예제 #1
func (a *Interact) Maintain(dt int64, g *game.Game, ae game.ActionExec) game.MaintenanceStatus {
	if ae != nil {
		exec := ae.(*interactExec)
		a.ent = g.EntityById(ae.EntityId())
		if (exec.Target != 0) == (exec.Toggle_door) {
			base.Error().Printf("Got an interact that tried to target a door and an entity: %v", exec)
			return game.Complete
		if exec.Target != 0 {
			target := g.EntityById(exec.Target)
			if target == nil {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an entity that doesn't exist: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			if target.ObjectEnt == nil {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an entity that wasn't an object: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			if target.Sprite().State() != "ready" {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an object that wasn't in its ready state: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			if distBetweenEnts(a.ent, target) > a.Range {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an object that was out of range: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			x, y := target.Pos()
			dx, dy := target.Dims()
			if !a.ent.HasLos(x, y, dx, dy) {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an object without having los: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.Ap, 0, status.Unspecified)
			return game.Complete
		} else {
			// We're interacting with a door here
			if exec.Floor < 0 || exec.Floor >= len(g.House.Floors) {
				base.Error().Printf("Specified an unknown floor %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			floor := g.House.Floors[exec.Floor]
			if exec.Room < 0 || exec.Room >= len(floor.Rooms) {
				base.Error().Printf("Specified an unknown room %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			room := floor.Rooms[exec.Room]
			if exec.Door < 0 || exec.Door >= len(room.Doors) {
				base.Error().Printf("Specified an unknown door %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
			door := room.Doors[exec.Door]

			x, y := a.ent.Pos()
			dx, dy := a.ent.Dims()
			ent_rect := makeIntFrect(x, y, x+dx, y+dy)
			if !ent_rect.Overlaps(makeRectForDoor(room, door)) {
				base.Error().Printf("Tried to open a door that was out of range: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete

			_, other_door := floor.FindMatchingDoor(room, door)
			if other_door != nil {
				// if door.IsOpened() {
				//   sound.PlaySound(door.Open_sound)
				// } else {
				//   sound.PlaySound(door.Shut_sound)
				// }
				a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.Ap, 0, status.Unspecified)
			} else {
				base.Error().Printf("Couldn't find matching door: %v", exec)
				return game.Complete
	return game.Complete