func init() { flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Printf("Usage: envconv [options] file [files...]\n\n") flag.PrintDefaults() } version := flag.Bool("v", false, "Prints current version") flag.Parse() if *version { fmt.Println("envconf version " + VERSION) os.Exit(0) } templateFuncMap = template.FuncMap{ "default": func(args ...string) string { defer recovery() if len(args) <= 0 { return "" } return args[len(args)-1] }, "in": func(arg string, slice []string) bool { defer recovery() for _, i := range slice { if arg == i { return true } } return false }, } }
import ( "crypto/tls" "net" "net/http" "strings" "" "" "" ) var ( configFlag = flag.String("config", "", "Config file to read") // Enable config file cuntionality logFormatterType = flag.String("log_formatter_type", "text", "Log formatter to use") // Logrus log formatter logForceColors = flag.Bool("log_force_colors", false, "Force colored log output?") // Logrus force colors etcdAddress = flag.String("etcd_address", "", "Address of the etcd server to use") etcdPath = flag.String("etcd_path", "", "Prefix of the etcd directory, no slash near the end") sessionCacheSize = flag.Int("session_cache_size", 64, "Size of the LRU client session cache") rawBind = flag.String("raw_bind", "", "Address used for the HTTP server") tlsBind = flag.String("tls_bind", "", "Address used for the HTTPS server") ) var ( tlsConfig *tls.Config ) func main() { // Parse the flags flag.Parse()
"" "" "" "" "" ) var ( // Enable namsral/flag logality configFlag = flag.String("config", "", "config file to load") // General flags bindAddress = flag.String("bind", ":5000", "Network address used to bind") logFormatterType = flag.String("log", "text", "Log formatter type. Either \"json\" or \"text\"") forceColors = flag.Bool("force_colors", false, "Force colored prompt?") ravenDSN = flag.String("raven_dsn", "", "Defines the sentry endpoint dsn") databaseDriver = flag.String("db_driver", "mongodb", "Specify the database to use (mongodb, rethinkdb)") databaseHost = flag.String("db_host", "localhost:27017", "Database hosts, split by ',' to add several hosts") databaseNamespace = flag.String("db_namespace", "hammurapi", "Select the database") databaseUser = flag.String("db_user", "", "Database user") databasePassword = flag.String("db_password", "", "Database user password") memcachedHosts = flag.String("memcached_hosts", "", "Memcached servers for cache (ex:") redisHost = flag.String("redis_host", "", "Redis server for cache") ) func main() { // Parse the flags flag.Parse()
package main import ( "strings" "" r "" "" ) var ( configFlag = flag.String("config", "", "Config file to read") logFormatterType = flag.String("log_formatter", "text", "Log formatter type") logForceColors = flag.Bool("log_force_colors", false, "Force colored prompt?") apiURL = flag.String("api_url", "", "Path to the Lavaboom API") nsqdAddress = flag.String("nsqd_address", "", "Address of the NSQ server") lookupdAddress = flag.String("lookupd_address", "", "Address of the nsqlookupd server") rethinkdbAddress = flag.String("rethinkdb_address", "", "Address of the RethinkDB server") rethinkdbDatabase = flag.String("rethinkdb_database", "lavabot", "RethinkDB database to use") enableHub = flag.Bool("enable_hub", true, "Enable hub module") enableSender = flag.Bool("enable_sender", true, "Enable sender module") welcomeName = flag.String("welcome_name", "welcome", "Name of the welcome template to use") welcomeVersion = flag.String("welcome_version", "1.0.0", "Version of the welcome template to use") gettingStartedName = flag.String("getting_name", "getting", "Name of the getting started template to use") gettingStartedVersion = flag.String("getting_version", "1.0.0", "Version of the getting started template to use") securityName = flag.String("security_name", "security", "Name of the security info template to use") securityVersion = flag.String("security_version", "1.0.0", "Version of the security info template to use")
import ( "runtime" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) var ( uplink *common.Uplink config = flag.String("config", "", "configuration file") ircServer = flag.String("irc-server", "ircd:6667", "which IRC server to connect to") ircServerSSL = flag.Bool("irc-server-ssl", false, "connect over ssl?") ircChannels = flag.String("irc-channels", "#betterbot", "which IRC channels to join on connect") ircNick = flag.String("irc-nick", "betterbot", "bot nickname") ircUser = flag.String("irc-user", "betterbot", "irc username") ircPassword = flag.String("irc-password", "hunter2", "password on connection (default *******)") nsPass = flag.String("nickserv-pass", "hunter2", "which password to use for NickServ (default *******)") ) func main() { flag.Parse() conn, err := common.Connect() if err != nil { panic(err) } uplink = conn
"" "" "" "" "log" "net/http" "net/http/httputil" "net/url" _ "" ) var ( CONFIG_FILE = flag.String("config", "", "Path to config file") WEB_PORT = flag.Uint64("port", 8080, "Port for the webserver to listen on") DEBUG = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Debug mode") DB_SEED = flag.Bool("db-seed", false, "Seed the DB with initial values") DB_URI = flag.String("db-uri", ":memory:", "Path/URI to store DB at") FRONTEND_URL = flag.String( "frontend-url", "http://localhost:4200", "In debug mode reverse proxy is used instead of embedded files", ) ) func initDB() *sqlx.DB { log.Printf("Initialising database at %s...\n", *DB_URI) db := sqlx.MustConnect("sqlite3", *DB_URI) appinit.CreateDBSchema(db) return db