예제 #1
// Different topics can be consumed at the same time.
func (s *SmartConsumerSuite) TestMultipleTopics(c *C) {
	// Given
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.1")
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.4")
	produced1 := s.kh.PutMessages("multiple.topics", "test.1", map[string]int{"A": 1})
	produced4 := s.kh.PutMessages("multiple.topics", "test.4", map[string]int{"B": 1, "C": 1})

	log.Infof("*** GIVEN 1")
	sc, err := Spawn(testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-1"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// When
	log.Infof("*** WHEN")
	consumed := s.consume(c, sc, "group-1", "test.4", 1)
	consumed = s.consume(c, sc, "group-1", "test.1", 1, consumed)
	consumed = s.consume(c, sc, "group-1", "test.4", 1, consumed)

	// Then
	log.Infof("*** THEN")
	assertMsg(c, consumed["A"][0], produced1["A"][0])
	assertMsg(c, consumed["B"][0], produced4["B"][0])
	assertMsg(c, consumed["C"][0], produced4["C"][0])

예제 #2
// register listens for topic subscription updates on the `topicsCh` channel
// and updates the member registration in ZooKeeper accordingly.
func (cgr *consumerGroupRegistry) register() {
	cid := cgr.baseCID.NewChild("register")
	defer cid.LogScope()()
	defer cgr.retry(cgr.groupMemberZNode.Deregister,
		func(err error) bool { return err != nil && err != kazoo.ErrInstanceNotRegistered },
		fmt.Sprintf("<%s> failed to deregister", cid))

	for {
		var topics []string
		select {
		case topics = <-cgr.topicsCh:
		case <-cgr.stoppingCh:

		log.Infof("<%s> registering...: id=%s, topics=%v", cid, cgr.groupMemberZNode.ID, topics)
		if cgr.retry(
			func() error {
				if err := cgr.groupMemberZNode.Deregister(); err != nil && err != kazoo.ErrInstanceNotRegistered {
					return fmt.Errorf("could not deregister: err=(%s)", err)
				return cgr.groupMemberZNode.Register(topics)
			nil, fmt.Sprintf("<%s> failed to register", cid),
		) {
		log.Infof("<%s> registered: id=%s, topics=%v", cid, cgr.groupMemberZNode.ID, topics)
예제 #3
// When there are more consumers in a group then partitions in a topic then
// some consumers get assigned no partitions and their consume requests timeout.
func (s *SmartConsumerSuite) TestTooFewPartitions(c *C) {
	// Given
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.1")
	produced := s.kh.PutMessages("few", "test.1", map[string]int{"": 3})

	sc1, err := Spawn(testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-1"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	log.Infof("*** GIVEN 1")
	// Consume first message to make `consumer-1` subscribe for `test.1`
	consumed := s.consume(c, sc1, "group-1", "test.1", 2)
	assertMsg(c, consumed[""][0], produced[""][0])

	// When:
	log.Infof("*** WHEN")
	sc2, err := Spawn(testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-2"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	_, err = sc2.Consume("group-1", "test.1")

	// Then: `consumer-2` request times out, when `consumer-1` requests keep
	// return messages.
	log.Infof("*** THEN")
	if _, ok := err.(ErrRequestTimeout); !ok {
		c.Errorf("Expected ErrConsumerRequestTimeout, got %s", err)
	s.consume(c, sc1, "group-1", "test.1", 1, consumed)
	assertMsg(c, consumed[""][1], produced[""][1])

예제 #4
// sendMembershipUpdate retrieves registration records for the specified members
// from ZooKeeper and sends current list of members along with topics they are
// subscribed to down the `membershipChangesCh`. The method can be interrupted
// any time by the stop signal.
// FIXME: It is assumed that all members of the group are registered with the
// FIXME: `static` pattern. If a member that pattern is either `white_list` or
// FIXME: `black_list` joins the group the result will be unpredictable.
func (cgr *consumerGroupRegistry) sendMembershipUpdate(cid *sarama.ContextID, members []*kazoo.ConsumergroupInstance) {
	log.Infof("<%s> fetching group subscriptions...", cid)
	subscriptions := make(map[string][]string, len(members))
	for _, member := range members {
		var registration *kazoo.Registration
		if cgr.retry(
			func() error {
				var err error
				registration, err = member.Registration()
				return err
			nil, fmt.Sprintf("<%s> failed to get member registration", cid),
		) {
		// Sort topics to ensure deterministic output.
		topics := make([]string, 0, len(registration.Subscription))
		for topic := range registration.Subscription {
			topics = append(topics, topic)
		subscriptions[member.ID] = topics
	log.Infof("<%s> group subscriptions changed: %v", cid, subscriptions)
	select {
	case cgr.membershipChangesCh <- subscriptions:
	case <-cgr.stoppingCh:
예제 #5
// This test makes an attempt to exercise the code path where a message is
// received when a down stream dispatch tier is being stopped due to
// registration timeout, in that case a successor tier is created that will be
// started as soon as the original one is completely shutdown.
// It is impossible to see from the service behavior if the expected code path
// has been exercised by the test. The only way to check that is through the
// code coverage reports.
func (s *SmartConsumerSuite) TestRequestDuringTimeout(c *C) {
	// Given
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.4")
	s.kh.PutMessages("join", "test.4", map[string]int{"A": 30})

	cfg := testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-1")
	cfg.Consumer.RegistrationTimeout = 200 * time.Millisecond
	cfg.Consumer.ChannelBufferSize = 1
	sc, err := Spawn(cfg)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// When/Then
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
			begin := time.Now()
			log.Infof("*** consuming...")
			consMsg, err := sc.Consume("group-1", "test.4")
			c.Assert(err, IsNil)
			log.Infof("*** consumed: in=%s, by=%s, topic=%s, partition=%d, offset=%d, message=%s",
				time.Now().Sub(begin), sc.baseCID.String(), consMsg.Topic, consMsg.Partition, consMsg.Offset, consMsg.Value)
		time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)

예제 #6
// If we consume from a topic that has several partitions then partitions are
// selected for consumption in random order.
func (s *SmartConsumerSuite) TestMultiplePartitions(c *C) {
	// Given
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.4")
	s.kh.PutMessages("multiple.partitions", "test.4", map[string]int{"A": 100, "B": 100})

	log.Infof("*** GIVEN 1")
	sc, err := Spawn(testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-1"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// When: exactly one half of all produced events is consumed.
	log.Infof("*** WHEN")
	consumed := s.consume(c, sc, "group-1", "test.4", 1)
	// Wait until first messages from partitions `A` and `B` are fetched.
	waitFirstFetched(sc, 2)
	// Consume 100 messages total
	consumed = s.consume(c, sc, "group-1", "test.4", 99, consumed)

	// Then: we have events consumed from both partitions more or less evenly.
	log.Infof("*** THEN")
	if len(consumed["A"]) < 25 || len(consumed["A"]) > 75 {
		c.Errorf("Consumption disbalance: consumed[A]=%d, consumed[B]=%d", len(consumed["A"]), len(consumed["B"]))

예제 #7
// If we stop one consumer and start another, the new one picks up where the
// previous one left off.
func (s *SmartConsumerSuite) TestSequentialConsume(c *C) {
	// Given
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.1")
	produced := s.kh.PutMessages("sequencial", "test.1", map[string]int{"": 3})

	cfg := testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-1")
	sc1, err := Spawn(cfg)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	log.Infof("*** GIVEN 1")
	consumed := s.consume(c, sc1, "group-1", "test.1", 2)
	assertMsg(c, consumed[""][0], produced[""][0])
	assertMsg(c, consumed[""][1], produced[""][1])

	// When: one consumer stopped and another one takes its place.
	log.Infof("*** WHEN")
	sc2, err := Spawn(cfg)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// Then: the second message is consumed.
	log.Infof("*** THEN")
	consumed = s.consume(c, sc2, "group-1", "test.1", 1, consumed)
	assertMsg(c, consumed[""][2], produced[""][2])
예제 #8
// A topic that has a lot of partitions can be consumed.
func (s *SmartConsumerSuite) TestLotsOfPartitions(c *C) {
	// Given
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.64")

	cfg := testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-1")
	sc, err := Spawn(cfg)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// Consume should stop by timeout and nothing should be consumed.
	msg, err := sc.Consume("group-1", "test.64")
	if _, ok := err.(ErrRequestTimeout); !ok {
		c.Fatalf("Unexpected message consumed: %v", msg)
	s.kh.PutMessages("lots", "test.64", map[string]int{"A": 7, "B": 13, "C": 169})

	// When
	log.Infof("*** WHEN")
	consumed := s.consume(c, sc, "group-1", "test.64", consumeAll)

	// Then
	log.Infof("*** THEN")
	c.Assert(7, Equals, len(consumed["A"]))
	c.Assert(13, Equals, len(consumed["B"]))
	c.Assert(169, Equals, len(consumed["C"]))
예제 #9
// When a consumer registration times out the partitions that used to be
// assigned to it are redistributed among active consumers.
func (s *SmartConsumerSuite) TestRebalanceOnTimeout(c *C) {
	// Given
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.4")
	s.kh.PutMessages("join", "test.4", map[string]int{"A": 10, "B": 10})

	sc1, err := Spawn(testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-1"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	cfg2 := testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-2")
	cfg2.Consumer.RegistrationTimeout = 300 * time.Millisecond
	sc2, err := Spawn(cfg2)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// Consume the first message to make the consumers join the group and
	// subscribe to the topic.
	log.Infof("*** GIVEN 1")
	consumed1 := s.consume(c, sc1, "group-1", "test.4", 1)
	consumed2 := s.consume(c, sc2, "group-1", "test.4", 1)
	if len(consumed1["B"]) == 0 {
		c.Assert(len(consumed1["A"]), Equals, 1)
	} else {
		c.Assert(len(consumed1["A"]), Equals, 0)
	c.Assert(len(consumed2["A"]), Equals, 0)
	c.Assert(len(consumed2["B"]), Equals, 1)

	// Consume 4 more messages to make sure that each consumer pulls from a
	// particular assigned to it.
	log.Infof("*** GIVEN 2")
	consumed1 = s.consume(c, sc1, "group-1", "test.4", 4, consumed1)
	consumed2 = s.consume(c, sc2, "group-1", "test.4", 4, consumed2)
	if len(consumed1["B"]) == 1 {
		c.Assert(len(consumed1["A"]), Equals, 4)
	} else {
		c.Assert(len(consumed1["A"]), Equals, 5)
	c.Assert(len(consumed2["A"]), Equals, 0)
	c.Assert(len(consumed2["B"]), Equals, 5)


	// When: `consumer-2` registration timeout elapses, the partitions get
	// rebalanced so that `consumer-1` becomes assigned to all of them...
	log.Infof("*** WHEN")
	// Wait for partition `B` reassigned back to sc1.
	waitFirstFetched(sc1, 1)

	// ...and consumes the remaining messages from all partitions.
	log.Infof("*** THEN")
	consumed1 = s.consume(c, sc1, "group-1", "test.4", 10, consumed1)
	c.Assert(len(consumed1["A"]), Equals, 10)
	c.Assert(len(consumed1["B"]), Equals, 5)
	c.Assert(len(consumed2["A"]), Equals, 0)
	c.Assert(len(consumed2["B"]), Equals, 5)

예제 #10
// dispatch implements message processing and graceful shutdown. It receives
// messages from `dispatchedCh` where they are send to by `Produce` method and
// submits them to the embedded `sarama.AsyncProducer`. The dispatcher main
// purpose is to prevent loss of messages during shutdown. It achieves that by
// allowing some graceful period after it stops receiving messages and stopping
// the embedded `sarama.AsyncProducer`.
func (gp *GracefulProducer) dispatch() {
	cid := gp.baseCID.NewChild("dispatch")
	defer cid.LogScope()()
	nilOrDispatcherCh := gp.dispatcherCh
	var nilOrProdInputCh chan<- *sarama.ProducerMessage
	pendingMsgCount := 0
	// The normal operation loop is implemented as two-stroke machine. On the
	// first stroke a message is received from `dispatchCh`, and on the second
	// it is sent to `prodInputCh`. Note that producer results can be received
	// at any time.
	prodMsg := (*sarama.ProducerMessage)(nil)
	channelOpened := true
	for {
		select {
		case prodMsg, channelOpened = <-nilOrDispatcherCh:
			if !channelOpened {
				goto gracefulShutdown
			pendingMsgCount += 1
			nilOrDispatcherCh = nil
			nilOrProdInputCh = gp.saramaProducer.Input()
		case nilOrProdInputCh <- prodMsg:
			nilOrDispatcherCh = gp.dispatcherCh
			nilOrProdInputCh = nil
		case prodResult := <-gp.resultCh:
			pendingMsgCount -= 1
			gp.handleProduceResult(cid, prodResult)
	// Give the `sarama.AsyncProducer` some time to commit buffered messages.
	log.Infof("<%v> About to stop producer: pendingMsgCount=%d", cid, pendingMsgCount)
	shutdownTimeoutCh := time.After(gp.shutdownTimeout)
	for pendingMsgCount > 0 {
		select {
		case <-shutdownTimeoutCh:
			goto shutdownNow
		case prodResult := <-gp.resultCh:
			pendingMsgCount -= 1
			gp.handleProduceResult(cid, prodResult)
	log.Infof("<%v> Stopping producer: pendingMsgCount=%d", cid, pendingMsgCount)
	for prodResult := range gp.resultCh {
		gp.handleProduceResult(cid, prodResult)
예제 #11
func (cgr *consumerGroupRegistry) claimPartition(cid *sarama.ContextID, topic string, partition int32, cancelCh <-chan none) func() {
	if !retry(func() error { return cgr.groupMemberZNode.ClaimPartition(topic, partition) }, nil,
		fmt.Sprintf("<%s> failed to claim partition", cid), cgr.config.Consumer.BackOffTimeout, cancelCh,
	) {
		log.Infof("<%s> partition claimed", cid)
	return func() {
		if !retry(func() error { return cgr.groupMemberZNode.ReleasePartition(topic, partition) },
			func(err error) bool { return err != nil && err != kazoo.ErrPartitionNotClaimed },
			fmt.Sprintf("<%s> failed to release partition", cid), cgr.config.Consumer.BackOffTimeout, cancelCh,
		) {
			log.Infof("<%s> partition released", cid)
예제 #12
func GenMessages(c *C, prefix, topic string, keys map[string]int) map[string][]*sarama.ProducerMessage {
	config := NewConfig()
	config.ClientID = "producer"
	config.Kafka.SeedPeers = testKafkaPeers
	producer, err := SpawnGracefulProducer(config)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	messages := make(map[string][]*sarama.ProducerMessage)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	var lock sync.Mutex
	for key, count := range keys {
		for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
			key := key
			message := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%d", prefix, key, i)
			spawn(&wg, func() {
				keyEncoder := sarama.StringEncoder(key)
				msgEncoder := sarama.StringEncoder(message)
				prodMsg, err := producer.Produce(topic, keyEncoder, msgEncoder)
				c.Assert(err, IsNil)
				log.Infof("*** produced: topic=%s, partition=%d, offset=%d, message=%s",
					topic, prodMsg.Partition, prodMsg.Offset, message)
				messages[key] = append(messages[key], prodMsg)
	// Sort the produced messages in ascending order of their offsets.
	for _, keyMessages := range messages {
	return messages
예제 #13
// A `ErrConsumerBufferOverflow` error can be returned if internal buffers are
// filled with in-flight consume requests.
func (s *SmartConsumerSuite) TestBufferOverflowError(c *C) {
	// Given
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.1")
	s.kh.PutMessages("join", "test.1", map[string]int{"A": 30})

	cfg := testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-1")
	cfg.Consumer.ChannelBufferSize = 1
	sc, err := Spawn(cfg)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// When
	var overflowErrorCount int32
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		spawn(&wg, func() {
			for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
				_, err := sc.Consume("group-1", "test.1")
				if _, ok := err.(ErrBufferOverflow); ok {
					atomic.AddInt32(&overflowErrorCount, 1)

	// Then
	c.Assert(overflowErrorCount, Not(Equals), 0)
	log.Infof("*** overflow was hit %d times", overflowErrorCount)

예제 #14
func waitFirstFetched(sc *T, count int) {
	var partitions []int32
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		ec := <-firstMessageFetchedCh
		partitions = append(partitions, ec.partition)
	log.Infof("*** first messages fetched: partitions=%v", partitions)
예제 #15
// When a new consumer joins a group the partitions get evenly redistributed
// among all consumers.
func (s *SmartConsumerSuite) TestRebalanceOnJoin(c *C) {
	// Given
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.4")
	s.kh.PutMessages("join", "test.4", map[string]int{"A": 10, "B": 10})

	sc1, err := Spawn(testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-1"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// Consume the first message to make the consumer join the group and
	// subscribe to the topic.
	log.Infof("*** GIVEN 1")
	consumed1 := s.consume(c, sc1, "group-1", "test.4", 1)
	// Wait until first messages from partitions `A` and `B` are fetched.
	waitFirstFetched(sc1, 2)

	// Consume 4 messages and make sure that there are messages from both
	// partitions among them.
	log.Infof("*** GIVEN 2")
	consumed1 = s.consume(c, sc1, "group-1", "test.4", 4, consumed1)
	c.Assert(len(consumed1["A"]), Not(Equals), 0)
	c.Assert(len(consumed1["B"]), Not(Equals), 0)
	consumedBeforeJoin := len(consumed1["B"])

	// When: another consumer joins the group rebalancing occurs.
	log.Infof("*** WHEN")
	sc2, err := Spawn(testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-2"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// Then:
	log.Infof("*** THEN")
	consumed2 := s.consume(c, sc2, "group-1", "test.4", consumeAll)
	consumed1 = s.consume(c, sc1, "group-1", "test.4", consumeAll, consumed1)
	// Partition "A" has been consumed by `consumer-1` only
	c.Assert(len(consumed1["A"]), Equals, 10)
	c.Assert(len(consumed2["A"]), Equals, 0)
	// Partition "B" has been consumed by both consumers, but ever since
	// `consumer-2` joined the group the first one have not got any new messages.
	c.Assert(len(consumed1["B"]), Equals, consumedBeforeJoin)
	c.Assert(len(consumed2["B"]), Not(Equals), 0)
	c.Assert(len(consumed1["B"])+len(consumed2["B"]), Equals, 10)
	// `consumer-2` started consumer from where `consumer-1` left off.
	c.Assert(consumed2["B"][0].Offset, Equals, consumed1["B"][len(consumed1["B"])-1].Offset+1)

예제 #16
func waitFirstFetched(sc *SmartConsumer, count int) {
	var partitions []int32
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		ec := <-sc.config.testing.firstMessageFetchedCh
		partitions = append(partitions, ec.partition)
	log.Infof("*** first messages fetched: partitions=%v", partitions)
예제 #17
// handleExpired marks the respective dispatch tier as expired and triggers its
// asynchronous stop. When the tier is stopped it will notify about that via the
// `stoppedChildrenCh` channel.
func (d *dispatcher) handleExpired(dt dispatchTier) {
	log.Infof("<%s> child expired: %s", d.contextID, dt)
	edt := d.children[dt.key()]
	if edt == nil || edt.instance != dt || edt.expired {
	edt.expired = true
	go edt.instance.stop()
예제 #18
// handleStopped if the specified dispatch tier has a successor then it is
// started and takes over the tier's spot among the downstream dispatch tiers,
// otherwise the tier is deleted.
func (d *dispatcher) handleStopped(dt dispatchTier) dispatchTier {
	log.Infof("<%s> child stopped: %s", d.contextID, dt)
	edt := d.children[dt.key()]
	if edt == nil {
		return nil
	successor := edt.successor
	if successor == nil {
		delete(d.children, dt.key())
		return nil
	log.Infof("<%s> starting successor: %s", d.contextID, successor)
	edt.expired = false
	edt.instance = successor
	edt.successor = nil
	timeout := edt.d.config.Consumer.RegistrationTimeout
	edt.timer = time.AfterFunc(timeout, func() { edt.d.expiredChildrenCh <- successor })
	return edt.instance
예제 #19
func (kh *KafkaHelper) ResetOffsets(group, topic string) {
	partitions, err := kh.client.Partitions(topic)
	kh.c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	for _, p := range partitions {
		offset, err := kh.client.GetOffset(topic, p, sarama.OffsetNewest)
		kh.c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		pom, err := kh.offsetMgr.ManagePartition(group, topic, p)
		kh.c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		pom.SubmitOffset(offset, "dummy")
		log.Infof("Set initial offset %s/%s/%d=%d", group, topic, p, offset)
예제 #20
// If the same topic is consumed by different consumer groups, then consumption
// by one group does not affect the consumption by another.
func (s *SmartConsumerSuite) TestMultipleGroups(c *C) {
	// Given
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.4")
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-2", "test.4")
	s.kh.PutMessages("multi", "test.4", map[string]int{"A": 10, "B": 10, "C": 10})

	log.Infof("*** GIVEN 1")
	sc, err := Spawn(testhelpers.NewTestConfig("consumer-1"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// When
	log.Infof("*** WHEN")
	consumed1 := s.consume(c, sc, "group-1", "test.4", 10)
	consumed2 := s.consume(c, sc, "group-2", "test.4", 20)
	consumed1 = s.consume(c, sc, "group-1", "test.4", 20, consumed1)
	consumed2 = s.consume(c, sc, "group-2", "test.4", 10, consumed2)

	// Then: both groups consumed the same events
	log.Infof("*** THEN")
	c.Assert(consumed1, DeepEquals, consumed2)

예제 #21
func (gc *groupConsumer) rebalance(topicConsumers map[string]*topicConsumer,
	memberSubscriptions map[string][]string, rebalanceResultCh chan<- error,
) {
	cid := gc.baseCID.NewChild("rebalance")
	defer cid.LogScope(topicConsumers, memberSubscriptions)()

	assignedPartitions, err := gc.resolvePartitions(memberSubscriptions)
	if err != nil {
		rebalanceResultCh <- err
	log.Infof("<%s> assigned: %v", cid, assignedPartitions)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	// Stop consuming partitions that are no longer assigned to this group
	// and start consuming newly assigned partitions for topics that has been
	// consumed already.
	for topic, tg := range gc.topicGears {
		tg := tg
		assignedTopicPartition := assignedPartitions[topic]
		spawn(&wg, func() { gc.rewireMultiplexer(tg, assignedTopicPartition) })
	// Start consuming partitions for topics that we has not been consumed before.
	for topic, assignedTopicPartitions := range assignedPartitions {
		tc := topicConsumers[topic]
		tg := gc.topicGears[topic]
		if tc == nil || tg != nil {
		tg = &topicGear{
			topicConsumer:      tc,
			exclusiveConsumers: make(map[int32]*exclusiveConsumer, len(assignedTopicPartitions)),
		assignedTopicPartitions := assignedTopicPartitions
		spawn(&wg, func() { gc.rewireMultiplexer(tg, assignedTopicPartitions) })
		gc.topicGears[topic] = tg
	// Clean up gears for topics that are not consumed anymore.
	for topic, tg := range gc.topicGears {
		if tg.multiplexer == nil {
			delete(gc.topicGears, topic)
	// Notify the caller that rebalancing has completed successfully.
	rebalanceResultCh <- nil
예제 #22
func (gc *groupConsumer) rebalance(topicConsumers map[string]*topicConsumer,
	subscriptions map[string][]string, rebalanceResultCh chan<- error,
) {
	cid := gc.baseCID.NewChild("rebalance")
	defer cid.LogScope(topicConsumers, subscriptions)()

	assignedPartitions, err := gc.resolvePartitions(subscriptions)
	if err != nil {
		rebalanceResultCh <- err
	log.Infof("<%s> assigned partitions: %v", cid, assignedPartitions)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	// Stop consuming partitions that are no longer assigned to this group
	// and start consuming newly assigned partitions for topics that has been
	// consumed already.
	for topic, tcg := range gc.topicConsumerGears {
		tcg.muxInputsAsync(&wg, topicConsumers[topic], assignedPartitions[topic])
	// Start consuming partitions for topics that has not been consumed before.
	for topic, assignedTopicPartitions := range assignedPartitions {
		tc := topicConsumers[topic]
		tcg := gc.topicConsumerGears[topic]
		if tc == nil || tcg != nil {
		tcg = newTopicConsumerGear(gc.spawnTopicInput)
		tcg.muxInputsAsync(&wg, tc, assignedTopicPartitions)
		gc.topicConsumerGears[topic] = tcg
	// Clean up gears for topics that do not have assigned partitions anymore.
	for topic, tcg := range gc.topicConsumerGears {
		if tcg.isIdle() {
			delete(gc.topicConsumerGears, topic)
	// Notify the caller that rebalancing has completed successfully.
	rebalanceResultCh <- nil
예제 #23
func (kh *KafkaHelper) PutMessages(prefix, topic string, keys map[string]int) map[string][]*sarama.ProducerMessage {
	messages := make(map[string][]*sarama.ProducerMessage)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	total := 0
	for key, count := range keys {
		total += count
		for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
			key := key
			message := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%d", prefix, key, i)
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()
				keyEncoder := sarama.StringEncoder(key)
				msgEncoder := sarama.StringEncoder(message)
				prodMsg := &sarama.ProducerMessage{
					Topic: topic,
					Key:   keyEncoder,
					Value: msgEncoder,
				kh.producer.Input() <- prodMsg
	for i := 0; i < total; i++ {
		select {
		case prodMsg := <-kh.producer.Successes():
			key := string(prodMsg.Key.(sarama.StringEncoder))
			messages[key] = append(messages[key], prodMsg)
			log.Infof("*** produced: topic=%s, partition=%d, offset=%d, message=%s",
				topic, prodMsg.Partition, prodMsg.Offset, prodMsg.Value)
		case prodErr := <-kh.producer.Errors():
	// Sort the produced messages in ascending order of their offsets.
	for _, keyMessages := range messages {
	return messages
예제 #24
func main() {
	// Make go runtime execute in parallel as many goroutines as there are CPUs.

	if err := initLogging(); err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Failed to initialize logger: err=(%s)\n", err)

	if pidFile != "" {
		if err := writePID(pidFile); err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to write PID file: err=(%s)", err)

	// Clean up the unix domain socket file in case we failed to clean up on
	// shutdown the last time. Otherwise the service won't be able to listen
	// on this address and as a result will fail to start up.
	if config.UnixAddr != "" {
		if err := os.Remove(config.UnixAddr); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			log.Errorf("Cannot remove %s: err=(%s)", config.UnixAddr, err)

	log.Infof("Starting with config: %+v", config)
	svc, err := pixy.SpawnService(config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Failed to start service: err=(%s)", err)

	// Spawn OS signal listener to ensure graceful stop.
	osSigCh := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(osSigCh, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGTERM)

	// Wait for a quit signal and terminate the service when it is received.
예제 #25
func ResetOffsets(c *C, group, topic string) {
	config := NewConfig()
	config.Kafka.SeedPeers = testKafkaPeers
	config.ZooKeeper.SeedPeers = testZookeeperPeers

	kafkaClient, err := sarama.NewClient(config.Kafka.SeedPeers, config.saramaConfig())
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	defer kafkaClient.Close()

	offsetManager, err := sarama.NewOffsetManagerFromClient(kafkaClient)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	partitions, err := kafkaClient.Partitions(topic)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	for _, p := range partitions {
		offset, err := kafkaClient.GetOffset(topic, p, sarama.OffsetNewest)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		pom, err := offsetManager.ManagePartition(group, topic, p)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		pom.SubmitOffset(offset, "dummy")
		log.Infof("Set initial offset %s/%s/%d=%d", group, topic, p, offset)
예제 #26
func (ec *exclusiveConsumer) run() {
	defer ec.contextID.LogScope()()
	defer ec.registry.claimPartition(ec.contextID, ec.topic, ec.partition, ec.stoppingCh)()

	pom, err := ec.offsetMgr.ManagePartition(ec.group, ec.topic, ec.partition)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("<%s> failed to spawn partition manager: err=(%s)", ec.contextID, err))
	defer pom.Close()

	// Wait for the initial offset to be retrieved.
	var initialOffset sarama.DecoratedOffset
	select {
	case initialOffset = <-pom.InitialOffset():
	case <-ec.stoppingCh:

	pc, concreteOffset, err := ec.dumbConsumer.ConsumePartition(ec.topic, ec.partition, initialOffset.Offset)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("<%s> failed to start partition consumer: err=(%s)", ec.contextID, err))
	defer pc.Close()
	log.Infof("<%s> initialized: initialOffset=%d, concreteOffset=%d",
		ec.contextID, initialOffset.Offset, concreteOffset)

	var lastSubmittedOffset, lastCommittedOffset int64

	// Initialize the Kafka offset storage for a group on first consumption.
	if initialOffset.Offset == sarama.OffsetNewest {
		pom.SubmitOffset(concreteOffset, "")
		lastSubmittedOffset = concreteOffset

	firstMessageFetched := false
	for {
		var msg *sarama.ConsumerMessage
		// Wait for a fetched message to to provided by the controlled
		// partition consumer.
		for {
			select {
			case msg = <-pc.Messages():
				// Notify tests when the very first message is fetched.
				if !firstMessageFetched && firstMessageFetchedCh != nil {
					firstMessageFetched = true
					firstMessageFetchedCh <- ec
				goto offerAndAck
			case committedOffset := <-pom.CommittedOffsets():
				lastCommittedOffset = committedOffset.Offset
			case <-ec.stoppingCh:
				goto done
		// Offer the fetched message to the upstream consumer and wait for it
		// to be acknowledged.
		for {
			select {
			case ec.messagesCh <- msg:
				// Keep offering the same message until it is acknowledged.
			case <-ec.acksCh:
				lastSubmittedOffset = msg.Offset + 1
				pom.SubmitOffset(lastSubmittedOffset, "")
				break offerAndAck
			case committedOffset := <-pom.CommittedOffsets():
				lastCommittedOffset = committedOffset.Offset
			case <-ec.stoppingCh:
				goto done
	if lastCommittedOffset == lastSubmittedOffset {
	// It is necessary to wait for the offset of the last consumed message to
	// be committed to Kafka before releasing ownership over the partition,
	// otherwise the message can be consumed by the new partition owner again.
	log.Infof("<%s> waiting for the last offset to be committed: submitted=%d, committed=%d",
		ec.contextID, lastSubmittedOffset, lastCommittedOffset)
	for committedOffset := range pom.CommittedOffsets() {
		if committedOffset.Offset == lastSubmittedOffset {
		log.Infof("<%s> waiting for the last offset to be committed: submitted=%d, committed=%d",
			ec.contextID, lastSubmittedOffset, committedOffset.Offset)
예제 #27
func logConsumed(sc *T, consMsg *sarama.ConsumerMessage) {
	log.Infof("*** consumed: by=%s, topic=%s, partition=%d, offset=%d, message=%s",
		sc.baseCID.String(), consMsg.Topic, consMsg.Partition, consMsg.Offset, consMsg.Value)
예제 #28
// When a consumer leaves a group the partitions get evenly redistributed
// among the remaining consumers.
func (s *SmartConsumerSuite) TestRebalanceOnLeave(c *C) {
	// Given
	s.kh.ResetOffsets("group-1", "test.4")
	produced := s.kh.PutMessages("leave", "test.4", map[string]int{"A": 10, "B": 10, "C": 10})

	var err error
	consumers := make([]*T, 3)
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		consumers[i], err = Spawn(testhelpers.NewTestConfig(fmt.Sprintf("consumer-%d", i)))
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	log.Infof("*** GIVEN 1")
	// Consume the first message to make the consumer join the group and
	// subscribe to the topic.
	consumed := make([]map[string][]*sarama.ConsumerMessage, 3)
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		consumed[i] = s.consume(c, consumers[i], "group-1", "test.4", 1)
	// consumer[0] can consume the first message from all partitions and
	// consumer[1] can consume the first message from either `B` or `C`.
	log.Infof("*** GIVEN 2")
	if len(consumed[0]["A"]) == 1 {
		if len(consumed[1]["B"]) == 1 {
			assertMsg(c, consumed[2]["B"][0], produced["B"][1])
		} else { // if len(consumed[1]["C"]) == 1 {
			assertMsg(c, consumed[2]["B"][0], produced["B"][0])
	} else if len(consumed[0]["B"]) == 1 {
		if len(consumed[1]["B"]) == 1 {
			assertMsg(c, consumed[2]["B"][0], produced["B"][2])
		} else { // if len(consumed[1]["C"]) == 1 {
			assertMsg(c, consumed[2]["B"][0], produced["B"][1])
	} else { // if len(consumed[0]["C"]) == 1 {
		if len(consumed[1]["B"]) == 1 {
			assertMsg(c, consumed[2]["B"][0], produced["B"][1])
		} else { // if len(consumed[1]["C"]) == 1 {
			assertMsg(c, consumed[2]["B"][0], produced["B"][0])
	s.consume(c, consumers[2], "group-1", "test.4", 4, consumed[2])
	c.Assert(len(consumed[2]["B"]), Equals, 5)
	lastConsumedFromBby2 := consumed[2]["B"][4]

	for _, consumer := range consumers {

	// When
	log.Infof("*** WHEN")
	// Wait for partition `C` reassign back to consumer[1]
	waitFirstFetched(consumers[1], 1)

	// Then: partition `B` is reassigned to `consumer[1]` and it picks up where
	// `consumer[2]` left off.
	log.Infof("*** THEN")
	consumedSoFar := make(map[string]int)
	for _, consumedByOne := range consumed {
		for key, consumedWithKey := range consumedByOne {
			consumedSoFar[key] = consumedSoFar[key] + len(consumedWithKey)
	leftToBeConsumedBy1 := 20 - (consumedSoFar["B"] + consumedSoFar["C"])
	consumedBy1 := s.consume(c, consumers[1], "group-1", "test.4", leftToBeConsumedBy1)
	c.Assert(len(consumedBy1["B"]), Equals, 10-consumedSoFar["B"])
	c.Assert(consumedBy1["B"][0].Offset, Equals, lastConsumedFromBby2.Offset+1)
