예제 #1
파일: buffer.go 프로젝트: jsampaio/3
// Returns a GPU slice for temporary use. To be returned to the pool with Recycle
func Buffer(nComp int, size [3]int) *data.Slice {
	if Synchronous {

	ptrs := make([]unsafe.Pointer, nComp)

	// re-use as many buffers as possible form our stack
	N := prod(size)
	pool := buf_pool[N]
	nFromPool := iMin(nComp, len(pool))
	for i := 0; i < nFromPool; i++ {
		ptrs[i] = pool[len(pool)-i-1]
	buf_pool[N] = pool[:len(pool)-nFromPool]

	// allocate as much new memory as needed
	for i := nFromPool; i < nComp; i++ {
		if len(buf_check) >= buf_max {
			log.Panic("too many buffers in use, possible memory leak")
		ptrs[i] = MemAlloc(int64(cu.SIZEOF_FLOAT32 * N))
		buf_check[ptrs[i]] = struct{}{} // mark this pointer as mine

	return data.SliceFromPtrs(size, data.GPUMemory, ptrs)
예제 #2
파일: reduce_test.go 프로젝트: callistoaz/3
func sliceFromList(arr [][]float32, size [3]int) *data.Slice {
	ptrs := make([]unsafe.Pointer, len(arr))
	for i := range ptrs {
		util.Argument(len(arr[i]) == prod(size))
		ptrs[i] = unsafe.Pointer(&arr[i][0])
	return data.SliceFromPtrs(size, data.CPUMemory, ptrs)
예제 #3
파일: slice.go 프로젝트: kyeongdong/3
func newSlice(nComp int, size [3]int, alloc func(int64) unsafe.Pointer, memType int8) *data.Slice {
	data.EnableGPU(memFree, cu.MemFreeHost, MemCpy, MemCpyDtoH, MemCpyHtoD)
	length := prod(size)
	bytes := int64(length) * cu.SIZEOF_FLOAT32
	ptrs := make([]unsafe.Pointer, nComp)
	for c := range ptrs {
		ptrs[c] = unsafe.Pointer(alloc(bytes))
		cu.MemsetD32(cu.DevicePtr(uintptr(ptrs[c])), 0, int64(length))
	return data.SliceFromPtrs(size, memType, ptrs)
예제 #4
파일: conv_mfm.go 프로젝트: jmptrader/3
func (c *MFMConvolution) init() {
	// init FFT plans
	padded := c.kernSize
	c.fwPlan = newFFT3DR2C(padded[X], padded[Y], padded[Z])
	c.bwPlan = newFFT3DC2R(padded[X], padded[Y], padded[Z])

	// init device buffers
	nc := fftR2COutputSizeFloats(c.kernSize)
	c.fftCBuf = NewSlice(1, nc)
	c.fftRBuf = data.SliceFromPtrs(c.kernSize, data.GPUMemory, []unsafe.Pointer{c.fftCBuf.DevPtr(0)})

	c.gpuFFTKern[X] = NewSlice(1, nc)
	c.gpuFFTKern[Y] = NewSlice(1, nc)
	c.gpuFFTKern[Z] = NewSlice(1, nc)

예제 #5
파일: conv_demag.go 프로젝트: markhyq/3
func (c *DemagConvolution) init(realKern [3][3]*data.Slice) {
	// init device buffers
	// 2D re-uses fftBuf[X] as fftBuf[Z], 3D needs all 3 fftBufs.
	nc := fftR2COutputSizeFloats(c.realKernSize)
	c.fftCBuf[X] = NewSlice(1, nc)
	c.fftCBuf[Y] = NewSlice(1, nc)
	if c.is2D() {
		c.fftCBuf[Z] = c.fftCBuf[X]
	} else {
		c.fftCBuf[Z] = NewSlice(1, nc)
	// Real buffer shares storage with Complex buffer
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		c.fftRBuf[i] = data.SliceFromPtrs(c.realKernSize, data.GPUMemory, []unsafe.Pointer{c.fftCBuf[i].DevPtr(0)})

	// init FFT plans
	c.fwPlan = newFFT3DR2C(c.realKernSize[X], c.realKernSize[Y], c.realKernSize[Z])
	c.bwPlan = newFFT3DC2R(c.realKernSize[X], c.realKernSize[Y], c.realKernSize[Z])

	// init FFT kernel

	// logic size of FFT(kernel): store real parts only
	c.fftKernLogicSize = fftR2COutputSizeFloats(c.realKernSize)
	util.Assert(c.fftKernLogicSize[X]%2 == 0)
	c.fftKernLogicSize[X] /= 2

	// physical size of FFT(kernel): store only non-redundant part exploiting Y, Z mirror symmetry
	// X mirror symmetry already exploited: FFT(kernel) is purely real.
	physKSize := [3]int{c.fftKernLogicSize[X], c.fftKernLogicSize[Y]/2 + 1, c.fftKernLogicSize[Z]/2 + 1}

	output := c.fftCBuf[0]
	input := c.fftRBuf[0]
	fftKern := data.NewSlice(1, physKSize)
	kfull := data.NewSlice(1, output.Size()) // not yet exploiting symmetry
	kfulls := kfull.Scalars()
	kCSize := physKSize
	kCSize[X] *= 2                     // size of kernel after removing Y,Z redundant parts, but still complex
	kCmplx := data.NewSlice(1, kCSize) // not yet exploiting X symmetry
	kc := kCmplx.Scalars()

	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		for j := i; j < 3; j++ { // upper triangular part
			if realKern[i][j] != nil { // ignore 0's
				// FW FFT
				data.Copy(input, realKern[i][j])
				c.fwPlan.ExecAsync(input, output)
				data.Copy(kfull, output)

				// extract non-redundant part (Y,Z symmetry)
				for iz := 0; iz < kCSize[Z]; iz++ {
					for iy := 0; iy < kCSize[Y]; iy++ {
						for ix := 0; ix < kCSize[X]; ix++ {
							kc[iz][iy][ix] = kfulls[iz][iy][ix]

				// extract real parts (X symmetry)
				scaleRealParts(fftKern, kCmplx, 1/float32(c.fwPlan.InputLen()))
				c.kern[i][j] = GPUCopy(fftKern)