예제 #1
// BuildWriteConcern takes a string and a NodeType indicating the type of node the write concern
// is intended to be used against, and converts the write concern string argument into an
// mgo.Safe object that's usable on sessions for that node type.
func BuildWriteConcern(writeConcern string, nodeType NodeType) (*mgo.Safe, error) {
	sessionSafety, err := constructWCObject(writeConcern)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if sessionSafety == nil {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "using unacknowledged write concern")
		return nil, nil

	// for standalone mongods, set the default write concern to 1
	if nodeType == Standalone {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "standalone server: setting write concern %v to 1", w)
		sessionSafety.W = 1
		sessionSafety.WMode = ""

	var writeConcernStr interface{}

	if sessionSafety.WMode != "" {
		writeConcernStr = sessionSafety.WMode
	} else {
		writeConcernStr = sessionSafety.W
	log.Logvf(log.Info, "using write concern: %v='%v', %v=%v, %v=%v, %v=%v",
		w, writeConcernStr,
		j, sessionSafety.J,
		fSync, sessionSafety.FSync,
		wTimeout, sessionSafety.WTimeout,
	return sessionSafety, nil
예제 #2
파일: filepath.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// handleBSONInsteadOfDirectory updates -d and -c settings based on
// the path to the BSON file passed to mongorestore. This is only
// applicable if the target path points to a .bson file.
// As an example, when the user passes 'dump/mydb/col.bson', this method
// will infer that 'mydb' is the database and 'col' is the collection name.
func (restore *MongoRestore) handleBSONInsteadOfDirectory(path string) error {
	// we know we have been given a non-directory, so we should handle it
	// like a bson file and infer as much as we can
	if restore.NSOptions.Collection == "" {
		// if the user did not set -c, use the file name for the collection
		newCollectionName, fileType := restore.getInfoFromFilename(path)
		if fileType != BSONFileType {
			return fmt.Errorf("file %v does not have .bson extension", path)
		restore.NSOptions.Collection = newCollectionName
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "inferred collection '%v' from file", restore.NSOptions.Collection)
	if restore.NSOptions.DB == "" {
		// if the user did not set -d, use the directory containing the target
		// file as the db name (as it would be in a dump directory). If
		// we cannot determine the directory name, use "test"
		dirForFile := filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(path))
		if dirForFile == "." || dirForFile == ".." {
			dirForFile = "test"
		restore.NSOptions.DB = dirForFile
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "inferred db '%v' from the file's directory", restore.NSOptions.DB)
	return nil
예제 #3
// dumpQueryToWriter takes an mgo Query, its intent, and a writer, performs the query,
// and writes the raw bson results to the writer. Returns a final count of documents
// dumped, and any errors that occured.
func (dump *MongoDump) dumpQueryToWriter(
	query *mgo.Query, intent *intents.Intent) (int64, error) {
	var total int
	var err error
	if len(dump.query) == 0 {
		total, err = query.Count()
		if err != nil {
			return int64(0), fmt.Errorf("error reading from db: %v", err)
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "counted %v %v in %v", total, docPlural(int64(total)), intent.Namespace())
	} else {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "not counting query on %v", intent.Namespace())

	dumpProgressor := progress.NewCounter(int64(total))
	if dump.ProgressManager != nil {
		dump.ProgressManager.Attach(intent.Namespace(), dumpProgressor)
		defer dump.ProgressManager.Detach(intent.Namespace())

	err = dump.dumpIterToWriter(query.Iter(), intent.BSONFile, dumpProgressor)
	_, dumpCount := dumpProgressor.Progress()

	return dumpCount, err
예제 #4
func (dump *MongoDump) createIntentFromOptions(dbName string, ci *collectionInfo) error {
	if dump.shouldSkipCollection(ci.Name) {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "skipping dump of %v.%v, it is excluded", dbName, ci.Name)
		return nil

	if dump.OutputOptions.ViewsAsCollections && !ci.IsView() {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "skipping dump of %v.%v because it is not a view", dbName, ci.Name)
		return nil

	intent, err := dump.NewIntent(dbName, ci.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if dump.OutputOptions.ViewsAsCollections {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "not dumping metadata for %v.%v because it is a view", dbName, ci.Name)
		intent.MetadataFile = nil
	} else if ci.IsView() {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "not dumping data for %v.%v because it is a view", dbName, ci.Name)
		// only write a bson file if using archive
		if dump.OutputOptions.Archive == "" {
			intent.BSONFile = nil
	intent.Options = ci.Options
	log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "enqueued collection '%v'", intent.Namespace())
	return nil
예제 #5
파일: signals.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
func handleSignals(finalizer func(), finishedChan chan struct{}) {
	// explicitly ignore SIGPIPE; the tools should deal with write errors
	noopChan := make(chan os.Signal)
	signal.Notify(noopChan, syscall.SIGPIPE)

	log.Logv(log.DebugLow, "will listen for SIGTERM, SIGINT, and SIGKILL")
	sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 2)
	signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGKILL)
	defer signal.Stop(sigChan)
	if finalizer != nil {
		select {
		case sig := <-sigChan:
			// first signal use finalizer to terminate cleanly
			log.Logvf(log.Always, "signal '%s' received; attempting to shut down", sig)
		case <-finishedChan:
	select {
	case sig := <-sigChan:
		// second signal exits immediately
		log.Logvf(log.Always, "signal '%s' received; forcefully terminating", sig)
	case <-finishedChan:
예제 #6
파일: filepath.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// CreateIntentForCollection builds an intent for the given database and collection name
// along with a path to a .bson collection file. It searches the file's parent directory
// for a matching metadata file.
// This method is not called by CreateIntentsForDB,
// it is only used in the case where --db and --collection flags are set.
func (restore *MongoRestore) CreateIntentForCollection(db string, collection string, dir archive.DirLike) error {
	log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "reading collection %v for database %v from %v",
		collection, db, dir.Path())
	// first make sure the bson file exists and is valid
	_, err := dir.Stat()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if dir.IsDir() {
		return fmt.Errorf("file %v is a directory, not a bson file", dir.Path())

	baseName, fileType := restore.getInfoFromFilename(dir.Name())
	if fileType != BSONFileType {
		return fmt.Errorf("file %v does not have .bson extension", dir.Path())

	// then create its intent
	intent := &intents.Intent{
		DB:       db,
		C:        collection,
		Size:     dir.Size(),
		Location: dir.Path(),
	intent.BSONFile = &realBSONFile{path: dir.Path(), intent: intent, gzip: restore.InputOptions.Gzip}

	// finally, check if it has a .metadata.json file in its folder
	log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "scanning directory %v for metadata", dir.Name())
	entries, err := dir.Parent().ReadDir()
	if err != nil {
		// try and carry on if we can
		log.Logvf(log.Info, "error attempting to locate metadata for file: %v", err)
		log.Logv(log.Info, "restoring collection without metadata")
		return nil
	metadataName := baseName + ".metadata.json"
	if restore.InputOptions.Gzip {
		metadataName += ".gz"
	for _, entry := range entries {
		if entry.Name() == metadataName {
			metadataPath := entry.Path()
			log.Logvf(log.Info, "found metadata for collection at %v", metadataPath)
			intent.MetadataLocation = metadataPath
			intent.MetadataFile = &realMetadataFile{path: metadataPath, intent: intent, gzip: restore.InputOptions.Gzip}

	if intent.MetadataFile == nil {
		log.Logv(log.Info, "restoring collection without metadata")


	return nil
예제 #7
// Run creates and runs a parser with the Demultiplexer as a consumer
func (demux *Demultiplexer) Run() error {
	parser := Parser{In: demux.In}
	err := parser.ReadAllBlocks(demux)
	if len(demux.outs) > 0 {
		log.Logvf(log.Always, "demux finishing when there are still outs (%v)", len(demux.outs))
	log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "demux finishing (err:%v)", err)
	return err
예제 #8
파일: mongostat.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// Report collects the stat info for a single node and sends found hostnames on
// the "discover" channel if checkShards is true.
func (node *NodeMonitor) Poll(discover chan string, checkShards bool) (*status.ServerStatus, error) {
	stat := &status.ServerStatus{}
	log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "getting session on server: %v", node.host)
	s, err := node.sessionProvider.GetSession()
	if err != nil {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "got error getting session to server %v", node.host)
		return nil, err
	log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "got session on server: %v", node.host)

	// The read pref for the session must be set to 'secondary' to enable using
	// the driver with 'direct' connections, which disables the built-in
	// replset discovery mechanism since we do our own node discovery here.
	s.SetMode(mgo.Eventual, true)

	// Disable the socket timeout - otherwise if db.serverStatus() takes a long time on the server
	// side, the client will close the connection early and report an error.
	defer s.Close()

	err = s.DB("admin").Run(bson.D{{"serverStatus", 1}, {"recordStats", 0}}, stat)
	if err != nil {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "got error calling serverStatus against server %v", node.host)
		return nil, err
	statMap := make(map[string]interface{})
	s.DB("admin").Run(bson.D{{"serverStatus", 1}, {"recordStats", 0}}, statMap)
	stat.Flattened = status.Flatten(statMap)

	node.Err = nil
	stat.SampleTime = time.Now()

	if stat.Repl != nil && discover != nil {
		for _, host := range stat.Repl.Hosts {
			discover <- host
		for _, host := range stat.Repl.Passives {
			discover <- host
	node.alias = stat.Host
	stat.Host = node.host
	if discover != nil && stat != nil && status.IsMongos(stat) && checkShards {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "checking config database to discover shards")
		shardCursor := s.DB("config").C("shards").Find(bson.M{}).Iter()
		shard := ConfigShard{}
		for shardCursor.Next(&shard) {
			shardHosts := strings.Split(shard.Host, ",")
			for _, shardHost := range shardHosts {
				discover <- shardHost

	return stat, nil
예제 #9
파일: mongodump.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// dumpQueryToIntent takes an mgo Query, its intent, and a writer, performs the query,
// and writes the raw bson results to the writer. Returns a final count of documents
// dumped, and any errors that occured.
func (dump *MongoDump) dumpQueryToIntent(
	query *mgo.Query, intent *intents.Intent, buffer resettableOutputBuffer) (dumpCount int64, err error) {

	// restore of views from archives require an empty collection as the trigger to create the view
	// so, we open here before the early return if IsView so that we write an empty collection to the archive
	err = intent.BSONFile.Open()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	defer func() {
		closeErr := intent.BSONFile.Close()
		if err == nil && closeErr != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("error writing data for collection `%v` to disk: %v", intent.Namespace(), closeErr)
	// don't dump any data for views being dumped as views
	if intent.IsView() && !dump.OutputOptions.ViewsAsCollections {
		return 0, nil
	var total int
	if len(dump.query) == 0 {
		total, err = query.Count()
		if err != nil {
			return int64(0), fmt.Errorf("error reading from db: %v", err)
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "counted %v %v in %v", total, docPlural(int64(total)), intent.Namespace())
	} else {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "not counting query on %v", intent.Namespace())

	dumpProgressor := progress.NewCounter(int64(total))
	if dump.ProgressManager != nil {
		dump.ProgressManager.Attach(intent.Namespace(), dumpProgressor)
		defer dump.ProgressManager.Detach(intent.Namespace())

	var f io.Writer
	f = intent.BSONFile
	if buffer != nil {
		f = buffer
		defer func() {
			closeErr := buffer.Close()
			if err == nil && closeErr != nil {
				err = fmt.Errorf("error writing data for collection `%v` to disk: %v", intent.Namespace(), closeErr)

	err = dump.dumpIterToWriter(query.Iter(), f, dumpProgressor)
	dumpCount, _ = dumpProgressor.Progress()
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("error writing data for collection `%v` to disk: %v", intent.Namespace(), err)
예제 #10
// HeaderBSON is part of the ParserConsumer interface and receives headers from parser.
// Its main role is to implement opens and EOFs of the embedded stream.
func (demux *Demultiplexer) HeaderBSON(buf []byte) error {
	colHeader := NamespaceHeader{}
	err := bson.Unmarshal(buf, &colHeader)
	if err != nil {
		return newWrappedError("header bson doesn't unmarshal as a collection header", err)
	log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "demux namespaceHeader: %v", colHeader)
	if colHeader.Collection == "" {
		return newError("collection header is missing a Collection")
	demux.currentNamespace = colHeader.Database + "." + colHeader.Collection
	if _, ok := demux.outs[demux.currentNamespace]; !ok {
		if demux.NamespaceChan != nil {
			demux.NamespaceChan <- demux.currentNamespace
			err := <-demux.NamespaceErrorChan
			if err == io.EOF {
				// if the Prioritizer sends us back an io.EOF then it's telling us that
				// it's finishing and doesn't need any more namespace announcements.
				demux.NamespaceChan = nil
				return nil
			if err != nil {
				return newWrappedError("failed arranging a consumer for new namespace", err)
	if colHeader.EOF {
		length := int64(demux.lengths[demux.currentNamespace])
		crcUInt64, ok := demux.outs[demux.currentNamespace].Sum64()
		if ok {
			crc := int64(crcUInt64)
			if crc != colHeader.CRC {
				return fmt.Errorf("CRC mismatch for namespace %v, %v!=%v",
				"demux checksum for namespace %v is correct (%v), %v bytes",
				demux.currentNamespace, crc, length)
		} else {
				"demux checksum for namespace %v was not calculated.",
		delete(demux.outs, demux.currentNamespace)
		delete(demux.lengths, demux.currentNamespace)
		// in case we get a BSONBody with this block,
		// we want to ensure that that causes an error
		demux.currentNamespace = ""
	return nil
예제 #11
파일: common.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// validateReaderFields is a helper to validate fields for input readers
func validateReaderFields(fields []string) error {
	if err := validateFields(fields); err != nil {
		return err
	if len(fields) == 1 {
		log.Logvf(log.Info, "using field: %v", fields[0])
	} else {
		log.Logvf(log.Info, "using fields: %v", strings.Join(fields, ","))
	return nil
예제 #12
파일: mongofiles.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// handle logic for 'put' command.
func (mf *MongoFiles) handlePut(gfs *mgo.GridFS) (output string, err error) {
	localFileName := mf.getLocalFileName(nil)

	// check if --replace flag turned on
	if mf.StorageOptions.Replace {
		err := gfs.Remove(mf.FileName)
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		output = fmt.Sprintf("removed all instances of '%v' from GridFS\n", mf.FileName)

	var localFile io.ReadCloser

	if localFileName == "-" {
		localFile = os.Stdin
	} else {
		localFile, err = os.Open(localFileName)
		if err != nil {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("error while opening local file '%v' : %v\n", localFileName, err)
		defer localFile.Close()
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "creating GridFS file '%v' from local file '%v'", mf.FileName, localFileName)

	gFile, err := gfs.Create(mf.FileName)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("error while creating '%v' in GridFS: %v\n", mf.FileName, err)
	defer func() {
		// GridFS files flush a buffer on Close(), so it's important we
		// capture any errors that occur as this function exits and
		// overwrite the error if earlier writes executed successfully
		if closeErr := gFile.Close(); err == nil && closeErr != nil {
			log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "error occurred while closing GridFS file handler")
			err = fmt.Errorf("error while storing '%v' into GridFS: %v\n", localFileName, closeErr)

	// set optional mime type
	if mf.StorageOptions.ContentType != "" {

	n, err := io.Copy(gFile, localFile)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("error while storing '%v' into GridFS: %v\n", localFileName, err)
	log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "copied %v bytes to server", n)

	output += fmt.Sprintf("added file: %v\n", gFile.Name())
	return output, nil
예제 #13
파일: json.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// Convert implements the Converter interface for JSON input. It converts a
// JSONConverter struct to a BSON document.
func (c JSONConverter) Convert() (bson.D, error) {
	document, err := json.UnmarshalBsonD(c.data)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling bytes on document #%v: %v", c.index, err)
	log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "got line: %v", document)

	bsonD, err := bsonutil.GetExtendedBsonD(document)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting extended BSON for document #%v: %v", c.index, err)
	log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "got extended line: %#v", bsonD)
	return bsonD, nil
예제 #14
func (dump *MongoDump) createIntentFromOptions(dbName string, ci *collectionInfo) error {
	if dump.shouldSkipCollection(ci.Name) {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "skipping dump of %v.%v, it is excluded", dbName, ci.Name)
		return nil
	intent, err := dump.NewIntent(dbName, ci.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	intent.Options = ci.Options
	log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "enqueued collection '%v'", intent.Namespace())
	return nil
예제 #15
파일: mongodump.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// DumpIntents iterates through the previously-created intents and
// dumps all of the found collections.
func (dump *MongoDump) DumpIntents() error {
	resultChan := make(chan error)

	jobs := dump.OutputOptions.NumParallelCollections
	if numIntents := len(dump.manager.Intents()); jobs > numIntents {
		jobs = numIntents

	if jobs > 1 {
	} else {

	log.Logvf(log.Info, "dumping up to %v collections in parallel", jobs)

	// start a goroutine for each job thread
	for i := 0; i < jobs; i++ {
		go func(id int) {
			buffer := dump.getResettableOutputBuffer()
			log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "starting dump routine with id=%v", id)
			for {
				intent := dump.manager.Pop()
				if intent == nil {
					log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "ending dump routine with id=%v, no more work to do", id)
					resultChan <- nil
				if intent.BSONFile != nil {
					err := dump.DumpIntent(intent, buffer)
					if err != nil {
						resultChan <- err

	// wait until all goroutines are done or one of them errors out
	for i := 0; i < jobs; i++ {
		if err := <-resultChan; err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
예제 #16
// checkOplogTimestampExists checks to make sure the oplog hasn't rolled over
// since mongodump started. It does this by checking the oldest oplog entry
// still in the database and making sure it happened at or before the timestamp
// captured at the start of the dump.
func (dump *MongoDump) checkOplogTimestampExists(ts bson.MongoTimestamp) (bool, error) {
	oldestOplogEntry := db.Oplog{}
	err := dump.sessionProvider.FindOne("local", dump.oplogCollection, 0, nil, []string{"+$natural"}, &oldestOplogEntry, 0)
	if err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to read entry from oplog: %v", err)

	log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "oldest oplog entry has timestamp %v", oldestOplogEntry.Timestamp)
	if oldestOplogEntry.Timestamp > ts {
		log.Logvf(log.Info, "oldest oplog entry of timestamp %v is older than %v",
			oldestOplogEntry.Timestamp, ts)
		return false, nil
	return true, nil
예제 #17
파일: mongotop.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// Run executes the mongotop program.
func (mt *MongoTop) Run() error {

	connURL := mt.Options.Host
	if connURL == "" {
		connURL = ""
	if mt.Options.Port != "" {
		connURL = connURL + ":" + mt.Options.Port

	hasData := false
	numPrinted := 0

	for {
		if mt.OutputOptions.RowCount > 0 && numPrinted > mt.OutputOptions.RowCount {
			return nil
		diff, err := mt.runDiff()
		if err != nil {
			// If this is the first time trying to poll the server and it fails,
			// just stop now instead of trying over and over.
			if !hasData {
				return err

			log.Logvf(log.Always, "Error: %v\n", err)

		// if this is the first time and the connection is successful, print
		// the connection message
		if !hasData && !mt.OutputOptions.Json {
			log.Logvf(log.Always, "connected to: %v\n", connURL)

		hasData = true

		if diff != nil {
			if mt.OutputOptions.Json {
			} else {
예제 #18
파일: mongostat.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// AddNewNode adds a new host name to be monitored and spawns the necessary
// goroutine to collect data from it.
func (mstat *MongoStat) AddNewNode(fullhost string) error {
	defer mstat.nodesLock.Unlock()

	// Remove the 'shardXX/' prefix from the hostname, if applicable
	pieces := strings.Split(fullhost, "/")
	fullhost = pieces[len(pieces)-1]

	if _, hasKey := mstat.Nodes[fullhost]; hasKey {
		return nil
	for _, node := range mstat.Nodes {
		if node.alias == fullhost {
			return nil
	log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "adding new host to monitoring: %v", fullhost)
	// Create a new node monitor for this host
	node, err := NewNodeMonitor(*mstat.Options, fullhost)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	mstat.Nodes[fullhost] = node
	go node.Watch(mstat.SleepInterval, mstat.Discovered, mstat.Cluster)
	return nil
예제 #19
파일: namespaces.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
func GetCollections(database *mgo.Database, name string) (*mgo.Iter, bool, error) {
	var cmdResult struct {
		Cursor struct {
			FirstBatch []bson.Raw `bson:"firstBatch"`
			NS         string
			Id         int64

	command := bson.D{{"listCollections", 1}, {"cursor", bson.M{}}}
	if len(name) > 0 {
		command = bson.D{{"listCollections", 1}, {"filter", bson.M{"name": name}}, {"cursor", bson.M{}}}

	err := database.Run(command, &cmdResult)
	switch {
	case err == nil:
		ns := strings.SplitN(cmdResult.Cursor.NS, ".", 2)
		if len(ns) < 2 {
			return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("server returned invalid cursor.ns `%v` on listCollections for `%v`: %v",
				cmdResult.Cursor.NS, database.Name, err)

		return database.Session.DB(ns[0]).C(ns[1]).NewIter(database.Session, cmdResult.Cursor.FirstBatch, cmdResult.Cursor.Id, nil), false, nil
	case IsNoCmd(err):
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "No support for listCollections command, falling back to querying system.namespaces")
		iter, err := getCollectionsPre28(database, name)
		return iter, true, err
		return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("error running `listCollections`. Database: `%v` Err: %v",
			database.Name, err)
예제 #20
// JSON iterates through the BSON file and for each document it finds,
// recursively descends into objects and arrays and prints the human readable
// JSON representation.
// It returns the number of documents processed and a non-nil error if one is
// encountered before the end of the file is reached.
func (bd *BSONDump) JSON() (int, error) {
	numFound := 0

	if bd.BSONSource == nil {
		panic("Tried to call JSON() before opening file")

	decodedStream := db.NewDecodedBSONSource(bd.BSONSource)

	var result bson.Raw
	for decodedStream.Next(&result) {
		if err := printJSON(&result, bd.Out, bd.BSONDumpOptions.Pretty); err != nil {
			log.Logvf(log.Always, "unable to dump document %v: %v", numFound+1, err)

			//if objcheck is turned on, stop now. otherwise keep on dumpin'
			if bd.BSONDumpOptions.ObjCheck {
				return numFound, err
		} else {
			_, err := bd.Out.Write([]byte("\n"))
			if err != nil {
				return numFound, err
	if err := decodedStream.Err(); err != nil {
		return numFound, err
	return numFound, nil
예제 #21
파일: namespaces.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// GetIndexes returns an iterator to thethe raw index info for a collection by
// using the listIndexes command if available, or by falling back to querying
// against system.indexes (pre-3.0 systems). nil is returned if the collection
// does not exist.
func GetIndexes(coll *mgo.Collection) (*mgo.Iter, error) {
	var cmdResult struct {
		Cursor struct {
			FirstBatch []bson.Raw `bson:"firstBatch"`
			NS         string
			Id         int64

	err := coll.Database.Run(bson.D{{"listIndexes", coll.Name}, {"cursor", bson.M{}}}, &cmdResult)
	switch {
	case err == nil:
		ns := strings.SplitN(cmdResult.Cursor.NS, ".", 2)
		if len(ns) < 2 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("server returned invalid cursor.ns `%v` on listIndexes for `%v`: %v",
				cmdResult.Cursor.NS, coll.FullName, err)

		ses := coll.Database.Session
		return ses.DB(ns[0]).C(ns[1]).NewIter(ses, cmdResult.Cursor.FirstBatch, cmdResult.Cursor.Id, nil), nil
	case IsNoCmd(err):
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "No support for listIndexes command, falling back to querying system.indexes")
		return getIndexesPre28(coll)
	case IsNoCollection(err):
		return nil, nil
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error running `listIndexes`. Collection: `%v` Err: %v", coll.FullName, err)
예제 #22
// Init performs preliminary setup operations for MongoDump.
func (dump *MongoDump) Init() error {
	err := dump.ValidateOptions()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("bad option: %v", err)
	if dump.stdout == nil {
		dump.stdout = os.Stdout
	dump.sessionProvider, err = db.NewSessionProvider(*dump.ToolOptions)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("can't create session: %v", err)

	// temporarily allow secondary reads for the isMongos check
	dump.isMongos, err = dump.sessionProvider.IsMongos()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if dump.isMongos && dump.OutputOptions.Oplog {
		return fmt.Errorf("can't use --oplog option when dumping from a mongos")

	var mode mgo.Mode
	if dump.ToolOptions.ReplicaSetName != "" || dump.isMongos {
		mode = mgo.Primary
	} else {
		mode = mgo.Nearest
	var tags bson.D

	if dump.InputOptions.ReadPreference != "" {
		mode, tags, err = db.ParseReadPreference(dump.InputOptions.ReadPreference)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error parsing --readPreference : %v", err)
		if len(tags) > 0 {

	// warn if we are trying to dump from a secondary in a sharded cluster
	if dump.isMongos && mode != mgo.Primary {
		log.Logvf(log.Always, db.WarningNonPrimaryMongosConnection)


	// return a helpful error message for mongos --repair
	if dump.OutputOptions.Repair && dump.isMongos {
		return fmt.Errorf("--repair flag cannot be used on a mongos")

	dump.manager = intents.NewIntentManager()
	return nil
예제 #23
파일: mongostat.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// Watch continuously collects and processes stats for a single node on a
// regular interval. At each interval, it triggers the node's Poll function
// with the 'discover' channel.
func (node *NodeMonitor) Watch(sleep time.Duration, discover chan string, cluster ClusterMonitor) {
	var cycle uint64
	for ticker := time.Tick(sleep); ; <-ticker {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "polling server: %v", node.host)
		stat, err := node.Poll(discover, cycle%10 == 0)

		if stat != nil {
			log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "successfully got statline from host: %v", node.host)
		var nodeError *status.NodeError
		if err != nil {
			nodeError = status.NewNodeError(node.host, err)
		cluster.Update(stat, nodeError)
예제 #24
파일: common.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// tokensToBSON reads in slice of records - along with ordered column names -
// and returns a BSON document for the record.
func tokensToBSON(colSpecs []ColumnSpec, tokens []string, numProcessed uint64, ignoreBlanks bool) (bson.D, error) {
	log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "got line: %v", tokens)
	var parsedValue interface{}
	document := bson.D{}
	for index, token := range tokens {
		if token == "" && ignoreBlanks {
		if index < len(colSpecs) {
			parsedValue, err := colSpecs[index].Parser.Parse(token)
			if err != nil {
				log.Logvf(log.DebugHigh, "parse failure in document #%d for column '%s',"+
					"could not parse token '%s' to type %s",
					numProcessed, colSpecs[index].Name, token, colSpecs[index].TypeName)
				switch colSpecs[index].ParseGrace {
				case pgAutoCast:
					parsedValue = autoParse(token)
				case pgSkipField:
				case pgSkipRow:
					log.Logvf(log.Always, "skipping row #%d: %v", numProcessed, tokens)
					return nil, coercionError{}
				case pgStop:
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("type coercion failure in document #%d for column '%s', "+
						"could not parse token '%s' to type %s",
						numProcessed, colSpecs[index].Name, token, colSpecs[index].TypeName)
			if strings.Index(colSpecs[index].Name, ".") != -1 {
				setNestedValue(colSpecs[index].Name, parsedValue, &document)
			} else {
				document = append(document, bson.DocElem{Name: colSpecs[index].Name, Value: parsedValue})
		} else {
			parsedValue = autoParse(token)
			key := "field" + strconv.Itoa(index)
			if util.StringSliceContains(ColumnNames(colSpecs), key) {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate field name - on %v - for token #%v ('%v') in document #%v",
					key, index+1, parsedValue, numProcessed)
			document = append(document, bson.DocElem{Name: key, Value: parsedValue})
	return document, nil
예제 #25
파일: metadata.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// GetDumpAuthVersion reads the admin.system.version collection in the dump directory
// to determine the authentication version of the files in the dump. If that collection is not
// present in the dump, we try to infer the authentication version based on its absence.
// Returns the authentication version number and any errors that occur.
func (restore *MongoRestore) GetDumpAuthVersion() (int, error) {
	// first handle the case where we have no auth version
	intent := restore.manager.AuthVersion()
	if intent == nil {
		if restore.InputOptions.RestoreDBUsersAndRoles {
			// If we are using --restoreDbUsersAndRoles, we cannot guarantee an
			// $admin.system.version collection from a 2.6 server,
			// so we can assume up to version 3.
			log.Logvf(log.Always, "no system.version bson file found in '%v' database dump", restore.NSOptions.DB)
			log.Logv(log.Always, "warning: assuming users and roles collections are of auth version 3")
			log.Logv(log.Always, "if users are from an earlier version of MongoDB, they may not restore properly")
			return 3, nil
		log.Logv(log.Info, "no system.version bson file found in dump")
		log.Logv(log.Always, "assuming users in the dump directory are from <= 2.4 (auth version 1)")
		return 1, nil

	err := intent.BSONFile.Open()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	defer intent.BSONFile.Close()
	bsonSource := db.NewDecodedBSONSource(db.NewBSONSource(intent.BSONFile))
	defer bsonSource.Close()

	versionDoc := bson.M{}
	for bsonSource.Next(&versionDoc) {
		id, ok := versionDoc["_id"].(string)
		if ok && id == "authSchema" {
			authVersion, ok := versionDoc["currentVersion"].(int)
			if ok {
				return authVersion, nil
			return 0, fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal system.version curentVersion as an int")
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "system.version document is not an authSchema %v", versionDoc["_id"])
	err = bsonSource.Err()
	if err != nil {
		log.Logvf(log.Info, "can't unmarshal system.version document: %v", err)
	return 0, fmt.Errorf("system.version bson file does not have authSchema document")
예제 #26
// getSourceReader returns an io.Reader to read from the input source. Also
// returns a progress.Progressor which can be used to track progress if the
// reader supports it.
func (imp *MongoImport) getSourceReader() (io.ReadCloser, int64, error) {
	if imp.InputOptions.File != "" {
		file, err := os.Open(util.ToUniversalPath(imp.InputOptions.File))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, -1, err
		fileStat, err := file.Stat()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, -1, err
		log.Logvf(log.Info, "filesize: %v bytes", fileStat.Size())
		return file, int64(fileStat.Size()), err

	log.Logvf(log.Info, "reading from stdin")

	// Stdin has undefined max size, so return 0
	return os.Stdin, 0, nil
예제 #27
파일: prelude.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// AddMetadata adds a metadata data structure to a prelude and does the required bookkeeping.
func (prelude *Prelude) AddMetadata(cm *CollectionMetadata) {
	prelude.NamespaceMetadatas = append(prelude.NamespaceMetadatas, cm)
	if prelude.NamespaceMetadatasByDB == nil {
		prelude.NamespaceMetadatasByDB = make(map[string][]*CollectionMetadata)
	_, ok := prelude.NamespaceMetadatasByDB[cm.Database]
	if !ok {
		prelude.DBS = append(prelude.DBS, cm.Database)
	prelude.NamespaceMetadatasByDB[cm.Database] = append(prelude.NamespaceMetadatasByDB[cm.Database], cm)
	log.Logvf(log.Info, "archive prelude %v.%v", cm.Database, cm.Collection)
예제 #28
파일: metadata.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// CreateIndexes takes in an intent and an array of index documents and
// attempts to create them using the createIndexes command. If that command
// fails, we fall back to individual index creation.
func (restore *MongoRestore) CreateIndexes(intent *intents.Intent, indexes []IndexDocument) error {
	// first, sanitize the indexes
	for _, index := range indexes {
		// update the namespace of the index before inserting
		index.Options["ns"] = intent.Namespace()

		// check for length violations before building the command
		fullIndexName := fmt.Sprintf("%v.$%v", index.Options["ns"], index.Options["name"])
		if len(fullIndexName) > 127 {
			return fmt.Errorf(
				"cannot restore index with namespace '%v': "+
					"namespace is too long (max size is 127 bytes)", fullIndexName)

		// remove the index version, forcing an update,
		// unless we specifically want to keep it
		if !restore.OutputOptions.KeepIndexVersion {
			delete(index.Options, "v")

	session, err := restore.SessionProvider.GetSession()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error establishing connection: %v", err)
	defer session.Close()

	// then attempt the createIndexes command
	rawCommand := bson.D{
		{"createIndexes", intent.C},
		{"indexes", indexes},
	results := bson.M{}
	err = session.DB(intent.DB).Run(rawCommand, &results)
	if err == nil {
		return nil
	if err.Error() != "no such cmd: createIndexes" {
		return fmt.Errorf("createIndex error: %v", err)

	// if we're here, the connected server does not support the command, so we fall back
	log.Logv(log.Info, "\tcreateIndexes command not supported, attemping legacy index insertion")
	for _, idx := range indexes {
		log.Logvf(log.Info, "\tmanually creating index %v", idx.Options["name"])
		err = restore.LegacyInsertIndex(intent, idx)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error creating index %v: %v", idx.Options["name"], err)
	return nil
예제 #29
파일: filepath.go 프로젝트: Machyne/mongo
// CreateStdinIntentForCollection builds an intent for the given database and collection name
// that is to be read from standard input
func (restore *MongoRestore) CreateStdinIntentForCollection(db string, collection string) error {
	log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "reading collection %v for database %v from standard input",
		collection, db)
	intent := &intents.Intent{
		DB:       db,
		C:        collection,
		Location: "-",
	intent.BSONFile = &stdinFile{Reader: restore.stdin}
	return nil
예제 #30
// runInsertionWorker is a helper to InsertDocuments - it reads document off
// the read channel and prepares then in batches for insertion into the databas
func (imp *MongoImport) runInsertionWorker(readDocs chan bson.D) (err error) {
	session, err := imp.SessionProvider.GetSession()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error connecting to mongod: %v", err)
	defer session.Close()
	if err = imp.configureSession(session); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error configuring session: %v", err)
	collection := session.DB(imp.ToolOptions.DB).C(imp.ToolOptions.Collection)

	var inserter flushInserter
	if imp.IngestOptions.Mode == modeInsert {
		inserter = db.NewBufferedBulkInserter(collection, imp.IngestOptions.BulkBufferSize, !imp.IngestOptions.StopOnError)
		if !imp.IngestOptions.MaintainInsertionOrder {
	} else {
		inserter = imp.newUpserter(collection)

	for {
		select {
		case document, alive := <-readDocs:
			if !alive {
				break readLoop
			err = filterIngestError(imp.IngestOptions.StopOnError, inserter.Insert(document))
			if err != nil {
				return err
			atomic.AddUint64(&imp.insertionCount, 1)
		case <-imp.Dying():
			return nil

	err = inserter.Flush()
	// TOOLS-349 correct import count for bulk operations
	if bulkError, ok := err.(*mgo.BulkError); ok {
		failedDocs := make(map[int]bool) // index of failures
		for _, failure := range bulkError.Cases() {
			failedDocs[failure.Index] = true
		numFailures := len(failedDocs)
		if numFailures > 0 {
			log.Logvf(log.Always, "num failures: %d", numFailures)
			atomic.AddUint64(&imp.insertionCount, ^uint64(numFailures-1))
	return filterIngestError(imp.IngestOptions.StopOnError, err)