예제 #1
func makeLevelDBDatastore(cfg config.Datastore) (u.ThreadSafeDatastoreCloser, error) {
	if len(cfg.Path) == 0 {
		return nil, debugerror.Errorf("config datastore.path required for leveldb")

	ds, err := lds.NewDatastore(cfg.Path, &lds.Options{
		// TODO don't import ldbopts. Get from go-datastore.leveldb
		Compression: ldbopts.NoCompression,
	return ds, debugerror.Wrap(err)
예제 #2
func Lock(confdir string) (io.Closer, error) {
	c, err := lock.Lock(path.Join(confdir, LockFile))
	return c, debugerror.Wrap(err)
예제 #3
// NewIpfsNode constructs a new IpfsNode based on the given config.
func NewIpfsNode(cfg *config.Config, online bool) (n *IpfsNode, err error) {
	success := false // flip to true after all sub-system inits succeed
	defer func() {
		if !success && n != nil {

	if cfg == nil {
		return nil, debugerror.Errorf("configuration required")

	// derive this from a higher context.
	ctx := context.TODO()
	n = &IpfsNode{
		onlineMode: online,
		Config:     cfg,
	n.ContextCloser = ctxc.NewContextCloser(ctx, n.teardown)

	// setup datastore.
	if n.Datastore, err = makeDatastore(cfg.Datastore); err != nil {
		return nil, debugerror.Wrap(err)

	// setup peerstore + local peer identity
	n.Peerstore = peer.NewPeerstore()
	n.Identity, err = initIdentity(&n.Config.Identity, n.Peerstore, online)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, debugerror.Wrap(err)

	// setup online services
	if online {

		dhtService := netservice.NewService(ctx, nil)      // nil handler for now, need to patch it
		exchangeService := netservice.NewService(ctx, nil) // nil handler for now, need to patch it
		diagService := netservice.NewService(ctx, nil)     // nil handler for now, need to patch it

		muxMap := &mux.ProtocolMap{
			mux.ProtocolID_Routing:    dhtService,
			mux.ProtocolID_Exchange:   exchangeService,
			mux.ProtocolID_Diagnostic: diagService,
			// add protocol services here.

		// setup the network
		listenAddrs, err := listenAddresses(cfg)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, debugerror.Wrap(err)

		n.Network, err = inet.NewIpfsNetwork(ctx, listenAddrs, n.Identity, n.Peerstore, muxMap)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, debugerror.Wrap(err)

		// setup diagnostics service
		n.Diagnostics = diag.NewDiagnostics(n.Identity, n.Network, diagService)

		// setup routing service
		dhtRouting := dht.NewDHT(ctx, n.Identity, n.Peerstore, n.Network, dhtService, n.Datastore)
		dhtRouting.Validators[IpnsValidatorTag] = namesys.ValidateIpnsRecord

		// TODO(brian): perform this inside NewDHT factory method
		dhtService.SetHandler(dhtRouting) // wire the handler to the service.
		n.Routing = dhtRouting

		// setup exchange service
		const alwaysSendToPeer = true // use YesManStrategy
		bitswapNetwork := bsnet.NewFromIpfsNetwork(exchangeService, n.Network)
		n.Exchange = bitswap.New(ctx, n.Identity, bitswapNetwork, n.Routing, n.Datastore, alwaysSendToPeer)

		go initConnections(ctx, n.Config, n.Peerstore, dhtRouting)

	// TODO(brian): when offline instantiate the BlockService with a bitswap
	// session that simply doesn't return blocks
	n.Blocks, err = bserv.NewBlockService(n.Datastore, n.Exchange)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, debugerror.Wrap(err)

	n.DAG = merkledag.NewDAGService(n.Blocks)
	n.Namesys = namesys.NewNameSystem(n.Routing)
	n.Pinning, err = pin.LoadPinner(n.Datastore, n.DAG)
	if err != nil {
		n.Pinning = pin.NewPinner(n.Datastore, n.DAG)
	n.Resolver = &path.Resolver{DAG: n.DAG}

	success = true
	return n, nil