예제 #1
// Deploy deploys the supplied chaincode image to the validators through a transaction
func (d *Devops) Deploy(ctx context.Context, spec *pb.ChaincodeSpec) (*pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec, error) {
	// get the deployment spec
	chaincodeDeploymentSpec, err := d.getChaincodeBytes(ctx, spec)

	if err != nil {
		devopsLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error deploying chaincode spec: %v\n\n error: %s", spec, err))
		return nil, err

	// Now create the Transactions message and send to Peer.

	transID := chaincodeDeploymentSpec.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeID.Name

	var tx *pb.Transaction
	var sec crypto.Client

	if viper.GetBool("security.enabled") {
		if devopsLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
			devopsLogger.Debug("Initializing secure devops using context %s", spec.SecureContext)
		sec, err = crypto.InitClient(spec.SecureContext, nil)
		defer crypto.CloseClient(sec)

		// remove the security context since we are no longer need it down stream
		spec.SecureContext = ""

		if nil != err {
			return nil, err

		if devopsLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
			devopsLogger.Debug("Creating secure transaction %s", transID)
		tx, err = sec.NewChaincodeDeployTransaction(chaincodeDeploymentSpec, transID)
		if nil != err {
			return nil, err
	} else {
		if devopsLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
			devopsLogger.Debug("Creating deployment transaction (%s)", transID)
		tx, err = pb.NewChaincodeDeployTransaction(chaincodeDeploymentSpec, transID)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error deploying chaincode: %s ", err)

	if devopsLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
		devopsLogger.Debug("Sending deploy transaction (%s) to validator", tx.Uuid)
	resp := d.coord.ExecuteTransaction(tx)
	if resp.Status == pb.Response_FAILURE {
		err = fmt.Errorf(string(resp.Msg))

	return chaincodeDeploymentSpec, err
예제 #2
// Deploy first builds the chaincode package and subsequently deploys it to the
// blockchain.
func (s *ServerOpenchainREST) Deploy(rw web.ResponseWriter, req *web.Request) {
	restLogger.Info("REST deploying chaincode...")

	// Decode the incoming JSON payload
	var spec pb.ChaincodeSpec
	err := jsonpb.Unmarshal(req.Body, &spec)

	// Check for proper JSON syntax
	if err != nil {
		// Unmarshall returns a " character around unrecognized fields in the case
		// of a schema validation failure. These must be replaced with a ' character.
		// Otherwise, the returned JSON is invalid.
		errVal := strings.Replace(err.Error(), "\"", "'", -1)

		// Client must supply payload
		if err == io.EOF {
			fmt.Fprintf(rw, "{\"Error\": \"Payload must contain a ChaincodeSpec.\"}")
			restLogger.Error("{\"Error\": \"Payload must contain a ChaincodeSpec.\"}")
		} else {
			fmt.Fprintf(rw, "{\"Error\": \"%s\"}", errVal)
			restLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("{\"Error\": \"%s\"}", errVal))


	// Check that the ChaincodeID is not nil.
	if spec.ChaincodeID == nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(rw, "{\"Error\": \"Payload must contain a ChaincodeID.\"}")
		restLogger.Error("{\"Error\": \"Payload must contain a ChaincodeID.\"}")


	// If the peer is running in development mode, confirm that the Chaincode name
	// is not left blank. If the peer is running in production mode, confirm that
	// the Chaincode path is not left blank. This is necessary as in development
	// mode, the chaincode is identified by name not by path during the deploy
	// process.
	if viper.GetString("chaincode.mode") == chaincode.DevModeUserRunsChaincode {
		// Check that the Chaincode name is not blank.
		if spec.ChaincodeID.Name == "" {
			fmt.Fprintf(rw, "{\"Error\": \"Chaincode name may not be blank in development mode.\"}")
			restLogger.Error("{\"Error\": \"Chaincode name may not be blank in development mode.\"}")

	} else {
		// Check that the Chaincode path is not left blank.
		if spec.ChaincodeID.Path == "" {
			fmt.Fprintf(rw, "{\"Error\": \"Chaincode path may not be blank.\"}")
			restLogger.Error("{\"Error\": \"Chaincode path may not be blank.\"}")


	// If security is enabled, add client login token
	if viper.GetBool("security.enabled") {
		chaincodeUsr := spec.SecureContext
		if chaincodeUsr == "" {
			fmt.Fprintf(rw, "{\"Error\": \"Must supply username for chaincode when security is enabled.\"}")
			restLogger.Error("{\"Error\": \"Must supply username for chaincode when security is enabled.\"}")


		// Retrieve the REST data storage path
		// Returns /var/openchain/production/client/
		localStore := getRESTFilePath()

		// Check if the user is logged in before sending transaction
		if _, err := os.Stat(localStore + "loginToken_" + chaincodeUsr); err == nil {
			restLogger.Info("Local user '%s' is already logged in. Retrieving login token.\n", chaincodeUsr)

			// Read in the login token
			token, err := ioutil.ReadFile(localStore + "loginToken_" + chaincodeUsr)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(rw, "{\"Error\": \"Fatal error -- %s\"}", err)
				panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error when reading client login token: %s\n", err))

			// Add the login token to the chaincodeSpec
			spec.SecureContext = string(token)

			// If privacy is enabled, mark chaincode as confidential
			if viper.GetBool("security.privacy") {
				spec.ConfidentialityLevel = pb.ConfidentialityLevel_CONFIDENTIAL
		} else {
			// Check if the token is not there and fail
			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
				fmt.Fprintf(rw, "{\"Error\": \"User not logged in. Use the '/registrar' endpoint to obtain a security token.\"}")
				restLogger.Error("{\"Error\": \"User not logged in. Use the '/registrar' endpoint to obtain a security token.\"}")

			// Unexpected error
			fmt.Fprintf(rw, "{\"Error\": \"Fatal error -- %s\"}", err)
			panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error when checking for client login token: %s\n", err))

	// Deploy the ChaincodeSpec
	chaincodeDeploymentSpec, err := s.devops.Deploy(context.Background(), &spec)
	if err != nil {
		// Replace " characters with '
		errVal := strings.Replace(err.Error(), "\"", "'", -1)

		fmt.Fprintf(rw, "{\"Error\": \"%s\"}", errVal)
		restLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("{\"Error\": \"Deploying Chaincode -- %s\"}", errVal))


	// Clients will need the chaincode name in order to invoke or query it
	chainID := chaincodeDeploymentSpec.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeID.Name

	fmt.Fprintf(rw, "{\"OK\": \"Successfully deployed chainCode.\",\"message\":\""+chainID+"\"}")
	restLogger.Info("Successfuly deployed chainCode: " + chainID + ".\n")