예제 #1
func (p *MQTTPublisher) discoverBrokerEndpoint() error {
	endpoint, err := catalog.DiscoverCatalogEndpoint(service.DNSSDServiceType)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	rcc := service.NewRemoteCatalogClient(endpoint)
	res, _, err := rcc.FindServices("meta.serviceType", "equals", DNSSDServiceTypeMQTT, 1, 50)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	supportsPub := false
	for _, s := range res {
		for _, proto := range s.Protocols {
			for _, m := range proto.Methods {
				if m == "PUB" {
					supportsPub = true
			if !supportsPub {
			if ProtocolType(proto.Type) == ProtocolTypeMQTT {
				p.config.URL = proto.Endpoint["url"].(string)

	err = p.config.Validate()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
예제 #2
// Registers service in the remote catalog
// endpoint: catalog endpoint. If empty - will be discovered using DNS-SD
// s: service registration
// sigCh: channel for shutdown signalisation from upstream
func RegisterServiceWithKeepalive(endpoint string, discover bool, s Service, sigCh <-chan bool, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer wg.Done()
	var err error
	if discover {
		endpoint, err = utils.DiscoverCatalogEndpoint(DNSSDServiceType)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Printf("RegisterServiceWithKeepalive() ERROR: Failed to discover the endpoint: %v", err.Error())

	// Configure client
	client := NewRemoteCatalogClient(endpoint)

	// Will not keepalive registration with a negative TTL
	if s.Ttl <= 0 {
		logger.Println("RegisterServiceWithKeepalive() WARNING: Registration has ttl <= 0. Will not start the keepalive routine")
		RegisterService(client, &s)
	logger.Printf("RegisterServiceWithKeepalive() Will register and update registration periodically: %v/%v", endpoint, s.Id)

	// Configure & start the keepalive routine
	ksigCh := make(chan bool)
	kerrCh := make(chan error)
	go keepAlive(client, &s, ksigCh, kerrCh)

	for {
		select {
		// catch an error from the keepAlive routine
		case e := <-kerrCh:
			logger.Println("RegisterServiceWithKeepalive() ERROR:", e)
			// Re-discover the endpoint if needed and start over
			if discover {
				endpoint, err = utils.DiscoverCatalogEndpoint(DNSSDServiceType)
				if err != nil {
					logger.Println("RegisterServiceWithKeepalive() ERROR:", err.Error())
			logger.Println("RegisterServiceWithKeepalive() Will use the new endpoint: ", endpoint)
			client := NewRemoteCatalogClient(endpoint)
			go keepAlive(client, &s, ksigCh, kerrCh)

		// catch a shutdown signal from the upstream
		case <-sigCh:
			logger.Printf("RegisterServiceWithKeepalive() Removing the registration %v/%v...", endpoint, s.Id)
			// signal shutdown to the keepAlive routine & close channels
			select {
			case ksigCh <- true:
				// delete entry in the remote catalog
			case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
				logger.Printf("RegisterDeviceWithKeepalive(): timeout removing registration %v/%v: catalog unreachable", endpoint, s.Id)
