예제 #1
func (f *RealIntervalIterFactory) Make(analyzerType string, mysqlConn mysql.Connector, tickChan chan time.Time) qan.IntervalIter {
	switch analyzerType {
	case "slowlog":
		// The interval iter gets the slow log file (@@global.slow_query_log_file)
		// every tick because it can change (not typical, but possible). If it changes,
		// the start offset is reset to 0 for the new file.
		getSlowLogFunc := func() (string, error) {
			if err := mysqlConn.Connect(1); err != nil {
				return "", err
			defer mysqlConn.Close()
			// Slow log file can be absolute or relative. If it's relative,
			// then prepend the datadir.
			dataDir := mysqlConn.GetGlobalVarString("datadir")
			filename := AbsDataFile(dataDir, mysqlConn.GetGlobalVarString("slow_query_log_file"))
			return filename, nil
		return slowlog.NewIter(pct.NewLogger(f.logChan, "qan-interval"), getSlowLogFunc, tickChan)
	case "perfschema":
		return perfschema.NewIter(pct.NewLogger(f.logChan, "qan-interval"), tickChan)
		panic("Invalid analyzerType: " + analyzerType)
예제 #2
func (s *IterTestSuite) TestIterFile(t *C) {
	tickChan := make(chan time.Time)

	// This is the file we iterate.  It's 3 bytes large to start,
	// so that should be the StartOffset.
	tmpFile, _ := ioutil.TempFile("/tmp", "interval_test.")
	fileName = tmpFile.Name()
	_ = ioutil.WriteFile(tmpFile.Name(), []byte("123"), 0777)
	defer func() { os.Remove(tmpFile.Name()) }()

	// Start interating the file, waiting for ticks.
	i := slowlog.NewIter(s.logger, getFilename, tickChan)

	// Send a tick to start the interval
	t1 := time.Now()
	tickChan <- t1

	// Write more data to the file, pretend time passes...
	_ = ioutil.WriteFile(tmpFile.Name(), []byte("123456"), 0777)

	// Send a 2nd tick to finish the interval
	t2 := time.Now()
	tickChan <- t2

	// Get the interval
	got := <-i.IntervalChan()
	expect := &qan.Interval{
		Number:      1,
		Filename:    fileName,
		StartTime:   t1,
		StopTime:    t2,
		StartOffset: 3,
		EndOffset:   6,
	t.Check(got, test.DeepEquals, expect)

	 * Rename the file, then re-create it.  The file change should be detected.

	oldFileName := tmpFile.Name() + "-old"
	os.Rename(tmpFile.Name(), oldFileName)
	defer os.Remove(oldFileName)

	// Re-create original file and write new data.  We expect StartOffset=0
	// because the file is new, and EndOffset=10 because that's the len of
	// the new data.  The old ^ file/data had start/stop offset 3/6, so those
	// should not appear in next interval; if they do, then iter failed to
	// detect file change and is still reading old file.
	tmpFile, _ = os.Create(fileName)
	_ = ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, []byte("123456789A"), 0777)

	t3 := time.Now()
	tickChan <- t3

	got = <-i.IntervalChan()
	expect = &qan.Interval{
		Number:      2,
		Filename:    fileName,
		StartTime:   t2,
		StopTime:    t3,
		StartOffset: 0,
		EndOffset:   10,
	t.Check(got, test.DeepEquals, expect)

	// Iter should no longer detect file change.
	_ = ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, []byte("123456789ABCDEF"), 0777)
	//                                               ^^^^^ new data
	t4 := time.Now()
	tickChan <- t4

	got = <-i.IntervalChan()
	expect = &qan.Interval{
		Number:      3,
		Filename:    fileName,
		StartTime:   t3,
		StopTime:    t4,
		StartOffset: 10,
		EndOffset:   15,
	t.Check(got, test.DeepEquals, expect)
