예제 #1
// negotiateContract establishes a connection to a host and negotiates an
// initial file contract according to the terms of the host.
func negotiateContract(conn net.Conn, addr modules.NetAddress, fc types.FileContract, txnBuilder modules.TransactionBuilder, tpool modules.TransactionPool) (hostContract, error) {
	// allow 30 seconds for negotiation
	conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(30 * time.Second))

	// read host key
	var hostPublicKey types.SiaPublicKey
	if err := encoding.ReadObject(conn, &hostPublicKey, 256); err != nil {
		return hostContract{}, errors.New("couldn't read host's public key: " + err.Error())

	// create our key
	ourSK, ourPK, err := crypto.GenerateKeyPair()
	if err != nil {
		return hostContract{}, errors.New("failed to generate keypair: " + err.Error())
	ourPublicKey := types.SiaPublicKey{
		Algorithm: types.SignatureEd25519,
		Key:       ourPK[:],

	// send our public key
	if err := encoding.WriteObject(conn, ourPublicKey); err != nil {
		return hostContract{}, errors.New("couldn't send our public key: " + err.Error())

	// create unlock conditions
	uc := types.UnlockConditions{
		PublicKeys:         []types.SiaPublicKey{ourPublicKey, hostPublicKey},
		SignaturesRequired: 2,

	// add UnlockHash to file contract
	fc.UnlockHash = uc.UnlockHash()

	// build transaction containing fc
	err = txnBuilder.FundSiacoins(fc.Payout)
	if err != nil {
		return hostContract{}, err
	txn, parents := txnBuilder.View()
	txnSet := append(parents, txn)

	// calculate contract ID
	fcid := txn.FileContractID(0) // TODO: is it actually 0?

	// send txn
	if err := encoding.WriteObject(conn, txnSet); err != nil {
		return hostContract{}, errors.New("couldn't send our proposed contract: " + err.Error())

	// read back acceptance
	var response string
	if err := encoding.ReadObject(conn, &response, 128); err != nil {
		return hostContract{}, errors.New("couldn't read the host's response to our proposed contract: " + err.Error())
	if response != modules.AcceptResponse {
		return hostContract{}, errors.New("host rejected proposed contract: " + response)

	// read back txn with host collateral.
	var hostTxnSet []types.Transaction
	if err := encoding.ReadObject(conn, &hostTxnSet, types.BlockSizeLimit); err != nil {
		return hostContract{}, errors.New("couldn't read the host's updated contract: " + err.Error())

	// check that txn is okay. For now, no collateral will be added, so the
	// transaction sets should be identical.
	if len(hostTxnSet) != len(txnSet) {
		return hostContract{}, errors.New("host sent bad collateral transaction")
	for i := range hostTxnSet {
		if hostTxnSet[i].ID() != txnSet[i].ID() {
			return hostContract{}, errors.New("host sent bad collateral transaction")

	// sign the txn and resend
	// NOTE: for now, we are assuming that the transaction has not changed
	// since we sent it. Otherwise, the txnBuilder would have to be updated
	// with whatever fields were added by the host.
	signedTxnSet, err := txnBuilder.Sign(true)
	if err != nil {
		return hostContract{}, err
	if err := encoding.WriteObject(conn, signedTxnSet); err != nil {
		return hostContract{}, errors.New("couldn't send the contract signed by us: " + err.Error())

	// read signed txn from host
	var signedHostTxnSet []types.Transaction
	if err := encoding.ReadObject(conn, &signedHostTxnSet, types.BlockSizeLimit); err != nil {
		return hostContract{}, errors.New("couldn't read the contract signed by the host: " + err.Error())

	// submit to blockchain
	err = tpool.AcceptTransactionSet(signedHostTxnSet)
	if err == modules.ErrDuplicateTransactionSet {
		// this can happen if the renter is uploading to itself
		err = nil
	if err != nil {
		return hostContract{}, err

	// create host contract
	hc := hostContract{
		IP:           addr,
		ID:           fcid,
		FileContract: fc,
		LastRevision: types.FileContractRevision{
			ParentID:              fcid,
			UnlockConditions:      uc,
			NewRevisionNumber:     fc.RevisionNumber,
			NewFileSize:           fc.FileSize,
			NewFileMerkleRoot:     fc.FileMerkleRoot,
			NewWindowStart:        fc.WindowStart,
			NewWindowEnd:          fc.WindowEnd,
			NewValidProofOutputs:  []types.SiacoinOutput{fc.ValidProofOutputs[0], fc.ValidProofOutputs[1]},
			NewMissedProofOutputs: []types.SiacoinOutput{fc.MissedProofOutputs[0], fc.MissedProofOutputs[1]},
			NewUnlockHash:         fc.UnlockHash,
		LastRevisionTxn: types.Transaction{},
		SecretKey:       ourSK,

	return hc, nil