Ω(err).Should(MatchError(ErrWriter)) Ω(n).Should(Equal(writes), "ErrorWriter should write %d bytes", writes) } func validErrorWriteSuccess(w io.Writer, dataLen int) { Ω(w.Write(make([]byte, dataLen))).Should(Equal(dataLen), "ErrorWriter should write succeed") } var _ = bdd.Describe("Writers", func() { bdd.BeforeEach(func() { reset.Enable() }) bdd.AfterEach(func() { reset.Disable() }) bdd.It("ErrorWriter", func() { w := ErrorWriter(0) validErrorWrite(w, 10, 0) w = ErrorWriter(5) validErrorWriteSuccess(w, 3) validErrorWrite(w, 10, 2) validErrorWrite(w, 10, 0) w = ErrorWriter(5) validErrorWriteSuccess(w, 5) validErrorWrite(w, 10, 0) })
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("policy", "add-cluster-role-to-user", "system:image-pruner", oc.Username()).Execute() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) }) g.Describe("of schema 1", func() { g.JustBeforeEach(func() { if *originalAcceptSchema2 { g.By("ensure the registry does not accept schema 2") err := ensureRegistryAcceptsSchema2(oc, false) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) } }) g.AfterEach(func() { if *originalAcceptSchema2 { err := ensureRegistryAcceptsSchema2(oc, true) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) } }) g.It("should prune old image", func() { testPruneImages(oc, 1) }) }) g.Describe("of schema 2", func() { g.JustBeforeEach(func() { if !*originalAcceptSchema2 { g.By("ensure the registry accepts schema 2") err := ensureRegistryAcceptsSchema2(oc, true) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) } })
deploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-deployment-test.yaml") simpleDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "deployment-simple.yaml") customDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "custom-deployment.yaml") generationFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "generation-test.yaml") pausedDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "paused-deployment.yaml") failedHookFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "failing-pre-hook.yaml") brokenDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-deployment-broken.yaml") historyLimitedDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "deployment-history-limit.yaml") minReadySecondsFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "deployment-min-ready-seconds.yaml") multipleICTFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "deployment-example.yaml") tagImagesFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "tag-images-deployment.yaml") ) g.Describe("when run iteratively", func() { g.AfterEach(func() { failureTrap(oc, "deployment-simple", g.CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed) }) g.It("should only deploy the last deployment [Conformance]", func() { _, err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", simpleDeploymentFixture).Output() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) iterations := 15 for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ { if rand.Float32() < 0.2 { time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Float32() * rand.Float32() * float32(time.Second))) } switch n := rand.Float32(); { case n < 0.4: // trigger a new deployment
"github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/vmware/photon-controller-go-sdk/photon/internal/mocks" ) var _ = ginkgo.Describe("Info", func() { var ( server *mocks.Server client *Client ) ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() { server, client = testSetup() }) ginkgo.AfterEach(func() { server.Close() }) ginkgo.Describe("Get", func() { ginkgo.It("Get deployment info successfully", func() { baseVersion := "1.1.0" fullVersion := "1.1.0-bcea65f" gitCommitHash := "bcea65f" networkType := "SOFTWARE_DEFINED" server.SetResponseJson(200, Info{ BaseVersion: baseVersion, FullVersion: fullVersion, GitCommitHash: gitCommitHash, NetworkType: networkType, })
var oc = exutil.NewCLI("force-pull-s2i", exutil.KubeConfigPath()) g.JustBeforeEach(func() { g.By("waiting for builder service account") err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace())) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) }) g.Describe("\n FORCE PULL TEST: Force pull and s2i builder", func() { // corrupt the s2i builder image g.BeforeEach(func() { exutil.CorruptImage(s2iDockBldr, custBldr, "s21") }) g.AfterEach(func() { exutil.ResetImage(resetData) }) g.JustBeforeEach(func() { g.By("waiting for builder service account") err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace())) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) }) g.Context("\n FORCE PULL TEST: when s2i force pull is false and the image is bad", func() { g.It("\n FORCE PULL TEST s2i false", func() { fpFalseS2I := exutil.FixturePath("fixtures", "forcepull-false-s2i.json") g.By(fmt.Sprintf("\n%s FORCE PULL TEST s2i false: calling create on %s", time.Now().Format(time.RFC850), fpFalseS2I)) exutil.StartBuild(fpFalseS2I, buildPrefix, oc)
var _ = bdd.Describe("mongotest", func() { var ( testDb *TestDb ) bdd.BeforeEach(func() { reset.Enable() testDb = New("/unittest") }) bdd.AfterEach(func() { reset.Disable() session, err := mgo.Dial("") Ω(err).Should(Succeed()) defer session.Close() // ensure database are deleted in reset dbs, err := session.DatabaseNames() Ω(err).Should(Succeed()) Ω(dbs).ShouldNot(ContainElement(mongo.DefaultTestDBName)) }) bdd.It("Fields", func() { Ω(testDb.Session).ShouldNot(BeNil()) Ω(testDb.Database).ShouldNot(BeNil()) Ω(testDb.Name).Should(Equal(mongo.DefaultTestDBName)) Ω(testDb.Url()).Should(Equal(mongo.DbURL())) }) bdd.It("Insert", func() { recs := []*Rec{
customDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "custom-deployment.yaml") generationFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-deployment.yaml") pausedDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "paused-deployment.yaml") failedHookFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "failing-pre-hook.yaml") brokenDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-deployment-broken.yaml") ) g.Describe("when run iteratively", func() { g.AfterEach(func() { if !g.CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed { return } if dc, rcs, pods, err := deploymentInfo(oc, "deployment-simple"); err == nil { e2e.Logf("DC: %#v", dc) e2e.Logf(" RCs: %#v", rcs) p, _ := deploymentPods(pods) for k, v := range p { for _, pod := range v { e2e.Logf(" Deployer: %s %#v", k, pod) } } } }) g.It("should only deploy the last deployment [Conformance]", func() { _, err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", simpleDeploymentFixture).Output() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) iterations := 15 for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ { if rand.Float32() < 0.2 {
g.AfterEach(func() { g.By(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting quota %s", quotaName)) oc.AdminKubeREST().ResourceQuotas(oc.Namespace()).Delete(quotaName) g.By("Deleting images") iss, err := oc.AdminREST().ImageStreams(oc.Namespace()).List(kapi.ListOptions{}) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) for _, is := range iss.Items { for _, history := range is.Status.Tags { for i := range history.Items { oc.AdminREST().Images().Delete(history.Items[i].Image) } } for _, tagRef := range is.Spec.Tags { switch tagRef.From.Kind { case "ImageStreamImage": nameParts := strings.Split(tagRef.From.Name, "@") if len(nameParts) != 2 { continue } imageName := nameParts[1] oc.AdminREST().Images().Delete(imageName) } } err := oc.AdminREST().ImageStreams(is.Namespace).Delete(is.Name) o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) } g.By("Deleting shared project") oc.AdminREST().Projects().Delete(oc.Namespace() + "-shared") })
var _ = g.Describe("[image_ecosystem][jenkins][Slow] openshift pipeline plugin", func() { defer g.GinkgoRecover() var oc = exutil.NewCLI("jenkins-plugin", exutil.KubeConfigPath()) var j *JenkinsRef var dcLogFollow *exec.Cmd var dcLogStdOut, dcLogStdErr *bytes.Buffer g.AfterEach(func() { ginkgolog("Jenkins DC description follows. If there were issues, check to see if there were any restarts in the jenkins pod.") exutil.DumpDeploymentLogs("jenkins", oc) // Destroy the Jenkins namespace oc.Run("delete").Args("project", j.namespace).Execute() if dcLogFollow != nil && dcLogStdOut != nil && dcLogStdErr != nil { ginkgolog("Waiting for Jenkins DC log follow to terminate") dcLogFollow.Process.Wait() ginkgolog("Jenkins server logs from test:\nstdout>\n%s\n\nstderr>\n%s\n\n", string(dcLogStdOut.Bytes()), string(dcLogStdErr.Bytes())) dcLogFollow = nil } else { ginkgolog("Logs were not captured!\n%v\n%v\n%v\n", dcLogFollow, dcLogStdOut, dcLogStdErr) } }) g.BeforeEach(func() { testNamespace := oc.Namespace() jenkinsNamespace := oc.Namespace() + "-jenkins" g.By("Starting a Jenkins instance in namespace: " + jenkinsNamespace) oc.Run("new-project").Args(jenkinsNamespace).Execute()
g.BeforeEach(func() { var err error jsonTempDir, err = ioutil.TempDir(exutil.TestContext.OutputDir, "jenkins-kubernetes-") o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) // We need to prepare the templates first in order to use binary builds: // 1. remove BuildConfig triggers to not start build immediately after instantiating template, // 2. remove contextDir so that we can send just that directory as a binary, not whole repo. jenkinsMasterTemplate = patchTemplate(filepath.Join(jenkinsExampleDir, "jenkins-master-template.json"), jsonTempDir) jenkinsSlaveBuilderTemplate = patchTemplate(filepath.Join(jenkinsExampleDir, "jenkins-slave-template.json"), jsonTempDir) }) g.AfterEach(func() { if len(jsonTempDir) > 0 { os.RemoveAll(jsonTempDir) } }) g.It("by creating slave from existing builder and adding it to Jenkins master", func() { g.By("create the jenkins slave builder template") err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", jenkinsSlaveBuilderTemplate).Execute() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("create the jenkins master template") err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", jenkinsMasterTemplate).Execute() o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("instantiate the slave template") err = oc.Run("new-app").Args("--template", "jenkins-slave-builder").Execute()
log += msg + "\n" } assertLog = func(expected string) { Ω(log).Should(Equal(expected)) log = "" } ) bdd.BeforeEach(func() { log = "" }) bdd.AfterEach(func() { ClearInternal() if Enabled() { Disable() } }) bdd.It("One", func() { Register(func() { appendLog("onReset") }, func() { appendLog("onRecover") }) assertLog("onRecover\n") Enable() assertLog("")
) var _ = g.Describe("[image_ecosystem][mongodb][Slow] openshift mongodb replication (with petset)", func() { defer g.GinkgoRecover() const templatePath = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sclorg/mongodb-container/master/examples/petset/mongodb-petset-persistent.yaml" oc := exutil.NewCLI("mongodb-petset-replica", exutil.KubeConfigPath()).Verbose() g.Describe("creating from a template", func() { g.AfterEach(func() { for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { pod := fmt.Sprintf("mongodb-replicaset-%d", i) podLogs, err := oc.Run("logs").Args(pod, "--timestamps").Output() if err != nil { ginkgolog("error retrieving pod logs for %s: %v", pod, err) continue } ginkgolog("pod logs for %s:\n%s", podLogs, err) } }) g.It(fmt.Sprintf("should process and create the %q template", templatePath), func() { oc.SetOutputDir(exutil.TestContext.OutputDir) g.By("creating persistent volumes") _, err := exutil.SetupHostPathVolumes( oc.AdminKubeClient().Core().PersistentVolumes(), oc.Namespace(), "256Mi", 3, )
var projectId = "project1" ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() { server, client = testSetup() networkSpec = &VirtualSubnetCreateSpec{ Name: randomString(10, "go-sdk-virtual-network-"), Description: "a test virtual network", RoutingType: "ROUTED", Size: 256, ReservedStaticIpSize: 20, } }) ginkgo.AfterEach(func() { cleanVirtualSubnets(client, projectId) server.Close() }) ginkgo.Describe("CreateDeleteVirtualSubnet", func() { ginkgo.It("Virtual subnet create and delete succeeds", func() { mockTask := createMockTask("CREATE_VIRTUAL_NETWORK", "COMPLETED") server.SetResponseJson(200, mockTask) task, err := client.VirtualSubnets.Create(projectId, networkSpec) task, err = client.Tasks.Wait(task.ID) ginkgo.GinkgoT().Log(err) gomega.Expect(err).Should(gomega.BeNil()) gomega.Expect(task).ShouldNot(gomega.BeNil()) gomega.Expect(task.Operation).Should(gomega.Equal("CREATE_VIRTUAL_NETWORK")) gomega.Expect(task.State).Should(gomega.Equal("COMPLETED"))
targetFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(exutil.TestContext.OutputDir, "idling-services-") o.Expect(err).ToNot(o.HaveOccurred()) defer targetFile.Close() idlingFile = targetFile.Name() _, err = targetFile.Write([]byte(strings.Join(serviceNames, "\n"))) o.Expect(err).ToNot(o.HaveOccurred()) g.By("Waiting for the endpoints to exist") serviceName := resources["service"][0] g.By("Waiting for endpoints to be up") err = waitForEndpointsAvailable(oc, serviceName) o.Expect(err).ToNot(o.HaveOccurred()) }) g.AfterEach(func() { g.By("Cleaning up the idling file") os.Remove(idlingFile) }) g.Describe("idling", func() { g.Context("with a single service and DeploymentConfig [Conformance]", func() { g.BeforeEach(func() { framework.BeforeEach() fixture = echoServerFixture }) g.It("should idle the service and DeploymentConfig properly", func() { checkSingleIdle(oc, idlingFile, resources, "deploymentconfig", "DeploymentConfig") }) }) g.Context("with a single service and ReplicationController", func() {