func TestParamsDeserializeWithMissingParams(t *testing.T) { p := necessaryParams() _, err := parseHandleFromParams(p) gt.AssertNil(t, err) p.Del("hStamp") _, err = parseHandleFromParams(p) gt.AssertNotNil(t, err) p = necessaryParams() p.Del("h1") _, err = parseHandleFromParams(p) gt.AssertNotNil(t, err) p = necessaryParams() p.Del("h2") _, err = parseHandleFromParams(p) gt.AssertNotNil(t, err) p = necessaryParams() p.Del("h3") _, err = parseHandleFromParams(p) gt.AssertNotNil(t, err) }
func TestAsyncTaskCreation(t *testing.T) { q := &MockTaskQueue{} cfg := &Environment{taskQueue: q} s := "lllat=1.0&lllng=2.0&urlat%3d3.0&urlng=4.0&start=5&end=6" u := "" + url.QueryEscape(s) res := execute(t, u, AsyncDrawMapHandler, cfg) gt.AssertEqualM(t, http.StatusFound, res.StatusCode, "Should redirect. Body: "+res.Body) // TODO(mrjones): verify URL better. // gt.AssertEqualM(t, "/display/100-1-2-3.png", res.Headers.Get("Location"), // "Should redirect to specified URL") gt.AssertEqualM(t, "/drawmap_worker", q.lastUrl, "Should enqueue a drawmap worker") rawS := q.lastParams.Get("state") rawS, err := url.QueryUnescape(rawS) gt.AssertNil(t, err) parsedS, err := url.ParseQuery(rawS) gt.AssertEqualM(t, "1.0000000000000000", parsedS.Get("lllat"), "token") gt.AssertEqualM(t, "2.0000000000000000", parsedS.Get("lllng"), "token") gt.AssertEqualM(t, "3.0000000000000000", parsedS.Get("urlat"), "token") gt.AssertEqualM(t, "4.0000000000000000", parsedS.Get("urlng"), "token") gt.AssertEqualM(t, "5", parsedS.Get("start"), "token") gt.AssertEqualM(t, "6", parsedS.Get("end"), "token") gt.AssertEqualM(t, "vercode", q.lastParams.Get("verification_code"), "code") // gt.AssertEqualM(t, "abc", q.lastParams.Get("access_token"), "token") // gt.AssertEqualM(t, "def", q.lastParams.Get("refresh_token"), "token") }
func setUpFakeBlobStore(t *testing.T) (string, BlobStore) { dir := randomDirectoryName() err := os.Mkdir(dir, 0755) gt.AssertNil(t, err) blobStore := NewLocalFSBlobStore(dir) return dir, blobStore }
func TestSuccessfulUrlSerializesAndDeserialize(t *testing.T) { h := simpleHandle() url := serializeHandleToUrl(h, "suffix", "page") h2, err := parseHandleFromUrl(url) gt.AssertNil(t, err) gt.AssertEqualM(t, h, h2, "Expected serialize/deserialize to return the same result.") }
func TestSuccessfulParamsSerializeAndDeserialize(t *testing.T) { h := simpleHandle() var p = make(url.Values) serializeHandleToParams(h, &p) h2, err := parseHandleFromParams(&p) gt.AssertNil(t, err) gt.AssertEqualM(t, h, h2, "Should be equal") }
func TestSquareBox(t *testing.T) { box, err := NewBoundingBox( Coordinate{Lat: 0, Lng: 0}, Coordinate{Lat: 10, Lng: 10}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) w, h := imgSize(box, 500) gt.AssertEqualM(t, 500, w, "Width should be maxed for a square box") gt.AssertEqualM(t, 500, h, "Height should be maxed for a square box") }
func TestTallBox(t *testing.T) { box, err := NewBoundingBox( Coordinate{Lat: 0, Lng: 0}, Coordinate{Lat: 10, Lng: 5}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) w, h := imgSize(box, 500) gt.AssertEqualM(t, 250, w, "Width should be narrow for a tall box") gt.AssertEqualM(t, 500, h, "Height should be maxed for a tall box") }
func TestContainsAround0Latitude(t *testing.T) { b, err := NewBoundingBox( Coordinate{Lat: -1.0, Lng: 1.0}, Coordinate{Lat: 1.0, Lng: 2.0}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) gt.AssertTrueM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 0, Lng: 1.5}), "In Box") gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: -1.5, Lng: 1.5}), "East") gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 2.5, Lng: 1.5}), "West") }
func TestContainsBoundaries(t *testing.T) { b, err := NewBoundingBox( Coordinate{Lat: -1.0, Lng: -1.0}, Coordinate{Lat: 1.0, Lng: 1.0}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: -1, Lng: 0}), "South") gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 1, Lng: 0}), "North") gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 0, Lng: -1}), "East") gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 0, Lng: 1}), "West") }
func TestContainsAround180Longitude(t *testing.T) { b, err := NewBoundingBox( Coordinate{Lat: 1.0, Lng: 179.0}, Coordinate{Lat: 2.0, Lng: -179.0}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) gt.AssertTrueM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 1.5, Lng: -179.9}), "In Box (E)") gt.AssertTrueM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 1.5, Lng: 179.9}), "In Box (W)") gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 1.5, Lng: 178}), "East") gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 1.5, Lng: -178}), "West") }
func TestContainsSE(t *testing.T) { b, err := NewBoundingBox( Coordinate{Lat: 1.0, Lng: -2.0}, Coordinate{Lat: 2.0, Lng: -1.0}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) gt.AssertTrueM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 1.5, Lng: -1.5}), "In Box") gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 0.5, Lng: -1.5}), "East") gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 2.5, Lng: -1.5}), "West") gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 1.5, Lng: -2.5}), "South") gt.AssertFalseM(t, b.Contains(&Coordinate{Lat: 1.5, Lng: -0.5}), "North") }
func execute(t *testing.T, url string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request), env *Environment) *FakeResponse { UseEnvironmentFactory(NewStaticEnvironmentFactory(env)) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) gt.AssertNil(t, err) res := NewFakeResponse() handler(res, req) return res }
func TestWidthAround180(t *testing.T) { b, err := NewBoundingBox( Coordinate{Lat: 1.0, Lng: 179.0}, Coordinate{Lat: 10.0, Lng: -179.0}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) if b.Width() != 2.0 { t.Fatalf("Wrong width: Expected 2.0, Actual: %f", b.Width()) } wf := b.WidthFraction(&Coordinate{Lat: 1.0, Lng: 179.5}) if wf != 0.25 { t.Fatalf("Wrong width fraction: Expected .25, Actual: %f", wf) } wf = b.WidthFraction(&Coordinate{Lat: 1.0, Lng: -179.5}) if wf != 0.75 { t.Fatalf("Wrong width fraction: Expected .75, Actual: %f", wf) } }
func TestObjectReady(t *testing.T) { dir, blobStore := setUpFakeBlobStore(t) defer os.RemoveAll(dir) cfg := NewEnvironment(blobStore, nil, nil, nil) res1 := execute(t, "", IsReadyHandler, cfg) gt.AssertEqualM(t, http.StatusOK, res1.StatusCode, "Request should have succeeded") gt.AssertEqualM(t, "fail", res1.Body, "Should not have found the object") h := &Handle{n1: 1, n2: 2, n3: 3, timestamp: 100} err := blobStore.Store(h, &Blob{}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) res2 := execute(t, "", IsReadyHandler, cfg) gt.AssertEqualM(t, http.StatusOK, res2.StatusCode, "Request should have succeeded") gt.AssertEqualM(t, "ok", res2.Body, "Should have found the object this time.") }
func TestBwPngVisualizerNotSquare(t *testing.T) { bounds, err := NewBoundingBox( Coordinate{Lat: 0, Lng: 0}, Coordinate{Lat: 3, Lng: 5}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) h := make(History, 0) h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: .5, Lng: .5}) h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: 1.5, Lng: 1.5}) h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: 2.5, Lng: 2.5}) h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: 1.5, Lng: 3.5}) h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: .5, Lng: 4.5}) visualizer := &BwPngVisualizer{} img := visualizer.makeImage(&h, bounds, 5, 3) assertImage(t, [][]color.Color{ []color.Color{W, W, B, W, W}, []color.Color{W, B, W, B, W}, []color.Color{B, W, W, W, B}}, img) }
func TestBwPngVisualizerSmushed(t *testing.T) { bounds, err := NewBoundingBox( Coordinate{Lat: 0, Lng: 0}, Coordinate{Lat: 50, Lng: 50}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) h := make(History, 0) // Lots of points, but they're all in the lower left. h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: 1, Lng: 1}) h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: 2, Lng: 2}) h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: 3, Lng: 3}) h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: 4, Lng: 4}) h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: 5, Lng: 5}) visualizer := &BwPngVisualizer{} img := visualizer.makeImage(&h, bounds, 2, 2) assertImage(t, [][]color.Color{ []color.Color{W, W}, []color.Color{B, W}}, img) }
func TestBwPngVisualizer2By2(t *testing.T) { bounds, err := NewBoundingBox( Coordinate{Lat: 0, Lng: 0}, Coordinate{Lat: 2, Lng: 2}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) h := make(History, 0) h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: .5, Lng: .5}) visualizer := &BwPngVisualizer{} img := visualizer.makeImage(&h, bounds, 2, 2) assertImage(t, [][]color.Color{ []color.Color{W, W}, []color.Color{B, W}}, img) h = append(h, &Coordinate{Lat: 1.5, Lng: 1.5}) img = visualizer.makeImage(&h, bounds, 2, 2) assertImage(t, [][]color.Color{ []color.Color{W, B}, []color.Color{B, W}}, img) }
func TestNormalWidth(t *testing.T) { b, err := NewBoundingBox( Coordinate{Lat: 1.0, Lng: 1.0}, Coordinate{Lat: 10.0, Lng: 2.0}) gt.AssertNil(t, err) if b.Width() != 1.0 { t.Fatal("Wrong width: Expected 1.0, Actual: %f", b.Width()) } wf := b.WidthFraction(&Coordinate{Lat: 1.0, Lng: 1.5}) if wf != 0.5 { t.Fatal("Wrong width fraction: Expected .5, Actual: %f", wf) } wf = b.WidthFraction(&Coordinate{Lat: 1.0, Lng: 1.25}) if wf != 0.25 { t.Fatal("Wrong width fraction: Expected .25, Actual: %f", wf) } if b.Height() != 9.0 { t.Fatal("Wrong height: Expected 9.0, Actual: %f", b.Height()) } }