예제 #1
							[]string{"uh oh"},

					It("does not display the warning", func() {
						testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, args, requirementsFactory)

						Expect(ui.Outputs).ToNot(ContainSubstrings([]string{"WARNING:", "this operation is to replace a service broker"}))

			Context("when migrating the plans fails", func() {
				BeforeEach(func() {
					serviceRepo.MigrateServicePlanFromV1ToV2Response = errors.New("ruh roh")

				It("notifies the user of the failure", func() {
					testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, args, requirementsFactory)

						[]string{"ruh roh"},

			Context("when there are no instances to migrate", func() {
				BeforeEach(func() {
					serviceRepo.FindServicePlanByDescriptionResultGuids = []string{"v1-guid", "v2-guid"}