("Ephemeral container")) }
func (c *copyCmd) flags() { gnuflag.Var(&c.confArgs, "config", i18n.G("Config key/value to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.Var(&c.confArgs, "c", i18n.G("Config key/value to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.Var(&c.profArgs, "profile", i18n.G("Profile to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.Var(&c.profArgs, "p", i18n.G("Profile to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.ephem, "ephemeral", false, i18n.G("Ephemeral container")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.ephem, "e", false, i18n.G("Ephemeral container")) }
func (c *launchCmd) flags() { massage_args() gnuflag.Var(&confArgs, "config", i18n.G("Config key/value to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.Var(&confArgs, "c", i18n.G("Config key/value to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.Var(&profArgs, "profile", i18n.G("Profile to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.Var(&profArgs, "p", i18n.G("Profile to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&ephem, "ephemeral", false, i18n.G("Ephemeral container")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&ephem, "e", false, i18n.G("Ephemeral container")) }
func (c *initCmd) flags() { c.massage_args() gnuflag.Var(&c.confArgs, "config", i18n.G("Config key/value to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.Var(&c.confArgs, "c", i18n.G("Config key/value to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.Var(&c.profArgs, "profile", i18n.G("Profile to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.Var(&c.profArgs, "p", i18n.G("Profile to apply to the new container")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.ephem, "ephemeral", false, i18n.G("Ephemeral container")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.ephem, "e", false, i18n.G("Ephemeral container")) gnuflag.StringVar(&, "network", "", i18n.G("Network name")) gnuflag.StringVar(&, "n", "", i18n.G("Network name")) }
func (c *imageCmd) flags() { gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.publicImage, "public", false, i18n.G("Make image public")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.copyAliases, "copy-aliases", false, i18n.G("Copy aliases from source")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.autoUpdate, "auto-update", false, i18n.G("Keep the image up to date after initial copy")) gnuflag.Var(&c.addAliases, "alias", i18n.G("New alias to define at target")) gnuflag.StringVar(&c.format, "format", "table", i18n.G("Format")) }
func (c *publishCmd) flags() { gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.makePublic, "public", false, i18n.G("Make the image public")) gnuflag.Var(&c.pAliases, "alias", i18n.G("New alias to define at target")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.Force, "force", false, i18n.G("Stop the container if currently running")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.Force, "f", false, i18n.G("Stop the container if currently running")) gnuflag.StringVar(&c.compression_algorithm, "compression", "", i18n.G("Define a compression algorithm: for image or none")) }
func (c *execCmd) flags() { gnuflag.Var(&envArgs, "env", gettext.Gettext("An environment variable of the form HOME=/home/foo")) }
func (c *publishCmd) flags() { gnuflag.BoolVar(&makePublic, "public", false, gettext.Gettext("Make the image public")) gnuflag.Var(&pAliases, "alias", gettext.Gettext("New alias to define at target")) }
func (c *imageCmd) flags() { gnuflag.BoolVar(&publicImage, "public", false, gettext.Gettext("Make image public")) gnuflag.BoolVar(©Aliases, "copy-aliases", false, gettext.Gettext("Copy aliases from source")) gnuflag.Var(&addAliases, "alias", gettext.Gettext("New alias to define at target")) }
func (c *execCmd) flags() { gnuflag.Var(&c.envArgs, "env", i18n.G("An environment variable of the form HOME=/home/foo")) gnuflag.StringVar(&c.modeFlag, "mode", "auto", i18n.G("Override the terminal mode (auto, interactive or non-interactive)")) }
func (c *monitorCmd) flags() { gnuflag.Var(&typeArgs, "type", gettext.Gettext("Event type to listen for")) }
func (c *monitorCmd) flags() { gnuflag.Var(&typeArgs, "type", i18n.G("Event type to listen for")) }
func (c *publishCmd) flags() { gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.makePublic, "public", false, i18n.G("Make the image public")) gnuflag.Var(&c.pAliases, "alias", i18n.G("New alias to define at target")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.Force, "force", false, i18n.G("Stop the container if currently running")) gnuflag.BoolVar(&c.Force, "f", false, i18n.G("Stop the container if currently running")) }