func StartServer() { log.Println("Starting API server now.") // configurate the database connection Db := new(database.RedisDo) Db.Init("", 10) // set up a nice glas of martini m := martini.Classic() // http://localhost:3000 m.Get("/", func() string { return `{"result":"Hello world!"}` }) // eg: http://localhost:3000/relation/database m.Get("/relation/:word", func(params martini.Params) string { relations := Db.GetPopularWordRelations(params["word"]) return `{"result": ["` + strings.Join(relations, `", "`) + `"]}` }) // eg: http://localhost:3000/popular-relations/ m.Get("/popular-relations/", func(params martini.Params) string { relations := Db.GetMostPopularWords() return `{"result": ["` + strings.Join(relations, `", "`) + `"]}` }) // eg: http://localhost:3000/info/ m.Get("/info/", func() string { info := Db.GetAnalysedTextBlocksCounter() return `{"result": {"analysedTextBlocks": "` + info + `"}}` }) // actual launch the server m.Run() }
func testRunnerRedisDo(t *testing.T, Db *database.RedisDo) { // flush database before tests Db.Flushall() log.Println("=====================================") log.Println("Flush Database") Convey("should allow to initialise and establish a connection ", t, func() { Convey("should save and receive a key from the database by accessing the redis client directly", func() { key := "testkey for test " + time.Now().String() keyValue := time.Now().String() Convey("should save the key", func() { _, e := Db.Client.Do("SET", key, keyValue) So(e, ShouldEqual, nil) Convey("should receive the key", func() { value, e := redis.String(Db.Client.Do("GET", key)) So(e, ShouldEqual, nil) So(keyValue, ShouldEqual, value) }) }) }) Convey("should handle queued pages proper", func() { pagesToQueue := []string{"pageOne", "Geographic Names Information System"} Convey("should add pages to the queue by a function call", func() { So(len(pagesToQueue), ShouldEqual, 2) // get a slice which will exclude the first element as we processing this one soon Db.AddPagesToQueue(pagesToQueue) amountQueuedPages, _ := redis.Strings(Db.Client.Do("SMEMBERS", database.QUEUED_PAGES)) So(len(amountQueuedPages), ShouldEqual, 2) Convey("should get a random page from the queued pages and remove it from the database", func() { randomPage := Db.RandomPageFromQueue() So(randomPage, ShouldBeIn, pagesToQueue) // refresh local variable amountQueuedPages, _ := redis.Strings(Db.Client.Do("SMEMBERS", database.QUEUED_PAGES)) So(len(amountQueuedPages), ShouldEqual, 1) amountDonePages, _ := redis.Strings(Db.Client.Do("SMEMBERS", database.DONE_PAGES)) So(len(amountDonePages), ShouldEqual, 1) }) }) }) Convey("should add a new relation to a word with a counter and receive it", func() { word := "bacon" relations := []string{"cheese", "ham", "gorgonzola", "salami", "ham", "ham", "cheese"} Convey("should add all relation", func() { // loop trough all relations for _, relation := range relations { Db.AddWordRelation(word, relation) } }) Convey("should have added a coutner for ham", func() { hamCounter, _ := redis.Int(Db.Client.Do("GET", "bacon:ham")) So(hamCounter, ShouldEqual, 3) }) Convey("should have added a coutner for salami", func() { hamCounter, _ := redis.Int(Db.Client.Do("GET", "bacon:salami")) So(hamCounter, ShouldEqual, 1) }) Convey("should receive all distinct existing relation", func() { amountRelations := Db.GetPopularWordRelations(word) So(len(amountRelations), ShouldEqual, 4) // because we added 5 distinct keys So(amountRelations[0], ShouldEqual, "ham") // because it was added 3 times So(amountRelations[1], ShouldEqual, "cheese") // because it was added 2 times }) }) }) }