예제 #1
func (inbound *Inbound) error(title, outbound string, err error, t0 time.Time) error {

	if urlErr, ok := err.(*url.Error); ok {
		return inbound.error(title, outbound, urlErr.Err, t0)

	} else if netErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok {
		if errno, ok := netErr.Err.(syscall.Errno); ok && errno == syscall.ECONNREFUSED {
			klog.KPrintf(klog.Keyf("%s.%s.%s.timeout", inbound.Name, outbound, title), "%T -> %v", err, err)
			inbound.record(outbound, Event{Timeout: true, Latency: time.Since(t0)})
			return err

		return inbound.error(title, outbound, netErr.Err, t0)

	switch err.Error() {

	// Prevents spamming the logs with closed connections even though they were
	// not properly closed.
	case "EOF":
		inbound.record(outbound, Event{Error: true, Latency: time.Since(t0)})
		return err

	// I hate this but net and net/http provides no useful errors or indicators
	// that a request ended up in a timeout. Furthermore, most of the errors are
	// either not exported or are just randomly created as string. In other
	// words, this is a crappy interface that needs to be fixed bad.
	case "use of closed network connection": // net.errClosing
	case "net/http: transport closed before response was received":
	case "net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection":
		klog.KPrintf(klog.Keyf("%s.%s.%s.timeout", inbound.Name, outbound, title), "%T -> %v", err, err)
		inbound.record(outbound, Event{Timeout: true, Latency: time.Since(t0)})
		return err

	klog.KPrintf(klog.Keyf("%s.%s.%s.error", inbound.Name, outbound, title), "%T -> %v", err, err)
	inbound.record(outbound, Event{Error: true, Latency: time.Since(t0)})
	return err
예제 #2
// NewInboundServer creates and starts a new HTTP server associated with the
// given Inbound.
func NewInboundServer(inbound *Inbound) (*InboundServer, error) {
	server := new(InboundServer)

	if err := inbound.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, err


	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", inbound.Listen)
	if err != nil {
		klog.KPrintf(klog.Keyf("%s.listen", inbound.Name), "unable to listen on %s: %s", inbound.Listen, err)
		return nil, err
	server.listener = listener

	go func() {
		err := http.Serve(tcpKeepAliveListener{listener.(*net.TCPListener)}, server)
		klog.KPrintf(klog.Keyf("%s.close", server.getInbound().Name), "server closed with: %s", err)

	return server, nil