예제 #1
// processData processes data incoming from devices and sends them over to Fluentd
func processData(accessToken string) {
	var err error

	// Connect to Fluentd
	logger := connectToFluentd()
	fluentdConnected = true

	// The stream object reconnects with exponential backoff.
	stream := connectToParticle(accessToken)
	particleAPIConnected = true

	// Now actually process events.
	for {
		// Block on the data/error channels.
		select {
		case event := <-stream.Events:
			// Unmarshall the JSON data from the Particle API.
			var m Message
			jsonData := event.Data()
			// The particle API often sends newlines.
			// Perhaps as a keep-alive mechanism.
			if jsonData == "" {
			err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonData), &m)
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("Could not parse message data: %v", err)

			// Read LTSV data from the device into map[string]string
			reader := ltsv.NewReader(bytes.NewBufferString(m.Data))
			records, err := reader.ReadAll()
			if err != nil || len(records) != 1 {
				log.Printf("Error reading LTSV data: %v", err)

			data := records[0]
			log.Printf("Got data: %v", data)

			// Put the data into jsonValue and send to Fluentd
			jsonValue := make(map[string]interface{})

			jsonValue["deviceid"] = m.Id

			timestamp, err := strconv.ParseInt(data["timestamp"], 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("Error reading timestamp: %v", err)

			jsonValue["timestamp"] = timestamp
			addFloatValue("temp", jsonValue, data)
			addFloatValue("humidity", jsonValue, data)
			addFloatValue("pressure", jsonValue, data)
			addFloatValue("windspeed", jsonValue, data)
			addFloatValue("winddirection", jsonValue, data)
			addFloatValue("rainfall", jsonValue, data)

			DeviceChan <- jsonValue

			// Send data directly to Fluentd
			if err = logger.Post("aggre_mod.sensordata", jsonValue); err != nil {
				log.Printf("Could not send data from %s to Fluentd: %v", m.Id, err)
			} else {
				log.Printf("Data processed (%s): %s", m.Id, data)
		case err := <-stream.Errors:
			log.Printf("Stream error: %v", err)
예제 #2
파일: main.go 프로젝트: tkuchiki/alp
func main() {
	kingpin.CommandLine.Help = "Access Log Profiler for LTSV (read from file or stdin)."

	var f *os.File
	var err error
	var c Config

	if *config != "" {
		c, err = LoadYAML(*config)
		if err != nil {

	option := Config{
		File:               *file,
		Reverse:            *reverse,
		QueryString:        *queryString,
		Tsv:                *tsv,
		ApptimeLabel:       *apptimeLabel,
		ReqtimeLabel:       *reqtimeLabel,
		StatusLabel:        *statusLabel,
		SizeLabel:          *sizeLabel,
		MethodLabel:        *methodLabel,
		UriLabel:           *uriLabel,
		TimeLabel:          *timeLabel,
		Limit:              *limit,
		IncludesStr:        *includes,
		ExcludesStr:        *excludes,
		IncludeStatusesStr: *includeStatuses,
		ExcludeStatusesStr: *excludeStatuses,
		NoHeaders:          *noHeaders,
		AggregatesStr:      *aggregates,
		StartTime:          *startTime,
		EndTime:            *endTime,
		StartTimeDuration:  *startTimeDuration,
		EndTimeDuration:    *endTimeDuration,

	if *max {
		c.Sort = "max"
	} else if *min {
		c.Sort = "min"
	} else if *avg {
		c.Sort = "avg"
	} else if *sum {
		c.Sort = "sum"
	} else if *cnt {
		c.Sort = "cnt"
	} else if *sortUri {
		c.Sort = "uri"
	} else if *method {
		c.Sort = "method"
	} else if *maxBody {
		c.Sort = "max-body"
	} else if *minBody {
		c.Sort = "min-body"
	} else if *avgBody {
		c.Sort = "avg-body"
	} else if *sumBody {
		c.Sort = "sum-body"
	} else if *p1 {
		c.Sort = "p1"
	} else if *p50 {
		c.Sort = "p50"
	} else if *p99 {
		c.Sort = "p99"
	} else if *stddev {
		c.Sort = "stddev"
	} else {
		if c.Sort == "" {
			c.Sort = "max"

	c = SetConfig(c, option)

	if *load != "" {
		accessLog, err = LoadProfiles(*load)
		if err != nil {

		SortProfiles(accessLog, c)

	fileinfo, err := os.Stdin.Stat()
	if err != nil {

	if fileinfo.Mode()&os.ModeNamedPipe == 0 {
		f, err = os.Open(c.File)
		defer f.Close()
		if err != nil {
	} else {
		f = os.Stdin

	accessLog = make(Profiles, 0, c.Limit)

	var includeRegexps []*regexp.Regexp
	if len(c.Includes) > 0 {
		includeRegexps = make([]*regexp.Regexp, 0, len(c.Includes))
		for _, pattern := range c.Includes {
			re, rerr := regexp.Compile(pattern)
			if rerr != nil {
			includeRegexps = append(includeRegexps, re)

	var excludeRegexps []*regexp.Regexp
	if len(c.Excludes) > 0 {
		excludeRegexps = make([]*regexp.Regexp, 0, len(c.Excludes))
		for _, pattern := range c.Excludes {
			re, rerr := regexp.Compile(pattern)
			if rerr != nil {
			excludeRegexps = append(excludeRegexps, re)

	var includeStatusRegexps []*regexp.Regexp
	if len(c.IncludeStatuses) > 0 {
		includeRegexps = make([]*regexp.Regexp, 0, len(c.Includes))
		for _, pattern := range c.IncludeStatuses {
			re, rerr := regexp.Compile(pattern)
			if rerr != nil {
			includeStatusRegexps = append(includeStatusRegexps, re)

	var excludeStatusRegexps []*regexp.Regexp
	if len(c.ExcludeStatuses) > 0 {
		excludeRegexps = make([]*regexp.Regexp, 0, len(c.Excludes))
		for _, pattern := range c.ExcludeStatuses {
			re, rerr := regexp.Compile(pattern)
			if rerr != nil {
			excludeStatusRegexps = append(excludeStatusRegexps, re)

	var aggregateRegexps []*regexp.Regexp
	if len(c.Aggregates) > 0 {
		aggregateRegexps = make([]*regexp.Regexp, 0, len(c.Aggregates))
		for _, pattern := range c.Aggregates {
			re, rerr := regexp.Compile(pattern)
			if rerr != nil {
			aggregateRegexps = append(aggregateRegexps, re)

	var p parsetime.ParseTime
	p, err = parsetime.NewParseTime(*location)

	var sTimeNano int64
	if c.StartTime != "" {
		sTime, err := p.Parse(c.StartTime)
		if err != nil {
		sTimeNano = sTime.UnixNano()

	if c.StartTimeDuration != "" {
		sTime, err := TimeDurationSub(c.StartTimeDuration)
		if err != nil {
		sTimeNano = sTime.UnixNano()

	var eTimeNano int64
	if c.EndTime != "" {
		eTime, err := p.Parse(c.EndTime)
		if err != nil {
		eTimeNano = eTime.UnixNano()

	if c.EndTimeDuration != "" {
		eTime, err := TimeDurationSub(c.EndTimeDuration)
		if err != nil {
		eTimeNano = eTime.UnixNano()

	r := ltsv.NewReader(f)
	for {
		line, err := r.Read()
		if err == io.EOF {
		} else if err != nil {

		resTime, err := strconv.ParseFloat(line[c.ApptimeLabel], 64)
		if err != nil {
			var reqTime float64
			reqTime, err = strconv.ParseFloat(line[c.ReqtimeLabel], 64)
			if err != nil {

			resTime = reqTime

		bodySize, err := strconv.ParseFloat(line[c.SizeLabel], 64)
		if err != nil {

		if sTimeNano != 0 || eTimeNano != 0 {
			t, err := p.Parse(line[c.TimeLabel])
			if err != nil {
			timeNano := t.UnixNano()
			if !TimeCmp(sTimeNano, eTimeNano, timeNano) {

		u, err := url.Parse(line[c.UriLabel])
		if err != nil {

		if c.QueryString {
			v := url.Values{}
			values := u.Query()
			for q, _ := range values {
				v.Set(q, "xxx")
			uri = fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s", u.Path, v.Encode())
			index = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s?%s", line[c.MethodLabel], u.Path, v.Encode())
		} else {
			uri = u.Path
			index = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", line[c.MethodLabel], u.Path)

		if len(c.Includes) > 0 {
			isnotMatched := true
			for _, re := range includeRegexps {
				if ok := re.Match([]byte(uri)); ok && err == nil {
					isnotMatched = false
				} else if err != nil {

			if isnotMatched {
				continue Loop

		if len(c.Excludes) > 0 {
			for _, re := range excludeRegexps {
				if ok := re.Match([]byte(uri)); ok && err == nil {
					continue Loop
				} else if err != nil {

		if len(c.IncludeStatuses) > 0 {
			isnotMatched := true
			for _, re := range includeStatusRegexps {
				if ok := re.Match([]byte(line[c.StatusLabel])); ok && err == nil {
					isnotMatched = false
				} else if err != nil {

			if isnotMatched {
				continue Loop

		if len(c.ExcludeStatuses) > 0 {
			for _, re := range excludeStatusRegexps {
				if ok := re.Match([]byte(line[c.StatusLabel])); ok && err == nil {
					continue Loop
				} else if err != nil {

		isMatched := false
		if len(c.Aggregates) > 0 {
			for _, re := range aggregateRegexps {
				if ok := re.Match([]byte(uri)); ok && err == nil {
					isMatched = true
					pattern := re.String()
					index = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", line[c.MethodLabel], pattern)
					uri = pattern
					SetCursor(index, uri)
				} else if err != nil {

		if !isMatched {
			SetCursor(index, uri)

		if len(uriHints) > c.Limit {
			log.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Too many uri (%d or less)", c.Limit))

		if accessLog[cursor].Max < resTime {
			accessLog[cursor].Max = resTime

		if accessLog[cursor].Min >= resTime || accessLog[cursor].Min == 0 {
			accessLog[cursor].Min = resTime

		accessLog[cursor].Sum += resTime
		accessLog[cursor].Method = line[c.MethodLabel]
		accessLog[cursor].Percentails = append(accessLog[cursor].Percentails, Percentail{RequestTime: resTime})

		if accessLog[cursor].MaxBody < bodySize {
			accessLog[cursor].MaxBody = bodySize

		if accessLog[cursor].MinBody >= bodySize || accessLog[cursor].MinBody == 0 {
			accessLog[cursor].MinBody = bodySize

		accessLog[cursor].SumBody += bodySize

	for i, _ := range accessLog {
		accessLog[i].Avg = accessLog[i].Sum / float64(accessLog[i].Cnt)
		accessLog[i].AvgBody = accessLog[i].SumBody / float64(accessLog[i].Cnt)

		p1Len := LenPercentail(len(accessLog[i].Percentails), 1)
		accessLog[i].P1 = accessLog[i].Percentails[p1Len].RequestTime
		p50Len := LenPercentail(len(accessLog[i].Percentails), 50)
		accessLog[i].P50 = accessLog[i].Percentails[p50Len].RequestTime
		p99Len := LenPercentail(len(accessLog[i].Percentails), 99)
		accessLog[i].P99 = accessLog[i].Percentails[p99Len].RequestTime

		accessLog[i].Stddev = RequestTimeStddev(accessLog[i].Percentails, accessLog[i].Sum, accessLog[i].Avg)

	SortProfiles(accessLog, c)

	if *dump != "" {
		err = DumpProfiles(*dump, accessLog)
		if err != nil {