Long: `checkhronization of pulp nodes in a given stage Filters can be set on Fqdns and tags.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if len(args) != 1 { ErrorExitWithUsage(cmd, "check needs a name for the stage") } // check for flags if len(pFqdns) == 0 && len(pTags) == 0 { pAllNode = true } currentStage := stageTree.GetStageByName(args[0]) var stage *models.Stage if pAllNode { stage = currentStage } else { stage = currentStage.Filter(pFqdns, pTags) } if pAllRepositories { stage.CheckAll() } else { stage.Check(pRepositories) } if stage.HasError() { RenderErrorSummary(stage)
if len(pFqdns) == 0 && len(pTags) == 0 && !pAllNode { fmt.Printf("\nWARNING: This will sync the complete tree for the '%v' stage!\n", args[0]) currentStage.Show() fmt.Println("") fmt.Printf("you can get rid of this warning by setting the --all flag\n") fmt.Printf("Are you sure you want to continue? (yes/no)\n") userConfirm := askForConfirmation() if !userConfirm { ErrorExit("sync canceled !") } else { pAllNode = true } } var stage *models.Stage if pAllNode { stage = currentStage } else { stage = currentStage.Filter(pFqdns, pTags) } // Create a progress channel progressChannel := make(chan models.SyncProgress) var renderWg sync.WaitGroup renderWg.Add(1) switch { case pSilent: