예제 #1
파일: dnssec.go 프로젝트: zeus911/skydns
func (s *server) signSet(r []dns.RR, now time.Time, incep, expir uint32) (*dns.RRSIG, error) {
	key := cache.Key(r)
	if m, exp, hit := s.scache.Search(key); hit { // There can only be one sig in this cache.
		// Is it still valid 24 hours from now?
		if now.Add(+24*time.Hour).Sub(exp) < -24*time.Hour {
			return m.Answer[0].(*dns.RRSIG), nil
	logf("scache miss for %s type %d", r[0].Header().Name, r[0].Header().Rrtype)


	sig, err, shared := inflight.Do(key, func() (*dns.RRSIG, error) {
		sig1 := s.NewRRSIG(incep, expir)
		sig1.Header().Ttl = r[0].Header().Ttl
		if r[0].Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeTXT {
			sig1.OrigTtl = 0
		e := sig1.Sign(s.config.PrivKey, r)
		if e != nil {
			logf("failed to sign: %s", e.Error())
		return sig1, e
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !shared {
		s.scache.InsertSignature(key, sig)
	return dns.Copy(sig).(*dns.RRSIG), nil
예제 #2
파일: dnssec.go 프로젝트: nhulac/skydns
func (s *server) signSet(r []dns.RR, now time.Time, incep, expir uint32) (*dns.RRSIG, error) {
	key := cache.key(r)
	if sig := cache.search(key); sig != nil {
		// Is it still valid 24 hours from now?
		if sig.ValidityPeriod(now.Add(+24 * time.Hour)) {
			return sig, nil
	s.config.log.Infof("cache miss for %s type %d", r[0].Header().Name, r[0].Header().Rrtype)
	sig, err, shared := inflight.Do(key, func() (*dns.RRSIG, error) {
		sig1 := s.NewRRSIG(incep, expir)
		sig1.Header().Ttl = r[0].Header().Ttl
		if r[0].Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeTXT {
			sig1.OrigTtl = 0
		e := sig1.Sign(s.config.PrivKey, r)
		if e != nil {
			s.config.log.Errorf("failed to sign: %s", e.Error())
		return sig1, e
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !shared {
		cache.insert(key, sig)
	return dns.Copy(sig).(*dns.RRSIG), nil
예제 #3
파일: resolver.go 프로젝트: albertito/dnss
func copyRRSlice(a []dns.RR) []dns.RR {
	b := make([]dns.RR, 0, len(a))
	for _, rr := range a {
		b = append(b, dns.Copy(rr))
	return b
예제 #4
파일: dnssec.go 프로젝트: 40a/bootkube
func (s *server) signSet(r []dns.RR, now time.Time, incep, expir uint32) (*dns.RRSIG, error) {
	key := cache.KeyRRset(r)
	if m, exp, hit := s.scache.Search(key); hit { // There can only be one sig in this cache.
		// Is it still valid 24 hours from now?
		if now.Add(+24*time.Hour).Sub(exp) < -24*time.Hour {
			return m.Answer[0].(*dns.RRSIG), nil
	if s.config.Verbose {
		logf("scache miss for %s type %d", r[0].Header().Name, r[0].Header().Rrtype)


	sig, err := inflight.Do(key, func() (interface{}, error) {
		sig1 := s.NewRRSIG(incep, expir)
		sig1.Header().Ttl = r[0].Header().Ttl
		if r[0].Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeTXT {
			sig1.OrigTtl = 0
		e := sig1.Sign(s.config.PrivKey, r)
		if e != nil {
			logf("failed to sign: %s", e.Error())
		return sig1, e
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	s.scache.InsertSignature(key, sig.(*dns.RRSIG))
	return dns.Copy(sig.(*dns.RRSIG)).(*dns.RRSIG), nil
예제 #5
// cacheCopy performs a deep copy of the given resource records
func cacheCopy(rr []dns.RR) []dns.RR {
	clone := make([]dns.RR, len(rr))
	for i := range rr {
		clone[i] = dns.Copy(rr[i])
	return clone
예제 #6
파일: lookup.go 프로젝트: yuewko/coredns
// wildcardReplace replaces the ownername with the original query name.
func wildcardReplace(qname, ce string, rrs []dns.RR) []dns.RR {
	// need to copy here, otherwise we change in zone stuff
	ret := make([]dns.RR, len(rrs))
	for i, r := range rrs {
		ret[i] = dns.Copy(r)
		ret[i].Header().Name = qname
	return ret
예제 #7
파일: limitanswers.go 프로젝트: baris/badns
func (g LimitAnswers) Do(request, response *dns.Msg) {
	answers := make([]dns.RR, 0)
	for i, answer := range response.Answer {
		if i >= g.Limit {
		answers = append(answers, dns.Copy(answer))
	response.Answer = answers
예제 #8
파일: dnssec.go 프로젝트: jonboulle/skydns2
func (c *sigCache) search(s string) *dns.RRSIG {
	defer c.RUnlock()
	if s, ok := c.m[s]; ok {
		// we want to return a copy here, because if we didn't the RRSIG
		// could be removed by another goroutine before the packet containing
		// this signature is send out.
		return dns.Copy(s).(*dns.RRSIG)
	return nil
예제 #9
파일: cache.go 프로젝트: korya/skydns
// Search returns .... and a boolean indicating if we found something
// in the cache.
func (c *Cache) Search(s string) ([]dns.RR, []dns.RR, time.Time, bool) {
	if c.capacity == 0 {
		return nil, nil, time.Time{}, false
	defer c.Unlock()
	if e, ok := c.m[s]; ok {
		e := e.Value.(*elem)
		answer := make([]dns.RR, len(e.answer))
		extra := make([]dns.RR, len(e.extra))
		for i, r := range e.answer {
			// we want to return a copy here, because if we didn't the RRSIG
			// could be removed by another goroutine before the packet containing
			// this signature is send out.
			answer[i] = dns.Copy(r)
		for i, r := range e.extra {
			extra[i] = dns.Copy(r)
		return answer, extra, e.expiration, true
	return nil, nil, time.Time{}, false
예제 #10
// InsertSignature inserts a signature, the expiration time is used as the cache ttl.
func (c *Cache) InsertSignature(s string, sig *dns.RRSIG) {
	if c.capacity <= 0 {

	if _, ok := c.m[s]; !ok {
		m := ((int64(sig.Expiration) - time.Now().Unix()) / (1 << 31)) - 1
		if m < 0 {
			m = 0
		t := time.Unix(int64(sig.Expiration)-(m*(1<<31)), 0).UTC()
		c.m[s] = &elem{t, &dns.Msg{Answer: []dns.RR{dns.Copy(sig)}}}
예제 #11
파일: dnskey.go 프로젝트: yuewko/coredns
// getDNSKEY returns the correct DNSKEY to the client. Signatures are added when do is true.
func (d Dnssec) getDNSKEY(state middleware.State, zone string, do bool) *dns.Msg {
	keys := make([]dns.RR, len(d.keys))
	for i, k := range d.keys {
		keys[i] = dns.Copy(k.K)
		keys[i].Header().Name = zone
	m := new(dns.Msg)
	m.Answer = keys
	if !do {
		return m

	incep, expir := incepExpir(time.Now().UTC())
	if sigs, err := d.sign(keys, zone, 3600, incep, expir); err == nil {
		m.Answer = append(m.Answer, sigs...)
	return m
예제 #12
func TestMarshalCanonicalCAASet(t *testing.T) {
	a, b := new(dns.CAA), new(dns.CAA)
	a.Value, b.Value = "a", "b"
	setA := []*dns.CAA{a, b}
	setB := []*dns.CAA{b, a}
	canonA, err := marshalCanonicalCAASet(setA)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "marshalCanonicalCAASet failed")
	canonB, err := marshalCanonicalCAASet(setB)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "marshalCanonicalCAASet failed")
	test.Assert(t, bytes.Equal(canonA, canonB), "sets do not match")
	cRR := dns.Copy(b)
	c := cRR.(*dns.CAA)
	c.Value = "c"
	c.Hdr.Ttl = 100
	hashC, err := marshalCanonicalCAASet([]*dns.CAA{c, a})
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "marshalCanonicalCAASet failed")
	test.AssertEquals(t, c.Hdr.Ttl, uint32(100))
	test.Assert(t, bytes.Equal(canonA, canonB), fmt.Sprintf("Mismatching sets had same bytes: %x == %x", hashC, canonB))
예제 #13
파일: replacetype.go 프로젝트: baris/badns
func (g ReplaceType) Do(request, response *dns.Msg) {
	from_type := "*"
	to_type := ""
	if strings.Index(g.Type, ":") >= 0 {
		fields := strings.Split(g.Type, ":")
		from_type, to_type = fields[0], fields[1]
	} else {
		to_type = g.Type

	for i, answer := range response.Answer {
		answer = dns.Copy(answer)
		header := answer.Header()
		if from_type == "*" || header.Rrtype == dns.StringToType[from_type] {
			header.Rrtype = dns.StringToType[to_type]
		response.Answer[i] = answer
예제 #14
파일: serve.go 프로젝트: abh/geodns
func (srv *Server) serve(w dns.ResponseWriter, req *dns.Msg, z *Zone) {

	qname := req.Question[0].Name
	qtype := req.Question[0].Qtype

	var qle *querylog.Entry

	if srv.queryLogger != nil {
		qle = &querylog.Entry{
			Time:   time.Now().UnixNano(),
			Origin: z.Origin,
			Name:   qname,
			Qtype:  qtype,
		defer srv.queryLogger.Write(qle)

	logPrintf("[zone %s] incoming  %s %s (id %d) from %s\n", z.Origin, qname,
		dns.TypeToString[qtype], req.Id, w.RemoteAddr())

	// Global meter

	// Zone meter

	logPrintln("Got request", req)

	label := getQuestionName(z, req)


	// IP that's talking to us (not EDNS CLIENT SUBNET)
	var realIP net.IP

	if addr, ok := w.RemoteAddr().(*net.UDPAddr); ok {
		realIP = make(net.IP, len(addr.IP))
		copy(realIP, addr.IP)
	} else if addr, ok := w.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr); ok {
		realIP = make(net.IP, len(addr.IP))
		copy(realIP, addr.IP)
	if qle != nil {
		qle.RemoteAddr = realIP.String()


	var ip net.IP // EDNS or real IP
	var edns *dns.EDNS0_SUBNET
	var opt_rr *dns.OPT

	for _, extra := range req.Extra {

		switch extra.(type) {
		case *dns.OPT:
			for _, o := range extra.(*dns.OPT).Option {
				opt_rr = extra.(*dns.OPT)
				switch e := o.(type) {
				case *dns.EDNS0_NSID:
					// do stuff with e.Nsid
				case *dns.EDNS0_SUBNET:
					logPrintln("Got edns", e.Address, e.Family, e.SourceNetmask, e.SourceScope)
					if e.Address != nil {
						edns = e
						ip = e.Address

						if qle != nil {
							qle.HasECS = true
							qle.ClientAddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", ip, e.SourceNetmask)

	if len(ip) == 0 { // no edns subnet
		ip = realIP
		if qle != nil {
			qle.ClientAddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", ip, len(ip)*8)

	targets, netmask := z.Options.Targeting.GetTargets(ip)

	if qle != nil {
		qle.Targets = targets

	m := new(dns.Msg)

	if qle != nil {
		defer func() {
			qle.Rcode = m.Rcode
			qle.Answers = len(m.Answer)

	if e := m.IsEdns0(); e != nil {
		m.SetEdns0(4096, e.Do())
	m.Authoritative = true

	// TODO: set scope to 0 if there are no alternate responses
	if edns != nil {
		if edns.Family != 0 {
			if netmask < 16 {
				netmask = 16
			edns.SourceScope = uint8(netmask)
			m.Extra = append(m.Extra, opt_rr)

	labels, labelQtype := z.findLabels(label, targets, qTypes{dns.TypeMF, dns.TypeCNAME, qtype})
	if labelQtype == 0 {
		labelQtype = qtype

	if labels == nil {

		permitDebug := !*flagPrivateDebug || (realIP != nil && realIP.IsLoopback())

		firstLabel := (strings.Split(label, "."))[0]

		if qle != nil {
			qle.LabelName = firstLabel

		if permitDebug && firstLabel == "_status" {
			if qtype == dns.TypeANY || qtype == dns.TypeTXT {
				m.Answer = statusRR(label + "." + z.Origin + ".")
			} else {
				m.Ns = append(m.Ns, z.SoaRR())
			m.Authoritative = true

		if firstLabel == "_country" {
			if qtype == dns.TypeANY || qtype == dns.TypeTXT {
				h := dns.RR_Header{Ttl: 1, Class: dns.ClassINET, Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT}
				h.Name = label + "." + z.Origin + "."

				txt := []string{

				targets, netmask := z.Options.Targeting.GetTargets(ip)
				txt = append(txt, strings.Join(targets, " "))
				txt = append(txt, fmt.Sprintf("/%d", netmask), serverID, serverIP)

				m.Answer = []dns.RR{&dns.TXT{Hdr: h,
					Txt: txt,
			} else {
				m.Ns = append(m.Ns, z.SoaRR())

			m.Authoritative = true


		// return NXDOMAIN
		m.SetRcode(req, dns.RcodeNameError)
		m.Authoritative = true

		m.Ns = []dns.RR{z.SoaRR()}


	if servers := labels.Picker(labelQtype, labels.MaxHosts); servers != nil {
		var rrs []dns.RR
		for _, record := range servers {
			rr := dns.Copy(record.RR)
			rr.Header().Name = qname
			rrs = append(rrs, rr)
		m.Answer = rrs

	if len(m.Answer) == 0 {
		// Return a SOA so the NOERROR answer gets cached
		m.Ns = append(m.Ns, z.SoaRR())


	if qle != nil {
		qle.LabelName = labels.Label
		qle.Answers = len(m.Answer)
		qle.Rcode = m.Rcode
	err := w.WriteMsg(m)
	if err != nil {
		// if Pack'ing fails the Write fails. Return SERVFAIL.
		log.Println("Error writing packet", m)
		dns.HandleFailed(w, req)
예제 #15
파일: dnssec.go 프로젝트: jonboulle/skydns2
// sign signs a message m, it takes care of negative or nodata responses as
// well by synthesising NSEC3 records. It will also cache the signatures, using
// a hash of the signed data as a key.
// We also fake the origin TTL in the signature, because we don't want to
// throw away signatures when services decide to have longer TTL. So we just
// set the origTTL to 60.
func (s *server) sign(m *dns.Msg, bufsize uint16) {
	now := time.Now().UTC()
	incep := uint32(now.Add(-2 * time.Hour).Unix())     // 2 hours, be sure to catch daylight saving time and such
	expir := uint32(now.Add(7 * 24 * time.Hour).Unix()) // sign for a week

	// TODO(miek): repeating this two times?
	for _, r := range rrSets(m.Answer) {
		if r[0].Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeRRSIG {
		key := cache.key(r)
		if s := cache.search(key); s != nil {
			if s.ValidityPeriod(now.Add(-24 * time.Hour)) {
				m.Answer = append(m.Answer, s)
		sig, err, shared := inflight.Do(key, func() (*dns.RRSIG, error) {
			sig1 := s.NewRRSIG(incep, expir)
			if r[0].Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeNSEC3 {
				sig1.OrigTtl = s.config.MinTtl
				sig1.Header().Ttl = s.config.MinTtl
			e := sig1.Sign(s.config.PrivKey, r)
			if e != nil {
				log.Printf("failed to sign: %s\n", e.Error())
			return sig1, e
		if err != nil {
		if !shared {
			// is it possible to miss this, due the the c.dups > 0 in Do()? TODO(miek)
			cache.insert(key, sig)
		m.Answer = append(m.Answer, dns.Copy(sig).(*dns.RRSIG))
	for _, r := range rrSets(m.Ns) {
		if r[0].Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeRRSIG {
		key := cache.key(r)
		if s := cache.search(key); s != nil {
			if s.ValidityPeriod(now.Add(-24 * time.Hour)) {
				m.Ns = append(m.Ns, s)
		sig, err, shared := inflight.Do(key, func() (*dns.RRSIG, error) {
			sig1 := s.NewRRSIG(incep, expir)
			if r[0].Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeNSEC3 {
				sig1.OrigTtl = s.config.MinTtl
				sig1.Header().Ttl = s.config.MinTtl
			e := sig1.Sign(s.config.PrivKey, r)
			if e != nil {
				log.Printf("failed to sign: %s\n", e.Error())
			return sig1, e
		if err != nil {
		if !shared {
			// is it possible to miss this, due the the c.dups > 0 in Do()? TODO(miek)
			cache.insert(key, sig)
		m.Ns = append(m.Ns, dns.Copy(sig).(*dns.RRSIG))
	// TODO(miek): Forget the additional section for now
	if bufsize >= 512 || bufsize <= 4096 {
		m.Truncated = m.Len() > int(bufsize)
	o := new(dns.OPT)
	o.Hdr.Name = "."
	o.Hdr.Rrtype = dns.TypeOPT
	m.Extra = append(m.Extra, o)
For fragmentation, we use a naive algorithm.

We use the same header for every fragment, and include the same EDNS0
section in every additional section.

We add one RR at a time, until our fragment is larger than 512 bytes,
then we remove the last RR so that it fits in the 512 byte size limit.

If we discover that one of the fragments ends up with 0 RR in it (for
example because a single RR is too big), then we return a single
truncated response instead of the set of fragments.

We could perhaps make the process of building fragments faster by
bisecting the set of RR that we include in an answer. So, if we have 8
RR we could try all, then if that is too big, 4 RR, and if that fits
then 6 RR, until an optimal set of RR is found.

We could also possibly produce a smaller set of responses by
optimizing how we combine RR. Just taking account the various sizes is
the same as the bin packing problem, which is NP-hard:


While some non-optimal but reasonable heuristics exist, in the case of
DNS we would have to use some sophisticated algorithm to also consider
name compression.
func frag(reply *dns.Msg) []dns.Msg {
	// create a return value
	all_frags := []dns.Msg{}
	HasEdns0 := true
	// get each RR section and save a copy out
	remaining_answer := make([]dns.RR, len(reply.Answer))
	copy(remaining_answer, reply.Answer)
	remaining_ns := make([]dns.RR, len(reply.Ns))
	copy(remaining_ns, reply.Ns)
	remaining_extra := make([]dns.RR, len(reply.Extra))
	copy(remaining_extra, reply.Extra)

	// if we don't have EDNS0 in the packet, add it now
	if reply.IsEdns0() == nil {
		reply.SetEdns0(512, false)

	// the EDNS option for later use
	var edns0_rr dns.RR = nil

	// remove the EDNS0 option from our additional ("extra") section
	// (we will include it separately on every fragment)
	for ofs, r := range remaining_extra {
		// found the EDNS option
		if r.Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeOPT {
			// save the EDNS option
			edns0_rr = r
			// remove from the set of extra RR
			remaining_extra = append(remaining_extra[0:ofs], remaining_extra[ofs+1:]...)
			// in principle we should only have one EDNS0 section

	if edns0_rr == nil {
		log.Printf("Server reply missing EDNS0 option")
		return []dns.Msg{}
		//HasEdns0 = false

	// now build fragments
	for {
		// make a shallow copy of our reply packet, and prepare space for our RR
		frag := *reply
		frag.Answer = []dns.RR{}
		frag.Ns = []dns.RR{}
		frag.Extra = []dns.RR{}

		// add our custom EDNS0 option (needed in every fragment)
		local_opt := new(dns.EDNS0_LOCAL)
		local_opt.Code = dns.EDNS0LOCALSTART + 1
		local_opt.Data = []byte{0, 0}
		if HasEdns0 == true {
			edns0_rr_copy := dns.Copy(edns0_rr)
			edns0_rr_copy.(*dns.OPT).Option = append(edns0_rr_copy.(*dns.OPT).Option, local_opt)
			frag.Extra = append(frag.Extra, edns0_rr_copy)
		//if HasEdns0 == false {
		//	frag.Extra = append(frag.Extra, local_opt)

		// add as many RR to the answer as we can
		for len(remaining_answer) > 0 {
			frag.Answer = append(frag.Answer, remaining_answer[0])
			if frag.Len() <= 512 {
				// if the new answer fits, then remove it from our remaining list
				remaining_answer = remaining_answer[1:]
			} else {
				// otherwise we are full, remove it from our fragment and stop
				frag.Answer = frag.Answer[0 : len(frag.Answer)-1]
		for len(remaining_ns) > 0 {
			frag.Ns = append(frag.Ns, remaining_ns[0])
			if frag.Len() <= 512 {
				// if the new answer fits, then remove it from our remaining list
				remaining_ns = remaining_ns[1:]
			} else {
				// otherwise we are full, remove it from our fragment and stop
				frag.Ns = frag.Ns[0 : len(frag.Ns)-1]
		for len(remaining_extra) > 0 {
			frag.Extra = append(frag.Extra, remaining_extra[0])
			if frag.Len() <= 512 {
				// if the new answer fits, then remove it from our remaining list
				remaining_extra = remaining_extra[1:]
			} else {
				// otherwise we are full, remove it from our fragment and stop
				frag.Extra = frag.Extra[0 : len(frag.Extra)-1]

		// check to see if we didn't manage to add any RR
		if (len(frag.Answer) == 0) && (len(frag.Ns) == 0) && (len(frag.Extra) == 1) {
			// TODO: test this :)
			// return a single truncated fragment without any RR
			frag.MsgHdr.Truncated = true
			frag.Extra = []dns.RR{}
			return []dns.Msg{frag}

		// add to our list of fragments
		all_frags = append(all_frags, frag)
		// if we have finished all remaining sections, we are done
		if (len(remaining_answer) == 0) && (len(remaining_ns) == 0) && (len(remaining_extra) == 0) {

	// fix up our fragments so they have the correct sequence and length values
	for n, frag := range all_frags {
		frag_edns0 := frag.IsEdns0()
		for _, opt := range frag_edns0.Option {
			if opt.Option() == dns.EDNS0LOCALSTART+1 {
				opt.(*dns.EDNS0_LOCAL).Data = []byte{byte(len(all_frags)), byte(n)}

	// return our fragments
	return all_frags