예제 #1
// output static file as base64 string
//   image must exist as file in /static
func imagefileAsBase64(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, m map[string]interface{}) {

	c := appengine.NewContext(r)

	p := r.FormValue("p")
	if p == "" {
		p = "static/chartbg_400x960__480x1040__12x10.png"

	f, err := os.Open(p)
	util_err.Err_http(w, r, err, false)
	defer f.Close()

	img, whichFormat, err := image.Decode(f)
	util_err.Err_http(w, r, err, false)
	c.Infof("format %v - subtype %T\n", whichFormat, img)

	imgRGBA, ok := img.(*image.RGBA)
	util_err.Err_http(w, r, ok, true, "source image was not convertible to image.RGBA - gifs or jpeg?")

	// => header with mime prefix always prepended
	//   and its always image/PNG
	str_b64 := conv.Rgba_img_to_base64_str(imgRGBA)

	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
	io.WriteString(w, "<p>Image embedded in HTML as Base64:</p><img width=200px src=\"")
	io.WriteString(w, str_b64)
	io.WriteString(w, "\"> ")

func SaveImageToDatastore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, i *image.RGBA, key string) string {

	s := conv.Rgba_img_to_base64_str(i)
	internalType := fmt.Sprintf("%T", i)
	//buffBytes, _     := StringToVByte(s)  // instead of []byte(s)
	key_combi, err := dsu.BufPut(w, r, dsu.WrapBlob{Name: key, VByte: []byte(s), S: internalType}, key)
	util_err.Err_http(w, r, err, false)

	return key_combi
