func (l *Location) Save(ctx context.Context, req *api.Request, rsp *api.Response) error { var latlon map[string]float64 err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(extractValue(req.Post["location"])), &latlon) if err != nil { return errors.BadRequest(server.Config().Name()+".search", "invalid location") } unix, _ := strconv.ParseInt(extractValue(req.Post["timestamp"]), 10, 64) entity := &proto.Entity{ Id: extractValue(req.Post["id"]), Type: extractValue(req.Post["type"]), Location: &proto.Location{ Latitude: latlon["latitude"], Longitude: latlon["longitude"], Timestamp: time.Unix(unix, 0).Unix(), }, } if len(entity.Id) == 0 { return errors.BadRequest(server.Config().Name()+".save", "ID cannot be blank") } p := client.NewPublication(topic, entity) if err := client.Publish(ctx, p); err != nil { log.Errorf("Error publishing to topic %s: %v", topic, err) return errors.InternalServerError(server.Config().Name()+".save", err.Error()) } log.Infof("Publishing entity ID %s", entity.Id) rsp.StatusCode = 200 rsp.Body = `{}` return nil }
func (s *Say) Hello(ctx context.Context, req *api.Request, rsp *api.Response) error { log.Info("Received Say.Hello API request") name, ok := req.Get["name"] if !ok || len(name.Values) == 0 { return errors.BadRequest("go.micro.api.greeter", "Name cannot be blank") } request := client.NewRequest("go.micro.srv.greeter", "Say.Hello", &hello.Request{ Name: strings.Join(name.Values, " "), }) response := &hello.Response{} if err := client.Call(ctx, request, response); err != nil { return err } rsp.StatusCode = 200 b, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]string{ "message": response.Msg, }) rsp.Body = string(b) return nil }
func (l *Location) Read(ctx context.Context, req *api.Request, rsp *api.Response) error { id := extractValue(req.Post["id"]) if len(id) == 0 { return errors.BadRequest(server.Config().Name()+".read", "Require Id") } request := client.NewRequest("go.micro.srv.geo", "Location.Read", &read.Request{ Id: id, }) response := &read.Response{} err := client.Call(ctx, request, response) if err != nil { return errors.InternalServerError(server.Config().Name()+".read", "failed to read location") } b, _ := json.Marshal(response.Entity) rsp.StatusCode = 200 rsp.Body = string(b) return nil }
func (l *Location) Search(ctx context.Context, req *api.Request, rsp *api.Response) error { radius, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(extractValue(req.Post["radius"]), 64) typ := extractValue(req.Post["type"]) entities, _ := strconv.ParseInt(extractValue(req.Post["num_entities"]), 10, 64) var latlon map[string]float64 err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(extractValue(req.Post["center"])), &latlon) if err != nil { return errors.BadRequest(server.Config().Name()+".search", "invalid center point") } if len(typ) == 0 { return errors.BadRequest(server.Config().Name()+".search", "type cannot be blank") } if entities == 0 { return errors.BadRequest(server.Config().Name()+".search", "num_entities must be greater than 0") } request := client.NewRequest("go.micro.srv.geo", "Location.Search", &search.Request{ Center: &common.Location{ Latitude: latlon["latitude"], Longitude: latlon["longitude"], }, Radius: radius, NumEntities: entities, Type: typ, }) response := &search.Response{} err = client.Call(ctx, request, response) if err != nil { return errors.InternalServerError(server.Config().Name()+".search", "could not retrieve results") } b, _ := json.Marshal(response.Entities) rsp.StatusCode = 200 rsp.Body = string(b) return nil }
func (h *httpBroker) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { if req.Method != "POST" { err := errors.BadRequest("", "Method not allowed") http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) return } defer req.Body.Close() b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body) if err != nil { errr := errors.InternalServerError("", fmt.Sprintf("Error reading request body: %v", err)) w.WriteHeader(500) w.Write([]byte(errr.Error())) return } var m *Message if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &m); err != nil { errr := errors.InternalServerError("", fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing request body: %v", err)) w.WriteHeader(500) w.Write([]byte(errr.Error())) return } topic := m.Header[":topic"] delete(m.Header, ":topic") if len(topic) == 0 { errr := errors.InternalServerError("", "Topic not found") w.WriteHeader(500) w.Write([]byte(errr.Error())) return } h.RLock() for _, subscriber := range h.subscribers[topic] { subscriber.fn(m) } h.RUnlock() }
func rpcHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method != "POST" { http.Error(w, "Method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) return } defer r.Body.Close() var service, method string var request interface{} // response content type w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") switch r.Header.Get("Content-Type") { case "application/json": b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) if err != nil { e := errors.BadRequest("go.micro.api", err.Error()) w.WriteHeader(400) w.Write([]byte(e.Error())) return } var body map[string]interface{} err = json.Unmarshal(b, &body) if err != nil { e := errors.BadRequest("go.micro.api", err.Error()) w.WriteHeader(400) w.Write([]byte(e.Error())) return } service = body["service"].(string) method = body["method"].(string) request = body["request"] default: r.ParseForm() service = r.Form.Get("service") method = r.Form.Get("method") json.Unmarshal([]byte(r.Form.Get("request")), &request) } var response map[string]interface{} req := client.NewJsonRequest(service, method, request) err := client.Call(context.Background(), req, &response) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error calling %s.%s: %v", service, method, err) ce := errors.Parse(err.Error()) switch ce.Code { case 0: w.WriteHeader(500) default: w.WriteHeader(int(ce.Code)) } w.Write([]byte(ce.Error())) return } b, _ := json.Marshal(response) w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(b))) w.Write(b) }