func (s *TestSuite) TestFingerprintOrderBy(t *C) { var q string // Remove ASC from ORDER BY // Issue 1030: Fingerprint can remove ORDER BY ASC q = "select c from t where i=1 order by c asc" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select c from t where i=? order by c", ) // Remove only ASC from ORDER BY q = "select * from t where i=1 order by a, b ASC, d DESC, e asc" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from t where i=? order by a, b, d desc, e", ) // Remove ASC from spacey ORDER BY q = `select * from t where i=1 order by a, b ASC, d DESC, e asc` t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from t where i=? order by a, b, d desc, e", ) }
func (s *TestSuite) TestFingerprintOneLineComments(t *C) { var q string // Removes one-line comments in fingerprints q = "select \n-- bar\n foo" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select foo", ) // Removes one-line comments in fingerprint without mushing things together q = "select foo-- bar\n,foo" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select foo,foo", ) // Removes one-line EOL comments in fingerprints q = "select foo -- bar\n" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select foo", ) // Removes one-line # hash comments q = "### Channels ###\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009SELECT sourcetable, IF(f.lastcontent = 0, f.lastupdate, f.lastcontent) AS lastactivity,\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009f.totalcount AS activity, type.class AS type,\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009(f.nodeoptions \u0026 512) AS noUnsubscribe\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009FROM node AS f\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009INNER JOIN contenttype AS type ON type.contenttypeid = f.contenttypeid \n\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009INNER JOIN subscribed AS sd ON sd.did = f.nodeid AND sd.userid = 15965\n UNION ALL \n\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009### Users ###\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009SELECT AS title, f.userid AS keyval, 'user' AS sourcetable, IFNULL(f.lastpost, f.joindate) AS lastactivity,\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009f.posts as activity, 'Member' AS type,\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u00090 AS noUnsubscribe\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009FROM user AS f\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009INNER JOIN userlist AS ul ON ul.relationid = f.userid AND ul.userid = 15965\n\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009WHERE ul.type = 'f' AND = 'yes'\n ORDER BY title ASC LIMIT 100" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select sourcetable, if(f.lastcontent = ?, f.lastupdate, f.lastcontent) as lastactivity, f.totalcount as activity, type.class as type, (f.nodeoptions & ?) as nounsubscribe from node as f inner join contenttype as type on type.contenttypeid = f.contenttypeid inner join subscribed as sd on sd.did = f.nodeid and sd.userid = ? union all select as title, f.userid as keyval, ? as sourcetable, ifnull(f.lastpost, f.joindate) as lastactivity, f.posts as activity, ? as type, ? as nounsubscribe from user as f inner join userlist as ul on ul.relationid = f.userid and ul.userid = ? where ul.type = ? and = ? order by title limit ?", ) }
func (s *TestSuite) TestFingerprintValueList(t *C) { var q string // VALUES lists q = "insert into foo(a, b, c) values(2, 4, 5)" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "insert into foo(a, b, c) values(?+)", ) // VALUES lists with multiple () q = "insert into foo(a, b, c) values(2, 4, 5) , (2,4,5)" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "insert into foo(a, b, c) values(?+)", ) // VALUES lists with VALUE() q = "insert into foo(a, b, c) value(2, 4, 5)" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "insert into foo(a, b, c) value(?+)", ) q = "insert into foo values (1, '(2)', 'This is a trick: ). More values.', 4)" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "insert into foo values(?+)", ) }
func (s *TestSuite) TestFingerprintPanicChallenge2(t *C) { q := "SELECT 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select ? ? ? ?", ) q = "SELECT 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' FROM kamil" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select ? ? ? ? from kamil", ) }
//only collect the qps of the Fingerprint on server func (c *Session) updatefp(sqlstmt string) { now := getTimestamp() //*necessary to lock the server fp := query.Fingerprint(sqlstmt) if lr, ok := c.server.fingerprints[fp]; ok { //how many microsecond elapsed since last query interval := now - lr.start if interval < 1000 { lr.currentcount++ } else { lr.lastcount = lr.currentcount lr.start = lr.start + interval/1000*1000 lr.currentcount = 1 } lr.count++ //total num of printfinger } else { lr := &LimitReqNode{} lr.start = now lr.lastcount = 0 lr.currentcount = 1 lr.count = 1 c.server.fingerprints[fp] = lr } }
func (s *TestSuite) aggregateSlowLog(input, output string, utcOffset time.Duration) (got event.Result, expect event.Result) { bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(s.result, "/", output)) if err != nil { l.Fatal(err) } expect = event.Result{} if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &expect); err != nil { l.Fatal(err) } file, err := os.Open(path.Join(s.sample, "/", input)) if err != nil { l.Fatal(err) } p := parser.NewSlowLogParser(file, log.Options{}) if err != nil { l.Fatal(err) } go p.Start() a := event.NewAggregator(s.examples, utcOffset, 10) for e := range p.EventChan() { f := query.Fingerprint(e.Query) id := query.Id(f) a.AddEvent(e, id, f) } got = a.Finalize() return got, expect }
func (s *TestSuite) TestFingerprintWithNumberInDbName(t *C) { var q string defaultReplaceNumbersInWords := query.ReplaceNumbersInWords query.ReplaceNumbersInWords = true defer func() { // Restore default value for other tests query.ReplaceNumbersInWords = defaultReplaceNumbersInWords }() q = "SELECT c FROM org235.t WHERE id=0xdeadbeaf" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select c from org?.t where id=?", ) q = "CREATE DATABASE org235_percona345 COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci'" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "create database org?_percona? collate ?", ) q = "select foo_1 from foo_2_3" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select foo_? from foo_?_?", ) q = "SELECT * FROM prices.rt_5min where id=1" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from prices.rt_?min where id=?", ) // @todo prefixes are not supported, requires more hacks q = "select 123foo from 123foo" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select 123foo from 123foo", ) }
func (s *TestSuite) TestFingerprintUseIndex(t *C) { var q string q = `SELECT 1 AS one FROM calls USE INDEX(index_name)` t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select ? as one from calls use index(index_name)", ) }
func (s *TestSuite) TestFingerprintTricky(t *C) { var q string // Full hex can look like an ident if not for the leading 0x. q = "SELECT c FROM t WHERE id=0xdeadbeaf" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select c from t where id=?", ) // Caused a crash. q = "SELECT * FROM t WHERE 1=1 AND id=1" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from t where ?=? and id=?", ) // Caused a crash. q = "SELECT `db`.*, (CASE WHEN (`date_start` <= '2014-09-10 09:17:59' AND `date_end` >= '2014-09-10 09:17:59') THEN 'open' WHEN (`date_start` > '2014-09-10 09:17:59' AND `date_end` > '2014-09-10 09:17:59') THEN 'tbd' ELSE 'none' END) AS `status` FROM `foo` AS `db` WHERE (a_b in ('1', '10101'))" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select `db`.*, (case when (`date_start` <= ? and `date_end` >= ?) then ? when (`date_start` > ? and `date_end` > ?) then ? else ? end) as `status` from `foo` as `db` where (a_b in(?+))", ) // VALUES() after ON DUPE KEY is not the same as VALUES() for INSERT. q = "insert into t values (1) on duplicate key update query_count=COALESCE(query_count, 0) + VALUES(query_count)" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "insert into t values(?+) on duplicate key update query_count=coalesce(query_count, ?) + values(query_count)", ) q = "insert into t values (1), (2), (3)\n\n\ton duplicate key update query_count=1" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "insert into t values(?+) on duplicate key update query_count=?", ) q = "select t.table_schema,t.table_name,engine from information_schema.tables t inner join information_schema.columns c on t.table_schema=c.table_schema and t.table_name=c.table_name group by t.table_schema,t.table_name having sum(if(column_key in ('PRI','UNI'),1,0))=0" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select t.table_schema,t.table_name,engine from information_schema.tables t inner join information_schema.columns c on t.table_schema=c.table_schema and t.table_name=c.table_name group by t.table_schema,t.table_name having sum(if(column_key in(?+),?,?))=?", ) // Empty value list is valid SQL. q = "INSERT INTO t () VALUES ()" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "insert into t () values()", ) }
func (s *TestSuite) TestFingerprintKeywords(t *C) { var q string // values is a keyword but value is not. :-\ q = "SELECT name, value FROM variable" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select name, value from variable", ) }
func (s *TestSuite) TestNumbersInFunctions(t *C) { var q string // Full hex can look like an ident if not for the leading 0x. q = "select sleep(2) from test.n" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select sleep(?) from test.n", ) }
func (s *TestSuite) TestFingerprintDashesInNames(t *C) { q := "select field from `master-db-1`.`table-1` order by id, ?;" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select field from `master-db-1`.`table-1` order by id, ?;", ) q = "select field from `-master-db-1`.`-table-1-` order by id, ?;" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select field from `-master-db-1`.`-table-1-` order by id, ?;", ) q = "SELECT BENCHMARK(100000000, pow(rand(), rand())), 1 FROM `-hj-7d6-shdj5-7jd-kf-g988h-`.`-aaahj-7d6-shdj5-7&^%$jd-kf-g988h-9+4-5*6ab-`" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select benchmark(?, pow(rand(), rand())), ? from `-hj-7d6-shdj5-7jd-kf-g988h-`.`-aaahj-7d6-shdj5-7&^%$jd-kf-g988h-9+4-5*6ab-`", ) }
func (s *TestSuite) TestFingerprintInList(t *C) { var q string q = "select * from t where (base.nid IN ('1412', '1410', '1411'))" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from t where (base.nid in(?+))", ) q = "SELECT ID, name, parent, type FROM posts WHERE _name IN ('perf','caching') AND (type = 'page' OR type = 'attachment')" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select id, name, parent, type from posts where _name in(?+) and (type = ? or type = ?)", ) q = "SELECT t FROM field WHERE (entity_type = 'node') AND (entity_id IN ('609')) AND (language IN ('und')) AND (deleted = '0') ORDER BY delta ASC" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select t from field where (entity_type = ?) and (entity_id in(?+)) and (language in(?+)) and (deleted = ?) order by delta", ) }
func (s *TestSuite) TestFingerprintBasic(t *C) { var q string // A most basic case. q = "SELECT c FROM t WHERE id=1" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select c from t where id=?", ) // The values looks like one line -- comments, but they're not. q = `UPDATE groups_search SET charter = ' -------3\'\' XXXXXXXXX.\n \n -----------------------------------------------------', show_in_list = 'Y' WHERE group_id='aaaaaaaa'` t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "update groups_search set charter = ?, show_in_list = ? where group_id=?", ) // PT treats this as "mysqldump", but we don't do any special fingerprints. q = "SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ * FROM `film`" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select /*!40001 sql_no_cache */ * from `film`", ) // Fingerprints stored procedure calls specially q = "CALL foo(1, 2, 3)" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "call foo", ) // Fingerprints admin commands as themselves q = "administrator command: Init DB" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "administrator command: Init DB", ) // Removes identifier from USE q = "use `foo`" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "use ?", ) // Handles bug from perlmonks thread 728718 q = "select null, 5.001, 5001. from foo" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select ?, ?, ? from foo", ) // Handles quoted strings q = "select 'hello', '\nhello\n', \"hello\", '\\'' from foo" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select ?, ?, ?, ? from foo", ) // Handles trailing newline q = "select 'hello'\n" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select ?", ) q = "select '\\\\' from foo" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, //"select '\\ from foo", "select ? from foo", // +1 ) // Collapses whitespace q = "select foo" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select foo", ) // Lowercases, replaces integer q = "SELECT * from foo where a = 5" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from foo where a = ?", ) // Floats q = "select 0e0, +6e-30, -6.00 from foo where a = 5.5 or b=0.5 or c=.5" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select ?, ?, ? from foo where a = ? or b=? or c=?", ) // Hex/bit q = "select 0x0, x'123', 0b1010, b'10101' from foo" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select ?, ?, ?, ? from foo", ) // Collapses whitespace q = " select * from\nfoo where a = 5" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from foo where a = ?", ) // IN lists q = "select * from foo where a in (5) and b in (5, 8,9 ,9 , 10)" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from foo where a in(?+) and b in(?+)", ) // Numeric table names. By default, PT will return foo_n, etc. because // match_embedded_numbers is false by default for speed. q = "select foo_1 from foo_2_3" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select foo_1 from foo_2_3", ) // Numeric table name prefixes q = "select 123foo from 123foo" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select 123foo from 123foo", // +1 ) // Numeric table name prefixes with underscores q = "select 123_foo from 123_foo" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select 123_foo from 123_foo", ) // A string that needs no changes q = "insert into abtemp.coxed select from foo" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "insert into abtemp.coxed select from foo", ) // limit alone q = "select * from foo limit 5" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from foo limit ?", ) // limit with comma-offset q = "select * from foo limit 5, 10" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from foo limit ?, ?", // +1 ) // limit with offset q = "select * from foo limit 5 offset 10" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from foo limit ? offset ?", // +1 ) // Fingerprint LOAD DATA INFILE q = "LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/foo.txt' INTO db.tbl" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "load data infile ? into db.tbl", ) // Fingerprint db.tbl<number>name (preserve number) q = "SELECT * FROM prices.rt_5min where id=1" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select * from prices.rt_5min where id=?", ) // Fingerprint /* -- comment */ SELECT (bug 1174956) q = "/* -- S++ SU ABORTABLE -- spd_user: rspadim */SELECT SQL_SMALL_RESULT SQL_CACHE DISTINCT centro_atividade FROM est_dia WHERE unidade_id=1001 AND item_id=67 AND item_id_red=573" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select sql_small_result sql_cache distinct centro_atividade from est_dia where unidade_id=? and item_id=? and item_id_red=?", ) q = "INSERT INTO t (ts) VALUES (NOW())" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "insert into t (ts) values(?+)", ) q = "INSERT INTO t (ts) VALUES ('()', '\\(', '\\)')" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "insert into t (ts) values(?+)", ) q = "select `col` from `table-1` where `id` = 5" t.Check( query.Fingerprint(q), Equals, "select `col` from `table-1` where `id` = ?", ) }
func ExampleFingerprint() { q := "SELECT c FROM t WHERE a=1 AND b='foo'\n" + "/* some comment */ ORDER BY c ASC LIMIT 1" f := query.Fingerprint(q) fmt.Println(f) }