예제 #1
// GetCandidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster chooses the best sibling of a dead intermediate master
// to whom the IM's slaves can be moved.
func GetCandidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster(intermediateMasterInstance *inst.Instance) (*inst.Instance, error) {

	siblings, err := inst.ReadSlaveInstances(&intermediateMasterInstance.MasterKey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if len(siblings) <= 1 {
		return nil, log.Errorf("topology_recovery: no siblings found for %+v", intermediateMasterInstance.Key)


	// In the next series of steps we attempt to return a good replacement.
	// None of the below attempts is sure to pick a winning server. Perhaps picked server is not enough up-todate -- but
	// this has small likelihood in the general case, and, well, it's an attempt. It's a Plan A, but we have Plan B & C if this fails.

	// At first, we try to return an "is_candidate" server in same dc & env
	log.Infof("topology_recovery: searching for the best candidate sibling of dead intermediate master")
	for _, sibling := range siblings {
		sibling := sibling
		if isValidAsCandidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster(intermediateMasterInstance, sibling) &&
			sibling.IsCandidate &&
			sibling.DataCenter == intermediateMasterInstance.DataCenter &&
			sibling.PhysicalEnvironment == intermediateMasterInstance.PhysicalEnvironment {
			log.Infof("topology_recovery: found %+v as the ideal candidate", sibling.Key)
			return sibling, nil
	// Go for something else in the same DC & ENV
	for _, sibling := range siblings {
		sibling := sibling
		if isValidAsCandidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster(intermediateMasterInstance, sibling) &&
			sibling.DataCenter == intermediateMasterInstance.DataCenter &&
			sibling.PhysicalEnvironment == intermediateMasterInstance.PhysicalEnvironment {
			log.Infof("topology_recovery: found %+v as a replacement in same dc & environment", sibling.Key)
			return sibling, nil
	// Nothing in same DC & env, let's just go for some is_candidate
	for _, sibling := range siblings {
		sibling := sibling
		if isValidAsCandidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster(intermediateMasterInstance, sibling) && sibling.IsCandidate {
			log.Infof("topology_recovery: found %+v as a good candidate", sibling.Key)
			return sibling, nil
	// Havent found an "is_candidate". Just whatever is valid.
	for _, sibling := range siblings {
		sibling := sibling
		if isValidAsCandidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster(intermediateMasterInstance, sibling) {
			log.Infof("topology_recovery: found %+v as a replacement", sibling.Key)
			return sibling, nil
	return nil, log.Errorf("topology_recovery: cannot find candidate sibling of %+v", intermediateMasterInstance.Key)
예제 #2
// readAgentBasicInfo returns the basic data for an agent directly from backend table (no agent access)
func readAgentBasicInfo(hostname string) (Agent, string, error) {
	agent := Agent{}
	token := ""
	query := `
			hostname = ?
	err := db.QueryOrchestrator(query, sqlutils.Args(hostname), func(m sqlutils.RowMap) error {
		agent.Hostname = m.GetString("hostname")
		agent.Port = m.GetInt("port")
		agent.LastSubmitted = m.GetString("last_submitted")
		agent.MySQLPort = m.GetInt64("mysql_port")
		token = m.GetString("token")

		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return agent, "", err

	if token == "" {
		return agent, "", log.Errorf("Cannot get agent/token: %s", hostname)
	return agent, token, nil
예제 #3
// SkipQuery skip a single query in a failed replication instance
func SkipQuery(instanceKey *InstanceKey) (*Instance, error) {
	instance, err := ReadTopologyInstance(instanceKey)
	if err != nil {
		return instance, log.Errore(err)

	if !instance.IsSlave() {
		return instance, fmt.Errorf("instance is not a slave: %+v", instanceKey)
	if instance.Slave_SQL_Running {
		return instance, fmt.Errorf("Slave SQL thread is running on %+v", instanceKey)
	if instance.LastSQLError == "" {
		return instance, fmt.Errorf("No SQL error on %+v", instanceKey)

	if *config.RuntimeCLIFlags.Noop {
		return instance, fmt.Errorf("noop: aborting skip-query operation on %+v; signalling error but nothing went wrong.", *instanceKey)

	log.Debugf("Skipping one query on %+v", instanceKey)
	if instance.UsingOracleGTID {
		err = skipQueryOracleGtid(instance)
	} else if instance.UsingMariaDBGTID {
		return instance, log.Errorf("%+v is replicating with MariaDB GTID. To skip a query first disable GTID, then skip, then enable GTID again", *instanceKey)
	} else {
		err = skipQueryClassic(instance)
	if err != nil {
		return instance, log.Errore(err)
	AuditOperation("skip-query", instanceKey, "Skipped one query")
	return StartSlave(instanceKey)
예제 #4
// If a mysql port is available, try to discover against it
func DiscoverAgentInstance(hostname string, port int) error {
	agent, err := GetAgent(hostname)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Couldn't get agent for %s: %v", hostname, err)
		return err

	instanceKey := agent.GetInstance()
	instance, err := inst.ReadTopologyInstance(instanceKey)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Failed to read topology for %v", instanceKey)
		return err
	log.Infof("Discovered Agent Instance: %v", instance.Key)
	return nil
예제 #5
func InitGraphiteMetrics() error {
	if config.Config.GraphiteAddr == "" {
		return nil
	if config.Config.GraphitePath == "" {
		return log.Errorf("No graphite path provided (see GraphitePath config variable). Will not log to graphite")
	addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", config.Config.GraphiteAddr)
	if err != nil {
		return log.Errore(err)
	graphitePathHostname := process.ThisHostname
	if config.Config.GraphiteConvertHostnameDotsToUnderscores {
		graphitePathHostname = strings.Replace(graphitePathHostname, ".", "_", -1)
	graphitePath := config.Config.GraphitePath
	graphitePath = strings.Replace(graphitePath, "{hostname}", graphitePathHostname, -1)

	log.Debugf("Will log to graphite on %+v, %+v", config.Config.GraphiteAddr, graphitePath)

	go func() {
		go graphite.Graphite(metrics.DefaultRegistry, 1*time.Minute, graphitePath, addr)
		for range graphiteCallbackTick {
			for _, f := range graphiteTickCallbacks {
				go f()

	return nil

예제 #6
func UnresolveHostname(instanceKey *InstanceKey) (InstanceKey, bool, error) {
	if *config.RuntimeCLIFlags.SkipUnresolve {
		return *instanceKey, false, nil
	unresolvedHostname, err := readUnresolvedHostname(instanceKey.Hostname)
	if err != nil {
		return *instanceKey, false, log.Errore(err)
	if unresolvedHostname == instanceKey.Hostname {
		// unchanged. Nothing to do
		return *instanceKey, false, nil
	// We unresovled to a different hostname. We will now re-resolve to double-check!
	unresolvedKey := &InstanceKey{Hostname: unresolvedHostname, Port: instanceKey.Port}

	instance, err := ReadTopologyInstance(unresolvedKey)
	if err != nil {
		return *instanceKey, false, log.Errore(err)
	if instance.IsBinlogServer() && config.Config.SkipBinlogServerUnresolveCheck {
		// Do nothing. Everything is assumed to be fine.
	} else if instance.Key.Hostname != instanceKey.Hostname {
		// Resolve(Unresolve(hostname)) != hostname ==> Bad; reject
		if *config.RuntimeCLIFlags.SkipUnresolveCheck {
			return *instanceKey, false, nil
		return *instanceKey, false, log.Errorf("Error unresolving; hostname=%s, unresolved=%s, re-resolved=%s; mismatch. Skip/ignore with --skip-unresolve-check", instanceKey.Hostname, unresolvedKey.Hostname, instance.Key.Hostname)
	return *unresolvedKey, true, nil
예제 #7
// Read (as much as possible of) a chunk of binary log events starting the given startingCoordinates
func readBinlogEventsChunk(instanceKey *InstanceKey, startingCoordinates BinlogCoordinates) ([]BinlogEvent, error) {
	events := []BinlogEvent{}
	db, err := db.OpenTopology(instanceKey.Hostname, instanceKey.Port)
	if err != nil {
		return events, err
	commandToken := math.TernaryString(startingCoordinates.Type == BinaryLog, "binlog", "relaylog")
	if startingCoordinates.LogFile == "" {
		return events, log.Errorf("readBinlogEventsChunk: empty binlog file name for %+v.", *instanceKey)
	query := fmt.Sprintf("show %s events in '%s' FROM %d LIMIT %d", commandToken, startingCoordinates.LogFile, startingCoordinates.LogPos, config.Config.BinlogEventsChunkSize)
	err = sqlutils.QueryRowsMap(db, query, func(m sqlutils.RowMap) error {
		binlogEvent := BinlogEvent{}
		binlogEvent.Coordinates.LogFile = m.GetString("Log_name")
		binlogEvent.Coordinates.LogPos = m.GetInt64("Pos")
		binlogEvent.Coordinates.Type = startingCoordinates.Type
		binlogEvent.NextEventPos = m.GetInt64("End_log_pos")
		binlogEvent.EventType = m.GetString("Event_type")
		binlogEvent.Info = m.GetString("Info")

		events = append(events, binlogEvent)
		return nil
	return events, err
예제 #8
// Try and find the last position of a pseudo GTID query entry in the given binary log.
// Also return the full text of that entry.
// maxCoordinates is the position beyond which we should not read. This is relevant when reading relay logs; in particular,
// the last relay log. We must be careful not to scan for Pseudo-GTID entries past the position executed by the SQL thread.
// maxCoordinates == nil means no limit.
func getLastPseudoGTIDEntryInBinlog(instanceKey *InstanceKey, binlog string, binlogType BinlogType, maxCoordinates *BinlogCoordinates) (*BinlogCoordinates, string, error) {
	if binlog == "" {
		return nil, "", log.Errorf("getLastPseudoGTIDEntryInBinlog: empty binlog file name for %+v. maxCoordinates = %+v", *instanceKey, maxCoordinates)
	binlogCoordinates := BinlogCoordinates{LogFile: binlog, LogPos: 0, Type: binlogType}
	db, err := db.OpenTopology(instanceKey.Hostname, instanceKey.Port)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", err

	moreRowsExpected := true
	var nextPos int64 = 0
	step := 0

	entryText := ""
	for moreRowsExpected {
		query := ""
		if binlogCoordinates.Type == BinaryLog {
			query = fmt.Sprintf("show binlog events in '%s' FROM %d LIMIT %d", binlog, nextPos, config.Config.BinlogEventsChunkSize)
		} else {
			query = fmt.Sprintf("show relaylog events in '%s' LIMIT %d,%d", binlog, (step * config.Config.BinlogEventsChunkSize), config.Config.BinlogEventsChunkSize)

		moreRowsExpected = false
		queryRowsFunc := sqlutils.QueryRowsMap
		if config.Config.BufferBinlogEvents {
			queryRowsFunc = sqlutils.QueryRowsMapBuffered
		err = queryRowsFunc(db, query, func(m sqlutils.RowMap) error {
			moreRowsExpected = true
			nextPos = m.GetInt64("End_log_pos")
			binlogEntryInfo := m.GetString("Info")
			if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(config.Config.PseudoGTIDPattern, binlogEntryInfo); matched {
				if maxCoordinates != nil && maxCoordinates.SmallerThan(&BinlogCoordinates{LogFile: binlog, LogPos: m.GetInt64("Pos")}) {
					// past the limitation
					moreRowsExpected = false
					return nil
				binlogCoordinates.LogPos = m.GetInt64("Pos")
				entryText = binlogEntryInfo
				// Found a match. But we keep searching: we're interested in the LAST entry, and, alas,
				// we can only search in ASCENDING order...
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err

	// Not found? return nil. an error is reserved to SQL problems.
	if binlogCoordinates.LogPos == 0 {
		return nil, "", nil
	return &binlogCoordinates, entryText, err
예제 #9
// SearchEntryInInstanceBinlogs will search for a specific text entry within the binary logs of a given instance.
func SearchEntryInInstanceBinlogs(instance *Instance, entryText string, monotonicPseudoGTIDEntries bool) (*BinlogCoordinates, error) {
	cacheKey := getInstanceBinlogEntryKey(instance, entryText)
	coords, found := instanceBinlogEntryCache.Get(cacheKey)
	if found {
		// This is wonderful. We can skip the tedious GTID search in the binary log
		log.Debugf("Found instance Pseudo GTID entry coordinates in cache: %+v, %+v, %+v", instance.Key, entryText, coords)
		return coords.(*BinlogCoordinates), nil

	// Look for GTID entry in given instance:
	log.Debugf("Searching for given pseudo gtid entry in %+v. monotonicPseudoGTIDEntries=%+v", instance.Key, monotonicPseudoGTIDEntries)
	currentBinlog := instance.SelfBinlogCoordinates
	var err error = nil
	for {
		log.Debugf("Searching for given pseudo gtid entry in binlog %+v of %+v", currentBinlog.LogFile, instance.Key)
		// loop iteration per binary log. This might turn to be a heavyweight operation. We wish to throttle the operation such that
		// the instance does not suffer. If it is a slave, we will only act as long as it's not lagging too much.
		if instance.SlaveRunning() {
			for {
				log.Debugf("%+v is a replicating slave. Verifying lag", instance.Key)
				instance, err = ReadTopologyInstance(&instance.Key)
				if err != nil {
				if instance.HasReasonableMaintenanceReplicationLag() {
					// is good to go!
				log.Debugf("lag is too high on %+v. Throttling the search for pseudo gtid entry", instance.Key)
				time.Sleep(time.Duration(config.Config.ReasonableMaintenanceReplicationLagSeconds) * time.Second)
		var resultCoordinates BinlogCoordinates
		var found bool = false
		resultCoordinates, found, err = SearchEntryInBinlog(&instance.Key, currentBinlog.LogFile, entryText, monotonicPseudoGTIDEntries)
		if err != nil {
		if found {
			log.Debugf("Matched entry in %+v: %+v", instance.Key, resultCoordinates)
			instanceBinlogEntryCache.Set(cacheKey, &resultCoordinates, 0)
			return &resultCoordinates, nil
		// Got here? Unfound. Keep looking
		currentBinlog, err = currentBinlog.PreviousFileCoordinates()
		if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("- Will move next to binlog %+v", currentBinlog.LogFile)

	return nil, log.Errorf("Cannot match pseudo GTID entry in binlogs of %+v; err: %+v", instance.Key, err)
예제 #10
// FlushBinaryLogsTo attempts to 'FLUSH BINARY LOGS' until given binary log is reached
func FlushBinaryLogsTo(instanceKey *InstanceKey, logFile string) (*Instance, error) {
	instance, err := ReadTopologyInstance(instanceKey)
	if err != nil {
		return instance, log.Errore(err)

	distance := instance.SelfBinlogCoordinates.FileNumberDistance(&BinlogCoordinates{LogFile: logFile})
	if distance < 0 {
		return nil, log.Errorf("FlushBinaryLogsTo: target log file %+v is smaller than current log file %+v", logFile, instance.SelfBinlogCoordinates.LogFile)
	return FlushBinaryLogs(instanceKey, distance)
예제 #11
func FlushNontrivialResolveCacheToDatabase() error {
	if !HostnameResolveMethodIsNone() {
		return log.Errorf("FlushNontrivialResolveCacheToDatabase() called, but HostnameResolveMethod is %+v", config.Config.HostnameResolveMethod)
	items, _ := HostnameResolveCache()
	for hostname := range items {
		resolvedHostname, found := hostnameResolvesLightweightCache.Get(hostname)
		if found && (resolvedHostname.(string) != hostname) {
			WriteResolvedHostname(hostname, resolvedHostname.(string))
	return nil
예제 #12
// StopSlaveNicely stops a slave such that SQL_thread and IO_thread are aligned (i.e.
// SQL_thread consumes all relay log entries)
// It will actually START the sql_thread even if the slave is completely stopped.
func StopSlaveNicely(instanceKey *InstanceKey, timeout time.Duration) (*Instance, error) {
	instance, err := ReadTopologyInstance(instanceKey)
	if err != nil {
		return instance, log.Errore(err)

	if !instance.IsSlave() {
		return instance, fmt.Errorf("instance is not a slave: %+v", instanceKey)

	_, err = ExecInstanceNoPrepare(instanceKey, `stop slave io_thread`)
	_, err = ExecInstanceNoPrepare(instanceKey, `start slave sql_thread`)

	if instance.SQLDelay == 0 {
		// Otherwise we don't bother.
		startTime := time.Now()
		for upToDate := false; !upToDate; {
			if timeout > 0 && time.Since(startTime) >= timeout {
				// timeout
				return nil, log.Errorf("StopSlaveNicely timeout on %+v", *instanceKey)
			instance, err = ReadTopologyInstance(instanceKey)
			if err != nil {
				return instance, log.Errore(err)

			if instance.SQLThreadUpToDate() {
				upToDate = true
			} else {
	_, err = ExecInstanceNoPrepare(instanceKey, `stop slave`)
	if err != nil {
		// Patch; current MaxScale behavior for STOP SLAVE is to throw an error if slave already stopped.
		if instance.isMaxScale() && err.Error() == "Error 1199: Slave connection is not running" {
			err = nil
	if err != nil {
		return instance, log.Errore(err)

	instance, err = ReadTopologyInstance(instanceKey)
	log.Infof("Stopped slave nicely on %+v, Self:%+v, Exec:%+v", *instanceKey, instance.SelfBinlogCoordinates, instance.ExecBinlogCoordinates)
	return instance, err
예제 #13
// Seed is the entry point for making a seed
func Seed(targetHostname string, sourceHostname string) (int64, error) {
	if targetHostname == sourceHostname {
		return 0, log.Errorf("Cannot seed %s onto itself", targetHostname)
	seedId, err := SubmitSeedEntry(targetHostname, sourceHostname)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, log.Errore(err)

	go func() {
		err := executeSeed(seedId, targetHostname, sourceHostname)
		updateSeedComplete(seedId, err)

	return seedId, nil
예제 #14
// executeProcesses executes a list of processes
func executeProcesses(processes []string, description string, topologyRecovery *TopologyRecovery, failOnError bool) error {
	var err error
	for _, command := range processes {
		command := replaceCommandPlaceholders(command, topologyRecovery)

		if cmdErr := os.CommandRun(command); cmdErr == nil {
			log.Infof("Executed %s command: %s", description, command)
		} else {
			if err == nil {
				// Note first error
				err = cmdErr
			log.Errorf("Failed to execute %s command: %s", description, command)
			if failOnError {
				return err
	return err
예제 #15
func getLastPseudoGTIDEntryInInstance(instance *Instance, maxBinlogCoordinates *BinlogCoordinates, exhaustiveSearch bool) (*BinlogCoordinates, string, error) {
	// Look for last GTID in instance:
	currentBinlog := instance.SelfBinlogCoordinates

	var err error = nil
	for err == nil {
		log.Debugf("Searching for latest pseudo gtid entry in binlog %+v of %+v", currentBinlog.LogFile, instance.Key)
		resultCoordinates, entryInfo, err := getLastPseudoGTIDEntryInBinlog(&instance.Key, currentBinlog.LogFile, BinaryLog, maxBinlogCoordinates)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err
		if resultCoordinates != nil {
			log.Debugf("Found pseudo gtid entry in %+v, %+v", instance.Key, resultCoordinates)
			return resultCoordinates, entryInfo, err
		if !exhaustiveSearch {
		currentBinlog, err = currentBinlog.PreviousFileCoordinates()
	return nil, "", log.Errorf("Cannot find pseudo GTID entry in binlogs of %+v", instance.Key)
예제 #16
func getLastPseudoGTIDEntryInRelayLogs(instance *Instance, recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates BinlogCoordinates, exhaustiveSearch bool) (*BinlogCoordinates, string, error) {
	// Look for last GTID in relay logs:
	// Since MySQL does not provide with a SHOW RELAY LOGS command, we heuristically srtart from current
	// relay log (indiciated by Relay_log_file) and walk backwards.
	// Eventually we will hit a relay log name which does not exist.
	currentRelayLog := recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates
	var err error = nil
	for err == nil {
		log.Debugf("Searching for latest pseudo gtid entry in relaylog %+v of %+v, up to pos %+v", currentRelayLog.LogFile, instance.Key, recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates)
		if resultCoordinates, entryInfo, err := getLastPseudoGTIDEntryInBinlog(&instance.Key, currentRelayLog.LogFile, RelayLog, &recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates); err != nil {
			return nil, "", err
		} else if resultCoordinates != nil {
			log.Debugf("Found pseudo gtid entry in %+v, %+v", instance.Key, resultCoordinates)
			return resultCoordinates, entryInfo, err
		if !exhaustiveSearch {
		currentRelayLog, err = currentRelayLog.PreviousFileCoordinates()
	return nil, "", log.Errorf("Cannot find pseudo GTID entry in relay logs of %+v", instance.Key)
예제 #17
// AttemptFailureDetectionRegistration tries to add a failure-detection entry; if this fails that means the problem has already been detected
func WriteAsyncRequest(asyncRequest *AsyncRequest) error {
	if asyncRequest.OperatedInstanceKey == nil {
		return log.Errorf("WriteAsyncRequest received asyncRequest.OperatedInstanceKey for command %+v", asyncRequest.Command)
	destinationKey := asyncRequest.DestinationKey
	if destinationKey == nil {
		destinationKey = &inst.InstanceKey{}
	writeFunc := func() error {
		_, err := db.ExecOrchestrator(`
			insert into async_request (
					command, hostname, port, destination_hostname, destination_port, pattern, gtid_hint, story, begin_timestamp, end_timestamp
				) values (
					?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, NULL
				`, asyncRequest.Command, asyncRequest.OperatedInstanceKey.Hostname, asyncRequest.OperatedInstanceKey.Port,
			destinationKey.Hostname, destinationKey.Port, asyncRequest.Pattern, string(asyncRequest.GTIDHint), asyncRequest.Story,
		return log.Errore(err)
	return inst.ExecDBWriteFunc(writeFunc)
예제 #18
// RecoverDeadCoMaster recovers a dead co-master, complete logic inside
func RecoverDeadCoMaster(topologyRecovery *TopologyRecovery, skipProcesses bool) (promotedSlave *inst.Instance, lostSlaves [](*inst.Instance), err error) {
	analysisEntry := &topologyRecovery.AnalysisEntry
	failedInstanceKey := &analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey
	otherCoMasterKey := &analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceMasterKey
	otherCoMaster, found, _ := inst.ReadInstance(otherCoMasterKey)
	if otherCoMaster == nil || !found {
		return nil, lostSlaves, topologyRecovery.AddError(log.Errorf("RecoverDeadCoMaster: could not read info for co-master %+v of %+v", *otherCoMasterKey, *failedInstanceKey))
	inst.AuditOperation("recover-dead-co-master", failedInstanceKey, "problem found; will recover")
	if !skipProcesses {
		if err := executeProcesses(config.Config.PreFailoverProcesses, "PreFailoverProcesses", topologyRecovery, true); err != nil {
			return nil, lostSlaves, topologyRecovery.AddError(err)

	log.Debugf("topology_recovery: RecoverDeadCoMaster: will recover %+v", *failedInstanceKey)

	var coMasterRecoveryType MasterRecoveryType = MasterRecoveryPseudoGTID
	if analysisEntry.OracleGTIDImmediateTopology || analysisEntry.MariaDBGTIDImmediateTopology {
		coMasterRecoveryType = MasterRecoveryGTID

	log.Debugf("topology_recovery: RecoverDeadCoMaster: coMasterRecoveryType=%+v", coMasterRecoveryType)

	switch coMasterRecoveryType {
	case MasterRecoveryGTID:
			lostSlaves, _, promotedSlave, err = inst.RegroupSlavesGTID(failedInstanceKey, true, nil)
	case MasterRecoveryPseudoGTID:
			lostSlaves, _, _, promotedSlave, err = inst.RegroupSlavesPseudoGTIDIncludingSubSlavesOfBinlogServers(failedInstanceKey, true, nil, &topologyRecovery.PostponedFunctionsContainer)

	mustPromoteOtherCoMaster := config.Config.CoMasterRecoveryMustPromoteOtherCoMaster
	if !otherCoMaster.ReadOnly {
		log.Debugf("topology_recovery: RecoverDeadCoMaster: other co-master %+v is writeable hence has to be promoted", otherCoMaster.Key)
		mustPromoteOtherCoMaster = true
	log.Debugf("topology_recovery: RecoverDeadCoMaster: mustPromoteOtherCoMaster? %+v", mustPromoteOtherCoMaster)

	if promotedSlave != nil {
		if mustPromoteOtherCoMaster {
			log.Debugf("topology_recovery: mustPromoteOtherCoMaster. Verifying that %+v is/can be promoted", *otherCoMasterKey)
			promotedSlave, err = replacePromotedSlaveWithCandidate(failedInstanceKey, promotedSlave, otherCoMasterKey)
		} else {
			// We are allowed to promote any server
			promotedSlave, err = replacePromotedSlaveWithCandidate(failedInstanceKey, promotedSlave, nil)

			if promotedSlave.DataCenter == otherCoMaster.DataCenter &&
				promotedSlave.PhysicalEnvironment == otherCoMaster.PhysicalEnvironment && false {
				// and _still_ we prefer to promote the co-master! They're in same env & DC so no worries about geo issues!
				promotedSlave, err = replacePromotedSlaveWithCandidate(failedInstanceKey, promotedSlave, otherCoMasterKey)
	if promotedSlave != nil {
		if mustPromoteOtherCoMaster && !promotedSlave.Key.Equals(otherCoMasterKey) {
			topologyRecovery.AddError(log.Errorf("RecoverDeadCoMaster: could not manage to promote other-co-master %+v; was only able to promote %+v; CoMasterRecoveryMustPromoteOtherCoMaster is true, therefore failing", *otherCoMasterKey, promotedSlave.Key))
			promotedSlave = nil
	if promotedSlave != nil {

	// OK, we may have someone promoted. Either this was the other co-master or another slave.
	// Noting down that we DO NOT attempt to set a new co-master topology. We are good with remaining with a single master.
	// I tried solving the "let's promote a slave and create a new co-master setup" but this turns so complex due to various factors.
	// I see this as risky and not worth the questionable benefit.
	// Maybe future me is a smarter person and finds a simple solution. Unlikely. I'm getting dumber.
	// ...
	// Now that we're convinved, take a look at what we can be left with:
	// Say we started with M1<->M2<-S1, with M2 failing, and we promoted S1.
	// We now have M1->S1 (because S1 is promoted), S1->M2 (because that's what it remembers), M2->M1 (because that's what it remembers)
	// !! This is an evil 3-node circle that must be broken.
	// config.Config.ApplyMySQLPromotionAfterMasterFailover, if true, will cause it to break, because we would RESET SLAVE on S1
	// but we want to make sure the circle is broken no matter what.
	// So in the case we promoted not-the-other-co-master, we issue a detach-slave-master-host, which is a reversible operation
	if promotedSlave != nil && !promotedSlave.Key.Equals(otherCoMasterKey) {
		_, err = inst.DetachSlaveMasterHost(&promotedSlave.Key)

	if promotedSlave != nil && len(lostSlaves) > 0 && config.Config.DetachLostSlavesAfterMasterFailover {
		postponedFunction := func() error {
			log.Debugf("topology_recovery: - RecoverDeadCoMaster: lost %+v slaves during recovery process; detaching them", len(lostSlaves))
			for _, slave := range lostSlaves {
				slave := slave
			return nil
	if config.Config.MasterFailoverLostInstancesDowntimeMinutes > 0 {
		postponedFunction := func() error {
			inst.BeginDowntime(failedInstanceKey, inst.GetMaintenanceOwner(), "RecoverDeadCoMaster indicates this instance is lost", config.Config.MasterFailoverLostInstancesDowntimeMinutes*60)
			for _, slave := range lostSlaves {
				slave := slave
				inst.BeginDowntime(&slave.Key, inst.GetMaintenanceOwner(), "RecoverDeadCoMaster indicates this instance is lost", config.Config.MasterFailoverLostInstancesDowntimeMinutes*60)
			return nil

	return promotedSlave, lostSlaves, err
예제 #19
// RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster performs intermediate master recovery; complete logic inside
func RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster(topologyRecovery *TopologyRecovery, skipProcesses bool) (successorInstance *inst.Instance, err error) {
	analysisEntry := &topologyRecovery.AnalysisEntry
	failedInstanceKey := &analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey
	recoveryResolved := false

	inst.AuditOperation("recover-dead-intermediate-master", failedInstanceKey, "problem found; will recover")
	if !skipProcesses {
		if err := executeProcesses(config.Config.PreFailoverProcesses, "PreFailoverProcesses", topologyRecovery, true); err != nil {
			return nil, topologyRecovery.AddError(err)

	intermediateMasterInstance, _, err := inst.ReadInstance(failedInstanceKey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, topologyRecovery.AddError(err)
	// Find possible candidate
	candidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster, err := GetCandidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster(intermediateMasterInstance)
	relocateSlavesToCandidateSibling := func() {
		if candidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster == nil {
		// We have a candidate
		log.Debugf("topology_recovery: - RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster: will attempt a candidate intermediate master: %+v", candidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster.Key)
		relocatedSlaves, candidateSibling, err, errs := inst.RelocateSlaves(failedInstanceKey, &candidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster.Key, "")

		if len(relocatedSlaves) == 0 {
			log.Debugf("topology_recovery: - RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster: failed to move any slave to candidate intermediate master (%+v)", candidateSibling.Key)
		if err != nil || len(errs) > 0 {
			log.Debugf("topology_recovery: - RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster: move to candidate intermediate master (%+v) did not complete: %+v", candidateSibling.Key, err)
		if err == nil {
			recoveryResolved = true
			successorInstance = candidateSibling

			inst.AuditOperation("recover-dead-intermediate-master", failedInstanceKey, fmt.Sprintf("Relocated %d slaves under candidate sibling: %+v; %d errors: %+v", len(relocatedSlaves), candidateSibling.Key, len(errs), errs))
	// Plan A: find a replacement intermediate master in same Data Center
	if candidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster != nil && candidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster.DataCenter == intermediateMasterInstance.DataCenter {
	if !recoveryResolved {
		log.Debugf("topology_recovery: - RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster: will next attempt regrouping of slaves")
		// Plan B: regroup (we wish to reduce cross-DC replication streams)
		_, _, _, regroupPromotedSlave, err := inst.RegroupSlaves(failedInstanceKey, true, nil, nil)
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("topology_recovery: - RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster: regroup failed on: %+v", err)
		if regroupPromotedSlave != nil {
		// Plan C: try replacement intermediate master in other DC...
		if candidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster != nil && candidateSiblingOfIntermediateMaster.DataCenter != intermediateMasterInstance.DataCenter {
			log.Debugf("topology_recovery: - RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster: will next attempt relocating to another DC server")
	if !recoveryResolved {
		// Do we still have leftovers? Some slaves couldn't move? Couldn't regroup? Only left with regroup's resulting leader?
		// nothing moved?
		// We don't care much if regroup made it or not. We prefer that it made it, in whcih case we only need to relocate up
		// one slave, but the operation is still valid if regroup partially/completely failed. We just promote anything
		// not regrouped.
		// So, match up all that's left, plan D
		log.Debugf("topology_recovery: - RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster: will next attempt to relocate up from %+v", *failedInstanceKey)

		var errs []error
		var relocatedSlaves [](*inst.Instance)
		relocatedSlaves, successorInstance, err, errs = inst.RelocateSlaves(failedInstanceKey, &analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceMasterKey, "")

		if len(relocatedSlaves) > 0 {
			recoveryResolved = true
			inst.AuditOperation("recover-dead-intermediate-master", failedInstanceKey, fmt.Sprintf("Relocated slaves under: %+v %d errors: %+v", successorInstance.Key, len(errs), errs))
		} else {
			err = log.Errorf("topology_recovery: RecoverDeadIntermediateMaster failed to match up any slave from %+v", *failedInstanceKey)
	if !recoveryResolved {
		successorInstance = nil
	ResolveRecovery(topologyRecovery, successorInstance)
	return successorInstance, err
예제 #20
// GetNextBinlogCoordinatesToMatch is given a twin-coordinates couple for a would-be slave (instanceKey) and another
// instance (otherKey).
// This is part of the match-below process, and is the heart of the operation: matching the binlog events starting
// the twin-coordinates (where both share the same Pseudo-GTID) until "instance" runs out of entries, hopefully
// before "other" runs out.
// If "other" runs out that means "instance" is more advanced in replication than "other", in which case we can't
// turn it into a slave of "other".
// Otherwise "instance" will point to the *next* binlog entry in "other"
func GetNextBinlogCoordinatesToMatch(instance *Instance, instanceCoordinates BinlogCoordinates, recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates BinlogCoordinates, maxBinlogCoordinates *BinlogCoordinates,
	other *Instance, otherCoordinates BinlogCoordinates) (*BinlogCoordinates, int, error) {

	fetchNextEvents := func(binlogCoordinates BinlogCoordinates) ([]BinlogEvent, error) {
		return getNextBinlogEventsChunk(instance, binlogCoordinates, 0)
	instanceCursor := NewBinlogEventCursor(instanceCoordinates, fetchNextEvents)

	fetchOtherNextEvents := func(binlogCoordinates BinlogCoordinates) ([]BinlogEvent, error) {
		return getNextBinlogEventsChunk(other, binlogCoordinates, 0)
	otherCursor := NewBinlogEventCursor(otherCoordinates, fetchOtherNextEvents)

	var beautifyCoordinatesLength int = 0
	rpad := func(s string, length int) string {
		if len(s) >= length {
			return s
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", s, strings.Repeat(" ", length-len(s)))

	var lastConsumedEventCoordinates BinlogCoordinates
	var countMatchedEvents int = 0
	for {
		// Exhaust binlogs/relaylogs on instance. While iterating them, also iterate the otherInstance binlogs.
		// We expect entries on both to match, sequentially, until instance's binlogs/relaylogs are exhausted.
		var instanceEventInfo string
		var otherEventInfo string
		var eventCoordinates BinlogCoordinates
		var otherEventCoordinates BinlogCoordinates
			// Extract next binlog/relaylog entry from instance:
			event, err := instanceCursor.nextRealEvent()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, 0, log.Errore(err)
			if event != nil {
				lastConsumedEventCoordinates = event.Coordinates

			switch instanceCoordinates.Type {
			case BinaryLog:
				if event == nil {
					// end of binary logs for instance:
					targetMatchCoordinates, err := otherCursor.getNextCoordinates()
					if err != nil {
						return nil, 0, log.Errore(err)
					nextCoordinates, _ := instanceCursor.getNextCoordinates()
					if nextCoordinates.SmallerThan(&instance.SelfBinlogCoordinates) {
						return nil, 0, log.Errorf("Unexpected problem: instance binlog iteration ended before self coordinates. Ended with: %+v, self coordinates: %+v", nextCoordinates, instance.SelfBinlogCoordinates)
					log.Debugf("Reached end of binary logs for instance, at %+v. Other coordinates: %+v", nextCoordinates, targetMatchCoordinates)
					return &targetMatchCoordinates, countMatchedEvents, nil
			case RelayLog:
				// Argghhhh! SHOW RELAY LOG EVENTS IN '...' statement returns CRAPPY values for End_log_pos:
				// instead of returning the end log pos of the current statement in the *relay log*, it shows
				// the end log pos of the matching statement in the *master's binary log*!
				// Yes, there's logic to this. But this means the next-ccordinates are meaningless.
				// As result, in the case where we exhaust (following) the relay log, we cannot do our last
				// nice sanity test that we've indeed reached the Relay_log_pos coordinate; we are only at the
				// last statement, which is SMALLER than Relay_log_pos; and there isn't a "Rotate" entry to make
				// a place holder or anything. The log just ends and we can't be absolutely certain that the next
				// statement is indeed (futuristically) as End_log_pos.
				endOfScan := false
				if event == nil {
					// End of relay log...
					endOfScan = true
					log.Debugf("Reached end of relay log at %+v", recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates)
				} else if recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates.Equals(&event.Coordinates) {
					// We've passed the maxScanInstanceCoordinates (applies for relay logs)
					endOfScan = true
					log.Debugf("Reached slave relay log coordinates at %+v", recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates)
				} else if recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates.SmallerThan(&event.Coordinates) {
					return nil, 0, log.Errorf("Unexpected problem: relay log scan passed relay log position without hitting it. Ended with: %+v, relay log position: %+v", event.Coordinates, recordedInstanceRelayLogCoordinates)
				if endOfScan {
					// end of binary logs for instance:
					targetMatchCoordinates, err := otherCursor.getNextCoordinates()
					if err != nil {
						log.Debugf("Cannot otherCursor.getNextCoordinates(). otherCoordinates=%+v, cached events in cursor: %d; index=%d", otherCoordinates, len(otherCursor.cachedEvents), otherCursor.currentEventIndex)
						return nil, 0, log.Errore(err)
					// No further sanity checks (read the above lengthy explanation)
					log.Debugf("Reached limit of relay logs for instance, just after %+v. Other coordinates: %+v", lastConsumedEventCoordinates, targetMatchCoordinates)
					return &targetMatchCoordinates, countMatchedEvents, nil

			instanceEventInfo = event.Info
			eventCoordinates = event.Coordinates
			coordinatesStr := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", event.Coordinates)
			if len(coordinatesStr) > beautifyCoordinatesLength {
				beautifyCoordinatesLength = len(coordinatesStr)
			log.Debugf("> %+v %+v; %+v", rpad(coordinatesStr, beautifyCoordinatesLength), event.EventType, strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(instanceEventInfo), "\n")[0])
			// Extract next binlog/relaylog entry from otherInstance (intended master):
			event, err := otherCursor.nextRealEvent()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, 0, log.Errore(err)
			if event == nil {
				// end of binary logs for otherInstance: this is unexpected and means instance is more advanced
				// than otherInstance
				return nil, 0, log.Errorf("Unexpected end of binary logs for assumed master (%+v). This means the instance which attempted to be a slave (%+v) was more advanced. Try the other way round", other.Key, instance.Key)
			otherEventInfo = event.Info
			otherEventCoordinates = event.Coordinates
			coordinatesStr := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", event.Coordinates)
			if len(coordinatesStr) > beautifyCoordinatesLength {
				beautifyCoordinatesLength = len(coordinatesStr)
			log.Debugf("< %+v %+v; %+v", rpad(coordinatesStr, beautifyCoordinatesLength), event.EventType, strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(otherEventInfo), "\n")[0])
		// Verify things are sane (the two extracted entries are identical):
		// (not strictly required by the algorithm but adds such a lovely self-sanity-testing essence)
		if instanceEventInfo != otherEventInfo {
			return nil, 0, log.Errorf("Mismatching entries, aborting: %+v <-> %+v", instanceEventInfo, otherEventInfo)
		if maxBinlogCoordinates != nil {
			// Not searching till end of binary logs/relay log exec pos. Instead, we're stopping at an instructed position.
			if eventCoordinates.Equals(maxBinlogCoordinates) {
				log.Debugf("maxBinlogCoordinates specified as %+v and reached. Stopping", *maxBinlogCoordinates)
				return &otherEventCoordinates, countMatchedEvents, nil
			} else if maxBinlogCoordinates.SmallerThan(&eventCoordinates) {
				return nil, 0, log.Errorf("maxBinlogCoordinates (%+v) exceeded but not met", *maxBinlogCoordinates)
	// Won't get here
예제 #21
// AttemptRecoveryRegistration tries to add a recovery entry; if this fails that means recovery is already in place.
func AttemptRecoveryRegistration(analysisEntry *inst.ReplicationAnalysis, failIfFailedInstanceInActiveRecovery bool, failIfClusterInActiveRecovery bool) (*TopologyRecovery, error) {
	if failIfFailedInstanceInActiveRecovery {
		// Let's check if this instance has just been promoted recently and is still in active period.
		// If so, we reject recovery registration to avoid flapping.
		recoveries, err := ReadInActivePeriodSuccessorInstanceRecovery(&analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, log.Errore(err)
		if len(recoveries) > 0 {
			RegisterBlockedRecoveries(analysisEntry, recoveries)
			return nil, log.Errorf("AttemptRecoveryRegistration: instance %+v has recently been promoted (by failover of %+v) and is in active period. It will not be failed over. You may acknowledge the failure on %+v (-c ack-instance-recoveries) to remove this blockage", analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey, recoveries[0].AnalysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey, recoveries[0].AnalysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey)
	if failIfClusterInActiveRecovery {
		// Let's check if this cluster has just experienced a failover and is still in active period.
		// If so, we reject recovery registration to avoid flapping.
		recoveries, err := ReadInActivePeriodClusterRecovery(analysisEntry.ClusterDetails.ClusterName)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, log.Errore(err)
		if len(recoveries) > 0 {
			RegisterBlockedRecoveries(analysisEntry, recoveries)
			return nil, log.Errorf("AttemptRecoveryRegistration: cluster %+v has recently experienced a failover (of %+v) and is in active period. It will not be failed over again. You may acknowledge the failure on this cluster (-c ack-cluster-recoveries) or on %+v (-c ack-instance-recoveries) to remove this blockage", analysisEntry.ClusterDetails.ClusterName, recoveries[0].AnalysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey, recoveries[0].AnalysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey)
	if !failIfFailedInstanceInActiveRecovery {
		// Implicitly acknowledge this instance's possibly existing active recovery, provided they are completed.
		AcknowledgeInstanceCompletedRecoveries(&analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey, "orchestrator", fmt.Sprintf("implicit acknowledge due to user invocation of recovery on same instance: %+v", analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey))
		// The fact we only acknowledge a completed recovery solves the possible case of two DBAs simultaneously
		// trying to recover the same instance at the same time

	sqlResult, err := db.ExecOrchestrator(`
			insert ignore 
				into topology_recovery (
				) values (
					(select ifnull(max(detection_id), 0) from topology_failure_detection where hostname=? and port=?)
			`, analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey.Hostname, analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey.Port, process.ThisHostname, process.ProcessToken.Hash,
		string(analysisEntry.Analysis), analysisEntry.ClusterDetails.ClusterName, analysisEntry.ClusterDetails.ClusterAlias, analysisEntry.CountSlaves, analysisEntry.SlaveHosts.ToCommaDelimitedList(),
		analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey.Hostname, analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey.Port,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, log.Errore(err)
	rows, err := sqlResult.RowsAffected()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, log.Errore(err)
	if rows == 0 {
		return nil, nil
	// Success
	topologyRecovery := NewTopologyRecovery(*analysisEntry)
	topologyRecovery.Id, _ = sqlResult.LastInsertId()
	return topologyRecovery, nil
예제 #22
// SearchEntryInBinlog Given a binlog entry text (query), search it in the given binary log of a given instance
func SearchEntryInBinlog(instanceKey *InstanceKey, binlog string, entryText string, monotonicPseudoGTIDEntries bool) (BinlogCoordinates, bool, error) {
	binlogCoordinates := BinlogCoordinates{LogFile: binlog, LogPos: 0, Type: BinaryLog}
	if binlog == "" {
		return binlogCoordinates, false, log.Errorf("SearchEntryInBinlog: empty binlog file name for %+v", *instanceKey)

	db, err := db.OpenTopology(instanceKey.Hostname, instanceKey.Port)
	if err != nil {
		return binlogCoordinates, false, err

	moreRowsExpected := true
	skipRestOfBinlog := false
	alreadyMatchedAscendingPseudoGTID := false
	var nextPos int64 = 0

	//	commandToken := math.TernaryString(binlogCoordinates.Type == BinaryLog, "binlog", "relaylog")
	for moreRowsExpected {
		query := fmt.Sprintf("show binlog events in '%s' FROM %d LIMIT %d", binlog, nextPos, config.Config.BinlogEventsChunkSize)

		// We don't know in advance when we will hit the end of the binlog. We will implicitly understand it when our
		// `show binlog events` query does not return any row.
		moreRowsExpected = false
		queryRowsFunc := sqlutils.QueryRowsMap
		if config.Config.BufferBinlogEvents {
			queryRowsFunc = sqlutils.QueryRowsMapBuffered
		err = queryRowsFunc(db, query, func(m sqlutils.RowMap) error {
			if binlogCoordinates.LogPos != 0 {
				// Entry found!
				skipRestOfBinlog = true
				return nil
			if skipRestOfBinlog {
				return nil
			moreRowsExpected = true
			nextPos = m.GetInt64("End_log_pos")
			binlogEntryInfo := m.GetString("Info")
			if binlogEntryInfo == entryText {
				// found it!
				binlogCoordinates.LogPos = m.GetInt64("Pos")
			} else if monotonicPseudoGTIDEntries && !alreadyMatchedAscendingPseudoGTID {
				// This part assumes we're searching for Pseudo-GTID.Typically that is the case, however this function can
				// also be used for generic searches through the binary log.
				// More heavyweight computation here. Need to verify whether the binlog entry we have is a pseudo-gtid entry
				// We only want to check for ASCENDING once in the top of the binary log.
				// If we find the first entry to be higher than the searched one, clearly we are done.
				// If not, then by virtue of binary logs, we still have to full-scan the entrie binlog sequentially; we
				// do not check again for ASCENDING (no point), so we save up CPU energy wasted in regexp.
				if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(config.Config.PseudoGTIDPattern, binlogEntryInfo); matched {
					alreadyMatchedAscendingPseudoGTID = true
					log.Debugf("Matched ascending Pseudo-GTID entry in %+v", binlog)
					if binlogEntryInfo > entryText {
						// Entries ascending, and current entry is larger than the one we are searching for.
						// There is no need to scan further on. We can skip the entire binlog
						log.Debugf(`Pseudo GTID entries are monotonic and we hit "%+v" > "%+v"; skipping binlog %+v`, m.GetString("Info"), entryText, binlogCoordinates.LogFile)
						skipRestOfBinlog = true
						return nil
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			return binlogCoordinates, (binlogCoordinates.LogPos != 0), err
		if skipRestOfBinlog {
			return binlogCoordinates, (binlogCoordinates.LogPos != 0), err

	return binlogCoordinates, (binlogCoordinates.LogPos != 0), err