예제 #1
//StringToAddress returns the Bitcoin address of a base58-encoded extended key.
func StringAddress(data string) (string, error) {
	w, err := StringWallet(data)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	// WTF the testvectors expect address made from uncompreessed public key?
	tnet := w.Prefix == TestPublic || w.Prefix == TestPrivate
	if false {
		return NewAddrFromPubkey(w.Key, AddrVerPubkey(tnet)).String(), nil
	} else {
		var xy secp256k1.XY
		return NewAddrFromPubkey(xy.Bytes(false), AddrVerPubkey(tnet)).String(), nil
예제 #2
// Verifies consistency of a serialized HD address
func ByteCheck(dbin []byte) error {
	// check proper length
	if len(dbin) != 82 {
		return errors.New("ByteCheck: Unexpected length")

	// check for correct Public or Private Prefix
	vb := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(dbin[:4])
	if vb != Public && vb != Private && vb != TestPublic && vb != TestPrivate {
		return errors.New("ByteCheck: Unexpected Prefix")

	// if Public, check x coord is on curve
	if vb == Public || vb == TestPublic {
		var xy secp256k1.XY
		if !xy.IsValid() {
			return errors.New("ByteCheck: Invalid public key")
	return nil