예제 #1
func getInitialPopulation() []*ng.Cortex {

	population := make([]*ng.Cortex, 0)

	// create 30 of these
	for i := 0; i < 30; i++ {

		cortex := ng.XnorCortexUntrained()
		// cortex := ng.XnorCortex()

		population = append(population, cortex)


	return population

func RunStochasticHillClimber() {


	// training set -- todo: examples := ng.XnorTrainingSamples()
	examples := ng.XnorTrainingSamples()

	// create netwwork with topology capable of solving XNOR
	cortex := ng.XnorCortexUntrained()

	// verify it can not yet solve the training set (since training would be useless in that case)
	verified := cortex.Verify(examples)
	if verified {
		panic("neural net already trained, nothing to do")

	shc := &nv.StochasticHillClimber{
		FitnessThreshold:           ng.FITNESS_THRESHOLD,
		MaxIterationsBeforeRestart: 2000,
		MaxAttempts:                2000,
		WeightSaturationRange:      []float64{-100 * math.Pi, 100 * math.Pi},
	cortexTrained, _, succeeded := shc.TrainExamples(cortex, examples)
	if !succeeded {
		panic("could not train neural net")

	// verify it can now solve the training set
	verified = cortexTrained.Verify(examples)
	if !verified {
		panic("could not verify neural net")

	logg.LogTo("DEBUG", "trained cortex: %v", cortexTrained)

