예제 #1
func getAnswerKey(db *mgo.Database, recMatchRun *ptm_models.RecordMatchRun) (*fhir_models.Bundle, error) {
	var answerKey *fhir_models.Bundle

	// If deduplication mode, try to find an answer key w/ the master record set
	if recMatchRun.MatchingMode == ptm_models.Deduplication {
		masterRecSet := &ptm_models.RecordSet{}
		c := db.C(ptm_models.GetCollectionName("RecordSet"))
		// retrieve the master record set
		err := c.Find(
			bson.M{"_id": recMatchRun.MasterRecordSetID}).One(masterRecSet)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"func": "updateRecordMatchRun",
				"err":          err,
				"msg":          "Unable to find master record set",
				"record setid": recMatchRun.MasterRecordSetID}).Warn("calcMetrics")
			return nil, err

			"rec set":            masterRecSet,
			"answer key entries": len(masterRecSet.AnswerKey.Entry)}).Info("calcMetrics")

		if len(masterRecSet.AnswerKey.Entry) > 1 {
			answerKey = &masterRecSet.AnswerKey
				"answer key entries": len(masterRecSet.AnswerKey.Entry)}).Info("calcMetrics")
	} else if recMatchRun.MatchingMode == ptm_models.Query {
			"msg": "Calculating Metrics for Query Mode Not Supoprted"}).Warn("calcMetrics")
		return nil, nil

	return answerKey, nil
예제 #2
func (rc *ResourceController) GetResources(ctx *gin.Context) {
	req := ctx.Request
	resourceType := getResourceType(req.URL)

		logrus.Fields{"resource type": resourceType}).Info("GetResources")

	resources := ptm_models.NewSliceForResourceName(resourceType, 0, 0)
	c := rc.Database().C(ptm_models.GetCollectionName(resourceType))
	// retrieve all documents in the collection
	// TODO Restrict this to resource type, just to be extra safe
	query := buildSearchQuery(resourceType, ctx)
		logrus.Fields{"query": query}).Info("GetResources")
	err := c.Find(query).All(resources)
	if err != nil {
		if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
			ctx.String(http.StatusNotFound, "Not Found")
		} else {
			ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)

	ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, resources)
예제 #3
func GetRecordMatchRunLinksHandler(provider func() *mgo.Database) gin.HandlerFunc {
	return func(ctx *gin.Context) {
		idString := ctx.Param("id")
		id := bson.ObjectIdHex(idString)
		c := provider().C(ptm_models.GetCollectionName("RecordMatchRun"))
		rmr := &ptm_models.RecordMatchRun{}
		err := c.Find(bson.M{"_id": id}).One(rmr)
		if err != nil {
			ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
		category := ctx.Query("category")
		limitString := ctx.Query("limit")
		limit, err := strconv.ParseInt(limitString, 10, 0)
		if err != nil || limit == 0 {
			limit = 10
		var links []ptm_models.Link
		if category == "worst" {
			links = rmr.GetWorstLinks(int(limit))
		} else {
			links = rmr.GetBestLinks(int(limit))
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, links)
예제 #4
func GetRecordMatchRunMetricsHandler(provider func() *mgo.Database) gin.HandlerFunc {
	return func(ctx *gin.Context) {
		resourceType := "RecordMatchRun"

		recordMatchSystemInterfaceId := ctx.Query("recordMatchSystemInterfaceId")
		validRecordMatchSystemInterfaceId := len(recordMatchSystemInterfaceId) > 1 && len(recordMatchSystemInterfaceId) <= 24 && bson.IsObjectIdHex(recordMatchSystemInterfaceId)
		recordSetId := ctx.Query("recordSetId")
		validRecordSetId := len(recordSetId) > 1 && len(recordSetId) <= 24 && bson.IsObjectIdHex(recordSetId)

			logrus.Fields{"resource type": resourceType,
				"rec match sys": recordMatchSystemInterfaceId,
				"record set":    recordSetId}).Info("GetRecordMatchRunMetrics")

		resources := ptm_models.NewSliceForResourceName(resourceType, 0, 0)
		c := provider().C(ptm_models.GetCollectionName(resourceType))

		var query *mgo.Query

		if validRecordSetId {
				// find the record match runs with masterRecordSetId or queryRecordSetId == record set id
				logrus.Fields{"validRecord Set Id": validRecordSetId, "record set": recordSetId}).Info("GetRecordMatchRunMetrics")

			recordSetBsonID, _ := ptm_models.ToBsonObjectID(recordSetId)
			query = c.Find(bson.M{"$or": []bson.M{bson.M{"masterRecordSetId": recordSetBsonID}, bson.M{"queryRecordSetId": recordSetBsonID}}})

		} else if validRecordMatchSystemInterfaceId {
			recordMatchSystemInterfaceBsonId, _ := ptm_models.ToBsonObjectID(recordMatchSystemInterfaceId)
			query = c.Find(bson.M{"recordMatchSystemInterfaceId": recordMatchSystemInterfaceBsonId})

		} else { // no query parameters were provided
			// get all record runs with, primarily, metrics only
			// retrieve all documents in the collection
			// TODO Restrict this to resourc type, just to be extra safe
			query = c.Find(bson.M{})

		// constrain which fields are returned
		err := query.Select(bson.M{"meta": 1, "metrics": 1,
			"recordMatchSystemInterfaceId": 1, "matchingMode": 1,
			"recordResourceType": 1, "masterRecordSetId": 1, "queryRecordSetId": 1,
			"recordMatchContextId": 1}).All(resources)

		if err != nil {
			if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
				ctx.String(http.StatusNotFound, "Not Found")
			ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)

		ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, resources)
예제 #5
// LoadResource returns an object from the database that matches the specified
// resource type and object identifier.
func (rc *ResourceController) LoadResource(resourceType string, id bson.ObjectId) (interface{}, error) {
	// Determine the collection expected to hold the resource
	c := rc.Database().C(ptm_models.GetCollectionName(resourceType))
	result := ptm_models.NewStructForResourceName(resourceType)
	err := c.Find(bson.M{"_id": id}).One(result)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"result": result}).Debug("LoadResource")
	return result, nil
예제 #6
// DeleteResource handles requests to delete a specific resource.
func (rc *ResourceController) DeleteResource(ctx *gin.Context) {
	var id bson.ObjectId
	req := ctx.Request
	resourceType := getResourceType(req.URL)

	// Validate id as a bson Object ID
	id, err := toBsonObjectID(ctx.Param("id"))
	if err != nil {
		ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
		logrus.Fields{"resource type": resourceType, "id": id, "coll": ptm_models.GetCollectionName(resourceType)}).Info("DeleteResource")

	// Determine the collection expected to hold the resource
	c := rc.Database().C(ptm_models.GetCollectionName(resourceType))
	err = c.Remove(bson.M{"_id": id})
	if err != nil {
		ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)

예제 #7
// SetAnswerKey associates a specified Record Set with a FHIR Bundle that
// contains a set of expected record matches (i.e., answer key for the record set)
// The uploaded file is expected to be a FHIR Bundle  of type, document,
// in JSON representation.
func (rc *ResourceController) SetAnswerKey(ctx *gin.Context) {
	recordSetId, err := toBsonObjectID(ctx.PostForm("recordSetId"))

	// Ensure the referenced Record Set exists
	resource, err := rc.LoadResource("RecordSet", recordSetId)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusNotFound, err)
	recordSet := resource.(*ptm_models.RecordSet)

	// extract the answer key from the posted form
	file, _, err := ctx.Request.FormFile("answerKey")
	if err != nil {
		ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)
	// write uploaded content to a temp file
	tmpfile, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "ptmatch-")
	defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name())
	_, err = io.Copy(tmpfile, file)

	ptm_models.LoadResourceFromFile(tmpfile.Name(), &recordSet.AnswerKey)

	if isValidAnswerKey(recordSet.AnswerKey) {
		c := rc.Database().C(ptm_models.GetCollectionName("RecordSet"))
		err = c.Update(bson.M{"_id": recordSetId}, recordSet)
		if err != nil {
			ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)

		resource, err = rc.LoadResource("RecordSet", recordSetId)
		if err != nil {
			ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
		recordSet = resource.(*ptm_models.RecordSet)

			logrus.Fields{"updated recordset": recordSet}).Info("SetAnswerKey")

		ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, recordSet)
	} else {
예제 #8
func (rc *ResourceController) UpdateResource(ctx *gin.Context) {
	var id bson.ObjectId

	// Section 9.6 of RFC 2616 says to return 201 if resource didn't already exist
	// and 200 or 204, otherwise
	// http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html#sec9.6
	var statusCode int = http.StatusOK

	req := ctx.Request
	resourceType := getResourceType(req.URL)

	// Validate id as a bson Object ID
	id, err := toBsonObjectID(ctx.Param("id"))
	if err != nil {
		ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)

	var createdOn reflect.Value

	// Determine if the resource already exists
	existing, err := rc.LoadResource(resourceType, id)
	if err != nil {
		if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
			statusCode = http.StatusCreated
		} else {
			ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
	} else {
		//		reflect.ValueOf(&n).Elem().FieldByName("N").Set(reflect.ValueOf(ft))
		metaField := reflect.ValueOf(existing).Elem().FieldByName("Meta")
		createdOn = metaField.Elem().FieldByName("CreatedOn")
			logrus.Fields{"createdOn": createdOn}).Info("UpdateResource")

	resource := ptm_models.NewStructForResourceName(resourceType)
	if err := ctx.Bind(resource); err != nil {
		ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)

	c := rc.Database().C(ptm_models.GetCollectionName(resourceType))
	// Force the ID provided in the URL to be in the resource object
	// Ensure the creation date does not change`
	metaField := reflect.ValueOf(resource).Elem().FieldByName("Meta")
	createdOn2 := metaField.Elem().FieldByName("CreatedOn")
		logrus.Fields{"createdOn2": createdOn2}).Info("UpdateResource")
	err = c.Update(bson.M{"_id": id}, resource)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)

		logrus.Fields{"collection": ptm_models.GetCollectionName(resourceType),
			"res type": resourceType, "id": id, "createdOn": createdOn}).Info("UpdateResource")

	ctx.Header("Location", responseURL(req, resourceType, id.Hex()).String())

	ctx.JSON(statusCode, resource)
예제 #9
func calcMetrics(db *mgo.Database, recMatchRun *ptm_models.RecordMatchRun,
	respMsg *fhir_models.Bundle) error {

	answerKey, _ := getAnswerKey(db, recMatchRun)
	numAnswers := 0
	var answerMap map[string]*groundTruth

	if answerKey != nil {
		// store answer key info in map
		answerMap, numAnswers = buildAnswerMap(answerKey)

	metrics := recMatchRun.Metrics

		"metrics": metrics}).Info("calcMetrics")

	//expectedResourceType := recMatchRun.RecordResourceType
	matchCount := 0
	truePositiveCount := 0
	falsePositiveCount := 0

	for i, entry := range respMsg.Entry {
		//			logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
		//			"i": i,
		//		"entry type": rtype,
		//	"entry kind": reflect.ValueOf(entry.Resource).Kind()}).Info("calcMetrics")

		// Results are in untyped entry w/ links and search result
		if entry.Resource == nil {
			refURL := entry.FullUrl
			if refURL != "" && entry.Search != nil && len(entry.Link) > 0 {
				score := *entry.Search.Score
				//				logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
				//					"i":        i,
				//					"full url": refURL,
				//					"search":   score}).Info("calcMetrics")
				if score > 0 {
					for _, link := range entry.Link {
						if strings.EqualFold("related", link.Relation) {
							linkedURL := link.Url
								"i":        i,
								"full url": refURL,
								"link url": linkedURL,
								"search":   score}).Info("calcMetrics")
							// if we have an answer key to compare against
							if answerKey != nil {
								truth := answerMap[refURL]
								if truth != nil {
									// look for linked URL in array of known linked records
									idx := indexOf(truth.linkedURLs, linkedURL)
									if idx >= 0 {
									} else {
								} else if answerMap[linkedURL] != nil {
									truth := answerMap[linkedURL]
									// look for reference URL in array of known linked records
									idx := indexOf(truth.linkedURLs, refURL)
									if idx >= 0 {
									} else {
								} else {
									// no entry found in answer key; this is a false positive

		"truePositive":  truePositiveCount,
		"falsePositive": falsePositiveCount,
		"matchCount":    matchCount}).Info("calcMetrics")

	metrics.MatchCount += matchCount
	// if there is an answer key w/ answers and some results were processed
	if answerKey != nil && numAnswers > 0 && matchCount > 0 {
		metrics.TruePositiveCount += truePositiveCount
		metrics.FalsePositiveCount += falsePositiveCount
		metrics.Precision = float32(metrics.TruePositiveCount) / float32(metrics.TruePositiveCount+metrics.FalsePositiveCount)
		metrics.Recall = float32(metrics.TruePositiveCount) / float32(numAnswers)
		metrics.F1 = 2.0 * ((metrics.Precision * metrics.Recall) / (metrics.Precision + metrics.Recall))

	now := time.Now()

	c := db.C(ptm_models.GetCollectionName("RecordMatchRun"))
	// Add an entry to the record match run status and update lastUpdatedOn
	err := c.UpdateId(recMatchRun.ID,
			"$currentDate": bson.M{"meta.lastUpdatedOn": bson.M{"$type": "timestamp"}},
			"$set":         bson.M{"metrics": metrics},
			"$push": bson.M{
				"status": bson.M{
					"message":   "Metrics Updated [" + respMsg.Id + "]",
					"createdOn": now}}})

	if err != nil {
		logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"msg": "Error updating metrics in record match run",
			"rec match run ID": recMatchRun.ID,
			"error":            err}).Warn("calcMetrics")
		return err

	return nil
예제 #10
func updateRecordMatchRun(db *mgo.Database, respMsg *fhir_models.Bundle) error {
	// Verify this bundle represents a message
	if respMsg.Type == "message" {
		// we care only about response messages
		msgHdr := respMsg.Entry[0].Resource.(*fhir_models.MessageHeader)
		resp := msgHdr.Response

		logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"action": "Recognized Bundle of type, message",
			"bundle id": respMsg.Id,
			"msg hdr":   msgHdr}).Info("updateRecordMatchRun")

		// verify this is a response for a record-match request
		if resp != nil &&
			msgHdr.Event.Code == "record-match" &&
			msgHdr.Event.System == "http://github.com/mitre/ptmatch/fhir/message-events" {

			reqID := resp.Identifier
			// Determine the collection expected to hold the resource
			c := db.C(ptm_models.GetCollectionName("RecordMatchRun"))
			recMatchRun := &ptm_models.RecordMatchRun{}

			// retrieve the record-match run
			err := c.Find(
				bson.M{"request.message.entry.resource._id": reqID}).One(recMatchRun)
			if err != nil {
				logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"func": "updateRecordMatchRun",
					"err":            err,
					"request msg id": reqID}).Warn("Unable to find RecMatchRun assoc w. request")
				return err
			logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"action": "found run assoc w. request",
				"result": recMatchRun}).Info("updateRecordMatchRun")

			now := time.Now()

			// check whether the response is already assoc. w/ the record match run object
			count, err := c.Find(bson.M{"_id": recMatchRun.ID,
				"responses.message._id": respMsg.Id}).Count()

			logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"action": "look for dupl response",
				"respMsg.Id": respMsg.Id,
				"count":      count}).Info("updateRecordMatchRun")

			if count > 0 {
				// The response message has been processed before
				logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"action": "record match response seen before",
					"record match run": recMatchRun.ID,
					"response msg Id":  respMsg.Id}).Info("updateRecordMatchRun")

				// Record that we've seen this response before
				err = c.UpdateId(recMatchRun.ID,
						"$currentDate": bson.M{"meta.lastUpdatedOn": bson.M{"$type": "timestamp"}},
						"$push": bson.M{
							"status": bson.M{
								"message":   "Duplicate Response Received and Ignored [" + respMsg.Id + "]",
								"createdOn": now}}})

				return nil

			var respID bson.ObjectId

			// if the bundle id looks like a bson object id, use it; else we need
			// to create a bson id 'cuz IE fhir server only supports those (5/10/16)'
			if bson.IsObjectIdHex(respMsg.Id) {
				respID = bson.ObjectIdHex(respMsg.Id)
			} else {
				logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"msg": "Response Msg Id is not BSON Object Id format",
					"rec match run ID": recMatchRun.ID,
					"respMsg.id":       respMsg.Id}).Warn("updateRecordMatchRun")
				respID = bson.NewObjectId()

			// Add the record match response to the record run data
			err = c.UpdateId(recMatchRun.ID,
				bson.M{"$push": bson.M{"responses": bson.M{
					"_id":        respID,
					"meta":       bson.M{"lastUpdatedOn": now, "createdOn": now},
					"receivedOn": now,
					"message":    respMsg,

			if err != nil {
				logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"msg": "Error adding response to Run Info",
					"rec match run ID": recMatchRun.ID,
					"error":            err}).Warn("eupdateRecordMatchRun")
				return err

			// Add an entry to the record match run status and update lastUpdatedOn
			err = c.UpdateId(recMatchRun.ID,
					"$currentDate": bson.M{"meta.lastUpdatedOn": bson.M{"$type": "timestamp"}},
					"$push": bson.M{
						"status": bson.M{
							"message":   "Response Received [" + respMsg.Id + "]",
							"createdOn": now}}})

			if err != nil {
				logger.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"msg": "Error updating response status in run object",
					"rec match run ID": recMatchRun.ID,
					"error":            err}).Warn("updateRecordMatchRun")
				return err
			// Calculate metrics
			_ = calcMetrics(db, recMatchRun, respMsg)
	return nil